The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine,
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Since 1954 ... For all of Tennessee
The Tennessee Genealogical Society P.
o. Box 111249
Memphis, Tn 38111-1249 Vol. 35, No. 4
Winter, 1988
THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 111249 Memphi s, Tennessee 38111-1249 OFFICERS AND STAFF fOR 1988 President Vice-President Recording Secretary Correspondence Secretary Librarian Assistant Librarian Surname Index Secretary Treasurer Editor Managing Editor Director Director LI BRARY STAFF Sandra Hurley Austin Mildred S. Boston Wilma SutLon Cogdell Margaret M. Crymes Newell Sterling Garrett Wanda Hurley Hawkins Jane Cook Hollis Johnnie O. Hollis Vyrah Mann Ruth Hensley O'Donnell Emma Fisher O'Neal
Marilyn Johnson Baugus Margaret Norvell Sinclair Iona Fish Marbry Sara Duncan Blalock Lincoln Johnson Norma Breeden Garrett Colleen Nixon Petty John David Heuer Betsy Foster West Harry Milton Cleveland, Jr. Sarah Anderson Hull Gerry Byers Spence
EDITORIAL "STAFF Gerry Byers Spence, Associate Editor Lola Kelly Davenport Dorothy Carter Greiner Geraldine Blanton Holston Mary Louise Graham NazorElizabeth Riggins Nichols Clarence W. Spence Jessie Taylor Webb
BUSINESS STAFF Juanita Younginer Acree Paul Frederick Acree Elizabeth Davidson Chancellor Judy Chambless Cleveland Lucile . Hendren Cox Beverly Smith Crone G. Nelson Dickey William Lesueur Holstun Estelle Atkins Horn Bradford Jarratt Martha Everett Weatherford
The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEA'RCHIN'" NEWS, is the official publication of THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. All subscriptions begin with the first issue of the year. Non-deliv~ry of any issue should be reported to the Society within two months of the date of usual delivery. A charge of $2.50 will be made for redeeming and re-mailing copies which are r"eturnedto us, and which must be forwarded. Subscribers may submit ONE free query per year of fifty words or less, which must be received in this office by September first of that year. Contributions of all types of genealogical material will be accepted. We publish previously unpublished, Tennessee connected data, preferably that with pre-Civil War dates, all of which is subject to editing to save space. Every effort will be made to print accurate material; however, neither THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, nor the Editor can assume responsibility for errors on the part of contributors. Corrections of proven errors will be published. Publishable and unpublishable contributions are filed in our library for the use of members. Books donated to our library will be reviewed in the earliest possible issue of the quarterly. "ANSEARCHIW" NEWS Vol. 35, No.4, Winter 1~88 The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, ISSN 110003-5246, is published quarterly in March, June, September and December for $15.00 per year by the Tennessee Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249. Second Class postage paid at Memphis, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, P.O. Box 111249, Memphis, TN 38111-1249. Copyright 1988 by THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY
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"i\usrurrqiu·'Nrws • Mrs. Daniel E. West, Editor WINTER 1988
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CONFEDERATE PRISONERS TAKEN AT THE BATTLE OF FRANKLIN FAMILY GATHERINGS . • • . . . • • . . • . . . • . . . . Thompson, Haislip-Duffey, Beasley-Harrison, Woods
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PETITIONS TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF TENNESSEE . . . . . • . Bledsoe, Robertson, Montgomery Counties and Christian and togan Counties Kentucky
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• • • • 177
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"Ansearchin'" News
OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK As we prepare this last issue of 1988 (our 35th year of continuous publishing) and review the past year, we see great strides forward for the Tennessee Genealogical Society. Although we have been in our present quarters for only four years, we have added yet another office this year. In addition to our offices for the magazine, the sales room and the library with its reading room, we have acquired another office for the administration of our business. We have bought two computers and are learning how to make them work for us. Our library has increased by about 225 books, and our sales room seems to pulsate with reprints coming in and mail bags going out. One of our major acquisitions has yet to materialize, but the wheels are in motion, and we are eagerly awaiting six boxes of books from the library of Mr. John Coddington, who was our guest in October. This will greatly expand our New England collection. The item on disappearing family cemeteries, which appeared in this column in our Summer issue, has generated response from several people. The latest is a letter from Deloris Wynne-Riley of San Antonio. Her great-great-grandparents are buried in a family plot on what was the old Wynne farm near the Naval Air Base at Millington, Shelby Co., TN. A 1971 photograph shows the broken stones in disarray, but a search last year failed to reveal even the fragments. Buried there are: Peter Davis Wynne, died 11 May 1859 aged 68 years; Mary Ann Jones Persons Wynne, his wife, born 4 Nov 1800 - died 12 Nov 1848; Mary A.J. Wynne, 1st wife of John W. Bond. Mrs. WynneRiley has records of the Wynne, Persons, Davis and Terrell lines, which she is willing to share. Interested persons may write to her at 103 Hunters Branch South, San Antonio, TX 78231. Another interesting letter came from John T. Hunley, Destinations Unlimited, 7240 Crowder Blvd. #100, New Orleans, LA 70127-1910. He says that on 17 Feb 1864 the CSS H.L. Hunley sank the Union frigate, USS Housatonic, off the coast of Charleston, SC. That event made the Hunley the world's first successful submarine. Because the submarine was built in Mobile, AL, there will be a celebration in that city at the Admiral Semmes Hotel on 17 Feb 1989. Anyone with an interest in the Hunley/Hundley name is invited to attend and bring whatever information he/she may have to share. For further information you may write Mr. Hunley at the above address or call him at this number •.. (504) 241-7997. This is the time of the year to think of calendars, and although we will be well into the new year by the time you receive this issue, perhaps this next item will be helpful still. It is a Genealogical Notebook Calendar for 1989. The format is in book form, 8~xll and plastic spiral-bound, printed on ecru heavy stock paper. The right-hand pages carry the calendar, leaving room for notes to be added by you. The left-hand pages hold general information on genealogy, thereby becoming a quick and handy reference tool for all researchers. Some of the information topics are: Information Available in Census Records (title of each column heading for 1790-1910); Sources for Genealogical Research (an extensive check-list); Genealogy Terminology; U.S. Vital Records for Each State (addresses of every office and price for copies) and the Dewey Decimal System Numbers for Countries, Regions, and States. The price is $7.00, and the calendar may be ordered from Old Time Publications, N. 3420 Donwood, Spokane, WA 99216-1707 (WA residents add 7.8% sales tax, please). Thanks to Clarence W. Spence, this issue contains our newly computerized index. He has spent countless hours mastering the beast, and promises that it will not be so time-consuming in the future. Thank you for your patience with modern progress.
Winter 1988
ONTO THEIR SWORDS - The Army of Tennessee at Franklin by Kevin Duke, Company C, 7th Tennessee Cavalry, Re-enactment Unit
On the last day of November 1864, while Grant's army lay siege to Richmond and Petersburg, and Sherman's army burned its way through Georgia, one of the Civil War's bloodiest battles broke out in the small Tennessee town of Franklin. Why? In July of that year, John Bell Hood replaced Joe Johnston as commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee. His bloody frontal assaults failed to save Atlanta, as did his subsequent maneuvers to lure Sherman north, in order to retake the city. Groping for a way to "turn the War around," Hood renewed the old Confederate dream of invading the North. While Sherman would "march to the sea," Hood intended to march to the Ohio River. Sherman let him go, believing he had left enough troops behind to deal with the remnants of Hood's army. However, the Union forces were much dispersed, spread out to cover Sherman's supply lines during the Atlanta campaign. Hood moved quickly, and gobbled up several small garrisons. It appeared that he might defeat such garrisons all the way into Nashville, if he continued to move quickly. Unfortunately, Hood paused two weeks, awaiting supplies and crossing the Tennessee River. The delay allowed Union forces to concentrate two strong corps under Gen. John Schofield at the Duck River crossings in Columbia, Tennessee. On November 29, Hood launched a bold plan that almost worked. Leaving his artillery and one of his three corps to hold Schofield's attention at Columbia, Hood threw his other two corps, well vanguarded by the cavalry of Nathan Bedford Forrest, around Schofield's flank. They very nearly captured the town of Spring Hill, and were still in an excellent position to cut off the Union forces and destroy them. Their failure to do so is one of the mysteries of the war that can be summed up as a general breakdown of command control and communication. Schofield's forces scurried into a strong position at Franklin. He would not have stopped at Franklin, but the bridges across the Harpeth River had been destroyed. To save his supply train he was forced to pause and repair them. An enraged John Bell Hood followed. Hood's frustrations, disappointments, and mental condition are much of the story of Franklin. Outstanding as a hard-hitting brigade commander, and very good as a division commander, his performance as a corps commander was weak. Only a desperate Jefferson Davis, seeking a commander who could ignore reality and promise great offensives, would ignore the advice of everyone who knew Hood (including Robert E. Lee) and make him the commander of the South's second most important army. Battle wounds had cost Hood a leg and the use of an arm. Never brilliant and now a shattered man, he seemed bent on copying the bold advances of Lee and Jackson that he had helped implement, without really understanding. Hood scoffed at the Army of Tennessee's reliance on entrenched positions, and their reluctance to attack the same. This was his excuse for losing Atlanta ••• that the Army lacked the courage to attack. Now enraged over Spring Hill, that "the best move of my career as a soldier .•• had come to naught," he determined to force the Army of Tennessee into his kind of fight. And so, about noon on November 30, his lead elements arrived at Franklin. Hood and his officers, surveying the situation, knew that Schofield's troops held a formidable position. Strong breast works, full of infantry and artillery, sat astride the Franklin-Nashville road, looking down over almost two miles of open ground - a 'killing zone' we call it today. Forrest quickly devised a plan to flank the position, but Hood seemed to feel that, for discipline and morale, what the army really needed was a frontal assault.
"Ansearchin'" News
Onto Their Swords (continued) The attack started about 4 o'clock. The Army of Tennessee made it in the grand old way, with flags flying and bands playing, officers leading from the front, late afternoon sunlight glinting off fixed bayonets, and lines perfectly arrayed ••• a martial display that prompted one Federal to write, "For the moment, we were spellbound with admiration, although they were our hated foes." Similar remarks had been made about Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. Ordering such a charge was one thing. Having the troops carry it out was another. By this late stage of the war, veteran troops had learned to judge an attack's chances for success, and usually "went to ground" early if they judged the chances insufficient for the risk. Franklin was suicidal, and the Army of Tennessee must have known it. They also must have known that the War was nearly lost, unless some miracle occured. Perhaps they believed sheer determination could produce that miracle. There were 18 brigades in all, with a total strength of just 18,000 men, and virtually no artillery. Inside Franklin, Schofield had over 25,000 men, well entrenched and supported by ample artillery. It was a futile attack, but the North did manage to help it along. Fearing a flank attack, Schofield ordered one division placed in an advanced position. Their orders to withdraw were garbled, and they were virtually overrun by the center of the Confederate assault. As the Yankees fled into the Union lines, they caused the troops there to hold their fire, and allowed the Confederates a breakthrough that would not have happened otherwise. Union reserves quickly sealed the break, with savage fighting at close quarters. But, this early success may have encouraged Hood to launch more attacks, long beyond any rational hope of success. Like ancient Romans throwing themselves on their swords, the Army of Tennessee threw itself on Franklin. Accounts vary, but there were 12 or 13 separate attacks. Casualties were staggering. In the close-packed fighting that lasted long after dark, many wounded were hit again and again. When the shooting finally sputtered to a halt, sometime after 9 p.m., 1750 Confederates were already dead, another 5500 wounded or captured ... a total of nearly 40% casualties. For the numbers of men and the time involved, this was the Confederacy's bloodiest battle. While the loss of sheer manpower was devastating, the loss of experienced commanders was disastrous .•• 6 generals dead, 5 wounded, another captured, 53 regimental commanders killed or wounded. Two-thirds of the Army of Tennessee virtually had no chain of command. Schofield lost just 189 dead, and slightly over 2000 wounded or captured, for a total of under 9% losses. During the night, he withdrew to Nashville, while Hood's third corps and artillery arrived. Thus "reinforced," Hood actually ordered a barrage and assault for the next morning. How much more discipline and elan the Army of Tennessee's survivors could have gained by such a move is questionable. By now, Hood must have known his race to the Ohio was lost. Yet, battered, starving remnants to Nashville, where Union Gen. George almost 60,000 men. Bad weather, and Thomas' attention to detail, battle for several weeks. Hood's army weakly dug into the frozen Nashville, besieging the city, while waiting for the end to come.
he advanced his Thomas waited with delayed the coming hillsides south of
Though the Battle of Nashville should have been little more than a coup de grace, the Army of Tennessee showed a great deal more courage than Hood ever gave them credit for. But, after Franklin, courage was about all they had left.
Winter 1988
CONFEDERATE PRISONERS TAKEN AT THE BATTLE OF FRANKLIN Contributed by Ted O. Brooke, 79 Wagonwheel Ct. NE, Marietta, GA 30067
The following lists were taken from THE DAILY PRESS, a Nashville, TN newspaper. The article named commissioned officers from all states, but the enlisted men are all from Tennessee. THE DAILY PRESS - Saturday 3 Dec 1864 - CONFEDERATE PRISONERS About seven hundred prisoners captured at Franklin on Wednesday last arrived here on Thursday morning. In the lot we find one hundred and fifteen commissioned officers as follows: Lt. Harry Y Anderson, 1st & 3d Mo. Inf. Maj. John K Allen, 36th Miss. Inf. Lt. Lewis L Anderson, 5th Miss. Inf. Lt. Alfred B Avery, 45th Ala. Inf. Lt. Jacob S Alderman, 15th Ark. Inf. Lt. Co. Thos M _tkins, 49th Tenn. Inf. Capt. Wm C Aldrich, 1st & 3d Mo. Lt. Henry H Brown, 42d Tenn. Capt. Alex F Barnes, 1st & 3d Mo. Lt. West A Bell, 3d Miss. Bt'n Lt. Wm Barnes, 49th Tenn. Lt. Elisha E Byrd, 33d Ala. Capt. Simeon C Brown, 7th Ark. " Capt. Traverse R Beard, 24th Texas Cav. Capt. John B Bean, 10th Ala Inf. Lt. Wm C Bush, 7th Texas " Lt. Wm M Burdine, 3d Miss. " Chaplain John G Bollin, 50th Tenn. " Capt. Jas M Crockett, 45th Ala. " Lt. John H Cavin, 7th Texas " Lt. Thos E Collier, 45th Ala. " Col. Robert F Crittenden, 38d Ala. " Lt. Jesse Carter, 37th Miss. " Lt. John C Chestnut, 1st Ark. " Lt. Wm Cleaveland, 10th Texas " Lt. Darling co*ker, 8th Miss. " Lt. Chas R Cooper, 49th Tenn. Lt. Wm H. Crosby, 5th C S Capt. Thos H Cargill, 42d Tenn. Capt. Geo E Cowan, 18th Ala. Lt. James T Carbry, 3d Mo. Lt. Francis M Crow, 2d & 6th Mo. Lt. J B Day, Gen Sharp's Staff Lt. Christian S Davis, Balentine's Regt. Lt. Jos L Duncan, 2d Mo. Inf. Lt. Wm W Dodd, 29th Tenn. " Capt. Munford H Dickson, 3d C S " Lt. Col. Jas H Dunklin, 33d Ala. " Lt. John J Dale, 3d Miss. " Capt/AAG Richard H English, Grambury's brigade
Capt. Logan Enyart, 1st & 3d Mo. Infantry Capt. Robt L Evans, 53d Tenn. " Capt. James W Fennell, 4th Ala. Cavalry Capt. Rhoads Fisher, 6th Texas Infantry Lt. Sam' 1 J Graham, 22d Miss. " Lt. Adolphus H Glover, 22d Miss. " Lt. Thompson W Gee, 1st & 3d Mo. " Brig. Gen. Geo W Gordon, Vaughn's brigade Capt. Daniel Howard, 42d Tenn. Infantry Capt. Hardy V Harrison, 49th Tenn. " Capt. Bennett T Hilsman, 55th Tenn. " Lt/Adj. Humphrey Hardy, 44th Miss. " Lt. John D Hurst, 16th Ala. " Lt/Adj. David W Hurst, 33d Miss. " Lt. Jas H Ingram, 46th Tenn. " Lt. David S Johnson, 9th Tenn. Cavalry Capt. James 0 January, 12th/47th Tenn. Inf. Lt. Jerry M Johnson, 10th Texas Infantry Lt. John D King, 45th Ala. " Lt. Wm G W Kincaid, 10th Texas " Lt. James M Kenedy, 8th/32d Miss " Capt. Dougherty F Koontz, 24/6th Mo. " Lt. John 0 Knight, 1st Ala. " Lt. Lewis Lindsey, 1st Ala. " Lt. Henry B Lee, A D C to Lt. Gen. S D Lee Lt. Henry C Logan, 15th Texas Infantry Col. Virgil S Murphy, 17 th Ala. " Lt. Rob' t J McDaniel, 7th Texas " Lt. John C McBeath, 5th Miss. " Lt. Daniel W Melton, 7th Ark. " Capt. Thos A McCane, 17th Ala. " Lt. Eugene Mararro, 6th Texas " Capt. Jas A M Nesbett, 49th Tenn. " Lt. Wm H Netherton, 1st/3d Mo. " Lt. Wm T Norton, 33d Ala. " Capt. John D Parsons, 2d/6th Mo. " Lt. Edward C Perry, 17th Texas Cavalry Capt. Thos Patterson, 25th Texas " Lt. Thos M J Porter, 17th Ala. Infantry Lt. Phillip E Pearson, 16th Texas " Lt. David H Patterson, 1st Ala. " Lt. James Rogers, 42d Tenn. " Lt. Isaac Rimel, 1st/3d Mo. " Capt. James Rutter, 3d Mo. " Lt. James R Rountree, 5th Miss. " Capt. W M G Randall, 55th Ala. " Lt. James H Robinson, 13th Tenn. "
"Ansearchin'" News
Confederate Prisoners Taken At The Battle of Franklin (continued) Capt. James E Simmons, 33d Miss. Infantry Capt. Ferrell B Spicer, 5th Mo. " Lt. Martin W Stamper, 8th Miss. " Lt. Richard K Staken, 30th Miss. " Lt. Robt E Steele, 7th Texas " Lt. Ellsworth Spencer, 24th Miss. " Lt. John S Sharp, 5th Miss. " Lt. Thos H Singleterry, 7th Texas " Lt. Lawson M Strand, 7th Ark. " Capt. Fred 0 Sherrod, 16th Ala. " Lt. Jas J Stevens, 45th Ala. " Lt. Wm M Smith, 1st/3d Mo. " Lt. Thaddeus W Stewart, 2d Mo. " Lt. Steven R Thompson, 3d Miss. " Lt. McAllister Tucker, 55th Tenn. " Lt. John B Thompson, 42d Tenn. " Capt. Wm W Thompson, 24th Miss. " Capt. Chas E Talley, 7th Texas " Maj. Wm A Taylor, 24th Tenn. Cavalry Maj. Wm A Taylor, 24th Texas " Lt. John D Usher, 22d Miss. Infantry Capt. Harris Wilkerson, 1st/3d Mo. " Capt. John DWells, 2d Mo. " Capt. Frances M Walker, 16th Ala. " Capt. Richard Williams, 1st Ala. " Lt. Benj Weathers, 17th Ala. " Lt. Thos P Wright, 7th Ark. " Lt. Julius Yaretzky, 33d Ala. " Lt. Thos Waties, Waties Battery
John A Granade, l54th Tenn. Infantry James A Grant, 49th " " Jack P Goodrich, 49th " " Edmond J Gupton, 42d " " Cpl. Jesse P Homer, 42d " " Henry Hutson, 42d "" Jas F Hooker, 12th " " John 0 Hern, 5th Co. " " James W Hickerson, 40th " " Archie Hamilton, 49th " " Wm M Hoginsell, 49th " " Turner Halliburton, 1 1 t h " " Sgt. John W Jones, 11th " " Sgt. Robt C Jones, 46th " " Sgt. Wm S Jackson, 11th " " Nathan H Johnson, l54th " " Richard James, 8th " " Sgt. Chas M'Kinnerly, 46th" " John S Lowe, 42d "" John S ~unot, 53d "" Geo R Lewis, 49th "" Wm A Lockett, l54th " " John A Moore, 8th "" Sgt. J S Meacham, 49th " " Bourn McCormack, 49th " " Thos M Major, 4th "Cavalry Sgt. James McCash, 5th Con " Infantry Wm J Martin, 1st " Samuel Nail, 13th " Cpl. Benj A Neblett, 52d " Among the enlisted men we find the John Norton, 5th Con " following Tennesseans: Sgt. Wm R Newport, 46th " Nathan B Nesbitt, 55th " Sgt. Albert M Brown, 55th Tenn. Infantry Sgt. Jas J Nelson, 53d " Cpl. Jas C Overton, 45th " Jas S Buckley 51st " " Sgt. Nicholson Bretton, 49th Tenn. John O'Brian, 5th Con " " Andrew A Pluggett, 11th " Sgt. Chas H Bailey, 49th " " Henry Bustis, 15th Wm Pruitt, 49th " " " Cpl. Cormiel Brentin, 51st Berry T Patterson, 47th " " " Wm A Blackwell, 8th Robert M Rogers, 51st " " " " Wm A Robinson, 49th " Cpl. Jos M Corbett, 11th " " " Sgt. David A Russell, 52d " Mac Copley, 49th " " Jeremiah W Rhodes, 13th " Sgt. Robt H Clark, 55th " " Martin L Chandler, 5th Con Sgt. Jas M Sawell, 1st " " " Cavalry Philip Cassidy,5th Jas M Scholes, 10th " " " Infantry Marcus V Crump, 2d Sgt. Wm J Shelby, 13th " " Theo D Donnin, 1st Cpl. Jno L Sellers, 49th " " " Cpl. Chas D Shanelin, 49th " James Davis, 42d " " John W Edwards, 21st Cavalry Sgt. Paulding Sullivan, 46th " " " Wm A M Edwards, 12th/47th " Infantry Geo W Simmons, 47th " Moses W Faucett, 13th Geo B Swift, 49th " " " " Cpl. Jerry M Forsyth, 49th Julian A Simmons, l54th " " " " Sgt. C L Snetery, 29th " Jas W Firkin, 49th " " " Geo H French, 11th John H Sugg, 49th " " " "
Winter 1988
Confederate Prisoners Taken At The Battle of Franklin (continued) Sgt. Arch B Densing, 49th Tenn. Infantry Thos B Thompson, 51st " " Green F Tinsley, 12th " " Sgt. Leonard F Teasley, 49th" " Sgt. J S Taylor, 12th/49th " " James J Underwood, 4 8 t h " " " " Chas H Weaver, 11th
John W Welton, 47th Philip Wdder, 13th Wm H Whitehead, 49th Sgt. Sam'l H Wiley, 46th Sam'l T Walker, 49th Wm Walker, 42d Sgt. Wm F Wooland, 42d
Tenn. Infantry
" "
" " " " "
THE DAILY PRESS - Monday 19 Dec 1864 The following commissioned officers, prisoners of war, captured in the battle of Thursday and Friday, were sent north by the train yesterday: Lt. Lewis B Bush, 29th Ala. Infantry Capt. John Bowling, 17th Ala. " Lt. John G W Brown, 23d Miss. " Lt. Geo H Baunerman, 35th Miss. " Lt. Chas H Burks, 34th Ala. " Lt. Geo F Bowman, 46th Tenn. " Lt. Col. Wm C Clifton, 39th Ala. " Lt. Isham P Cherry, 10th Texas Cavalry Lt. Martin V Cleary "" Lt. Columbus J Cody, 17th Ala. Infantry Lt. Augustus Covington, 37th Miss. " Lt. John W Cawthorn, 39th " " Lt. James M Chadwick, 35th " " Lt. Jesse Carter, 37th "" Lt. Jas F Dorman, 34th Ala. " Capt. John W Douglas, 23d Miss. " Lt. James 0 Davis, 25th Ala. " Lt. Wm T Dunklin, 17th Ala. " Lt. Buford W Dandy, 17th Ala. " Capt. Jno A Foster, 29th " " Lt. Columbus L Farr, 29th" " Lt. Daniel fa*gan, 1st Ala. " Lt. Jno S Green, 25th " " Capt. Andrew J Gibson, 23d Miss. " Capt. Neal Gillis, 39th Ala. " Lt. M Glasco*ck, 29th Ala. " Lt. Abraham W Gibson, 25th Ala. " Lt. Sam' 1 A Gassaway, 23d Miss. " Maj. Geo W B Garrett, 23d" " Lt. Thos D Giles, Rowan's Battery Capt. Sam'l A Hayten, 16th La. " Capt. John A Harrison, 35th Miss. " Lt. B F Hardwick, Tarrant's Battery Lt. Patrick Hanley, 24th Ala. Infantry Lt. Thos H Harrison, 20th Miss. " Lt. John L Hough, 3 7 t h " " Lt. Ed H Hobdy, 39th Ala. " Capt. Hugh W Henry, 22d Ala. " Lt. Wm D Hull, 1 7 t h " "
Capt. Stephen B Hughes, 7th Ala. Cavalry Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson, C S A Brig. Gen. Henry R Jackson, C S A Infantry Lt. Henry L Jones, 1st Ala. Lt. Wm H James, 23d Miss. " Capt. Jno W Lavender, 4th Ark. " Lt. John Locke, 4th Ark. " Lt. Geo W Little, 29th Ala. " Lt. Jas W McGraw, 23d Miss. " Capt. Martin B Mitchell, staff of Gen. Stewart Lt. Rosswell A Mallory, 15th Miss. " Lt. John A McIntosh, 37th Miss. " Lt. John W Moore, 25th Ala. " Capt. Caleb H McLemore, 37th Miss. " Lt. Thos J McCaughan, 37th " " Lt. Jas K McBride, 22d Ala. Lt. Geo W Montgomery, 19th Ala. Lt. Neil C Murphy, 10th S C Lt. Lewis A McLesky, 5th Ark. Lt. Thos W Nettles, 24th Ala. Lt. Robert C Orr, 23d Miss. Lt. Needham Pace, 39th N C Lt. Jefferson T Parks, 35th Miss. Lt. Peter Quinn, 35th Miss. Lt. Saml V Riddlesperger, 23d Miss. Maj. Jesse A Ross, 4th Ark. Lt. James A Ricon, engineer Brig. Gen. Thos B Smith, C S A Lt. Seth Shepherd, Tarrant's Battery Lt. Robert R Spears, 43d Miss. Infantry Adgt. Surgeon Henry D Shell, 10th Tenn. Cavalry Lt. James R Stewart, 29th Ala. Infantry Lt. Chas J Smith, 17th Ala. " Lt. Thos A Thornton, 4th Ark. " Lt. Thos Waters, Waters' Battery Lt. Jos C Wilson, 23d Miss. " Lt. Thos B Walsh, 35th " " Lt. James M Winston, 35th Miss. " Lt. Robt H Ware, 23d Miss. " Lt. Henry P Whitson, 50th Ala. " Lt. Wm G Young, 23d Miss. " Lt. Chas H Anderson, 1st Ga. "
"Ansearchin'" News
152 Confederate Prisoners Taken At The Battle of Franklin (continued) Capt. Arthur F Aydelott, 49th Tenn. Inf. Lt. Jas A Anderson, 4th Ark. " Lt. Jake Anthony, 30th Ga. " Lt. Wm E Allen, 16th La. " Lt. Wm Bennett, 37th Ga. " Lt. Wm H Barnett, 46th Miss. " Lt. Addison H Bower, 6th Fla. " Lt. Wm 0 Bailey, 20th Ala. " Lt. Thos G Burt, 7th Ky. Cavalry Lt. Martin B Burton, 14th Tenn. Cavalry Lt. Wm H Bray, 31st Tenn. Infantry Lt. Geo E Brewer, 25th Ga. " Lt. Thos G Brown, 37th Tenn. " Lt. John E Burch, 34th Ala. " Lt. Peter R Brewer, 4th La. " Lt. Moses K Brock, 4th Ark. " Lt. Reuben A Bryant, 55th Tenn. " Lt. P Brunden, 50th Tenn. " Lt. Thos W Ballard, 24th Ga. " Capt. C~leb P Bowen, 30th Ga. " Lt. John A Bergin, 30th Ala. " Lt. Wm A Boyer, 27th Ala. " Lt. Meredith Corbitt, 5th Tenn. " Capt. Daniel C Cowling, 19th Ark. " Lt. Lewis R Cheatham, 48th Tenn. " Lt. Thos W Carlock, 35th Ala. " Capt. Cader R Cornelius, 4th La. " Lt. John M Cates, 20th Tenn. " Lt. Wm G Cole, 6th Tenn. " Lt. Oscar A Cantrell, 56th Ga. Lt. Louis A Countade, 4th La. Lt. Geo M Cooksey, 14th Miss. Capt. W G Cannon, l54th Tenn. Lt. Franklin E Collins, 46th Miss. Capt. Jas R Crawford, 46th Ala. Lt. Wm D Curry, 30th Ga. Lt. Benj F Cawthorn, 2d Ga. B'tn S S Lt. Chas P Dean, 1st Con. Ga. " Lt. Jas R Delanny, 38th Tenn. " Capt. Jas T Davis, 12th La. " Lt. Robt T Duncan, 12th La. " Lt. Peter H Davis, 36th Miss. " Lt. Jos T Duckworth, 46th Miss. " Lt. Louis Deggle, 4th La. " Lt. Edward E Dortic, 2d Con. B'tn Ga. S S Lt. Thos H DeArmond, 4th La Infantry Capt. David Derall, 4th La. " Lt. Alex Dupremont, 30th La. " Lt. James C Dodd, 21st Tenn. Cavalry Lt. Thos Dismukes, 51st Tenn. " Lt. Thos N Epperson, Bell's Escort Lt. Wm R Edwards, 33d Miss. " Lt. Jacob L Folk, 24th S C " Lt. Samuel FoS, 4th Miss. "
Capt. Benj M Turner, 4th Ga. S S Lt. Sidney F Frazier, 46th Ala. Infantry Capt. Jos E Fulton, 25th Ga. " Capt. Cicero C Ferrill, 37th Miss. " Capt. Henry H Fowlkes, 7th Miss. " Lt. Nelson C Forbes, 7th Miss. " Capt. John M Footman, 1st Fla. Cavalry Lt. Lewis W Flemming, 7th Miss. Infantry Lt. Leroy Griffin, 56th Ga. " Lt. Frank Greig, 30th La. " Lt. Morris Griffin, 10th Tenn. " Lt. James M Gresham, 42d Ga. " Lt. Robert R Grant, 36th Ga. " Lt. John M Griffin, 56th Ga. " Lt. John R Giles, 4th La. " Capt. Henry A Gantrell, Forrest's escort Lt. Thos W Graham, 14th Miss. Infantry Lt. James L Gee, 20th Tenn. " Lt. Jas A Griggsby, 7th Fla. " Lt. Daniel C Haidt, 57th Ala. " Lt. Alfred Hinson, 8th Ark. " Lt. Thos N Henley, 6th Fla. " Lt. Theodore C Hearn, 3d Fla. " Lt. Geo L Harris, 56th Ga. " Maj. Henry Hendrick, 30th Ga. " Lt. Julian A Hudson, 6th Ark. " Capt. Geo B Hudson, 36th Ga. " Capt. John B Hodges, 29th Tenn. " Lt. Wm H Hargrave, 1st Con Ga. " Lt. Geo P Henry, 1st Con Ga. " Capt. Lafayette Henderson, 46th Ala. " Lt. Wm T Harris, 20th Tenn. Lt. Peter T Hollis, 24th S C Lt. Warren F Hooper, 19th Tenn. Lt. Jos A Hollingsworth, 34th Ga. Lt. Thos E Hare, 13th Tenn. Capt. Lewis B Harris, 36th Miss. Lt. John F Hooper, 46th Ala. Col. Samuel E Hunter, 48th La. Lt. Joseph Hill, 1st Ga. Lt. James M Ingraham, 30th Ga. Capt. John L Iuglish, 3d Fla. Capt. Robt F Johnson, 29th Ga. Lt. John B Jones, l54th Tenn. " Lt. Wm W Jackson, 36th Ga. " Lt. Walter M Joiner, 29th Ga. " Lt. Robt S Jackson, 20th Ala. " Capt. Charles E Kennon, 4th La. " Lt. James A Knight, 29th Ga. " Capt. Amos W Keith, 34th Ga. " Lt. John C King, 3d Fla. " Lt. Richard C King, 1st bt'n Ga. S S Lt. John F Kelly, 12th La. " Lt. John G Kendall, 4th La. " (to be continued)
Winter 1988
FAMILY GATHERINGS Prepared for publication by Mary Louise Graham Nazor
Contributed by Mrs. Martha Weatherford~ 2715 Lombardy~ Memphis~ TN 38111
The following document is from the papers of Anna Nye MARTIN of Florence~ AL and MemTN. It is an example of a teacher's contract with the parent of the student.
10 Jun 1878 "Articles of agreement between Mrs. A.L. Thompson of the first part and the undersigned subscribers of the second part whereas Mrs. A.L. Thompson of the first part agrees to teach a school for the term of five months begining July 1st. I propose to keep good order in school and on the premises and to impart such instructions both morally and litarly as I am capable of doing. I propose to teach the following studies orthography reading writing Arithmetic history etc. and I will faithfully perform my duty as a teacher. Terms of tuition ($1.50) one dollar and fifty cents per Scholar per month." G.D. N.B. Stocky~ J.J./T.T. Logan~ Gallury? Masse~ J.H. Hendrix~ John
B.W. Mrs. M. Earhart~ J.P. Higggs ~ Ma__ Vick~ Adam Hocut~ Luley?
Contributed by Nola Hutcherson~ Rt. 3 Box l32~ Joplin, MO 64801
The HAISLIP Bible belonged to Ms. Hutcherson's great grandfather, George Washington who was born in Virginia or North Carolina. He came to Tennessee by 1840 and moved from Obion Co TN to Lake Co TN about 1865 and on to Butler Co MO about 1870. He first married Elizabeth ALLEN, and they had eleven children before she died. He then married Ms. Hutcherson's great grandmother, Elizabeth M. DUNCAN~ and they had six children. He returned to Tennessee on a visit, died and was buried there in 1877. Haislip~
The Bible shows no date on the title page, but on the title page of the New Testament was found: Philadelphia: Charles Desilver, 251 Market St., Publisher, 1856. It appears to be Morocco leather bound. Haislip, George Washington ~ born 14 Feb 1814 VA/NC; died 10 Nov 1877 TN; married first 24 Jul 1834 Elizabeth Allen - born 30 Apr 1819; died 12 Jan 1861. Their children were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Frances Mary Ann - born 18 Feb 1838; married 30 Oct 1853 James ELDER Sarah Ellender - born 12 Nov 1841; married 22 Nov 1860 James HAMTON Jeremiah Washington - born 4 May 1844 George Marion Dallas - born 12 Dec 1846 Elizabeth Jane - born 28 Oct 1847; died 27 Mar 1849 Rachel Lucinda - born 22 Jan 1849 Martha __ujena - born 3 May 1851 William Henry Harrison - born 3 Nov 1853 James Clayton - born 28 Sep 1855
"Ansearchin'" News
Family Gatherings (continued) 10. Benjamin Franklin - born 22 Oct 1857; died 30 Jul 1859 11. Jonathan Richard - born 18 Nov 1859; died 24 Sep 1861 HAISLIP, George Washington m/2 Elizabeth M. DUNCAN - born 5 Apr 1844; died 6 Nov 1889 Butler Co MO; married 4 Jul 1861. Their children were: 12. Betty Ann - born 28 Aug 1862; died 7 May 1881; married 1 Apr 1880 David DUFFEY. He married secondly to Margaret G. Haislip 13. Margaret! G.P. - born 8 Jun 1864; died 22 Sep 1949; mil 30 Jul 1882 David Duffey; m/2 18 Mar 1894 James Rice BENNETT (widower of sister, Laura L.) 14. Jinney/Jennie Bell - born 31 Jul 1867; died 27 Sep 1874 15. Laura Lee - born 21 Jul 1869; died in childbirth of twins who also died 3 Jul 1889; married 15 Jul 1888 James R. Bennett; he died 20 Mar 1954 16. John W. - born 25 Jun 1872 17. Mamie? Angelettie - born 27 Oct 1874; died 27 Nov 1874 Amarillo, TX The DUFFEY Bible, dated 1879, belonged to Margaret G. Haislip Duffey, grandmother of Ms. Hutcherson, and is leather bound with an intricate design. David Duffey (18421891) was born in Butler Co MO. His parents and his brother were born in Kentucky. David first married Sarah BATES on 1 Apr 1875. After she died 13 Jan 1878, he married Elizabeth Ann Haislip on 1 Apr 1880. They had one child, Bettie Ann Duffey, born 28 Apr 1881. After Elizabeth died 7 May 1881, David married her sister, Margaret G.P. Haislip on 30 Jul 1882. Before he died in 1891 they had four children who are Susie Bell born 3 Oct 1883, Charles David born 10 May 1885 and died 28 Dec 1891, William Riley born 26 Aug 1886 and died 14 Oct 1892, and George Thomas born 7 Aug 1891 and died 9 Oct 1891. As Ms. Hutcherson so aptly put it "In the meantime" James Rice Bennett, her grandfather, had married Margaret's sister, Laura Lee Haislip. When she died a year later along with their twins, James married Margaret G.P. Duffey on 18 Mar 1894. James Rice Bennett was born in McNairy Co TN in 1866 and came with his father, Benjamin Terry Bennett, and his brother, William B. Bennett, to Butler Co MO in 1875 when his mother, Miranda TAYLOR, died. Margaret and James had five children, only two of which grew to adulthood. They had long lives together and are buried at Amarillo, Texas. Their children are: Ador Bennett, James Earl Bennett, Maud Eller Bennett, Ethel Rae Bennett and John William Henry Bennett.
Submitted by Stella B. and Jarte B. Reeder, 4000 Harbor Hills Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37416
The BEASLEY Bible is owned by Stella B. REEDER. The Rev. John Wesley Beasley was born 24 Jan 1829 in South Carolina, moved to North Carolina, and then to Lawrence Co TN. He died 12 Apr 1873 and is buried in the Pleasant Point Church Cemetery. John married 11 Mar 1849 Nancy Catherine PLEMMONS who was born in South Carolina 1 May 1827 and died 13 Apr 1913. She was the daughter of William Plemmons and Elizabeth HIPP. George W. Beasley, son of Rev. John W. and Nancy C., was born 10 Sep 1867 and died 17 Sep 1938. His first marriage was 25 Sep 1883 to Levonie I. WILSON who died 20 Sep 1903. George married secondly 30 Apr 1905 to Effie O. POWELL in Hartselle, Alabama.
Winter 1988
Family Gatherings (continued) The HARRISON Bible was given to Mrs. Reeder several years ago by a descendant in Knoxville, TN. Rev. William Harrison - born 7 Jun 1821; died 26 Sep 1891; married 11 Feb 1851 Martha Eva1ine LOWE - born 6 Mar 1832; died 11 Mar 1915. Marshall Leander Harrison - born 30 Jan 1852; died 20 Sep 1862 Mary E. Harrison - born 30 Nov 1854 William L. Harrison - born 6 Dec 1863; married 26 Nov 1893 Callie THOMAS - born 25 Apr 1864 Charles Arthur Harrison - born 29 Ju1 1869; md 12 Jun 1894 Hattie M. WILLSON Samuel Estel Harrison - born 21 Nov 1894 William Benjamin Harrison - born 7 Nov 1900 Thomas L. UPTON - died 23 Mar 1877 Mollie PENNINGTON's funeral 20 May 1883 by Mr. INGRAM The Harrison Family Cemetery is located in the bend of the Tennessee River near Loudon, TN. Besides the Rev. William and Martha E. Harrison, the others buried in this cemetery are listed in its entirety below even though we normally do not print dates beyond 1875 except for continuity. Casander LANSTON died Sep 1869, age 65
Dr. James F. Harrison 1809 - Summer 1861
Susannah Harrison died 17 Apr 1837
James Harrison died 20 Oct 1861, age 71
James M. Harrison May 1836 - 13 Sep 1866
Dr. R.W. ADAMS 14 Ju1 1833 11 Mar 1861
Eliza, wife/James H. died 27 Dec 1865~ age 72
Henry Mayo Harrison, son/ J.M. & L.H. Harrison
John Harrison d 8 Apr 1856 - 72yrs, 3mo
Robert A. Harrison son/J.F. & S.D. Harrison
Lt. John H. Harrison, CSA 22 Jun 1832; killed 5 Jun 1864 Battle/Piedmont, VA
Mary E.E. Harrison dau/J.F. & S.D. Harrison
Dr. Henry MacCray Harrison 31 May 1873 - 6 Jun 1877 son/Dr. J.J. & M.B.
& Lu1a Harrison CALLOWAY
Children/James Harrison
Emmett Merrick Harrison, Jr. 2 Feb 1909 - 17 Sep 1923 Dr. Josiah Jackson Harrison 13 Feb 1834 - 25 Oct 1917 Mary MacCray Harrison, w/J.J. 9 Sep 1846 - 14 Mar 1918 J.L. LOWE - 12 Dec 1837 18 Nov 1918 Elizabeth Harrison w/Lowe 10 Apr 1828 - 22 Sep 1916
James - 21 Aug 1893 12 Aug 1896 Lavinia Merrick 26 Aug 1900 27 May 1901 Frank R. Harrison, Attorney 11 May 1871 - 2 Aug 1922 Ida Harrison MacGUIRE 23 Oct 1857 26 Jan 1888
Addie C. Lowe, wife of Arthur E. ROBINSON 13 Feb 1867 - 12 Oct 1897 md 6 May 1886 Ben. 12 13 md
T. Harrison Oct 1832 Nov 1906 30 Sep 1860
Martha R. CLARK Harrison 26 Mar 1841 - 23 Apr 1924 James Harrison 23 Sep 1823 19 Feb 1900 md 18 Oct 1854 Anne E. HOLSTON wife/James Harrison 1 Dec 1831 23 Dec 1899 Mary SCOTT, dau/ W.S. Harrison 3 Feb 1919
"Ansearchin'" News
Family Gatherings (continued) Mrs. Reeder sent copies of several other family Bible records but it could not be determined if the families had a Tennessee connection which would allow us to print them. One Bible is that of Benjamin Hatchfield POWELL born 3 Aug 1838 GA, who married Melissa Adaline WALLACE born 30 Mar 1847. The 1850 Census of Morgan Co AL shows her parents, Thomas and Jane Wallace, were born in Tennessee. The other Bibles are: Elijah SMITH born 1811; Daniel Reeder born 1771 and a Wallace Bible stating Thomas William Wallace married Mary Jane HACKWORTH 16 Dec 1823.
THE JOSEPH L. WOODS BIBLE - Contributed by Miriam Woods Dye, 3555 Poplar #4, Memphis, TN 38111 The New Testament frontpiece of this Bible was dated 1840 and it was published for the Pennsylvania Bible Society by T. Butt, Shacklewell, London. James WOODS was in Davidson Co TN by 1815. Some of the family later moved to Lauderdale Co AL at Florence. Anthony FOSTER Jr., grandfather of Fannie Foster below, moved to Davidson Co TN about 1788. Fannie's parents were Robert Coleman Foster II and Louisa Turner SAUNDERS of Nashville. James Woods from Albemarle Co VA married Nancy RAYBURN in Montgomery Co VA 1776. Their children are: 1. Andrew - born 19 Sep 1777 2. Joseph - born 22 Jun 1779; md Jane WEST - born Oct 1785 3. Margaret - born Sep 1781 4. Robert - died 13 Mar 1785 5. Robert Jr. (sic) - born 25 Dec 1786; married 19 May 1818 to
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Sarah B. West - born 12 Oct 1792 (sister to Jane) Martha - born 4 Oct 1790 James - born 10 Dec 1793 Eley - born 10 May 1795 Archibald - born 29 May 1797 Agness - born 7 Nov 1799
The children of Robert and Sarah Woods are: 1. Josephine I. - born 10 Mar 1819; died 25 Oct 1882; married 18 Nov 1841 John R. BRANCH 2. James A. - born 30 May 1820; married 28 Mar 1843 Elizabeth M. CAMPBELL 3. Jane Theora - born 11 Jan 1822; died 16 May 1842; married 20 Jan 1842 Edward S. HANDY 4. Robert F. - born 15 May 1824; married 12 Oct l848? Marina F./T. CHEATHAM 5. Mary Rebecca - born 18 Jan 1826; married 22 Feb 1843 William S. ARMISTEAD 6. Joseph L. - born 25 Nov 1828; died 22 Oct 1872; married 19 Jan 1854 Fannie K. Foster - born (19 Jan l834?); died 24 Nov 1872 7. Julia Hannah - born 23 Dec 1836; died 28 Jun 1890; married 23 Dec 1851 Dr. Robert C. Foster - died 4/11 Jan 1879 Additional births and deaths listed in the Bible are: Theora Woods Branch - born 7 Apr ? Eliza Branch - born 20 Nov 1844 James Campbell Woods - born 25 Feb 1844 Sarah Roberta Armistead - 10 May 1844 Robert Lewis Armistead - born 7 May 1847 William B. Armistead - born 13 Jun 1849 Georgeina C. Woods - born 16 Jul 1849 Frank Woods - born 17 May 1856
Robert Woods - died 25 Jan 1843 Nusadora Bell Woods - died 18 Oct 1856 Edward West Woods - died 28 Oct 1856 Sallie Lou Foster - died 3 Nov 1856 John O. Armistead - died 25 May 1857 Serona L. Foster - died 2 Dec 1870 James R. Woods - died Apr 1873 Louisa T. HIGHTOWER - died 27 Oct 1872
Winter 1988
Family Gatherings (continued) Julien L. Woods - born 24 Mar 1858 md 31 Jan 1883 Mary E. POLING Robert L. Woods - born 9 Jun 1860
James Woods Sr - died 18 Oct 1856 Joseph Woods Sr - died 26 Apr 1859 Edward West Foster - born 30 May 1860 died 10 Sep 1932
MEMPHIS/SHELBY COUNTY TENNESSEE ARCHIVES ESTATE OF JAMES AVERY 1832 #630 James Avery was not listed in the Shelby Co TN 1830 census and was deceased by October 1831. All references to his name in the Court Minute Book 1830-33, one in Deed Bk F, and one in Survey Bk A fall within that year. 18 Oct 1830 "Ordered a precinct election be established at house of James Avery on State Line Road - for purpose of electing members of Congress, members of General Assembly." "Ordered that Henry F. JAMES and Avery each have a license to keep an ordinary at their dwelling houses in this county." 5 Nov 1830 James Avery bought from William ROWLETT a negro man Ned, age 30 years. 14 Apr 1831 Thirty-six acres Range 5 Section 1 surveyed for James Avery from Certificate #2807 issued to George BEARD. '17 Oct 1831 Ruth Avery, Thomas Avery and Elias FERGUSON received letters of administration on the estate of James Avery after they gave bond and security. An inventory of the estate dated 9 Feb 1832 indicates that James Avery owned a general store in the Germantown area. In addition to his personal property, there were farming tools, carpenter's tools, household goods and 1arger-than-usua1 quantities of some items as: 9 Qt. Pitchers; 7 Half Gallon Pitchers; 16 Trunk hinges; 7 Dozen Jews harps; 6 cloth brushes; 6 shaving brushes; 8 Spelling books; string covered buttons by gross and dozens - shirt, brass, metal, pearl, bone and Vest; 2 Sets earbobs; 17 Yds purple calico; 5 pair silk gloves, etc. William CAUSEY, Richerson WHITBY and John D. GRAHAM held notes against the estate and there was a judgement in favor of Robert LAYTON. Ebenezer WARREN and Adam? Avery signed as administrators in April 1832 on the Accounts due the estate by the following: Causey, Louis Ferguson, Elias Gullick, Andrew Dunavin, William Hara1dson, Henry Hara1dson, Thomas Higganbottom, Graves Gilliam, Robert Rees, A.F. Mayfield, Rubin Coleman, Moman Coleman, Ammon Wilson, John Moody, Thomas Maples, Holloway Moody, Nathaniel Clarke, Richard Clarke, Jessa Rowlett, William
Dancer, Asha1 Conne1, Elizabeth Webb/Wille, Wm Daugherty, James Brooks, Thomas McClure, Robert McClure, William McClure, John co*ckburn, Pleasant Lamb, Enos Orick, Cole McCado, John Forister, Hardy McCada, James McCady, William Pierce, Thomas Breeden, Bryant Walston, Thomas McCarter, Daniel
McCarter, Joseph McCarter, Edward McCarter, John Tailor, A. Ellis, James Fleming, John Causey, William Worthen, Francis Townson, Ira Mason, Micajah White, Eppy Parks, Ambrose Conne1, Sampson Sparks, Jonas Sparks, Joseph Burrows, William Robertson, J. Moody, Thomas L. Johicin, Asa
Powe1, James Brown, John Brown, Elijah Berryman, William Thompson, Mrs. Miller, Richard Holton, Robert Mitchel, Ira Winford, Benjamin Winford, John Dougherty, Charles Risner, Volentine Vaughan, William Coward, Ejikie1 Rice, Robert Johnston, William Jones, Jordon Grace, Able Jno Gilliam
"Ansearchin'" News
Memphis/Shelby·County Tennessee Archives (continued) Purchasers at the sale of the estate include: McCollum, Joseph Avery, Rutha Gilliam, John M. Vaughn, William Wilson, John Barnhart, Adam Allen, William S. Warren, Ebenezer Higginbottam, Wm Rudisill, Jonas C. Duke, Britton White, Eppy Davis, Joseph L. Moody, Thomas L. Shieckles, Thomas Hail, Mr. Dunivant, William Miller, Richard
Blocker, John R. Mason, Joseph T. Dublin, Henry Breeding, Bryant Whitby, Richerson
A settlement of the estate was made by Eppy WHITE, Elias FERGUSON and Wm A. KERR.
ESTATE OF MARSHALL SMITH 1833 11692 - Marshall Smith is listed in the 1830 Shelby Co TN census as being between 30-40 years of age with a wife and children. On 2 Dec 1832 he rented from Marcus B. Winchester and Isaac Rawlings a house and lot in Memphis which they had bought from Elijah Coffey. Thomas Haley made an Administrator's Bond in 1833, and the inventory of the estate was made 30 Jul 1833 by Haley and Robert L/S Valliant. Those who purchased items at the estate sale were Thomas Davis, Samuel Sovanagan/Lovanagan, William C. Bass and James Marks. Marshall Smith owed accounts to the following: Ketchel, John Gift, Robert Brockman, Andrew Bean, Joab James, Mr. Stocton, Samuel Wardal, Samuel B. Ellis, James F. Bailey, N. White, George Wright & Wilson Davis, William D. Batterson, Samuel Luster, James Curtis, James L/S Yates, Jim McNabb, Edward Yates, James (sic) Munton, Mrs. Robertson, John Allen, John Kingcade, Dr. Conly, Samuel Copp/Coop, Mr. Wood,Wm/Mr Mitchel, Mrs. Oakley, John Parrymon, Austen Horton, Oliver Langford, George Robert, Will'iam Davis, Willis Fayette, Butler Grayham, Esq. Coble, John Capeharts Booker, Miches Smith, Fastus Laseter, Jos. Miller, Henry Hunter, Mr. Powel, Mr.
Nickerbacker Marsterson, Anderson Finley, Andrew Hendrick, Mr. Brown, Thomas Patterson, Samuel Farmer, Charles R. Stephens, John Locke, Charles Spensar, Ely Coffee, Parson Husteing, James Belle, John Akins, James Canelevon?, R. Among the papers was found a list of names marked "1827 A list of Accounts not collected being Insolvent or removed."
Fayett Co insolvent Adams, Allen, Richard C. in Florida Bayles, removed unknown whare Brittenham, Gorg ranaway Benton, Charles gon unknown Barnett, Jesse millright removed Bolts/Botts, Archebald removed unknown Boyter/tes, a tailor unknown Beckerstaff, Henry insolvent dead Bentons, I & Nathanial Bradley, Edward Col insolvent ded Boyd, Wm at Grandyes ranaway insolvent Bean, Russel insolvent
Crabtree, Alfred ranaway Chase, a Hatter gon insolvent Duncan, a hatter gon Doharty, John R. estate insolvent Demoss/Domess, Old Mr. gon down Miss Damen/Domess, Donner?, George gon unknown Edmons, George gon unknown England, John Evets, Moses insolvent ded Ford, John Fayett Co insolvent Gilbert, Michael unknown Grace, I/J (continued on p. 176)
Winter 1988
PETITIONS TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF TENNESSEE Abstracted from Tennessee State Library and Archives Microfilm Legislative Petitions 1812-1813, Roll No. 4 (Continued from Fall issue)
"Whereas the Warlike & gloomy attitude of the present crlsls, very clearly indicates that a considerable number of the Militia of Said State, will inevitably be called out in defense of their Country - And, inasmuch as there hath been Writs of Ejectments Served on a large number of the inhabitants of the County of Bledsoe (and it is highly probably that a considerable number more will Shortly Share the Same fate) in consequence of their Land Claims - Now Should these Suits terminate in favor of the Plaintiffs, in the absence of the Defendants (they being in the Service of their Country) and their families be dispossessed, would consequently Subject them to very serious inconveniences •.• " Therefore the citizens of Bledsoe County petition to suspend the operation of the land Law "during the continuation of the present war between the United States of America and ~reat Britain ... " Signers:
Michal Rawlings David Gilbreath Samuel Walker James Woods George E. Cozby Josiah Allen James Allen John Walker Asahel Rawlings James Walker George Anderson William McGuire Cornelius Archer Charles Hutcheson Isom Hail Philip Parker Thomas Hutcheson John Parker Roaly Parkey Morris Baker Robat Fillips Elijah-Wicks/Hicks Henry Sulavan John Sulavan Spencer Self David Alaxander Hezekiah Self Levy Self John Hail Samuel Randolph Thomas Sailes Jesse Self wm Gunter John Narramore Jesse McKinny Matthias Crafford Aaron Swofford Jacob Gibeson
Francis Og.B.don Abraham Swofford Richard Hankins Jacob Gibson [sic] Peter Looney Thomas Kersey Andrew R. Lowe Robt Cozby Joseph Marti~ Joseph Peters John H. Speares John Clark Thomas Golston Jeason Jacks George Hail Richerd Gott Rheubin Brown David Loony Robart Whathenton Ely Keeth John Ahl/ Abl? Stephen Keeth James Keeth Nicodemus Keeth Jehn Hitsson Sammul Owen Lwid/David? Keeth James Long Robart Cirkilin James Gooding Tobias Long William Coode James Childers James Woods John Graves Andrew Oldridge Jacob Chaney Joray? Chaney
John Johnson Cornelius McCannon wm Hows Irby Holt James Brogdon John Hankins James Do~erty Thomas GalBreeth James Cranmore Reubin Anderson Jr Willer McClanden Sr Ja s Hull Richd Moon wm McGill Robt Burk Eph r Alexander William Jacks Joel Hilliard James Anderson John Golston John Wakefield Robart McCleham Spencer Archer John Archer Andrew McCalley Alexander Harbison Joseph Wakefield Lews Boling Jonathan Webb Thomas Allred Lathem Graves Thomas Beson David Toleson John Dwigens George Anderson James Anderson John Billingsley Charles Morga.!n
William Rippetoe John Rippetoe Samuel Billing~sley Erasmus Tollason John Doss John Hunrey? Thomas Ellis William Cook John Doss [sic] James Brown James Doss Levy Tharp David Tedford Isaac Hicks George Tedford Robert Porter Stephen Hix John Ellis Thomas Sutherland Richard Jones Jeremiah Jones Joseph Catcham William Sloan William Holman Thomas Sloan Jessee Rogers Thomas Griffith Robert Oneil Martin Laurence Joham Mechin John Portman John Nethron? Jn o Basham George McNew John McWhorter Burrell Lassater Alexander Lamb Parker Clark
"Ansearchin'" News
Petitions to the General Assembly of Tennessee (continued) James Standefer Nathaniel Cooper Silas White George Cooper John Tollett sr John Mizer David Tollett Henry Tollett James Dever Jesse Sherrell Hezikiah Dustin Willis Hail Daniel Austin Moses Austin John Austin John Seaborn Walter Shinault George Taylor John F. McEntire Charles R. Sherrell James Carden William Willson Abraham Hammelton Luke Hail Andrew Miller Thomas Barrett William Miller John Tollett Jr William Whitten Stephen Brown
Rich? Case/Card? Joseph Lusk John Jones Benjamin Hesen Isaac Fansher P. Joseph Ware John Gross John Rawlings Mark Tulley Erasmus Tollusson John Sears Josiah Jinkins Ruben Holeman Gorge Hatfield Jacob Miars John Miars LabanjJohan Roch Shepherd/ Stephen Penn? AntO Farmer !.ess Jaysom wn Christian John Hickmon Willin Jarmon Joham D. Rusham Wailke Sapp John Miller Mark Tollett Innis Hooper Thomas Cook (61-2-1812
Charles Merriman Briant Merramn Hugh Lamb James Brown Drewrey Upshur Josihh Childress James Cardin Jr William Huson James Sanse? Archibald Kirkland Daniel Kirkland Andrew Edging Miles Vernon Thomas Vernon Jr Thomas Atchley Thomas Vernon sr Joshua Atchley sr Joshua Atchley Jr Martain O? Atchley Benjamin Lord Thomas Clark Jo~ MReynolds Peter Whittenburg Daniel Tharp Daniel Atchley Jorg Osbourn? Samuel Cowen James Keith William Owings Jacob Sisco - 12 pages)
Eli Thurman Isaac Stephens A. Lamb J. Narmore William Sherrll Mills Robinson John Vinson Richd Hazen Samuel Edens Robert Page Reuben Long James Thurman Gooden Killern John Haldman James Roberson John Bowen/Brown John Lee John Burk Johnan? Runyan Valentine Possring? Joshua Carland wm Roberson John Cabe? Joseph Rog~ Layton Smyth John N. Beard Soloman Nazy Sol Shookmake A. Beard Elisha Kirkland
Petition from the citizens of Robertson County to amend a law concerning the collection of taxes for the purpose of building a jail in Springfield. Signatures are: (7 pages) Jeremiah Batts Paul Casslebury Richard Crunk M. Clery? Dickerson Hall ThoS Johnson Archer Cheatham Benjn Porter Peter Fry Henry Frey Benj Tucker Jr John Lipscomb J. Robertson Ezeriah Jones Stephen Parker Samuel Spermoor Elick Ralls
Henry Fiser William Pepper James Benton Jr Leonard P. Cheatham Richard Colgin David H. Smart John Carmack Robert Redding John Benton Tobias Redding
Noah Woodard Gabriel Mastin Samuel Bell James McIntosh Sterling Smith James Perry Nimrod McIntosh Nimrod Browning Martin Duncan John Karr John Duncan ¢~~tt~/WI/t*fitt? Christopher Cheatham William A.E.elton Theophilus Joyner Samuel Duncan ThoS Cheatham John Hutchison John Huddleston Thos Sellers Jonathan Huddleston John B. Cheatham Samuel Doris Walter W. Stark
wm Huey? William Heson? John Jones R.C. Probart Richard Thomas Gammill Hugh Mc~lyea Darby Fizor Isaac H. Dorris Henry Ayres Seat Hick Plummer Willis James Appleton Jn o ? Eason E.T. Paine Israel Blackburn Charles H. Pickering
Winter 1988 Petitions to the General Assembly of Tennessee (continued) Spencer Pickering W.Y. Bradburn Levi Noyes Anderson Cheatham J.R. McMeans Joseph Frey Benjamin Powell Th. Johnson Jr Thomas Plasters Lewis Wiles Nathanel Bostick Walter Starke John Kresell Thomas Woodard Richard Nuckoll Will Woodard Edward Simmons John H~ Joseph England H. Ratkins ThoS Appleton Silas Barr J.A. Cheatham John Vantine John Chowning Andw Washington Richd Washington James Crokett 63-2-1812
Robert Farles Waudy Jones Lot Bond? John McCauley James B. Culbertson Dan~iel Chapman Will Oury? William Sale Jessy Bevers John-Howell/Harwell LittleBerry Wooddes John Dorris Will Spiller Theophales Morgan John Mackelheny William McIntosh Stephen Herring Richard Benson, JP Richard Hutchings Jeremiah Stark Townly ~edfern Jacob Smith Willie Holland John Robertson John Williams Jr Hiram Rice William Benson Martin Winsett
John Williams James Jones Miles Taylor William Alexander Daniel Gunn Benjn Spiller James Vaughan David Taylor Howel Sellars Emanuel Skinner Jessee Skinner James L. Shelton Thomas Williams William Taylor Jesse Mason Baton Coates Burrell Gannaway Walker Gannaway John Wilson Henry Trott Abram Thompson Henry D. McBroome James Hill Thomas Woods Archibald Shanks James Moore John Newgent
Petition from citizens of Robertson County concerning the jail (same as above. Signed by: (2 pages)
James McConley/ McCauley Henry Castles William Hewey Charles Williams Jesse Huey James McCaEley Jr 64-2-1812
Joel Moore Redmand Benton Tho. B. Tunstall Isaac Dorrass Thompson D. White Nathl B. Dorriss William T. Greening David Addams Thomas Nelms A. Cook C.C. Asszman Lewellyn Phipps Shaltun Moore James Draughan Thomas Chowning John Borren John McKintosh Joseph Phillips Charls Colgen Benj Chatman Joseph Heuy? Joshua Smith George Massey Charles Murphy Gravet Edwards Jesse Morris James Murphey Gaberal Moore
Foster Mason Will Moor Peter Fizer sr William Campbell Joel Lewis John T. Dorris William Ledford
John Yates Jr James Cook Lewis Brookshild John Appleton Alsee Babb Abraham Moore W.L. Armstrong
Thos Simmons Thomas Smart Peter Fry Jr Thomas Shepard
Petition of citizens of Robertson Co concerning the jail (same as above). Signatures: 16 Sep 1812 (4 pages)
E.C. Williams Bartley Pitts Nathanial Hanken George Sprouce Hugh Mc~lyea Jr Robt Williams Francis Hays William Hays Eli Jones Robert Hays
Amos Cohea/Cohen Garrot Flippo Alex r Gordon Fedrick Bats Francis Boren James Vance Jacob Berss?/Bird Miles Drawhorn Isaac Morrow William Johnson
ThoS Gorham Jr James Long Will Fletcher Asa Guess? Andrw Crysel Moses Donnelson Uriah Swan Will Henley Will Ship Alfred Browning
James Thomaso Thomas Bird Gideon Day John Byrd Peter Riger John S? Appleton William Mason Josiah D. Huddleston [unreadable] ChS Lockert
"Ansearchin'" News
Petitions to the General Assembly of Tennessee (continued) James Owen William Fitts James Chandler Abram Young Jacob F. Young wm Ragsdale William Browning James Eustts Thos Jones John Sadline John Gardner Azariah Dunn Thomas Williams Josiah Farmer William Gardner 65-2-1812
Davis Hays Julus Justice David Jerngin Demsey Stuart James Appleton A. S.
Harrington Jones E. Benton Neh Vernon J? Pickerning Thos Beard wm Findley Thos Lipscomb John Trice Arthur Pitt
Sterling Nuckolls Richd Foot Owen White Mathew Day wm Huston Seth Flood William Southern Henry Darr Jacob Grimes Samson Mathews Jr John Welch William Gambill Jacob Binkley Burch Swann Robert Hambleton
Jas Sawyers John Watkins Burrell Pitts Garland Williams William Morgan James Yates wm Smart Jessee Jones William Black Robart Braden? Jos Pitts Nathan Howard Lewis Green
Petition of the citizens of Robertson County (same as above).
Elisha Fyke Jr Mathew Luter Anthony Jones Jr Archibald Clark John Couts Edward Choat sr
Meredith Walton John Tucker James Shaw Arthur Johnson Henry Elmore Jonathan Murry
Stephen Haynes? Sanuel Shannon Si~eon Walton Hugh Shannon George G. Chapman John Pike
Signed by:
Thomas Savage Joseph Dorris William Shaw John Mathews Gregory Emson
Petition of citizens of Robertson County for repeal of the law taxing citizens for building a jail because "we are at War & we must contribute to Support that War ••. " Signatures: (4 pages)
Benjamin Elliott James P. Clarke Robert P. Penny? James Atkins John Gosset Ila Robinson Dennis Daugherty James Ventress John Yoes Ephriam Pool Joseph Rosson ~ight Be,EZ James Adams Thomas Rosson Nathan Yoes Elias Fort Jn o Gardner John MCuire Henry Gardner Elias Lawrance n7-2-l8l2
Hardy Grisard George Connelley Carr Darden Joshua Gardner James Gardner Jessee Gardner Holland Darden L.B. Crain Jessee Darden James Goyne William Northington ~ily Parker John Crain Rithard Miles John Caven? Giford Doun?/Loren? John Barber Matthew Luter sr Holland Luter William Andrews
Ruben Bowors? Jesse Moseley John Rosson John Sherod G.A. West Achellis McFarlin William Sherod Levi Dunn John Williams Daniel Johnston George F. Waire James Williams James Wynn J. Connell 1J~ii·Ut'/J~'Mttt
Robbert Hall Matthew Luter Sam l Elliott C. Gray Isaac Dortch
J. Turner/Warren? John Lemaster John Connell A. Hutcheson Archd Mahon Ja s Mahon Gorge Bury Caton Bougt/Wrigt? John Basford James Pool Michel Norinaton? William Knight John F~gison Thomas Modrow John Modrow Jonathan Johnston Jessee Stroud Marvell McFarlen
A petition from residents of Tennessee and Kentucky who live on the waters of the Cumberland River to keep the Red River open and free for
Winter 1988
Petitions to the General Assembly of Tennessee (continued) navigation.
Signed by:
David Neeley John Hughes John K. Mangham Ephraim M. Ewing Tho. S. Slaughter John T. Baker Robert Ewing Jr Nicholas Gautier Edward Tanner Benjn Barnes William H. Wilson Jonathan Smith Jonathan Rice Richd Bibbs ThoS Arnold William B. Arnold Luther Taylor James Wilson Reuben Ewing Matthias Houx/House Ge o Berry H. Hausman? Ja s Small Matthew Curr--WID Harrison Richd M. Harrison Fairfax Washington Jn O Washington Joh,n Small ThoS Kercheval William Kercheval Jr J? N. O'Bannon Abraham Fears W.L. Sands Ge O Berry sr Whiting Washington Anak Dawson Richard Curd Tho. S. Love Thos W. Hay tor WID M C Ewing Edw Hockersmith WID Duncan Eli Stroud Christian Orndorff John Fazer Walter Jones Josiah Ramsy Henry Smith Gabril Bailey George Bai~
Thomas Townsen Thomas Kelton Thos Jones Edmund Watkins Arms Morehea Jesse Williams WID? Kirkland John Paca WID W. Whitaker Will Orr Joshua Murrah David Caldwell Fredk Weller Weller James Thomas Linebaugh J.H. Curd Alex Morton Timothy Lyne C.D. McLean Alexander McElwains T.G.W. Baylor Samuel McIntosh John Stone Dan l M. Head George Brown James Tilford Shadrack Mims James Pears John Procter Humphrey Posey Harrison Loves John L. Coyle James Crewdson Thomas Neely John B. Townsen Berry R. Starks John Bailey William Hill Samewel B. Doris Gerard Cromwell David Rhumor John Watkins Kidd? Bailey Jonas Hannum George Campble John Urdick? Lewis W. Copeland Thomas Bru--Garland Williams John Adams Amos W. Millekin?
(12 pages) William Rutherford William Alexander Batain Coats Townly Redfern Robert Pasly Ja s Brattan William Pasl~y Samuel Pa.!sley John Paisley James McDowel WID Taylor David Sprouce Richard Chandler George Dredan? Christopher G. Ewing Thomas Marlin William Chastian William Gooch Robt L. Mabry Hugh Mc~lyea Joseph Perre? Jo. Stimmons Henry Smith Joshua M. Ree Frederick Ragsdale Asa Mason Mills Taylor William Hutchins John Hutchin~s WID Kercheval sr Abel Morgan John Breathett Saml B. Davis Griffin Dickesson George BlakeyElisha Haden? Jacob W. Walker William Adams Daniel Arnald Robert Patterson Joel Lewis William Benson William Johnson Lewis Ragsdale Willis Lemon/Turner Smith Hampton? WID Ragsdal? Martin Duncan Isaac Morrow John Hampton Thomas Holland
James Holland ThoS James Lewis Dalton Con? Williamson Alex r Bailey/Baitey Ge o Brown John J. Critten [sic] Richd Footell James Hunter WID Whitsill Robt Critten Isaac Lewis Solomon Ketchum Saml Marshall Smith Lofland Ja--- Lofland Thomas Williams Wiley Holland Jr Adam Taylor Enos Irwin? Thomas Davies/Daniel Light Townsen James Alexander Benjamin Stratton WID Craine Jabus? Townsen William Irwin Andrew Milles William Staton James Benson John Martin Abner Miles Jacob Miles James Rice Joshua M. Rice David Henton Zenas Bush/Burk Sanders? Townsend James AlexandersDavid Taylor John Trimble Travis Rice Joseph SerIes Jonathen Hill/Shell Rubin Fits Alexander Miles Willm Murey? [Dim] Willis Wills/Mills " Robt Baylor " Robert T. Baylor " Christian Monday "
"Ansearchin'" News
Petitions to the General Assembly of Tennessee (continued) John Owenns? Owen Stratton Jessee Hiator?
Richard Nowlin Peyton Nowlin
Samuel Hadley John Redfern Jr
James Redfern John Redfern sr
Citizens of Montgomery & Robertson Counties of TN and Logan & Christian Counties of KY for the privilege of building mills on Red River between the junction of Sulphur Fork and the Kentucky line in order to produce their own flour and avoid having "great quantities of flour ... brought from the states of Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio & Virginia ••• " Applicants to build mills were J. WOOLFOLK, Will L. WILLIAMS & Thos GORHAM Jr. Petitioners' names: 67-2-1812
Who Fort Orren D. Battle Starling G. Wimberly Will Fort Josiah Fort Jr Will A. Fort Brittain Bridgers Josiah Fort, JP Henry Fort Jacob Fort Will S. Herring B. Blackwell Elias F/A. Deloach James Fort Azariah Dunn Will Deloatch James Goyne Sugg Fort Nathan Yoes Alexander B. Porter Elias Fort, M.C. Jeffery [Xl Saunders Nicholas Darnall James Reasons Robert Jameson Will Johnston sr Jn O Johnston Daniel Johnston Jacob Felckner Will F. Williams Will B. Nelson Thos Appleton Robt G. Johnson D.H. Whipple William Gooch Will Crabtree Henry Northington Joseph MacNeill Daniel Fore? William Bryan Mic l Northington ThoS Deloach
David C. Penney Alfred Faulk Jn O E. Wilcox Z. Grant E. Connel Thomas Nash Mathew Wilson Samul McGowen Exum? Brake John Hampton John Marlow Pembrton McDaniel David R. Cole John S. Moseley Thomas Kalrel/Halsel Wilson Gibson Ge O Coventry John Bristow Howel Thomas Jn o Nevill Elias Fort Jr Hardy Grogan David McFadin Ephraim Pool John Bell Christopher Owens Thomes Hunter C. Gray Jn O Gardner Robs n Murphey William James Bright Herrin Etheldred Hargroves Cordale Norfleet Jonathan Johnson Robert Bryan David Smith Phillip Coventon Edward Dikis William Gardener Bright Herrin~ Jr Nm Whitfield
John Lowe
Gavn? Flippo John Hutchison Ja S Whitfield? H. Johnson J. Shanklin Charles Murphy Robrt Perry Iszeral Blackburn William Greenfield Gabriel Mastin Westley Hardin James Long Henry Lodge Archer Cheatham Samuel Greenfield John Watkins William Lofland Ja S Young Maurice Morris Etheldred Williams Thomas S/L. Porter Abner 1. Hampton Ezekiel Saunders S.W. Carney James Vance J.H. Carney ThoS Townsend Arnold Thomason James Gordon Achilles MFarlan Joshua Gardner Geo r Lamkin Will Calhoun John Grant Will McFaddin Joel Grisard Samuel Northington Dempsey Gardner Andrew Dikes John C. Robertson James Holland Vardaman Halsel James Williams Septimus Williams Rezin Halsell Norfleet Dortch Richard Holland Matthew Ryburn Henry H. Bryan James Dikis William Logan Blake Masingall Caleb E. Irvin Rowland Peterson William B. Porter James Loyd James Johnston Ge o West Thomas Cheatham Will Ship Thomas Darnel William Adams Ge O Boyd Jr Mastin Adams Meardith Meade Saml Northington John Watson Ja s Norfleet James Tomison Marvil McFarlen James Gunn Etheldred Williams Alex r Gunn James Mitchell Corban Hall J.A. Cheatham Christopher Cheatham Abraham Gossett A. Cook Daniel Highsmith George Sprouse A. Hutcheson (continued on page 189) Will M. Bell
Winter 1988
HUMPHREYS COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1837 TAX LIST Transcribed by from Tennessee Microfilm, (1836 Tax Abbreviations: DIST. P = White Polls.
District, A
DIST. III A/TL SL P -----ys - I Allison, Robert S Allison, Alfred 238 1 Allison, Elizabeth heirs 75S.L. Allen, Benjamin 232 1 II II 156 Anderson, Timothy, 204 heirs Alexander, Jesse H 1 Arnold, Aaron 107 Brown, Alexander & John 500S.L. Brown, John 440 Bolton, William 100 1 Cooley, Seabourn J 91 Cooly, Eaton? J 1 56 1 Cooly, James M Carter, Benjamin E 1 100S.L. Cearnal, William D 30 1 Childress, Joel 1 107 Dancy, Frances 628 Draper, Daniel H, heirs 406 Draper, Samuel H, heirs 35 Davis, James M 1 100 1 Davis, Josiah B Dunlap, Anderson 269 Dunlap, Robert, heirs 105 Dunlap, Samuel E 1 Falkner, Jonathan 464 8 Falkner, John 1 Franklin, Elizabeth 24 2 Falkner, Levi 114 1 Foly, Mitchel 1 Forrest, James 1 50 Grice?, Patrick 1 224 Grice, Nathan 1 80 Qarnigan, William 50S.L. Guinn, Noah 0 50S.L. Guinn, William H 100 1 Guinn, David R 1 104 Guinn, Robert, heirs 100 2 Henson, Jacob 250 2 Hall, John W 1 100 Hall, William C 1 Harriss, Urbane 135 Holland, John 1 Henson, John 1 Johnson, John W 198 Kirkland, Levi 120 Koen, James H 1 220 Knight, Wade F 1
Acres, TL
Town Lot, S.L.
DIST. III (cont d ) Lattimer, Lynde If
La!imer, Thomas H Little, Isaac 2050S.L. Mitchel, William W Mitchel, John G 138 Maden, John 188 Maden, William M Moss, James 148 McMurtrey, ThoS B 34 McMurtrey, Jane 24 Montgomery, John 5000S.L. Jones, John 5000S.L. Farro~, Charles 5000S.L. Montgomery, F F 5000S.L. MUEY, William B 310 Mason, Henry D 743 Mason, Laurence S, heirs 742 McClure, William l50S.L. Neel, McNeel/ McNeel, Neel Norfleet, James 135 Pitt, Kinchen 50S.L. Parker, J N & W S 240 Puckett, Josiah 20 Rogers, Jesse 60 Ridings, Joel 100S.L. Rud~lph, Elijah 50 Stodert, William & wife 542 Sullivan, John 780 " 12 tracts, l8,900S.L. Smith, Moab S 30 Summers, John 50 Trousdale, William Turner, Wilie 333 Tuggle, John 65 Traylor, William l25S.L. Traz?, H B & Polley 184 Thompson, Nancy 140 141 Thomas, David D 200 Thomas, John H Warren, John G 220 Watson, James 66 Williams, John C DIST. 112 Brown, Alexander Brown, John Conrad, William C Carn~, David B Childress, Mitchel Davis, John
134 577 lTL lTL 240 75
Mary Louise Graham Nazar State Library & Archives Tax List Roll No. 5 List in Fall issue)
School Land, SL
A/TL SL DIST. 112 (cont d ) 100 Dunlap, Green L Epperson, Anthony 1 Humphreys, Horatio, 112 heirs 1 Hackney, Thomas 320 1 Holmes, James M Harriss, Urbane 180 1 Harkrider, John 184 1 Johnson, William H lTL 1 Lucas, Isaac 180 6 Little, Isaac Massey, John 222 1 McClure, Saml D McCracken, John lTL - 40 2 McClure, Alexander, heirs 2TL - 30 640 McGavock, David Morrison, John C, heirs lTL - 500S.L. Miller, William H 50S.L. Mitchel, David H 1 McElyea, Robert, heirs 97 1 McElyea, Daniel Marrable, Henry H 2TL-50 Pavatt, Margaret 400 5 Pavott, Isaac 128 1 " "" agt 2 1 for P Cuffman 3008.L. Pavott, Stephen C Prichard, William 3 1 Parker, Stephen P Pickett, Joseph Rogers, Jesse ~TL - 150 5 2 1 Rogers, Sion lTL 1 Reeves, Timothy 144 143 5 1 Reeves, James Reeves, Jonathan Reeves, William 2TL 5 1 Robertson, Peyton Rutherford, James lTL 118 4 Reeves, Redmund 1 Rogers, Redmund ~TL 1 4 1 Smith, Moab S 150 1 Stiers, Baltzzar 1 Scol~s, Nathaniel Turner, Willie 320 250 " " Thompson, John 2TL - 300 " 11 5 1 300 Washburn, Hiram H 71 Wall, James P 300S. L. 4TL 3 1 " "" Wyly, Thomas K .J..TL, 4000 15
1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1
"Ansearchin'" News
166 Humphreys County, Tennessee 1837 Tax List (continued) DIST. #2 (cont d ) Wyly, John Wyly, Christopher K Williams, Samuel Wildridge, Edmund Yeates, Thomas P
1 1 lTL 63
DIST. 113 Box, Allen 105 Boren, Vardey Box, Hiram D Box, Mason 50S.L. Bivens, Alexander Box, Charles Bivens, Anderson Bivens, William S Box, Moses 100 Brevard, Alfred 2560 Bolton, William sr 89 Cole, Nathaniel l69S.L. Cims, Charlotte [Sims] 458 Cole, William 67S.L. Childress, Thomas 230S.L. Cooly, William T 240 Clark, George E 50S.L. Caps/Cass, Hillery 100S.L. Childress, Mitchel 15 Crockett, John 212 Crockett, James 100 Crockett, Samuel 166 Crockett, Martin 244 Conrad, William C 126 Conrad, George C 80 Conrad, W C & George C 225S. L. Dobins, heirs 500 D[e?]nington, Stephen Ehos?, Thomas Foster, Ephraim H 2350 G~ardner, wm H Harriss, Urbane & C E 40 Harman, Peter Harman, Henry Jr Harman, Reuben S 43 Harman, Henry sr 1125 Huntsman McMeans & McKernan 310 Jordan, Berton 240 Krunk, William H King, William King, George H King, Armour, heirs King, Osmund E King, Mary Loyd, George R 600S.L. Miller, Henry Marchbanks, Reuben 82S.L. Marchbanks, John 50S.L. Mitchel, Berry A 200 Mitchel, Isaac 100S.L. Mitchel, James H 300
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1
1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 1
DIST. #3 (cont d ) A/TL SL McLoad, Duncan, heirs 500 -Martin, James H 3 McLemore, Campbell & Davis 473 Miller, William 375S.L. 1 McLoad, Rodrick 400 Miller, Jacob heirs 50S.L. Mercer, William Odam, Bryant Prock, Daniel Pearce, David Price, Zebedee Pearce, Joel 1 Peppers, Joel Powell, William B W l50S.L. Powell, Briant B 100S.L. Sanders, James, heirs 1280 Townsend, Thomas 100S.L. 100S.L. Townsend, John Townsend, James Waggoner, Dan 375S.L. 1 Waggoner, Martin A l35S.L. 1 Wadkins, John 3 Wadkins, John 200S.L. Young, William C 400S.L. 3 Young, J D, N K & B D 300
P 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
DIST. #4 Albright, Le L 1 Ashley, Daniel -1 Ashley, Wilur? H 1 Albright, Harrison 1 Bass, Jordan 200 2000S.L. Brown, John "" 5000S.L. Buckhanon, John sr 101 1 Buckhanon, Simeon 100S.L. 1 1 Buckhanon, Lemuel 75 1 Buckhanon, John Jr 50S.L. 1 1 Box, Joseph l50S.L. 1 Baugus, Peter 75S.L. Bridges, Benja l70S.L. Baugus, Jeremiah 25 S.L. 1 Brogden, Allen 1 Bell, Elijah 1 Cuff, John W 1 80S.L. Crafton, William B 50S.L. 1 Curtis, Benjamin 50S.L. Curtis, Ailsey 40 Curtis, Joel, heirs 50S.L. Campbell, Blackfan & Davis 9l4? "" " 520 "" " 193 Conrad, William C 170 " " " 228S.L.
DIST. #4 (contd) Conrad, W C & George C 200 & 50 Davis, John 50S.L. Daniel, William 1 50S.L. Demoss, Abraham 200 1 Dobins, Wilie Fullerton, Robert L 1 1 Fullerton, William 50 Guest, John, heirs 100S.L. Gray, John 50S.L. Headley, Joseph 10S.L. Hall, Patsey 50S.L. Helton, Vachal 1 Headley, Daniel 30 Harden, Jesse 60S.L. 1 Heard, George 68 1 1 1 Hodge, Alexander Hainey, George l49S.L. Hudson, Thomas W 50S.L. Hammons, Meridith 1 Ignight, Peter 1 Ignight, John 75 Jones, Solomon 144 Jones, Jesse 1 Lashlee, Burwell, heirs 400S.L. Legate, John 1 Legate, James 1 Legate, Jefferson H 1 1 Legate, William Massey, Isaac H 50S.L. Martin, Alexander 90 McClain, Reuben 50S.L. 1 McLemore, John C 50 11 "" 50 McLemore, Campbell & Davis 215 & 140 " " 180 & 550 " 200 " " " McLemore & Campbell 1257 "134 & 520 " 170 " " Montgomery, William 5000S.L. Newsom, Eliza H, heirs 565 Owens, Belitha Jr 22S.L. 1 1 Owens, Zadock 200S.L. Owens, Samuel 50S.L. 1 Owens, John Owens, Squire 1 Owens, Belitha sr 135 1 Owens, Smallwood 1 l50S.L. Owens, Only 1 Owens, John J Prewett, David 300S.L. 2 1 Prewett, John 75S.L. 1 Prewett, Shaderick 50S.L. Parham, James1905.L. 1 1 Powel, Henry 1 1 20 1 Parham, Thomas
Winter 1988
Humphreys County, Tennessee 1837 Tax Lists (continued) DIST. #4 (cont d ) A/TL SL P 50S.L. - I Pedigrue, Only Prock, William 1 Ridings, Jesse H 1 Reece, Charles, heirs 50 Reece, James sr 28 Reece, James Jr 100S.L. Reece, Jesse H 1 Roberts, Moses 1 Roberts, Widow 200S.L. Roberts, Caleb 1 Reid, George W 1 Rogers, Samuel 1 Roberts, George 50 Ridings, Wilie 1 Reece, Isaac 1 Shuffield, William 37S.L. 1 Steel, Andrew 1 Simmons, Thomas 50S.L. Singleton, James 1 130 Simmons, James l60S.L. Seats?, William J 450 1 1 Thornton, John C 1 Williams, Andrew J 1 Whitehead, Robert, 75 " heirs " 400S.L. Whitehead, John, heirs 50S.L. Young, J D, N K, &B D l50S.L. DIST. #5 Arnold, Aaron 45 Averett, Lucy 106 Averett, William Archer, Stephenson 84 Adams, Silvester 120 Adams, John D 50S.L. Adams, Ichabod 200S.L. Adams, Rebecca 333 Adams, William W 55 Adams, T J & H C 37S.L. Adams, Benjamin 102 Alford, Robert, heirs 27 Bell, Burwell Bell, Daniel J Bateman, Jeremiah Bateman, Edwin 10 Bateman, John 90 Brigham, William B 200S.L. Brigham, John, heirs 215 Brigham, James H 220 Brigham, David 25 84 Burton, John H 100S.L. Curtis, William 200S.L. Coleman, Alexander 203 Curtis, Joshua 20 Carney, John 100S.L. Carter, William F 52 Curtis, Jane 250S.L.
1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
DIST. #5 (cont d ) Dyre, John K? Durham, John P Dyre, Joel 70 Edwards, William Edwards, John 160 - 178 Edwards, Alfred 30 - 133 Fowler, Nehemiah 40 Foster, Noah 7 Fizer, John 110 Goren, Thompson B 42
2 1 1 1
1 1
Guinn, Alexander sr 130 Guinn, Alexander Jr 80 " " 3000S.L., 200 Hudson, James D Hudson, William P? Humphreys, John H 20 Hatcher, William F Hooper, Nimrod C 146 Hooper, Joseph 150 Hooper, Alfred Hendrix, Elijah Jr l75S.L. Hatcher, John 55 Hooper, James 35 Hudson, Ezikiel 30 Hendrix, William M Hendrix, Elijah sr 704 Hooper, Samuel Hooper, William Hooper, Zadock Hooper, Bailey 200 Hendrix, Andrew 84 - 60 Hooper, John 148 Hooper, Katherine 198 Hooper, A S C 16 Knight, Joshua Y 99 Kelly, Redmund H Knight, William J 50S.L. Knight, Nancy 200 Lucas, Edmund H 78 100S.L. Lumm, David Lewis, John wi Jesse W Lewis, John 126 Marrable, Henry H sr Morrisett, Jonathan 60 Moses, James McElyea, Hiram 109 McClure, James 5000S.L. Nesbett, Jeremiah 114 Parker, James M 113 Poyner, Robert 102 Poyner, James 30 Parker, Julia 20 Parker, William S Parker, Uriah F Poyner, Eleanor 115 Patterson, James 100S.L. Robison, Hudson Robins, Polly 66 Ridings, JOel 60 - 150
DIST. #5 (cont d ) A/TL SL P Ridings, George Rushing, Rue 60 1 Roberts, Eli 26 1 Ragan, Nathan W 37 1 Richardson, Winney, heirs 104 1 Rogers, Jesse sr 30 1 Ridings, James R Smith, Gibson 1 1 Slayton, Travis E 1 Smith, Bryson 1 Stacy, Sallitheel Simpson, Thomas 267 Smith, Jarvis 70 Smith, Edward 210 1 Shaw, Thomas 100S.L. 2 Thompson, Nancy 1 Turner, Richard D Tubbs, Elias 96 - 68 2 1 Thomason, John 20 1 Thomason, John M Thomason, William J 50S.L. Trogden, Ezekiel 1 Thoneason, James 120 2 1 150 Wiggins, Reuben Winstead, David 1 1 Winstead, Alexander Winstead, Charles 300 2 Wildredge, Samuel 150 1 1 Wildredge, Edmund 175 3 1 Walker, John
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 2 6 1
1 1 1 1
5 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
DIST. //6 Arnold, Aaron 130 Alford, Jane M 180 Alford, John T 60 Alford, Richard B Adams, Silvester 2TL Binkley, John Bartlett, William Cuffman, Pavott 300S.L. Childress, Mitchel, gdnlE TIL Alford Childress, Mitchel, gdnlGeorge Ely Crim, Zion T 120 Childress, Goen 140 Childress, David 270 Cearnell, Hubert 58 Cearnell, John Crenshaw, David 3TL Carter, William H lTL Duncan, James 100 Duncan, Peter Duncan, Zadock 138 Drawn, William W lTL Ely, Thomas, heirs 160 Fiser, John 16 - 100 Garrett, J F 9TL Goodman, Lucinda l50S.L.
4 2 1 1 1 1
2? 2 2 1 1 5 2 1 1
1 1 1
"Ansearchin'" News
168 Humphreys County, Tennessee 1837 Tax List (continued) A/TL SL P DIST. #6 (cont d ) 1TL - - Harriss, James Humble, John 60 - 160 2 1 Hendrix, Laben 144 1 Harriss, Coleman E 100 2 " 11 1TL " Ingram, Samuel 3TL Lewis, William 1 Little, Isaac 855S.L., 1TL Lucas, Isaac 1TL Lyttle, Peyton 87 Matthews, H J? 2TL Massey, Ewe1 1 Massey, William 50 McCloud, Solomon 2TL- 27 1 113 Mc~a1vey, Hugh Matthews, A P 2TL 1 Matt1ock, Edward 1 1 Moon, Doctor Owen, D K 1 120 168 Plant, John 1TL 1 Paty, Matthew 100S.L. 1 300S.L. Pat~y, William Patrick, John B 1TL 1 Pritchard, William 2TL Robison, Samuel C 1 Robertson, Eleanor 64 2TL Simpson, Thomas Smith, Joel 150 " 70 - 120 Simpson, Thomas [sic] 1TL Shropshire & Adams 10,OOOS.L. Shropshire, John 1TL 1 6 1 Southern, William B 1 " gdn/M L Alford 1 Slate, William 20 Sales, James S 100S.L. Turner, George 114 3 Turner, Richard D 1 113 " 11 4TL " 1 Tate, John W Teas, William 4TL 1 Waggoner, Christopher 472 3 3TL " " 1 Williams, George W 2TL White, Thomas 90 - 320 1 1 100 1 1 White, Whidbea White, William A 1 White, Anderson 60 4 Washburn, Hiram H 1TL Yeates, Iznia 260 5 Yeates, Freeman 2TL 1 Yeates, Redick 1 Yeates, James 3TL 1 1 Yeates, Levi
DIST. fI7 Adkinson, William Ab£ernathy, Freeman Beasley, William sr Beasley, John H
390 207 80 60
DIST. #7 (cont d ) Brady, John Brown, John, heirs (double tax) 50 Boyers, Henry 120 80 Brown, Robertson Beasley, William F 100 " gdn/William Gibson heirs ("mistake this tax in another place") 88 Brown, Ezekiel 98 Bethel, William B 400S.L. Brady, William Burcham, John 50 Biglow, Luther double tax? 300 Clark, John E 350 Clark, Edwin Clark, George E Clark, Pleasant 150 Conrad, William C 400S.L. Cole, Thomas 200 Ca1thorp, Samuel Combs, Edmund Dean, Noah Denington, Samuel 100 Dorriss, Rebecca 140 Duncan, Zadock 78 Duncan, Joseph Ellis, Mead 245 Fenner, Robert double tax 1360 Gibson, John Gibson, William heirs 138 Goin, Isaac Griffis, William 50 Gibson, Archaba1d 100S.L. Garrett, Eyrene 30 Goren, Thompson B 640S.L. Hughy, William B 140 Hart, John M 129 Harriss, James 100 Inman, Slaughter Johnson, John Jordan, Burton 45 Lucas, Polley 40 Lucas, John 290 Little, Isaac 50 Massey, Herbert H 258 Massey, David A 50 Massey, William C 300 McCasland, William McClure, Mary 13 Moon, Lewis Mathis, James 1000S.L. Math~s, Samuel McCasland, William, gdn/S I/J Ely " gdn/Mary E Ely 1 Nelson, Robert 152
1 1
1 1 1 2
? 3
1 1
A/TL SL P DIST. #7 (cont d ) Plumer, John K ---- -- I Powers, John 219 1 Pickett, Joseph 200S.L. 1 "Poll tax acct for in another place" 1 Phillips, Ira Roy, Isaac 200S.L. Shouse, John 1 50 Shaver, Michael 1 1 Toland, Jonathan 100 Tate, John W 400S.L. 1 Varden, Edmund 75S.L. Vaden, Archaba1d 1 300 1 Wi1ie, Legate 100S.L. 1 Webster, James 50 Webster, William 1 Wamac, Drury 80 1 1 1 Wood, David 1 Yeates, James 325
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 8 3 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1
1 1
DIST. 118 Ballard, James W 200S.L. Bryant, John 40 Bryant, Phillip D 260S.L. Bryant, Richard 75 S.L. Bryant, Lewis W 100S.L. Blare, James Crow, Isaac S Conrad, William C 80 Crocket, Henry 243 Crocket, John, heirs 8 Crocket, Joseph 100S.L. Coasey, David 125S.L. Duke, Allen Dark, Thomas Epperson, Samuel sr 200 Easley, Benjamin 216 Epperson, Samuel Jr 75S.L. Easley, John V Epperson, Susanah 47 Forguson, Nathaniel 104 Fleming, William 180 Gatlin, Aaron P 117 Goswick, George Goodwin, John Harrison, Benjamin, heirs 75 Harriss, William & others 341 Hunter, John 200 Hunter, Albert T Hardison, James Jarmon, Robert, heirs 150 Leathers, James, heirs 228 Luton, William 200 Lain, John 200S.L. Lumsden, Margaret 162 Long, Joseph H 246 Massey, Isaac H 125 Mathes, Thomas
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Winter 1988
Humphreys County, Tennessee 1837 Tax List (continued) DIST. #8 (cont d ) Moody, Benjamin McNeely, Joseph E McCall, Alexander, heirs 200 Noland, Mary 12 Noland, George 50 Noland, Benjamin 185 848 Odonley, Henry Prewett, Elisha Peoples, George 262 Page, William 331 Page, James Page, John Prewett, John sr 115 Prewett, Joel 210 Prewett, James 60 Spradlin, Obediah 30 Simmons, James 50S.L. Shannon, James 348S.L. Shannon: Robert 80 Salyers, John P 50S.L. Taylor, Daniel 50S.L. Taylor, Kinchen 260 220 Taylor, John 260 Taylor, Edmund Teas, James 7 - 100 Toland, Jacob 175 Thompson, John, agt for AlIens heirs 552 Taylor, Drury Jr 60 Teas, George 140 DIST. 1/9 Allen, James Ammons, Henry 60 Baker, William 43 Boles, Thomas 15 - 400 Boles, Abner Baker, Ezekiel 60 Berry, William Baker, Daniel 100 Box, Lindley 140 Cannon, Dannis sr 140 Cannon, Thomas Cannon, Dennis Jr Crowel, James 71 Crowel, Moses 47 Crowel, Andrew Crowel, John l50S.L. Dandridge, William Easley, Benjamin 73S.L. Eatheredge, Joel Easley, Robert Eatheredge, William Eatheredge, Isreal Goodwin, Miles Goodwin, Bryant George, Daniel 100 Gulledge, Mary 50 Hales, Robert 25 Hales, Thomas
1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1 1 1
1 1
3 5
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DIST. 1/9 (cont d ) A/TL SL P 100 - I Hobbs, William Hales, Isaiah 75 Haleyfield, Lesley 1 107 Humble, Jacob 65 Johnson, Hiram 1 Johnson, David 1 1 Johnson, Margaret 20 Jackson, Epps l5,000S.L. Jones, William 100 1 Lankford, Henry 200S.L. Luton, Henry 75 - 250 Light, Right 52 Light, George 100S.L. Light, Vachel 1 Luton, William 200 1 marked "mistake. Rectified by the Court for $2.13 3/4" Luton, Phillip 1 McMackins, Michael 94 1 McMackins, James 1 McMackins, Michael Jr 1 McNeely, William Y 100 1 1 295 " "" McGuire, John 1 l50S.L. McGuire, Obediah 150 1 Parsons, Joseph C 150 Price, William 254 2 1 Pace, Drury 100 1 Pace, Jackson 1 70 Phillips, Jackson 150 1 1 Perry, Kinchen 100 2 Prater, John 100S.L. Pool, Joshua 1 Qualls, Ferreba 100S.L. Rogers, William 1 Rogers, Chasa 150 2 Rogers, Jesse 1 100S.L. Rice, John sr 140 Rice, John Jr 1 Reeves, Rueben 1 213 Reeves, Peyton 1 Reeves, Jesse 1 Spicer, Patrick 125 Spicer, James 200 2 Spicer, Burwell B 106 2 1 Sanders, Wilie 180 - 180 2 1 Spicer, William 223 1 Sanders, James 1 1 Smith, William 1 Smith, Robert 100 Stewart, Simpson 30 Stares, John 100S.L. 1 Spicer, Jesse 1 Sparks, Isaac 100 Sparks, Hardy 250S.L. Stringer, Edward 238 3 " "450S.L.- 100 Stewart, Abraham 1 40 Turner, William 1 100 Taber, Isaac 1
DIST. #9 (cont d ) Ward, John Walker, Mary Young, James D Young, Norfleet K
-----zs -
50 59
DIST. 1110 Armour, James Batson, Richard 20 Black, Sampson 122 Brown, Charles W 120 Brown, Perry Brown, Laborn, heirs 83 Burges, Plumer W 100 Boyd, William H Craft, Thomas Cannon, John 120 Craft, Presley 97 eorly, Larkin, R Batson agent l50S.L. Choat, Peter 118 Chambers, Hardy 30 Choat, Schetdt 50 Dodson, Elijah 90 Erranton, John 60 Epperson, Thomas 350 Easley, Moses, heirs 134 Flannerey, Isaac 80S.L. Fleming, William 57 Forsee, Daniel 298 Forsee, Stephen 95 Goswick, George l50S.L. Hodges, Isaac 93 Hurt, William 50 Holland, Jefferson 25 Hall, Joseph Holland, Mark 30 Holland, Hardy 20 Holland, James J 50 Holland, Benjamin 378 Holland, Robert Hall, Joseph, heirs 50S.L. Johnson, Ann 163 Johnson, William King, John 130 King, Samuel T 50 King, John A 50 Lomax, William 114 Light, Michael 353 McMillion, Malkam 37 Massey, David A 70 McMillion, Hugh May, Dempsey 309 220 May, Jonathan May, William Marsh, Miner 100 Matlock, Luke Jr 100S.L. Matlock, Luke sr 102 Melvin, Jackson Petty, George V 100 Robeson, Amos
1 1
1 2
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
"Ansearchin'" News
Humphreys County, Tennessee 1837 Tax List (continued) DIST. nO (cont d ) Roy, William Roy, Isaac Simpson, William Simpson, Nathaniel Simpson, Thomas Simpson, Samuel
1 1 381 100 188
1 1
DIST. no (cont d ) MTL SL ~ Simpson, John 1 Shouse, Joseph 75S.L. Shelby, William, heirs 50 Strayhorn, Samuel D 130 Taylor, Drury 400 2
DIST. no (cont d ) Taylor, George W Walker, Elijah Watkins, Joel Ward, William Wilson, Joel Watkins
1 1 1 ll4? 1 1 102 52 1 104
Humphreys County Court, June Term 1837 On motion there being present on the bench the worshipful Urbane HARRISS, John SULLIVAN, Moab S. SMITH, T C BREVARD, William DANIEL, Only OWENS, Coleman E Harriss, Levi McCOLLUM, Benjamin EASLEY, Joseph H. LONG and Lindsey BOX, Esqrs Justices, it is ordered by the Court that Joseph PICKETT be releast from the payment of fifty-six and one fourth cents of the Tax charged to him on the Tax list and that the heirs of William GIBSON, Decd, be discharged from the payment of ninety cents and that William LUTON pay only a State Tax of two dollars eighty-seven and one half cents and County Tax for the year 1837. James TEAS, Clerk Richd D. TURNER is relasd from paying fifty-six and one fourth cents. released from paying seventy-seven cents & pays $1.23 cents.
Also John PLANT is
(Conclusion of Humphreys County Tennessee 1837 Tax List)
MARRIAGES AND DEATHS ABSTRACTED FROM NEWSPAPERS Submitted by R. F. Simpson, Jr., 4522 Garnett Rd., Memphis, TN 38117
THE NASHVILLE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Nashville, Tennessee December 7, 1849 Elizabeth Hughs died 29 Oct 1849 at the residence of her husband, Henry Hughs of Fayette Co., TN. She was the daughter of John and Susan Avant and was born in Sussex Co., VA on 31 Oct 1810. She married 18 Jan 1831 and moved to this state in 1837. She left her husband, five sons and three daughters. September 8, 1848 Married 29 Aug 1848 at Sommerville, TN by Rev. Philip Tuggle, Dr. Thomas D.G. McClellan to F.E. Porter, all of Sommerville. Married 30 Aug 1848 in Rutherford Co., TN by Rev. S.B. Moore, Dr. John F. Johnson to Fanny M., daughter of James Avent, Esq. John Randle died 12 Aug 1848 at his residence on Standing Rock Creek, Stewart Co., TN, aged 42 years. He was the son of Henry and Anna Randle. He was born in Montgomery County, NC and moved to Tennessee at an early age. He leaves his mother and five children. THE WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Paris, Tennessee October 28, 1870 Adam Gardner of Henderson County is 106 years of age. He was born in North Carolina in 1765. He married, and moved to Tennessee in 1786 and to Henderson County in 1821. He has been there 70 years. They have raised eight children, all married and gone. He and his wife are the sole occupants of their home. The old couple are as jolly as crickets. The old man with the little assistance of the wife in planting, has this year raised enough corn to do them two years. He has saved a 1000 bales of fodder unassisted. He is now directing his energies to saving a tobacco crop. His hearing is a little dull but his promise of life seems good for years yet. Editor's Note - A quick search of census records indicates that the Adam Gardner named in the above article may have been Adam Garner whose wife was Sarah. If the article is accurate, the couple came to Tennessee before statehood and to West Tennessee as soon as it was organized from Indian lands. Those eight children must have descendants who are eligible for a Certificate of Tennessee Ancestry, issued by the Tennessee Genealogical Society upon proof of direct lineage from this pioneer couple.
Winter 1988
DYER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, DEED BOOK A Abstracted from Tennessee State Library and Archives Microfilm, Roll No. 115
Dyer County is part of the Chickasaw Purchase of 1818. It was organized in 1823, and included parts of present Lauderdale and Crockett Counties. Unless otherwise noted, all counties named are in Tennessee, and all land is in Dyer Co. Abbreviations are: A = acres; beg = beginning; reg = registered; wit = witness; piA = Power of Atty; B/S = Bill of Sale; R7, S2 = Range 7, Section 2; ack = acknowledged; adj = adjoining. p. 1 - 14 Sep 1820: Henry RUTHERFORD of Williamson Co to Isaac CURRY of Stewart Co, 600 A on the south side of the South Fork of Forked Deer River, part of a grant to William T. LEWIS for 1490 A.•. cites William HAWKINS' survey, Rutherford's 5000 A survey. Wits: Oliver CRENSHAW, Charles S. McCRORY, Griffith Rutherford. Proven April 1824 by McCrory and Rutherford. wm L. MITCHELL, Clerk. p. 4 - 21 Feb 1824: John Rutherford to Thomas KNIGHT, 66 A on So Fork/Forked Deer River, part of NC grant #209 to John Rutherford dated 1786 ••. Wits: G.L. Rutherford, wm C. CHAMBERS •.• Ack in court April 1824 by John Rutherford. p. 7 - 21 Feb 1824: Henry Rutherford to Griffith Rutherford, agent of Robert MURRAY, B/S for negroes Jesse, Aaron and Mahala, sold as result of a lawsuit (Robert Mur,ray vs Henry Rutherford) but subject to the redemption law of Tennessee. Wits: G.L. Rutherford and Thomas Knight. wm C. Chambers, Constable. p. 8 - 8 Ju1 1788: NC Grant #125 to Archibald MURPHY, 3210 A in the Western Dist. on Obion & north branches of Forked Deer Rivers ••. Benjamin SMITH's northwest and Benjamin McCULLAR's northeast corner. p. 10 - 25 Oct 1783: Warrant #435 issued for the above 3210 A to Arch Murphy, surveyed by H. Rutherford 13 Sep 1785 ... Chain carriers: wm BUSH and John ROBERTSON. Reg in Caswell Co NC Bk F, p. 6 by J. ATKINSON, P.R. p. 11 - 18 Ju1 1823: Edward GWIN, Clerk of Carroll Co, TN certified that the state tax on the above grant had been paid and ordered it registered. 19 Ju1 1823, reg in Bk A, pp 87-88 by L. WHITE, Reg r of said county. 25 Oct 1822: Archibald D. Murphy of Orange Co NC, "surviving devisee of" Archd Murphy, dec d , of Caswell Co, NC to James W. SMITH of Jackson Co TN, PIA to layoff 640 A for wm GASTON of Newbern, NC. Archd Murphy decd, devised all of his real estate to Alexander Murphy & Archd D. Murphy; Alex has since died, leaving Archd D. as surviving devisee. p. 18 Dec 1822: A plat of the same grant was reg in Raleigh, NC and the deed to Gaston acknowledged; certified 28 Jan 1823 by wm ROBARDS, Clerk of Supreme Court of NC; John Lewis TAYLOR, Chief Justice. p. 19 - 2 Sep 1824: Pages 8-19 were examined & reg by
MARTIN, Reg r (of Dyer Co).
p. 20 - 1 Feb 1818: John Rutherford of Sumner Co to Robt P. CURRIN of Williamson Co, one half of a 5000 A tract on the south side of Forked Deer R., granted by NC to Rutherford as Grant 11109, 10 Ju1 1788; Warrant "Twenty hundred and eighty-five" dated 6 May 1784 .•• Wits: Will EDWARDS & Zebulon CANTRELL. Ack in Sumner Co Court Feb 1818, BK 0, P 170 by James DOUGLAS, Reg r & Ge o A. LUCAS, Deputy Reg r • Reg in Stewart Co 15 Sep 1820 in Bk C, p 229, David HOGAN, Reg r . p. 23 - 25 Sep 1823: Charles S. McCRORY & wm McCrory of Williamson Co to Michel L
"Ansearchin'" News
Dyer County, Tennessee, Deed Book A (continued) McCrory of same, 666 2/3 A in Madison Co, 13th Dist., part of a tract granted to Anthony SHARP 10 Jul l788 ••. land lies on the north side of the North Fork of Forked Deer R., adj WID McCrory & Anthony Sharp. Wits: Noble STOCKETT and Thomas McCrory; proven by both wits & reg in Williamson Co Oct 1823, Thos HARDEMAN, Clk. p. 25 - 11 Sep 1823: James McCrory, sr of Washington Co AL to James McCUTCHEN of Williamson Co, 500 A in Madison Co, R7, S2 ... part of Grant #18679 dated 27 Jan 1823 from TN to James McCrory ..• John SWAINEY's line; James McCrory sr gave piA to James McCrory, Jr, who deeded to McCutchen 1 Feb 1823, but the piA has "not been considered sufficient." Therefore, James McCrory sr gives a quit claim deed to McCutchen. Wits: WID McCutchen & Michel L. McCrory. Proven Oct 1823 by both wits; reg in Dyer Co Oct 1824. p. 28 - 5 May 1820: ThoS H. HITER, Eli McGAN, Leonard DUNAVANT, Michel L. McCrory and Joshua FARRINGTON, all of Williamson Co to John SWINEY of same ... 667 A in Carrol Co R7, S2, part of the northwest corner of James McCr---- entry for 2560 A "on a warrant which drew #107 in the preferences for making locations and was located by Mather JOHNSON •.. " Mentions James McCutchen's corner. Wits: Robt C. FOSTER, Jr & John F. SMITH. Proven in Williamson Co 27 Jul 1823 by both wits. p. 31 - 11 Sep 1823: James McCrory, "Seignor" of Washington Co AL to Charles S. McCrory of Williamson Co •.. 412 A in Madison Co in the 13th Surveyor's Dist., R7, S2 .•. Thos POLK's west boundary .•. John SWINEY's northeast corner & southeast corner, part of James McCrory's grant #18679 27 Jan 1820. Wits: James McCutchen & Michael L. McCrory. Proven in Williamson Co Court Oct 1823 by both witnesses. p. 32 - 4 Oct 1824: Michael L. McCrory of Williamson Co to William MARTIN of Dyer Co, 104 A in Dyer Co on the north side of North Fork of Forked Deer R., being part of a grant to Anthony SHARP dated 10 Jul 1788. Wits: John P. BYRON & ThoS NASH, who proved it in Court Oct 1824. p. 34 - Jun 1823: Samuel Montgomery McCORCLE, purchaser under WID McCorcle & Robt McCorcle by his attorney in fact, ThoS ANDERSON to Joseph B. PORTER, 803 A in R6, S4 & 5, part of Grant #17417 issued to Andrew McCorcle of Iredell Co NC. Samuel & Robt McCorc1e hold title to the land by the will of Alexander McCorcle. Wits: M. BARROW, James CARUTHERS & Thos Anderson. Ack Sumner Co court, Aug 1823 by T. Anderson & Sam1 McCorcle, "ordered to be certified to the County where the land lies for Registration." A.H. DOUGLASS, Clerk. p. 36 - 29 Jun 1796: Gen. Benjamin Smith of Belvidere, Brunswick Co NC to Daniel WHEATON, merchant of Wilmington NC, 11 parcels of 5000 A each, lying on the South Fork of Forked Deer R., which were granted to Smith by patents from NC, were surveyed by Henry RUTHERFORD under the direction of James ROBERTSON and which lie in the Territory ceded by NC to the United States .•. 55,000 A for $6600. Wits: Sam J. THURSTON, Sam R. JOCELYN, atty for Daniel Wheaton. Ack in Wilmington by Smith on 15 Oct 1811. S. LOWRIE, J.S.C.L. & E. Certified by Archibald M. HOOKER, Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover Co, NC 15 Oct 1811. Payment of tax due to TN ack by Andrew EWING, Clerk of Davidson Co, TN and Nathan Ewing, Reg r • 14 Apr 1823 reg in Madison Co Bk A, pp 90-92 by Robt HUGHES, Dep. Reg. 14 Ju1 1823 reg in Carroll Co Bk A, pp 67-70 by L.W. WHITE, Reg r • 19 Jun1824 reg in Haywood Co Bk A, pp 10-15 by WID H. HENDERSON, Reg r • p. 41 - 2 Aug 1819: piA from the heirs of James TISDALE, dec d , merchant of Boston, MA
Winter 1988
Dyer County, Tennessee, Deed Book A (continued) to James TISDALE, merchant of Taunton and one of the children of James Tisdale, decd .•. to sell all lands in Tennessee and North Carolina to which James Tisdale, deed, was entitled. Other children and heirs are: Simeon Tisdale, Edward Dean Tisdale, Barny Tisdale and Daniel Tisdale, all merchants of Newport, RI, Sterling W. Tisdale, mariner of Boston; Deborah, wife of Enoch HARTON, baker of New Bedford; Maria and Abigail T. Tisdale, unmarried women of Newport ... Enoch Harton and Deborah Tisdale, widow of James, also are heirs .•. Daniel WHEATON, deed, was "concerned in Business" with James Tisdale, deed., Deborah, widow of James, deed, relinquished right to dower. Signed by Barny, Maria, Abigail T., Deborah & Daniel Tisdale, and Deborah & Enoch Harton. Wits: Benj B. MUMFORD & William HUNTER ••. Proven by Mumford, Justice of Newport, RI and Providence Plantation, and by Hunter 13 Nov 1819; recorded by H.Y. CRANSTON, Clerk. Daniel DENHARN, Justice of Court of Common Pleas, certified the record ..• Reg in Madison Co, TN Bk A, pp 92-95 by Robert HUGHES, Dep. Reg r for John T. PORTER, Reg r on 15 Apr 1823. Registered in Carroll Co, TN 16 Jul l823 ... Reg r name not given. Registered in Haywood Co, TN Bk A, pp 23-27 on 22 Jun 1824 by WID H. HENDERSON. (Pages 46-112 are devoted to the settlement of the estates of James Tisdale and Dan l Wheaton. To save space only genealogical data and some explanation will be given.)
p. 46 Jul 1821: Supreme Court of Errors & Appeals for the 4th Judicial Circuit Nashville, TN. James Tisdale, formerly of Boston, MA, for the heirs of James Tisdale, deed, intestate vs Sterling Wheaton & John Lord Wheaton of Williamson Co, minor children and heirs of Daniel Wheaton, deed, intestate, and John WHITE and Robert HODGES, counsel for the defendants. 3 Oct 1821 the case was heard before Judges Robert WHITE, John HAYWOOD and Thomas EMMERSON, from which the following facts are taken: In 1790 James Tisdale & Daniel Wheaton formed a partnership to do business in Wilmington and Fayetteville, NC. Tisdale furnished the merchandise, property and money; Wheaton had active management and moved from Rhode Island to Wilmington. Both were to share equally in profits and losses. Wheaton purchased large amounts of land in Sumner, Williamson, Maury, Dickson & Bedford Counties, and Grantors included Isaac & Elizabeth McCAMMON, John DIXON, Stokeley DONELSON, Benjamin SMITH and Alexander McCALL. Many deals were started but not yet final, including one with Martin ARMSTRONG. In 1788 Wheaton & Tisdale met in Fayetteville, NC and conveyed to Tisdale one-half of the 55,000 A tract on Forked Deer R and half of the land in Dickson, Bedford & Maury Cos. Tisdale returned to Boston and died in October, having left all of the papers for Wheaton to record. The papers remained with Wheaton until his death in 1805 when Calvin Wheaton was appointed Administrator. Calvin died intestate, and Daniel's children are minors and WID WILKINSON of Williamson Co was appointed their Guardian. The Tisdale heirs want the Wheaton heirs to produce the deeds, titles, records etc. The Wheaton heirs rebut, saying they have turned over to the Court all the papers they have; the deed to 55,000 A on Forked Deer & 5000 on Duck R. were sent by Calvin Wheaton to H. NEWMAN, agent for Messrs BLAKE & GREENE of Boston in 1811. Mary GILMORE/GILMON has filed suit for foreclosure of a mortgage on land on the Forked Deer & Duck Rivers. Wheaton heirs have placed in the hands of Jn o C. McLEMORE & James VAUX warrants yet to be located, but belonging to the firm; also placed with John HIGHTOWER other warrants. Persons who had some dealing with the principals of the case are: Thomas WILLIAMSON, Abraham MAURY, Daniel Wheaton & Thomas HICKMON (p 57); George HODGE, Peter POTTS, John MAIRS; Thos Williamson, who died testate, left land to his son John Williamson (p 59); John MANN & Philemon HODGES (p 66); Colin McDANIEL (p 69); Military Warrant #103 issued to the heirs of Henry PHILLIPS, #5043 issued to the heirs of
"Ansearchin'" News
Dyer County, Tennessee, Deed Book A (continued) John COATS, also #4199 in the name of Andrew McDANIEL (p 72); Samuel WEAKLEY and Sion HUNT, surveyors (p 74); Will. B.G. KILLINGSWORTH, Sugars McLEMORE, James CARRUTHERS, Adam B. ALEXANDER, N.B. PINSON, Ephraim B. DAVIDSON, Henry RUTHERFORD, James BROWN, John HIGHTOWER and wm L. MITCHEL, Commissioners to divide the land (p 76). p. 77 - July 1822: This case was heard further on 28 Aug 1822 before Judges John HAYES & Jacob PECK. Page 80 contains a surveyor's plat of two parcels of land sold by Daniel & Calvin WHEATON to WILLIAMSON, MAURY et al. James TRIMBLE & Ge o W. GIBBS are appointed to sell at public auction the remaining 2195 A in Maury & Williamson Cos. Robt H. DYER, wm HARRIS and John PALKER are added to the list of Commissioners to divide the land (p 83). p. 84 - July 1823: Mary Wheaton, devisee of Sterling Wheaton, deed. Case heard before Judges wm L. Brown, Robt WHITE & Jacob Peck on 26 Aug 1823; description of property survey includes the names of John Brown, Benjamin SMITH, Archd MURPHY & David CROFFORD. Pages 92 & 93 are given to a plat showing Tisdale Cr., Turke~ Cr., Line Cr., Wheaton Cr., and Indian Camp Cr., all of which flow into the South Fork of Forked Deer River from the south. Some names of creeks may have been changed, but all are located in northwest Haywood Co, TN. Property owners on the plat are: Griffith Rutherford, John Rutherford, Benjamin Smith, David CRAWFORD, John Brown, E. Davidson, W. SiT. LEWIS and David SHELTON. p. 95 - Persons involved in the land sale in Maury Co were: Gideon BLACKBURN, H. SHAW, Smith & BRASTER, STOCKHART & JOHNSTON, GRISSUM, HARLIN. Persons in Williamson Co were: HODGE, Hunt, STANLY, McEWEN, Williamson & HARRIS. p. 99 - 9 Feb 1824: Reports of the property division were certified by Randal MGAVOCK, Clerk of Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals. Reg Haywood Co 20 Jun 1824. p. 100 - 13 Sep 1819: piA from heirs of Tisdale to George W. Gibbs & Francis B. FOGG of Nashville to-Collect money due from Wheaton's estate & to sell lands as they direct him. Wits: J.S. KINGSBURY & John S. TOPP; reg in Davidson Co & proven by James Tisdale July l822 ... reg in Madison Co 17 Apr 1823, in Carroll Co 18 Jul 1823, and in Haywood Co 17 Jan 1825. p. 104 - 1 Mar 1825: The heirs of James Tisdale to George W. Gibbs & Francis B. Fogg one fifth part of all lands inherited by them "in consideration of the sum of five Dollars to us in hand paid." Lands not already described include: 640 A lying on the south side of Cumberland R. & on both sides of lower main west fork of Barlow's/Benton's Cr. above Gen. NASH's line, Grant #1471 to John DIXON in Dickson Co; 640 A on the west side of the west fork of Jones Cr ..• Jason THOMPSON's northwest corner & Samuel RUSSELL's corner ... Grant #1486 to John Dixon in Dickson Co; 1000 A in Maury Co south of Duck R. on the west fork of the east fork of Big Tombigby Cr •.. Anderson Hunt's corner, 4 miles south of Gen. GREENE's southwest corner ••• Nicholas LONG's line ... James PEARSALL's corner .•• James CAMPBELL's line ••• Grant #215 to John Dixon; 5000 A in Bedford Co about 2 miles above the old Indian War Road & 1 mi. east of War Trace Fork of Duck R., Grant #297 to Stokley DONELSON •.• John G. & Thomas BLOUNT"s corner; 3840 A in Williamson Co on the waters of Big Harpeth R. on the little south trace, formerly known as Capt Thos EVANS service right, purchased from Isaac & Elizabeth McCAMMON, Grant #503 ••• Thomas (continued on page 182)
Winter 1988
1847 PETITION FROM GRUNDY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Submitted by Wanda Gant (Mrs. Harrison) 112 West End Avenue McMinnville, TN 37110
Listed below are persons who signed a petition to make Altamont the county seat of Grundy County on 20 Oct 1847: Johnathan Tipton Elihue Northcut Archibald Northcut John Tipton Thomas King George W Bond Martin F Walker Henry Jones Noah Jones Jr Samuel Edmondson E L Walker John Dugan Jr James Levan Ballard J Willson W B Oliver James C Adams Martin Dykes Simeon Savage W M Tate James Vickers John Fitspatrick Marion Tate James Tate Jr Warren Savage William Fitspatrick Elon H Tate Stephen Perry Marridetta T [sic] James Perry Zedekiah Walker Terrill Rogers John Gross Robert Dugan Jonas Gross John Oliver Henderson Levan Robert Jones Jr Robert Lockhart Sanders Dykes Richard M Stepp Aaron Boling T T Levan John J. Walker Noah Bost John Dykes Jr William H Bost John Perry John R Bost William Perry Ambrose Killyon John Dugan sr Johnathan Bost William C Lockhart M D L Bost James Vickers Jr William M Bost Jesse Nunly Jeremiah A Walker Glover Ransom Jeremiah Walker Washington Ramsom James C Walker Joseph Clay John J Walker sr Lawson Gross James Bond Henry Levan John Bond Bartlett W Bond Asa Gross William S C Walker Joseph Vicars Will T Bond William Perry sr Isham Dykz Samuel Perry John Dykes Samuel Savage John Levan Paschall Ransom William Smith Joseph Smart William Stonner John Smart Jr Samuel Green Adrain Smart Mordica Green Adrain Hobbs John Smart John Anglin Will Smart Jefferson Willson Wiliford Nunly Johnathan Scott
Adam Nunly Comodore Nunly Alexander Nunly Christopher Hobbs Richard Hobbs sr Richard Hobbs Jr Reuben Hobbs John Argo John Thompson James Thompson Hamilton Johnson Ezekiel Hobbs Joseph Tipton John Northcut Isham Dykes William Dugan Robin Tate Aaron Tate Peter Yates William Yates John Yates Jefferson Croslin James Croslin John Croslin Jefferson Croslin sr Asberry Tate Isaac Jones John G Tate Silas Lankford James Lockhart John Lockhart Abraham Jones J G Tate Davidson Tate James Tate P H Tate C G Tate M P Tate Stephen Marler JAB Marler Jackson Tate Holman Lockhart Mitchell Walters William B Sites James W Tate Jesse Savage
William Thompson Arch~bald Thompson James Stringer Thomas Martin Thomas Scott Henry Stoner John Stoner Archibald Stoner Joseph Nunl~y John Hobbs Jr John Hobbs sr Will Nunly Moses S Cowan Adam Fults John Fults Henry Stoner [sic] Alphred Fults H A Campbell Daniel Lane Jesse Crouch Andrew Gross Stephen Calton T Calton John Gilly Ezekiel Low Moses A Campbell Duncan Low Westley Lane William K Carlton John Carlton Gideon Gilly Daniel Fultz Smith Fultz Thomas Webb Riley Adams Lararus Adams Casper Myers Squ~re Hunter Hugh Johnson Joshua Horton Christopher Myers Jr Calamay Myers Samuel Hunter Jr Norman B Griswold H Myers Randall Oliver H W S Levan
"Ansearchin'" News
1847 Petition from Grundy County, Tennessee (continued) Elisha Walker Al£!!red Parks Elijah Parks John Parks John Patrick Stephen M Griswold Anderson Northcut John Rice Jessee Rice Joseph Rice Willson Purdom Eli Hamby Edmond Martin Washington Hamby William Hamby James Coulson M? R Onen William Fults Libburn Fults
Houston Hammon William Crouch James R Camel Washington Smith Elisha Purdom Adam Harmon John Myers Randolph My!.es ~i~rod Jolly William Camel Nathan Fults James Richey William A Griswold John Clay Anderson Lockhart Davis Adams John Lockhart Al£!!red Calton Cyrus Calton
Jackson Coulson John Horton Ephraim Hamby Archibald Camill Joseph Webb James Campbell Moses Pitman Howard Crouch Elijah Crouch Anderson Crouch Asa Camel William Camel Jr George Sites Andrew L Sites William STate Daniel Adams William Marler William Walters Elisha Tate
Elon Tate
Robert Tate John J Tate J D Hicks J R Smith Micajah Richy Samuel Gross William Gross Dickerson Low Robertson Jones Thomas Vickers Hasting Savage E Coulson Josiah Croslin _____ Woods
(End of Petition)
Memphis/Shelby County Tennessee Archives (continued from p. 158) Howard, John insolvent Horns/Hams/Hanes, Capt. a foreigner Harkleroad, Danl oath of payment Hicks, Jos/Jas insolvent Hall, E. unknown Jones, Wm insolvent gon James, Joseph ky insolvent Isham, Joel insolvent gon Love, Isaac in Chickasaw Nation Marin/Mann, John insolvent gon Mullens, Bird insolvent gon Morrison, removed unknown Moore, John B. Chickasaw Nation Oldham, Greenberry removed Powell, Willie insolvent Pickerson, Edmond insolvent Reed, Lenard insolvent Robison, John insolvent gon Smith, David Capt. Shull, tailor ranaway Spain, James D insolvent
Shearly, E. insolvent Stewart, W.G. insolvent ded Shelton, Wm insolvent Thamps?, I insolvent Taylor, _ Tompkins, _ down Miss insolvent West, gon unknown whare Watkins, Hezekiah gon to Ark Word, Pleasant removed Williams, Wm Big Ck ranaway Watson, John insolvent gon Welch, David insolvent MColester, insolvent ded Neol, Wm insolvent Isham, James insolvent Murry, C. Redding, Joseph insolvent gon Adair, tailor insolvent Lewis, Anthony insolvent gon Ishams, L.S. Strange, _ Ky
Winter 1988
(1863 - 1864) By Ms. Joyce McKibben Reference Librarian, Brister Library Memphis State University, Memphis, TN 38152 (Continued from Fall issue)
The Daily Appeal - 1863 Abernathy, William A Adams, G H Adams, L Adams, R B Alearsby, D Alexander, Leah Reagan Allabrook, W Allen, John Alley, A J Ammons, G D Amos, Thomas Armor, J M Arnold, P E Autrey, J L (Lt Col) Autry, James L (Lt Col) Baker, J P Balfour, Samuel Newman Bankston, S M Baptiste, A Baptiste, A (Sgt) Baradell, J Barbarin, P W (Lt) Barbour, J M Baremore, J W Barfield, Daniel Barksdale, G W (Lt) Barron, Parthenia Barrow, Thomas Barton, C D Barton, L W (Sgt) Barton, Louis Bates, Joseph C Bayliss, T Y (Maj) Bealy, J A Beard, J Beasley, S A Beckett, Newton J Beecham, Isaac Bennett, R V Bennett, W H Benson, Early (Maj) Benson, James Bevell, -- G Bickham, Kate May Bingham, Green Bishop, L W Bishop, W C Blackmore, A J Blackstone, B C Blackwood, R H Blanton, Joseph Blodgett, W H (Sgt)
Date, Page and Column
20 Ja 1:4 20 Ja 1:3 26 No 1:6 11 My 2:8 20 Ja 1:5 19 Mr 2:8 17 Mr 2:2 11 My 2:8 20 Ja 1:4 20 Ja 1:5 9 Mr 1:7 17 Mr 2:2 20 Jl 2:4 20 Ja 1:5 29 Ja 1:5 23 Fe 2:8 13 20 29 20 1
20 2 17 2 20 2 26 20 20 2
27 12 1
2 17 11
23 20 9 15 17 26 17 20 20 17 2 11
17 17
Ap 2: 8 Jl 2:4 Ja 1:5 Ja 1:5 De 2:6 Ja 1:5 Fe 2:7 Ja 2:4 Ja 1:1 Ja 1:4 My 2:7 No 1:6 Ja 1:5 Ja 1:3 Ja 1:1 Fe 2:7 Fe 2:2 De 2:6 Fe 2:7 Mr 2:7 My 2:3 Fe 2:2 Ja 1:3 Mr 1:7 Ap 2:7 Mr 2:7 No 1:6 Ap 2:7 Ja 1:5 Ja 1:3 Mr 2:2 Fe 2:7 My 2:8 Ja 2:4 Mr 2:2 Ja 1:3
Bolton, J M Borkner, John Bowers, Jeremiah Lewis Bowers, Philip Henry Bowers, Sintha Ellen Bradham, D L (Capt) Bradley, Charles W Bratton, H L W (Col) Braun, H H Brewton, P M Bricken, William Bridges, P C Bridges, P C Brimme, William Bradwell, H F Brougher, F M Brown, Bedford Brown, N E (Mrs) Browner, J A Browning, J W Bruden, R C Buchanan, J P Buffington, Moses Bunch, A M (Lt) Burcket, J H Bureh, Thomas Burke, W B Burns, Newton M Butler, Minor Callender, Jas. Cameron, W L Campbell, J C (Maj) Campbell, M R Campbell, T C Cannon, W W Canterbury, Capurs, W 0 (Lt) Carmichael, G W Carter, George H Carter, J W Cartwright, Samuel A (Dr) Cassell, Thomas Cathey, C H Cato, W Cato, W B Cawan, W P Cenas, Blaise C (Lt) Chapin, John T Charlton, Laura Chase, Nelson D Chew, Robert E (Maj) Clark, Clark, Dan D
26 No 1:6 9 Mr 1:7 18 18 18 13 23 29 13 11
17 20 29 17 13 20 23 30 29 17 17 1 17 20 9 2 9 20 23
Mr Mr Mr Dc Fe Ja Dc My Mr Ja Ja
Mr Dc Ja Fe Ja Ja Mr Mr Jl
Mr Ja Mr Ja Mr Ja Fe
1 Jl
20 Ja 11 My 20 Jl 29 Ja 26 No 2 Fe 2 Ja 20 Ja 18 Mr 13 Dc
2:8 2:8 2:8 1:5 2:2 2:1 1:5 2:8 2:7 1:5 1:5 2:2 1:5 1:4 2:2 2:5 1:5 2:2 2:2 2:5 2:2 1:4 1:7 1:1 1:7 1:4 2:2 2:5 1:4 2:8 2:4 1:5 1:6 2:7 1:1 1:4 2:8 1:5
4 My 2:7 9 22 29 20 11
20 9 14 26 2 23 13
Mr Ja Ja Ja My Ja Mr Ap No Fe Fe Oc
1:7 2:4 1:5 1:5 2:8 1:5 1:7 2:7 1:6 2:7 2:2 1:5
11 Clark, S W 17 Clark, W M 11 Clarskey, W D 17 Clary, J W (Dr) Claybrooke, 1 Fred (Maj) 9 Cleveland, T J 2 Cluson, W W 9 Cobb, Jas. 2 Cobb, S W 26 Cobble, Lewis 9 Cogar, L H 24 Cole, P H (Maj) 20 Coleman, B (Sgt) Coleman, G N 2 20 Coleman, J Collins, Joseph 26 1 Canavan, John (Sgt) Cook, R 17 3 Cooke, Ned Davidson Cooper, Elizabeth Ann Carey 10 Cooper, Elizabeth Ann Cary 17 Cooper, H H 13 Cooper, W D 17 29 Cosby, D A Covington, M L (Sgt) 1 Cox, W A 13 Crane, Robert E (Dr) 4 Crane, Robert E (Dr) 23 Creighton, Jno. R J (Capt) 14 Cremor, W A 17 Crocket, T 0 3 Crow, Frank M 14 2 Crowson, D 20 Culhane, M 23 Cunningham, S J 2 Curtis, W N Curtis, Willie S 24 1 Daniel, Robert A " II (Capt) 30 Danumbar, J B 3 Davidson, A J 3 Davie, Ambrose 27 Davis, Milton 26 Dayton, William Henry 8 Dean, Thomas M 25 3 Denney, J R Dennis, Chas. 2 Depriest, J S 17 11 Desmark, H C Deterly, C K 4 Dallier, J L 11
My Mr My Ap
2:8 2:7 2:8 2: 7
Jl Mr Ja Mr Fe No Mr Ja Jl Fe Ja No De Mr No
2:5 1:7 1:1 1:7 2:7 1:6 1:7 1:2 2:4 2:7 1:5 1:6 2:6 2:7 2:7
Mr 2:7 Mr 2:8 Oc 1:5 Ja 2:4 Ja 1:5 Jl 2:5 Dc 1:5 Ap 2:7 Mr 2:7 Ja Mr De De Fe Jl Fe Fe Fe My Ap De De Mr No Ag De De Ja Mr My No My
2:1 2:2 2:6 2:6 2:7 2:4 2:2 2:7 2:8 2:7 2:7 2:6 2:6 2:8 1:6 2:7 2:6 2:6 1:1 2:2 2:8 2:6 2:8
"Ansearchin'" News
Index to Obituaries in "The Appeal" (continued) Dood, Richard Doty, John 0 Dowd, Willie Frank Downs, W E Duncan, Johnson K (Gen) Duncan, Lucy D Duncan, M R (Sgt) Dunn, Amanda Jane Dunn, H Duren, J D Dyson, Jessie Heard Eden, Michael Edwards, M C (Lt) "
Edwards, W W Egan, J C Ellis, J L Ellison, J P Elmore, David Exum, Kinchen Ezell, H A Fande, Arthur Farme1, WM Farquett, J M Farrell, Thomas Ferger, Ben Ferrell, F Fester, D A Finch, J Fine, R Fipps, Joseph Fisher, J C Fit1er, Sarah L Fitzgerra1d, Asa V Fletcher, R Forbs, D Forgy, John T Foster, A J Foster, David Foster, J D French, R 0 Freret, John (Capt) Fulkerson, Y N Furne11, M T Fuster, M H Futrell, D J Gable, R J Gammel, R M Garner, James Garner, James Ge11, W L Gillespie, David A (Col) Gimmons, John Girard, Julius Gloster, James Otey (Sgt) Glover, Ruth Talmadge Goodloe, Richard Wister
13 Oc 1:5 17 Ap 2: 7 10 Je 2:8 29 Ja 1:5
7 Ja 1 My 29 Ja 27 Mr 2 Fe 2 Fe 6 Fe 26 No 20 Ja 29 Ja 17 Mr 2 Fe 18 Je 26 No 20 Ja 4 My 17 Mr 17 Mr 20 Ja 9 Mr 9 Mr
2:5 2:7 1:5 2:8 2:7 2:7 2:8 1:6 1:5 1:5 2:2 2:7 2:7 1:6 1:4 2:7 2:2 2:2 1:3 1:7 1:7 1 Jl 2:5 9 Mr 1:7 11 My 2:8 17 Mr 2:2 26 No 1:6 9 Mr 1:7 2 Fe 2:7 21 Ap 2:7 26 No 1:6 17 Mr 2:2 17 Mr 2:2 20 Ja 1:4 17 Mr 2:2 26 No 1:6 11 My 2:8 20 Ja 1:4 20 Fe 2:8 26 No 1:6 17 Fe 2: 8 9 Mr 1:7 9 Mr 1:7 20 Ja 1:4 23 Fe 2:2 20 Ja 1:5 29 Ja 1:5 11 My 2:8 9 No 2:7
26 No 1:6 17 Mr 2:2 24 Ja 1:2 15 Ag 2:7 15 Ap 2: 7
Goodrich, B R Goodwin, M Grace, J M (Sgt) Graves, C W Graves, M V Gravett, J N Gray, K C Grayson, W B Green, William B Grider, John S Griffin, J B Griffith, William Guthrie, C B H Hale, S Hale, William Hall, A M (Mrs) Hall, C S (Lt) Hall, Jas. B. Hall, John A Hall, W A Hamilton, W C Hammel, Rouse Hammons, J B Hampton, P J Hanco*ck, William Hanson, Roger Wrightman (Gen) Hardin, Newton Harper, D Harrell, John Harrison, Andrew Haynes Harrison, B K (Sgt) Harrison, Mary Eliza Hartfield, J H Hawes, Thomas Hay, Susan Matilda Haynes. E W Hearn, James D Heffington, J N Hegan, Michael Helm, Storking Herring, H P (Sgt) Herring, L M Hester, Virginia C Hill, John Hill, W W Hines, J D Hogg, William N (Capt) Holeman, Wayne Hollis, William Holly, F M Holmes, J B W Holt, J S Hoover, B F Hor1ey, Jas. Horton, George P Howard, W B Howell, J S Hudson, J Hunt, George
6 17 17 17
Oc Mr Mr Mr Ja Mr Fe Fe Ja Se Fe No Mr Mr No Mr Ja Mr No Mr Ja No Oc Fe Oc
2:7 2:2 2:2 2:2 1:5 1:7 2:7 2:2 1:4 2:5 2:7 1:6 2:2 1:7 1:6 2:8 1:3 1:7 1:6
18 Fe 13 Oc 2 Fe 17 Mr
2:8 1:5 2:7 2:2
29 9
2 23 20 24 2 26 17 9
26 19 20 9
26 17
20 26 13 2 13
1:3 1:6 1:5 2:7 1:5
21 Ag 2:7 18 Je 2:7 28 No 2:6 13 Oc 1:5 9 Mr 1:7 30 Ja 2:6 3 De 2:6 26 No 1:6 2 Fe 2:7 20 Ja 1:5 11 My 2:8 13 Oc 1:5 17 Fe 2:8 25 Ap 2:7 23 Fe 2:2 3 De 2:6 9 Mr 1:7 5 Ag 2:7
20 20 20 17 23 26 9
25 17 20 9
Ja Ja Ja Mr Fe No Mr Fe Mr Ja Mr No
1:3 1:5 1:4 2:2 2:2 1:6 1:7 2:8 2:2 1:4 1:7 1:6
Hurt, John E Ingersoll, --- (Sgt) Ingraham, Frank Irby, W B Irwin, Emily Taylor Itey, W G Jacobs, J W Jacobs, W J James, W C James, William Johnson, B Johnson, G W Johnson, H C Johnson, J S Johnson, Jasper Joins, K M Jones, J Jones, John Jones, John W Jr Jordan, E F Kelly, Isaac C Kendrick, Jacob Kent, Adolph (Lt) King, E King, Elmira Lutittia King, James Kirkland, William Knapp, Cyrus S Lambeth, R Lane, Joe Lan1on, J Lawrence, J W Lawson, B Leroy, W T Leuchinier, J C Lewellyn, F Lewis, H Lewis, W M Light, M F M Lilly, W H (Maj) Lipscomb, George W Little, J J Locke, J H Loffin, L Logan, J S Longstreet, James Lopez, Lego Loving, J Lowry, John E Lums1y, R G McDonald, Gordon Lyon Malone, J F Manner, J H Manning, W B Marris, William Mars, L B Martin, Clark White Martin, H Mason, W Matthews, J L
17 Mr 2:2 20 Ja 1:5 11 My 2:8 20 Ja 1:4 23 Se 2:6 9 Mr 1:7 16 Ja 2:3 20 Ja 1:4 17 Mr 2:2 13 Oc 1:5 20 Ja 1:4 3 De 2:6 20 Jl 2:4 13 Oc 1:5 26 No 1:6 26 No 1:6 2 Fe 2:7 3 De 2:6 20 Ja 1:4 2 Fe 2:7 20 Ja 1:3 18 Je 2:7 20 Ja 1:5 29 Ja 1:5 30 Mr 2:7 20 Ja 1:5 17 Mr 2:2 3 Mr 2:8 17 Mr 2:2 20 Ja 1:3 13 Oc 1:5 9 Mr 1:7 2 Fe 2:7 2 Fe 2:7 26 No 1:6 11 My 2:8 2 Fe 2:7 11 My 2:8 20 Ja 1:4 23 Fe 2:2 14 Ap 2:8 20 Ja 1:5 17 Mr 2:2 2 Fe 2:7 20 J1 2:4 17 Mr 2:2 17 Mr 2:2 17 Mr 2:2 30 De 2:6 20 Ja 1:4 8 9 13 9 1
Ap Mr Oc Mr Jl
2 Fe 9 My 13 Oc 26 No 9 Mr
2:7 1:7 1:5 1:7 2:5 2:7 2:8 1:5 1:6 1:7
Winter 1988
Index to Obituaries in "The Appeal" (continued) Maxey, J H 17 McArthur, E 2 McC1earn, J B 20 McC1een, C 23 McClusky, Samuel 17 McCord, Jas. 2 McCormick, Hugh 26 McCracken, G W 26 McCraw, J H 13 McDaniel, W A (Lt) 20 McDonald, Chas. 23 McGill, Theodore L 26 McIntyre, W J 17 McKinney, J R 20 McLoary, S M 2 McManus, Annie 18 McNight, W R 29 McPherson, William 17 McRea, P L 20 Meeks, W D (Sgt) 17 Meyers, 'W C 26 Midgett, W H 20 Miller, J 11 Miller, W C 3 Millsap, R 23 Mitchell, R H 9 Montgomery, Mary Crocket 27 Montgomery, Mary E 20 Moore, A G 17 20 Moore, W C Moorehead, H Clay 20 Mordecai, Waller (Lt) 2 " " "3 Morgan, G W 9 Morgan, John H (Capt) 17 Morgan, William E (Lt Col) 24 Morton, George W 26 Mosely, J F (Lt) 29 Mourton, F C 9 Mullin, W G 3 Munford, E H 6 Murr, John 26 Murr, W D 26 Namot, J 2 Neal, J 17 Neice, J R 17 Neil, William S 9 Nelson, S S 2 Nelson, Susan 11 Newton, F 9 Nicholson, W S 20 Nipper, Newton 9 Noah, J N 26 Norris, R A 4 Owen, D W (Lt) 29 Owens, John 9 Parker, E D 26 Parks, J 2 Parks, John 18
Mr Fe Ja Fe Mr Ja No No Oc Ja Fe Fe Mr Ja Fe Fe Ja Mr Ja Ja No Ja My De Fe Mr
2:2 2:7 1:4 2:2 2:2 1:1 1:6 1:6 1:5 1:4 2:2 2:8 2:7 1:3 2:7 2:8 1:5 2:2 1:5 2:4 1:6 1:4 2:8 2:6 2:2 1:7
Ap Ja Ja Ja Ja Oc Oc Mr
2:7 2:6 2:4 1:3 1:4 2:6 2:7 1:7
Ja 2:4 Ja No Ja Mr De Mr No No Fe Mr Mr Mr Ja No Mr Ja Mr No No Ja Mr No Ja Je
1:2 1:6 1:5 1:7 2:6 2:7 1:6 1:6 2:7 2:2 2:2 1:7 1:1 2:7 1:7 1:4 1:7 1:6 2:6 1:5 1:7 1:6 1:1
Patterson, George 20 Pegg, William 17 Pepper, Charles M (Capt) 28 Perkins, Susan H. Dupree 23 Peters, D 9 Pettigru, (Capt) 1 Peyton, R L Y 10 Pickens, J H 17 Pierson, William H 9 Plants, C 1 Plaster, J S 17 Poindexter, Thomas 2 Polland, R H 20 Pope, R H 17 Proudfit, William 19 Quenichette, Susie 21 Quin, Martha 17 Quinn, Chas. W (Sgt) 20 Ragland, Fletcher (Lt) 27 Reaves, William P. (Col) 14 Reayes, J 2 Reedy, JAB 2 Reese, J W 20 Reid, Thomas 2 Reynolds, W H 20 Roberts, P S 21 Roberts, P S (Sgt) 20 Robertson, Christopher W (Maj) 1 Robinson, M 11 Robinson, Peter 9 Robuck, E W 17 Rockholt, W H 20 Roden, M D 23 Ross, J A 2 Ross, Jno. F (Sgt) 18 Ross, M E 20 Ross, W B (Maj) 14 Rosse11e, Florence Louiese 19 Roykin, R 2 Royster, William G 12 Rutledge, A 29 Satts, John 26 Sayle, W E (Sgt) 20 Scott, Florence Granbury 21 Seagabe, --11 Sedy, Newton 13 Sensabaugh, W C 26 Sevy, H 2 Shackelford, J W 11 Shackelford, M B 26 Shamble, H T 17 Sharp, Boston 26 Sharp, J C 20 Shelton, B W 17 Shelton, George R (Lt) 17
J1 2:4 Mr 2:7 De 2:6 Ap Mr J1 Se Mr Mr De Mr Fe Ja Ja No Fe Ap Ja Oc
2:8 1:7 2:5 2:7 2:2 1:7 2:6 2:2 2:8 2:4 2:4 2:6 2:8 2:7 1:3 2:7
De Ja Fe Ja Fe J1 Ja Ja
2:6 1:1 2:7 1:6 2:7 2:4 2:5 1:4
Oc My Mr Mr Ja Fe Fe Je Ja Ja
2:7 2:8 1:4 2:2 1:3 2:2 2:7 2:7 1:5 2:5
Ja Fe Fe Ja No Ja
2:5 2:7 2:7 1:5 1:6 1:4
J1 2:7
My Oc No Ja My No Mr No Ja Mr
2:8 1: 5
1:6 1:1 2:8 1:6 2:2 1:6 1:3 2:2
Mr 2:7
Shelton, K S Shelton, R R Shipley, James N Si1es, S E Simmons, G E Sisson, R F Slaughter, R J Smith, R L Smith, Sevior Smith, Simon Smith, T Smith, W H Smith, W 0 Sneddy, David M Spence, J W Spencer, R S Spivey, E D Springfield, A Stapleton, G W Starks, S S Statroth, F (Sgt) Steen, Albert Stephenson, W B Stewart. J C Stewart, William Stilley, M M (Mrs) Stokes, A Street, Fannie Strother, J Stuart, 0 E Sullinger, J L Swayzo, Thomas Clark Talbert, Hillary G Talbert, Hi110ry G Talbert , James W(Dr) Talbot, H G Tanner, Henry Tanner, Michael Tappen, P (Lt) Tar1ey, J E Tatum, John Taylor, A J Taylor, D B Taylor, Fannie Vanner Taylor, J C Taylor, Jno. Taylor, Pari1ee Tec1ess, W E Temple, Mary M Temple, Miles Thomas, Jas. Thompson, F M Thompson, H C Thompson, John G (Maj) Thompson, R S Thompson, S E Thorn, Edward Hezekiah Tilghman, W J Tilley, J W
2 2 26 29 2 17 23 11
26 17 11 9
2 26 17 20 26 17 26 9
Fe Ja No Ja Fe Mr Fe My No Mr My Mr Fe No Mr Ja Oc Mr No Mr
20 J1 13 Oc 29 Ja 9 Mr 9 Mr 3 Fe 26 No 7 Mr 2 Fe 11 My 17 Mr 25 Ap 14 Ap 20 Fe 7 Mr 20 Ja 17 Mr 17 Mr 11 My 20 Ja 3 De 11 My 23 Fe
2:7 1:1 1:6 1:5 2:7 2:2 2:2 2:8 1:6 2:2 2:8 1:7 2:7 1:6 2:2 1:4 2:7 2:2 1:6 1: 7
2:4 1: 5
1:5 1:7 1:7 2:8 1:6 2:8 2:7 2:8 2:7 2:7 2:8 2:8 2:8 1:4 2:2 2:2 2:8 1:4 2:6 2:8 2:2
18 Mr 2:8 26 No 1:6 1 J1 2:5 27 Fe 2:7 23 Fe 2:2 10 No 2:7 10 No 2:7 1 J1 2:5 26 No 1:6 23 Fe 2:2 7 De 2:6 17 Mr 2:2 29 Ja 1:5
30 Ap 2:7 11 My 2:8
26 No 1:6
"Ansearchin'" News
180 Index to Obituaries in "The Appeal" (continued) Tilly, J Tindel, J W Tinner, J Trist, J Bringier Trusler, J (Sgt) Turner, Thomas H Tust, A J Tutten, Alexander Tyson, J H Vaden, William P Varwood, --- (Lt) Vaughn, George Walker, Henry Walker, John Walker, Thomas (Capt) Wall, William Winans Wallace, H D Wallace, J E Wallace, Josh
17 20 2 20 20 17 17 17 2 2 20 17 20
Mr Ja Fe Ja Ja Mr Mr Mr Ja De Fe Jl Mr Ja
2: 2 1:4 2:7 1:5 1:3 2:2 2:2 2:2 1:1 2:7 2:7 2:4 2:2 1:5
29 2 20 2 9
Ag Mr Ja Fe Mr
2:7 2:8 1:4 2:7 1:7
Waller, E M Walters, Samuel Walton, James F Watkins, James Nelson (Capt) Watson, N D Watson, Priscilla Watson, S Y Watson, William Young Watts, J P Webb, George Weeks, S S Wells, William A Welsh, William Wensor, A J White, A J Whittemore, Henry S Whittle, J H Williams, Anne M
20 Ja 1:3 26 No 1:6 11 No 2:7
28 Dc 2:7 11 My 2:8
18 Ap 1:8 12 Fe 2:2 28 Mr 2:8 13 Dc 1:5 9 Mr 1:7 11 My 2:8
13 Oc 2:6
20 Ja 1:3 9 Mr 1:7 20 Ja 1:4 3 Ap 2:8 20 Ja 1:3 21 Se 2:4
Williams, Ben Williams, G W (Sgt) Williams, K (Capt) Williams, L S Williams, WAC Williamson, George Wilson, Carter Wilson, J B Wilson, W J D Wood, P N Woodrell, J H Wright, Eldridge L (Capt) Wynne, William Yason, John Young, H A Young, J H Young, John
20 20 20 9 20 25 23 29 20 17
Ja Jl Ja Mr Ja Mr Oc Fe Ja Ja Mr
1:4 2:4 1:4 1:7 1:4 2:8 1:5 2:2 1:5 2:5 2:2
7 26 26 23 9 17
Ja Fe No Fe Mr Mr
2:1 2:8 1:6 2:2 2:2 2:2
The Daily Bulletin - 1863 Adams, James 22 Alder, Martha J 13 Alexander, C W 1 Alexander, J M 10 Andrews, -- (child) 6 Armour, James 5 1 Ashby, T T (Rev) Avern, Mary 25 Ball, W S 13 Benjes, John Charles 10 Biddulph, Joseph 12 Birchitt, Fanny W 5 10 Blelock, Ida Alice Blelock, Methe Cornelia 9 Block, N 9 Booker, J P (Capt) 19 Booker, James P 28 Booker, Pearl 19 Bowen, Mary C 19 Bowles, Carrie Haskell 11 Boyd, James 26 Bridges, George 22 Bruce, Willie S 20 Butler, William N 10 Carr, -- (Mrs) 6 Carr, Anderson B (Mrs) 24 Cheek, Elijah 7 Chide, Chester 2 Cleveland, Charles H 2 Collins, George 17 Coover, Anna D 7 Crawford, James T 18 Curtis, S B 3 Dale, H L W 9 Davis, Sarah Ann 3
Mr No Fe Mr Se Je De No Oc Je De Ag De
2:6 2: 4
2:7 3:1 3:2 2:7 2:8 2:5 2:6 2:7 2:6 2:6 2:6
De 2:7 Oc 2:7 Jl 2:8 Mr 2:7 Jl 2:8 Mr 2:7 Jl 2:7 Jl 2:8 Jl 2:7 My 2:6 Je 2:7 Se 3:2 Oc No Je De De Oc Fe De Ag Fe
2:7 2:6 2:7 2:7 2:7 2:7 2:7 2:6 2:8 2:7
Day, Mary DeForrest, Emma Dennis, Florence Imogene Denton, A K (Mrs) Dill, Emmet P Dill, Katy B Dixson, Robert Doxon, Mary I Edmonds, Nancy Eggengelbry, John Elia, Bacilius (Rev) Elliott, -- (infant) Ensley, Edward L Erek, --Falls, George A Farley, -- (Lt) Farrie, Lewis Connell Farrington, Madison J Fay, P C (Mr) Fiske, Edward Severance Folger, Susan C Fowlkes, Sterling Jr (Capt) Fowlkes, T Jeff Francioli, Matilda Freeman, John C Gallagher, John Garriss, -- (Miss) Gatti, Alice C Gatz, William M Geraty, Michael Getz, William Martin Goodwyn, Annie Goyer, William Graves, John Hammond, Fanny
10 Je 2:7 1 Mr 4:1 8 10 28 20 30 22 13 6 3
21 22 22 1 5
Oc Je No My Jl
My Se Se Ap Oc My My Mr De
2:7 2:7 2:7 2:6 2:7 2:6 2:7 3:2 2:7 2:7 2:6 2:6 2:5 2:6
3 My 2:6
20 Fe 2:7 12 Fe 2:7 6 My 2:6 8 Ag 2:7
23 Ja 4 Ap 13 Se 17 No 17 My 6 Se 24 De 6 Se 13 Se 2 Se 8 Mr 31 Jl 13 Fe 10 No
4:2 2:6 2: 7
2:4 2:6 3:2 2:6 3:2 2: 7
2:8 2:6 2:7 2: 7
Hammond, Fanny Harbin, Maggie Wilder Hayn-, Margaret Hazelton, M K (Maj) Herman, Josephine H Hiestand, Jane B Hines, Ann Hines, C L Hitzfield, Eddie Hoadley, Willie Hopper, Frederick Hopper, William C (Rev) Horbach, Susan
13 No 2:4
22 De 2:6 8 Fe 2:7 4 Ag 2:7 13 Dc 2:6 10 Jl 2:7 11 De 2:6 4 Ap 2:6 25 Je 2:7 16 My 2:6 28 Je 2:7
19 14 14 " " Horne, Josiah 14 30 " " Houston, John 14 20 " " 28 Howcott, Ben (Dr) Hudson, Jefferson D 6 Hyatt, Charles H 6 Irwin, Emily Taylor 10 1 James, Martha Jane Johnson, Ada Eudora 22 Johnson, Charles 19 Melville Johnston, Mary Eliza 13 Johnston, Mary 3 Eliza Fowlkes Kelliger, -- (infant) 6 Kelly, James Arthur 21 (Lt) 6 Kelly, John Kelly, Thomas Francis 17 Kemp, -- (child) 6 6 Kemp£, -- (child)
Je Mr Mr Jl Jl
My My Je No Se Se De Jl
2:7 2:7 3:1 2:7 2:7 2:6 2:6 2:7 2:7 3:2 2:7 2:8 2:7
Jl 2:8 Fe 2:7 My 2:6 Se 3:2 Jl 2:7
Ja 4:2 Fe 2:7 Se 3:2 Se 3:2
Winter 1988
Index to Obituaries in "The Appeal" (continued) Kestuler, Sam A Kimbrough, Mollie C Knapp, A G (Mrs) Konig, Lewis Kortrecht, Charles Townes Kumpf, Mary Gubow Mayflower Ladey, Ellen Lavigne, I W (Lt) Leake, Edward C Learned, E Parkman Learned, Paachal P LeMoeyne, Edward Charles Lewis, Thomas Little, William Luxton, J M Mageen, Abbe Maingault, P B (Capt) Marygold, Mary Mauce, Mattie McDonald, Catherine May Frances McEncroe, Michael MeGehee, Fannie May McNamara, -- (child) McNamara, Maggie Meagher, John F Mellen, Joseph Rogers Mendenhall, Sarah Meyer, Ambrosin Florenda Miller, William Moore, Emma M Muros, Frank Nicholson, John O'Hara, Safford O'Leary, John Orne, Henry A Otey, James Harvey (Bishop)
6 28 19 12
Se Je Fe Se
3:2 2:7 4:2 2:7
24 Se 2:7 11 Fe 2:7 6 Se 3:2
21 Jl 2:7 5 Jl 2:7 12 Ap 2:5 11 Ap 2:6 8 Se 2:6 16 Oc 2:6 10 Jl 2:7 5 Je 2:7 6 Se 3:2
22 My 2:6 20 Je 2:7 6 Se 3:2 4 De 2:7 24 Se 2:7 28 Jl 2:8 6 Se 3:2 2 Se 2:8 28 Fe 2:7
11 Ja 3:2
8 Se 2:6
16 17 17 6 26 30 10 30
Ag My De Se Ag Je Ja Ap
2:7 2:6 2:7 3:2 2:7 2:7 3:1 4:3
27 Ap 2:2
Otey, James Harvey (Bishop) Parkinson, Samuel C Payelle, Frank Paynter, Mary Emma Penn, George Pepperling, Charles Phillips, Ella Coe Powel, Theodosia Preston, H T Preston, William C Ray, Mary Jane Raymond, Mary Reder, Phoebe Maria Reudeleuber, Anne C Rheinhart, George J Rhodes, Hiram Rice, Jennie Riggs, Eula Rivers, Thomas (Gen) Roach, Anna Maria Robb, George Augustus Robertson, J W Rodman, Belinda F Rodman, John H Rodner, J C Rojoux, Marcus Ross, W B (Col) Rosselle, Florence Louiese Rudisill, Henry B Sage, James Scott, Allen M (Rev) Seno, Thomas James Shell, Charlie C Sherman, William T Simpson, Cordelia C Small, Henry Smith, Christopher Columba Snyder, J-M (Dr) Stalls, George A Starr, Howard
28 21 2 17 8
24 28 25
Ap Ja Je My No Se No My Se Fe My Oc Ag Mr Se Se Se De Mr Mr
2:2 4:2 2:7 2:6 2:5 3:2 2:8 2:6 3:2 2:7 2:6 3:1 2:7 2:7 3:2 3:2 3:2 2:6 2:7 2:6
13 6 23 23 22 3 23
My Se Ja Ja Oc De Ja
2:7 3:2 2:7 2:7 2:7 2:6 2:7
6 1
5 6
12 14 3 11
15 6 6 6
11 Ja 3:2 4 Jl 2:7 5 Jl 2:7
24 No 2:5 26 Jl 2:8 7 Mr 2:6 4 Oc 2:7 6 Se 3:2 30 My 2:7 12 12 26 21
Ap Ag Je Fe
2:5 2:7 2:8 2:7
Stevens, Clara Stewart, Susan B Stoner, J R Strong, William (Col) Summers, Jennie P
Syfork, Nicholas Taylor, Lizzie Price Temple, Lucy S Temple, Mary 0 Temple, Miles M Thompson, William Tighe, Lucy Agnes Tomeny, James Webb Toof, Agnes Trigg, John Tuft, Jas. Vaden, W P Vogel, C Voss, Ida Walcran, Dudley Walker, James Monroe (Dr) White, Minnie Whitney, Carrie Whitt Willard, Williams, Anna Sneed Willings, John Willis, Charles E Wilson, Jesse B (Lt) Winston, Lillie Duncan Wright, E E Young, William W Ziegler, May Virginia
8 No 2:5 10 Je 2:7 24 My 2:6
2 Jl 2:7 3 Je 2:7
7 Je 2:8 6 Se 3:2
21 Jl 2:7 18 No 2:5 18 Oc 2:7 3 Oc 2:6 30 Jl 2:7 19 Se 2:8 29 Oc 2:7 16 Ag 2:7 4 Jl 2:7 2 Je 2:7 19 No 2:7 10 Mr 3:1 27 Mr 2:6 28 Ja 2:7 11 No 2:5
2 Ag 2:7 12 Mr 2:6 20 Je 2:7 24 Je 2:7 28 Jl 2:8 15 Jl 2:7
7 My 2:6 30 Je 2:7 1 Ap 2:7 26 Je 2:8 10 My 2:6
(End of 1863 Obituaries)
The Daily Appeal - 1864 Baron, S A (Mrs) Bartlett, Ann T Blevins, A Kyle (Maj) Booth, William A (Dr) Bourne, William F (Capt) Cole, R A Craddock, James T (Lt) Dancy, William D Dandridge, Charles T (Dr) Davis, L H (Mrs)
19 Fe 2:7 21 Ja 2:7
6 Je 1:7 8 Ja 2:6 3 No 1:8
5 Ap 2:8
16 Je 2:8 13 Je 2:8
7 Mr 2:6 14 Ja 2:6
Davis, Samuel Fackler, Calvin M (Maj) Folkes, Thomas F Forrest, Jeff E (Col) Forrest, Jeff. E (Col) Guthree, Elizabeth J Harper, Charles E (Sgt) Harris, John W (Capt) Healy, Ida Olive
5 Ap 2:8
25 Ap 2:7 20 Je 2:8 18 Ap 2:8 11 Mr 2:7
25 Mr 2:7 24 Je 2:8 31 My 2:8 22 Fe 2:6
Innis, Robert H. (Lt) Johnson, Georgia Wade Jones, Warner (Col) Kent, F M (Lt Col) Kent, F M (Lt Col) Lake, Eddy B Lake, William Lewellen, Jesse Maddox, Lela Bassie Marsh, Daniel H Martin, Charles (Lt) Martin, Howard
23 Je 2:8 16 Fe 2:7 1 Jl 1:8 18 Ap 2:8 4 My 2:6 27 Fe 2:6 26 Ap 2:8 19 Ap 2:7 16 My 2:7 14 Je 2:7 1 Je 2:8
8 Je 2:7
"Ansearchin'" News
182 Index to Obituaries in "The Appeal" (continued) McHenry, Fannie Montgomery, Eli T Morrow, William B (Col) Park, Joseph B Parker, R A Sr Perkins, Elizabeth C
25 My 2:7 3 My 2:7 25 14 22 23
Fe Je Fe Je
2:6 2:7 2:6 2:8
Peters, Stephen Elliott Riley, A C (Col) Silvey, Mary A Smith, Otis H (Lt) Taylor, Lucy Vasser, Richard
25 Je 2 Je 26 Mr 11 Mr 11 Mr 3 Jl
Whitaker, Cassa F Wilson, John Cardwell (Capt) Winston, John D (Lt)
2:7 1:8 2:7 2:7 2:7 1:8
21 Mr 2:7 14 My 2:7 12 Mr 2:7 30 Mr 2:7
The Daily Bulletin - 1864 Atkinson, Everett Ashby Bell, Thomas (Capt) Black, William Sidney Bledsoe, Bettie S Buckland, Carrie N Cavaline, N Clark, William Comstock, Willie Macon Crowley, Dennis Curran, David M Davis, Maggie Dawson, Matthew Deaderick, (infant) Donelson, Daniel (Lt)
Eichberg, Frederic William Finney, James Joseph Friers, Duncan B Gibson, Frank Lapey Glynn, Nicholas Gould, Laura Griswold, George M Grogan, Patrick (Lt) Grogan, Peter (Lt) Hamlin, Frank T Hampton, Laura Bell Mattie
18 My 2:7 12 My 2:6
7 Je 2:7 2 Ap 2:6 22 My 2:6
13 My 2:6 13 My 2:6
7 Ap 9 Mr 22 Ap 17 Ap 10 Mr 25 My
2:6 2:4 2:1 2:5 2:5 2:7
29 Ap 3:2 1 My 2:5 2 Mr 2:5 20 23 2 2 10 30 27 25 13
Ja Ja Je Je Je Ja My My My
2:6 2:6 2:6 2:6 2:8 2:6 3:2 2:7 2:6
Hart, Raymond Priestley Howell, Jane Huber, Margaret Maria Hundley, Loranda Jacobs, W W Jeffords, J Manley (Mrs) Jennings, Robert Johnson, Flora Amelia Johnson, J F Johnson, J H Johnson, M J (Mrs) Keith, Louis Kercheval, Jennie E LaRoy, William Lewis, Benjamin N Lewis, William C Mason, Ella R Mazorati, Emily McDonough, P McDonough, Patrick McIntosh, Joel G (Sgt) McLemore, John C (Col) Merrill, Newcomb DeMary Mitchell, Mary E Morgan, Benjamin F Morris, James
17 Ap 2:5
Morrison, Mary Ellen Mosby, Martha 0 Moscrop, Margaret M 12 Mr 2:4 Mynatt, Martha H 29 Ap 2:6 Nass, George 12 Mr 2:4 O'Brian, Mary Elizabeth 10 My 2:6 O'Hera, Mary Ann 29 My 2:6 Pearson, Mary M 25 My 2:7 Quarmby, William 2 Je 2:6 Rece, Jane 14 Je 2:7 Robinson, Bettie B 14 Je 2:7 Rodgers, R J 12 Je 2:7 Saunders, P W (Dr) 7 Je 2:7 Saunom, Georgetta C 16 Ja 2:5 Smith, Fielding 7 Je 2:7 Hurst 20 Ja 2:6 Solomon, C 28 My 2:6 Stephenson, Charles 4 Je 2:6 Taylor, John 17 My 3:1 Thomson, Alexander 17 My 2:6 Vaccara, Bartolomeo Vollintine, H 28 My 2:6 Webster, Lizzie Westbrook, Ella L 1 Mr 2:5 White, Mary Wilkins, Lena DeBow 24 My 2:7 Wolsh, Bridget 15 My 2:6 Elizabeth 25 My 2:7 Wolsh, Bridget 18 My 2:7 Elizabeth Young, E Milton 1 Mr 2:5 12 My 2:6
16 Ja 2:5 7 My 2:6 7 Je 2:7 13 Ap 2: 6 7 Ap 2:6 31 My 2:7 19 Mr 2:5 20 My 2:7 4 Je 2:6 8 My 2:6 19 My 2:7 7 Je 2:7 11 Mr 2:4 9 Je 2:8 28 Mr 2:5 13 My 2:6
17 My 2:6 20 Ja 3:2 4 My 2:7 31 My 2:7 20 Mr 2:5 20 Mr 2:5 28 My 2:6 15 Ap 2:6 24 My 2:7 21 Ja 2:6 21 Ja 3:2 31 My 2:7
(Conclusion of Index to Obituaries in "The Appeal", 1863 - 1864)
Dyer County, Tennessee, Deed Book A (continued from page 174) SPENCER's northeast corner ... James CROCKETT's west boundary line ... crossing a branch of Little Harpeth to John co*ckRILL's north boundary line; 428 A in Sumner Co on the waters of Station Camp Cr., granted to Isaac & Elizabeth McCAMMON 21 Jul l794 ••• James HAYS' corner ... William LYTLE's corner ••• Simon KUYKENDALL. The deed was acknowledged by James TISDALE 13 Sep 1819 and reg in Davidson Co •.• reg in Madison Co 15 Apr 1823, in Carroll Co 15 Jul 1833 & in Haywood Co 18 Jan 1825. (to be continued)
Winter 1988
MISCELLANEOUS COURT RECORDS BLOUNT COUNTY, TENNESSEE, 1795-1834 Abstracted from Tennessee State Library and Archives Microfilm, Roll No. 131 (Continued from Fall issue)
p. 89 - wm McTEER vs Ja s CARRIGER and Ja S McREYNOLDS - plaintiff failed to appear. p. 90 - John P. KERR vs Daniel D. FOUTE, James BERRY and John WILSON - Debt. John McILHERAN vs John A. fa*gG, William fa*gg and Julius C. fa*gg - Breach of Covenant ... Plaintiff recovered $108.50. p. 91 - 26 March 1834 - William TIPTON vs John SMITH - Debt: court awarded the plaintiff a claim against Winneford Smith, Executrix of John Smith, deed. John BROOK vs Joseph RHEA - "In this cause the death of the defendant is suggested since the last term of this Court." State vs John A. fa*gG - Debt: case continued. Bill of sale - Robert SHIELDS to Matthew H. BOGLE for negro boy proved by Samuel HENRY and John A. fa*gG, witnesses. The Grand jury & all jurors discharged from further attendance except for Ambrose COX and Matthew WHITTENBARGER. James HENRY sr vs John Henry - plaintiff failed to appear & case dismissed. p. 92 - Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock; Robt HOUSTON, Eleven HITCH and John McLAIN. p. 93 - 27 March 1834 - Court ordered that heirs of Josias GAMBLE, deed, or their agent, John SLOAN, be permitted to withdraw a note from the files of the clerk of this court, "a note filed in the case of David COOK, Admr , and Ann Cook, Admr x , of Ja S Cook, deed, against Reuben CHARLES, Josias Gamble and James PEARCE - not dated 24 Oct 1811. .. witnessed by Richd JONES and Saml EAKIN." Emancipation of Antony Anne and Mary [later referred to as Anthony & Mary], slaves of Jonathan TRIPPETT/TRIBBELL, who died after 29 Oct 1831, on which date he wrote a letter to the court ... witnessed by wm HARRIS and Thomas BELL. p. 94 - William WALLACE, Sheriff and Collector of Taxes, reported on unpaid taxes: Land owned by James STEWART, 1 poll and 75 A in Tuckaleeche Cove adjoining William HEADRICK, Philip DAVIS etal, and 100 A in Tuckaleeche adj the same - 1831. James SUTTON sr - 374 A on the waters of Little Tennessee River adjoining Samuel DOUTHET , Conway STONE etal - 1831. Standford Sutton - 1 poll and 374 A adjoining Douthet and Stone - 1832. Phillimon CARREGIN - 85 A, 50 A, and 80 A, all on Ellejay Creek - 1832. p. 99 - Report of William WALLACE, Sheriff, on land not returned for taxes & liable for double taxes, to wit: The heirs of John SELVIDGE - 132 A in Hickory Valley adj Samuel LEA, Joseph JONES etal, for the years from 1829 through 1833. The heirs of James SUTTON - 374 A on the waters of Little Tennessee River adj Samuel DOUTHET, Conway STONE etal for 1832. These tracts of land were ordered to be sold for taxes and costs. p. 101 - Report of William WALLACE, Sheriff, continued: Tuckaleeche Cove - 1830.
William FLINN - 200 A in
"Ansearchin'" News
Miscellaneous Court Records, Blount County, Tennessee (continued) p. 102 - The following persons are called for jurors at the June Court in Maryville: Jeremiah Duncan John McClain Jr Annit Shields David Greenway Morgan G. Maupin James Trice Jr Joseph Logan Finley Ja S Mcnu*tt Ja s Gillespy John Coulson wm Armstrong wm Keith Henry Francis Greer Fredrick Best Saml Logan John McGee Whittenbarger Jr John Vineyard David Keer/Kers John Ransbarger wm D. Anderson Rob t Love Absolem McNabb John Davis Peter Snider and wm B. Williams as Constable
Jurors called for Circuit, to wit: Eleven Hitch Edmund Klayman? J.K. Moseir wm Anderson John Griffiths George Howard Robert Houston John Ferguson wm Williamson Saml Tullock wm Deavors Edward Mitchell wm Hutcheson Joseph Wilson A.C. Renfroe Fredr Emmett Sam l Safflee James McKamy John Gillespy Spencer Henry Leroy Noble and Jacob Lory, Constable
John McClain James Trundle William Tool John Maxwell James Upton Darbey Ragan
p. 103 - The State vs James HARRIS - Bastardy Bond: Benjamin F. DUNCAN, Security. Releases the county for the responsibility of a male child "begotten by him on the body of Sarah CREWS, Single Woman of Knox County ••. " p. 104 - John WILSON qualified as Deputy Sheriff. Court adjourned. Signed by Eleven HITCH, James TRUNDELL and Robt HOUSTON. (Conclusion of Miscellaneous Court Records)
TENNESSEE NATIVES IN MARRIAGE BOOK I, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Submitted by Jeanne B. Clary, 11710 Verada Ave., Granada Hills, CA 91344
Page 31 - William H. DAVIS, 28, born 15 Oct 1829, came to CA 1850. A farmer, he married S.I. ELLIS, born 29 Oct 1838 in MS, who came to CA in 1857. They were married at El Monte 19 Dec 1858. Page 32 - F.G. EWING, 27, married at San Gabriel on 2 Jan 1859, Ivaquina REID, 19, born in CA and residing at Mission Viejo. Page 34 - Almus L. ROUNDTREE, of Maury County, TN married Elizabeth E. Hildreth RUBOTTOM of Rolls [Ralls] County, MO on 6 Feb 1859. Josiah E. MORGAN, 45 years, 10 months and 23 days old married 2 Apr 1859 Mrs. Joanna MADDUX of El Monte, aged about 23 years. Governor SCHOLES married 5 Apr 1859, Mary Hill/Nell STEELE of MA. Page 41 - John THURMAN, 51, married 8 Jan 1860, Milly C. HARTE, 48, widow born in TN and now a resident of El Monte. Page 45 - George G. BIRDWELL, 27, to Mary Jane McELRATH, 20, born in Georgia, both now of El Monte. They married 18 Mar 1860. Page 67 - James M. SMITH, 34, married 12 Jun 1862, Martha M. MELONE, 18, born in TX.
Winter 1988
ROBERTSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILLS Abstracts from Book I, 1796-1811 Abstracted from Tennessee State Library & Archives Microfilm, Roll No. 85 (Continued from Fall issue)
p. 408 - Sale of the John McGuire Marvil McFarland Achilles McFarland Hardy Grizzard John Crain Robert Whitehead John Johnson sr James Johnson Maj John Blackwell Moses M. Donaldson Jacob Binkley Esq Polly Durbin Fielding Huddleston James Menees George T. Ware Matthew Luter Jr Tims Ellis Carr Dardon Isaac Menees John Barber Benjamin Menees Capt Benjamin Elliott John Sherrod Jacob Fort Herbert Harwell Matthew Lewter sr Hardy Sanderford Lewis Crain Holland Dardon Isaac Robertson James Miles Elisha Hughes Ambrose Hutchison William C. Conrad Polly Conrad William Hayes John Ferguson Owen White Matthew James Maj Plummer Willis Thomas Cheatham Elisha Felps James Martin Peter Frey James Gains William D. Menees John Pinson
estate of Nicholas CONRAD, deed, 18 Dec 1811. Purchasers inc: Richard Scott Robt Smith & Laurence Clinard Jesse Green Dempsey Gardner Amos Cohea Sy? Andrew Martin Henry Hart John Gardner Samuel Dorris sr Giles Connell Henry Fizer Robert Hayes Jacob Preuit Isaac Dorris Sterling Smith Maj James Norfleet John B. Cheatham Jesse Williams Reuben Bowers Richard Adams Joel Vaughan Elisha Fike Isaac H. Dorris Moses Phillips James Gardner Arthur Pitts Acy Pool Levi Dun George Berry Edward Michel & Thomas Morris George Sigler Richd Jones Thompson White James Hampton John Biggs Elias Fort William Adams sr Julius Justice George A. West Tabitha H. Dickson Nathaniel Dickenson Samuel Crockett Lemuel Suggs Philip Parchman Lias Laurence John ~. Dorris Caty Danly George Perry William Crocket Jesse Larrence James Shas? Eppa Lawson Raglin Langston Augustan Lunsford William Huston Robert Green William Long Joseph Washington Sampson Matthews Robert Perry Elizabeth Plummer John Kennedy Elkin Fyke Martin Duncan George Empson John Smith John McIntush Jr Robert Blackburn Susanna Vinson Charles Murphey William Wilson John Latham Jesse Moseley Lewis Custer/Carter William Howard Thomas Yeats Joel Ragsdale Thomas Dorris Elijah Gardner & Robert Perry James Benton JoS Winfield John Pickering sr Charles H. Pickering Wright Berry Samuel Walker Christian Frey William Lindford William Tinsley Geraldus Pickering Spencer Pickering David Huddleston Anderson Cheatham John Yoes Amus Cohea Richard C. Fielding Patrick Patterson Abraham Gosset Jacob Vaughan Henry Stutts Ephraim Pool John Brooks Noah Woodard John Alphin Lewis Green Palsey Pool Shelton Alphin Melechi Pickering William Milsaps Dd (sic) John Fletcher William Sullivan Nathan Pepper Miles Kerby Edward Shoat sr William Armstrong Joseph Frey Robertson Murphey Christian Elmore Reubin Felts Levin H. Ballard John T. Pickering Jack E. Turner William Adkins John Frey Henry Gardner Benjamin Wells Henry Sandeford Polly Young Joseph Luk/Leek Rufis Jumand? James Carroway William Adams Jr Polley Branwell Isaac Craine Amos Webb John Howell, Shf James Yeates William Tredaway Nancy Darnall Corban Hull/Hall Caleb Winters
"Ansearchin'" News
186 Robertson County, Tennessee Wills (continued) Stuart W. Thornton Nicholas Stone Titus Benton Richard Garrett Aseriah Dunn Samuel Peason Richard Miles Willie/Will Powell Malcom Busy John Pane Theophilus Morgan James Menees John White Moses Winters Howell Sellers
Francis Borrin Richard Plummer Levi Noyes Thomas Moseley Henry Treper? Henry Hicks Jesse Heus/Hunt John Matthews William Pickering William Dorris Richard Pepper Benjamin Malinger John Vantine Robert C. Probart John Jones
Eppy Lawson Joel Oliver Richard Cooper William McDaniel Joseph Dorris sr Mrs. Jacob Pickering Charles Williams Jonathan Ferguson John Hutchison John Johnson Samuel P. Howard Isaac Winters Samuel Moon/Moor Avarey Clark
John H. Plummer Samuel Williams, atty Richard Long Jeremiah Boren James Tunstall Hardy Perry Gen. Thomas Johnson Ethelbert C. Williams Willis Holland Thomas Appleton Aron Romine William B. Vinson Thomas Woodard
p. 416 - A list of notes due the estate of Nicholas CONRAD, deed, includes: Charles McIntosh John Tolley William Henley Jacob Pickering Jacob Pruit Charles Simman Dudley Winn John Brooks & Richard Matthews Will Pepper Jeremiah Webb Thomas McSpadden James McFarland Jn o Hutchison John Henley James Graeham? James Baker Peter Young Thomas Bird William Perry George Chapman Jesse Martin Thomas Lane Benjamin Menees William McDonald John Carr Joseph Winkfield R. Bullard Benjamin Tarber William Ship Richard Crunk Samuel Dark Samuel Dorris Eppa Samford John Hamilton Larkin Echols & Charles Miles Christian Swigart John Echols Thomas Hamilton Benjamin Kelley William Ragsdale William Connell John Coleman B. Plummer & Scott Sampson Conrad Vail & Bradburn Hugh White John Huddleston Thomas Nelms Francis Woodard William Akin & Joseph Robertson Elijah Hughes James Akin Andrew Steareford? Brewer Garret Flippo George McCormus? Matthew Robt Beard Stephen Stewart Elisha Phillips John S. Taylor Elijah Spillers Will Pool David KEHOE "give to Stephen Conrad assigned by Stephen Conrad to Nicholas Conrad his rite & title." William C. Conrad, Exe r of Nicholas Conrad, deed. Feb term 1812. p. 419 - Ace/Sale of the estate of Samuel JOHNSTON, deed, by William Johnston, Admr , 10 Sep 1805, lists items and receipts but not purchasers. Items recorded 6 Feb 1812 include cash paid to Nancy Johnston for support of orphan; to Whitmill FORT for schooling orphan; to Josiah Fort for board; to Sugg Fort for schooling orphan; to Dr. JONES for medicine for the orphan; other accounts paid to John Johnston, Josiah and Elias Fort, Ja s MULLIS?, McClure & Elder. Audited by Josiah Fort and G.A. WEST. p. 420 - Ace current of the estate of Ralph MASON, deed, Feb l8l2 .•• items include payments to Jo. FORT, Jesse WILLIAMS, Will PORTER, Jon a TAYLOR, John THOMPSON, Briton BRIDGES, John LONGSTON & Bennett SEARCY. "There remains in the hands of Will STARK sr the balance of several dollars still due him ••. " Signed Beverly A. ALLEN. Cash received of Nancy LAURENCE, Reubin ROSE, Asa Mason, Will Porter, Isaac Mason & David Taylor. "Let it be observed that the sums stated above and not entered below remains into my hands but were received by the widow of said Ralph Mason ••. "
Winter 1988
Robertson County, Tennessee Wills (continued) p. 421 - Ace of J.E. TURNER, John CARR and Jo. WASHINGTON, who met at the house of William D. MENEES, orphan of Benjamin Menees, deed, to value the property and allot to William D. his share, which included 188 acres "whereon Nathan ARNOLT formerly lived." 28 Jan 1812. p. 422 - Inv/property of Nathan CLARK, deed, 8 Jul 1811 [this item is a repeat from p. 402]. p. 423 - Ace of Lewis WELLS, Guardian of the orphans of William ROBERTSON, deed. Audited 10 Feb 1812 by Josiah FORT and G.A. WEST. p. 424 - Ace of Orrin D. BATTLE, Guardian of Jethro B. FORT, orphan of Jeremiah Fort, deed, from 15 Mar 1810 to 10 Feb 1812 includes the names of William HARRISON, Eliza Fort and Jacob TIMMONS. p. 425 - Bond of Joseph WINFIELD, John COUTS, John JOHNSON and Benja MENEES, dated 10 Feb 1812. "The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the legislature of Tennessee on the 24th day of October 1811 passed a Law authorizing the proprietors of Holleys to raise by lottery a Sum not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars for the purpose of procuring Salt at said lick Joseph Winfield, a proprietor, has made his election that the Capital in said lottery shall be nine thousand Dollars." ThoS Johnson, witness. p. 426 - Ace of James BELL and Thos JOHNSON, executors of the estate of Joseph CARMACK mentions the names of Thomas HIGHSMITH, Silas BURKS, J. FORT, Dr. McPHERSON, Thos McINTOSH, Jn o PICKERING, Wyatt BISHOP, Samuel CROCKET, Arzman?, Tho. BOALS, Toler, Chas H. Pickering and James PERRY; "Jn o Bellone of the Legatees .•• credit James MENEES." Audited by Martin DUNCAN and James APPLETON 8 Feb 1812. p. 427 - Amount of sale of the estate of Peter BINKLEY, deed, returned Feb 1812 by Henry Fiser the widow H. FREY and Daniel Binkley names: Harbert Harwell Thomas Holms John Brooks Daniel Binkley William Crockett John Binkley George Massey John Huddleston Hugh McElyea Elijah Prichett James Massey Laurence Clinard William Adams Esq Levi Noyes Samuel Crocket Matthew Clay Jacob Binkley sr Jacob Frey Darby Ison Ison Norris Miss Danley Henry Johnson Anthony Hinkle Peter Frey Allen Parker John Proctor Stephen White William Holms Jacob Fiser George Damode Jacob Binkley Esq Henry Frey Peter Giger Alford Reddin Samuel Williams p. 429 - The will of Thomas Ryan BUTLER bequeaths all property to his wife [not named] with these exceptions: to Margaret GRAY, now ROULHAC, 100 acres of land I now live on and 1000 acres of Kentucky land purchased at Russelville at the sale held by Willis MORGAN, collector of tax for District #11, in Jan l803 ..• mentions a contract with William BRADFORD; to my nephew, Thomas Ryan Butler, of Norfolk, 5000 acres of land in Kentucky ••• land I may hold on Piney Creek or Piney River of Elk in Tennessee ••• my wife to take him under her care and give him an English education •.• in the event of his death before he reaches legal age the land reverts to my wife ••• my wife executrix and Dr. Francis Roulhac executor. 14 Oct 1808 Rosefield, North Carolina. Witnesses are Joseph BLOUNT, Baldy AS BURN & W.W. RUFFIN. Reyorded in Robertson Co TN Aug l8l2 ... "and James H. BRYANT, John HOWELL & George MARTIN .•• say that they are well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Thomas Ryan Butler ••• " believe
"Ansearchin'" News
188 Robertson County, Tennessee Wills (continued) the will to be valid.
Francis ROULHAC found will in BUTLER's papers held by him.
p. 431 - Inv/Est of Jonathan DARDIN, dec d , returned by Anderson CHEATHAM & Holland includes livestock, household goods, tools, etc.
p. 433 - Acc/property of James MILES, dec d , sold 13 Jun 1812. Buyers include Martha Miles, adm rx , James THOMASON/THOMPSON and WID PORTER. Inventory of Joseph WIMBERLY, dec d , returned by Josiah FORT, admr , 12 Aug 1812 includes household goods and 19 negroes. p. 435 - Acc of William D. MENEES, admr , of Luke SANDERS, decd, includes the names of Isaac Sanders, Jesse WILLIAMS, Elisha FIKE and J.B. REYNOLDS. Audited by Levi NOYES and William ADAMS 13 Aug 1812. p. 436 - Allotment to William A. FORT for his part of the estate of William Fort, dec d , includes negroes Tempey, Isaa~, and Luke; also 300 acres, part of a tract granted to the heirs of William Fort. Returned by Isaac DORTCH & James NORFLEET. "We have also alloted to Sarah BATTLE 100 acres out of the above tract of 700 acres." p. 437 - Isaac DORTCH and James NORFLEET have alloted to James FORT'his part of William Fort's estate which is negroes Simon, Levi and Tim; and 340 acres of land, part of a grant to Job ROCHEL adjoining Jeremiah H. Fort's heir. p. 438 - DORTCH and NORFLEET alloted to the heir of Jeremiah H. FORT 100 acres of land by consent of Orrin D. BATTLE, guardian. 10 Oct 1810. Acc of the allotment to Thomas FORT, orphan of William Fort. p. 439 - Acc of Josiah FORT Jr, orphan of William Fort, dec d , to Josiah & Elias Fort, executors, includes the names of Joseph HAMBLETON, Dolly Fort, William READING, Westley HARDEN, Robt PATTERSON, William A. Fort, John PARKER, Elizabeth Fort & Sally BATTLE, Aug 1812. p. 440 - Acc of Mary FORT, orphan of William Fort, dec d , to Josiah & Elias Fort, executors, includes the names of William HARRISON, Whitmill Fort, David SMITH, WID T. BAILEY & Co., Elizabeth Fort, Sally BATTLE & James REASON: "to Gouge for going to singing school." p. 441 - Acc of Jacob FORT, orphan of William Fort, dec d , to Josiah & Elias Fort, executors, includes the names of William HARRISON, Tempy Fort, Holland DARDIN, Whitmill Fort, William S? BAILEY, Elizabeth Fort & Sarah BATTLE; cash to Jacob FELKNER, George A. WEST, William BRYANT, William READING & Charles CAMPBELL. p. 442 - Acc of William A. FORT, orphan of William Fort, dec d , to Josiah & Elias Fort, executors, includes the name of Josiah WILCOX. p. 443 - Josiah FORT Jr, orphan of tors, includes the names of Duncan Fort, "TILFORD for books", William ham WHITFIELD, Sally Battle and WID
William Fort, dec d , to Josiah & Elias Fort, execuSTUART, Jacob FELKNER, William HARRISON, Tempy S. BAILEY, Elizabeth Fort, Orrin D. BATTLE, NeedREADING.
p. 444 - A list of negroes belonging to the heirs of Jeremiah FORT, dec d , valued 1810, include: Luke 32, Austin 18, Cage 13, Ben 8, Hager 23, Charity 16, Lucinda 12, Pat 4, Henry 2, Cesar 9 months. Austin, Hager, Henry and Cesar alloted to the widow
Winter 1988 Robertson County, Tennessee Wills (continued) by Isaac DORTCH, James NORFLEET,
CONNILL? and Holland DARDEN.
Aug 1812.
p. 445 - Inv/Est of Benjamin WELLS, deed, which was sold Nov 1811 to Nancy Wells (widow), Garrett FLIPPO, Thomas TUNING?, Thomas WILKINSON, John McINTOSH, John HOWELL, Noah WOODARD, Jonathan FERGUSON, Benjamin TUCKER & Henry JOHNSON. p. 446 - The account of the executors of William FORT, deed, includes the names of William A., Jacob, Josiah, Poley & Eliza Fort, Saml COLDWELL, and negroes Jack, Allen, Frank, Ephriam, Isaac, Elleck, Jim, Tempy, Pheriby and Hannah and child. p. 447 - Ace/Est of William FORT, deed, by executors, Josiah & Elias Fort, includes the names of Rhoda [negro?], Dr. George B. HOBSON, Thos ALSBURY, Henry MINOR, Hugh F. BELL, Dr. Moses STEELE, John A. GIBSON for James Gibson, heir/John Gibson, deed. p. 448 - Ace of Thomas WOODARD, guardian for the orphans of Daniel HOLLAND, deed, from 1808 through 1812 includes hire of negro Dave and items concerning a trip to Raleigh 11 May 1812 about a grant of land for the heirs. Audited by M. DUNCAN and James APPLETON 12 May 1812. p. 449 - Ace of William RAGSDALE, admr , in right of his wife, of the estate of Abraham JONES, deed, in an account current 12 Aug 1812 mentions Woodard's rec~ for judgement paid Kinchen Jones, note given to Jesse Jones, and accounts of John COUTS, James APPLETON, ThoS JOHNSON and John KRINEL. Audited by P. PATTERSON & M. DUNCAN Aug 1812; Ja S TUNSTALL, Clk. p. 450 - Dated 1800 - Thomas JOHNSON, guardian of Henry HART, minor, account of money earned for hire of negroes John, Patience, Sam, Moses & Jane from 25 Aug 1800 through 7 Feb l803 ••• Negroes hired to: Archer CHEATHAM, Ann Hart, Adam SHEPPARD & Co, Thos TALBOT, Joseph ROBERTSON, John J. DORRIS & John CHEATHAM. Accounts paid out include: cash to R.B. CURREY, BISHOP for schooling, Mrs. Robertson for board, PICKREL for making shoes and Wilkins for same, VINSON for goods, Dr. NOYES and Dr. SAPPINGTON. (End of Book I)
Petitions to the General Assembly of Tennessee (continued from page 164) Thomas Bartlett Luis Fletcher Jesse Gardner John Fletcher Joseph Purcy/Pusey William Johnston George Gardner William Southern Jeremiah Batts Reuben Pitts? Isaac Henley wm Blackman
Zachariah Taylor Joseph Gunn Ja S Gooch Joel Webb William Keys John Webb Jams Chandler John Allphin Money Southern Isaac Menees John Johnston John Blackwell
William Blackwell James Mo Johnston Nathaniel Bradley James Burns Armstead Oakley John Bell Jr wm Henley wm Fitts Ge o Henley Achillas Southern Jacob Pruit Kimbro Henton
M. Grayson ThoS L. Carney William Gray sr Fauntley Johnson Hardey Holland David Holland John Parker John Hillis Burwell Jones ThoS G. Greenfield John Sherrod (to be continued)
"Ansearchin'" News
BOOK REVIEWS Vyrah Mann and Bess C. Twaddle
ATTALA COUNTY MISSISSIPPI CEMETERIES compiled by Marymaganos McCool Fenwick. 8txll, 403 pp.
1988. Soft back. Order from Mrs. Fenwick, 204 Hickory St., Kosciusko, MS 39090. $38.00.
This book consists of listings from 173 cemeteries in Atta1a Co., which was formed in 1833 from the Choctaw Cession, and which lies in the heart of the state. An additional 14 cemeteries in adjoining counties were copied and included in the book. The Table of Contents is an alphabetical list of the cemeteries, giving Township, Range and Section numbers for each. These may be used on the 17x11 map, which is included, for locating a specific cemetery. Some of this information has been obtained from old family cemeteries which have been abandoned. SMOKY MOUNTAIN COUNTRY by North Callahan. Reprint 1988. Hard back. 6x9, 257 pp. Indexed. Order from the Smoky Mountain Historical Society, P.O. Box 5078, Sevierville, TN 37864. $21.20. Written by a native East Tennessean who is now a New York journalist, this informative and entertaining book tells of the many pioneer families who came into that "Eden of the Lower Appalachians", known as the Great Smoky Mountains, in the latter part of the 18th century. Stories about William Bean, James Robertson, and John Sevier, as well as lesser known people like the Harp Brothers, Thomas Leiper and the Walker sisters, provide an accurate picture of that area, due to the author's first hand knowledge of his subject. TICHENOR FAMILIES IN AMERICA compiled by Harold A Tichenor. Indexed.
1988. Hard back. 8!xll, 736 pp. Order from the compiler, Rt. #4, Box 1016, Napton, MO 65340. $45.50.
This genealogy is a compilation of approximately 340 contributors and includes sixteen Tichenor lines in America. Some contributors have proven relationship, others have not; but all share the family name of Tichenor, and their documentation is included. This book contains revised and corrected material from a former book by the same author, which was concerned with descendants of Martin Tichenor who took the oath of allegiance at New Haven Colony in 1644. Added to Martin's line are the descendants of Aaron, Daniel, James, Jonathan, Walter and Zopher Tichenor. Although most of them resided in New Jersey, extensive research was done in other court houses, libraries, and archives, to obtain land records, marriages, deaths, births, etc in the areas where Tichenors lived. Information on the younger generations was obtained from family interviews, which bring the lines up to the present date. Many allied lines are also included. ALABAMA SOLDIERS, Revolution, War of 1812, and Indian Wars, Vol. 11 compiled by Pauline Jones Gandrud, and edited by Bobbie Jones McLane. 1988. Soft back. 8!xll, 100 pp. from Arkansas Ancestors, 222 McMahan Dr., Hot Springs, AR 71913. $15.00.
The late Mrs. Gandrud, well-known Alabama genealogist, compiled 45 notebooks of records relating to soldiers who at some time lived in the state of Alabama. Mrs. McLane has edited the material, which is alphabetically arranged, giving records that are most genealogically important for each soldier: pensions, bounty land warrants, wills, heirs, Bible records, tombstone inscriptions, obituaries, census records etc. This series, when finished, will be the most complete listing of Alabama soldiers published to date. Eleven volumes have already been published with Volume 1 encompassing names beginning with A - Ba; this volume contains surnames HanbyHenderson. All volumes are currently available and sell for $15.00 each. ROWAN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA VACANT LAND ENTRIES 1778-1789 by Richard A Enochs.
1988. Hard back. 8!xll, 280 pp. Indexed. Order from the author, 8221 Forsythia Ct., Indianapolis, IN 46219. $32.00 (Indiana residents add 5% sales tax).
Hailed as a major undertaking essential to any study of early settlers of this area, this book of land entries is of particular importance to the genealogical researcher because of the historical time period it encompasses. The newly-formed state of North Carolina opened its Land Office in 1778, and many persons who may have been living on their land for as much as fifteen years sought to gain legal title to it. In his Foreward, Mr. Enochs describes the situation from the historical, legal, geographical and temporal viewpoints, enabling the researcher to get a better picture of his ancestor's land holdings. His abstracts supply many names of original owners and indicate former occupancy by mentioning "improvements." Land descriptions frequently mention adjoining land owners, thus providing other possible family connections. Mr. Enochs has made available a very important source, which he hopes will stimulate further research.
Winter 1988
Book Reviews (continued) KERSHNER KINFOLK, Vol. 7 W.E. Kershner, Editor.
1988. Soft back. 81x11, 126 pp. Indexed. Order from the Kershner Family Association, 1449 Fox Run Dr., Charlotte, NC 28212-7125. $12.00.
This latest volume of the Kershner Family periodicals includes the four quarterlies for 1988 and the index for 1985-1987. Among the topics covered are: Lehigh County, PA Kershners; Descendants of Martin Kershner; Rolf and Ursel's Diary; The Story of Nathaniel Rochester; Supplement to Descendants of Henrich Kershner; Descendants of Anna Maria K. Kershner of Berks County Pennsylvania; an account of a visit with Kershners in Langenselbold, West Germany. THE BROTHERS REV. ROBERT ROSE AND REV. CHARLES ROSE of Colonial Virginia and Wester Alves, Morayshire, Scotland, With information on their brothers Patrick, James, Hugh, George and Alexander by Christine Rose, C.G. 1985. Hard back. 6x9, 318 pp. Indexed. Order from the author, 1474 Monte1egre Dr., San Jose, CA 95120. $26.50 (CA residents add $1.63 sales tax).
Ancestry of the Rose brothers is deeply rooted in Scotland. Descending from Hugh Rose, the 8th Baron of Kilravock, their lineage has been traced to Hugh of Geddes about 1200. Robert Rose, aged about 21 and newly ordained, came to Essex and Albermarle Counties of Virginia about 1725. He was the son of John and Margaret (Grant) Rose of Morayshire, Scotland; Charles Rose, brother of Robert, came to the colonies about ten years later. This b~ok outlines seven generations of Robert's descendants and five generations of Charles' descendants. In addition to reporting lIfe in Scotland and Virginia, it presents portraits of family members, pictures of their homes and a map prepared by Col. Murray F. Rose depicting the Rose holdings on the eastern shore of Virginia. WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE A Genealogical Abstract of the County Court Minutes, 1804-1806 by Carol Wells. 1988. Soft back. 8ix11, 89 pp. Nacogdoches, TX 75961. $14.40 ppd.
Order from Ericson Books, 1614 Redbud,
In the words of the author, "From County Court Minutes comes the breath of life. No mere recital of heirs or list of dates of births and burials, the minutes tell how our ancestors found solutions in their own community to problems of poverty, orphans, insanity, road repair, education to a livelihood; how they came together to hear disputes, and how punishment was meted out". The jury lists and road crews give evidence of persons who were residents before the time of any extant census, and researchers of Williamson County will find this book most helpful in documentation of this period. CARROLL COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGE RECORDS VOLUME II 1860-1880 compiled by Carroll County Historical Society. 1988. Soft back 8ix11, 155 pp. Broadway, McKenzie, TN 38201. $17.00.
Order from the Society, 141 North
There is an advantage in having local people transcribe records in that they are familiar with the family names of their community. This is the case with these marriage records, which are computer printed in alphabetical order by the groom's names. The index consists of the brides' names. In most cases, either the officiant or a Bondsman is listed. The Society has previously published Marriages Volume I, 1838-1859 and the 1860 Census of Carroll County. SKETCHES OF THE OLIVERS, A Family History 1726 to 1966 by Col. Hugh R. and Margaret T. Oliver. 1987. Hard back. 6x9, 571 pp. NC 28374. $32.00.
Order from Col. Oliver, Box 786 CCNC, Pinehurst
The chronology of this book follows the author's research, which begins with the present and moves back generation by generation through the pages of frontier America. The first chapter focuses on Elder John Walter Oliver (1878-1966) who lived his entire life in Cades Cove, Blount County, TN. The date of settlement in Cades Cove has been handed down by oral tradition as 1818 but this book provides evidence that the Oliver family was in Carter County, TN until 1821 and was probably the same Oliver family recorded in early Washington County documents. The John Oliver (1780/90-1863) who came to the valley in 1821 was the first white settler to raise a family there amid the dangers and hardships endured by early settlers. The earliest Oliver on record in this family was George (1726-1786) who was born in Stafford Co., VA and died in Rockingham Co., NC. He had ten sons. The authors give detailed accounts of their research which include full transcripts of census records, affidavits, court minutes etc., offering them as evidence and stating the conclusions they have reached. An Appendix gives appropriate census records and maps for thirteen states.
"Ansearchin'" News
192 Book Reviews (continued)
DEED BOOK 3 AND DEED BOOK 4 AMELIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS 1747-1753 abstracted by Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey. 1988. Soft back. Co., P.O. Box 188, Amelia, VA 23002.
8!xll, 161 pp. Indexed. Order from Mid-South Publishing $21.75 (VA residents add 90¢ sales tax).
At the time these deed books were originally written, Amelia County, formed in 1734/5, still held land that was cut off in 1754 to form Prince Edward County, as well as land that became Nottaway County in 1789. Therefore, this book is a research tool for all three counties. The deeds have been carefully abstracted, with names spelled as written. Relinquishment of dower provides a number of wives' names. A full name index includes place names and streams. Notes on the formation of parishes within the county and information on the calendar change of 1751 are helpful reminders. THE PLANTE FAMILY, The Story of ..• Ten Generations Since 1650 by Remi Plante. 8xll, 224 pp. $40.00.
1988. Soft back. Order from Mr. Plante, 200 Rideau Ter. #505, Ottawa (Ont.) KIM OZ3.
Jean Plante, born 1621, the eldest child of Nicholas Plante and Elizabeth Chauvin of LaRochelle, France, is the progenitor of the Plante family in Quebec. He came to Canada in the mid 1600s. He married Francoise Boucher of Quebec and was the father of twelve children who spread into all parts of Canada and New England. This family history is presented in an unusual manner it reads like a novel. The author has done extensive research on each generation, providing many records of births, deaths, marriages, pictures and family charts. To honor his French ancestors, the history was first written in French and then translated into English for the benefit of relatives who have migrated to regions where the English language prevails. THE SQUIRE SIMMONS FAMILY, 1746-1986 by Dorothy Geneva Simmons Skelton. 1986. Hard back, loose-leaf bound. 81Xll, 985 pp. Indexed. Order from Mrs. John W. Skelton, Lotos Lakes, Brightwood, VA 22715. $68.00 postpaid. This tome of family information, well-documented and beautifully printed, is divided into ten parts including the index. Beginning with the ancestors of Squire Simmons, Mrs. Skelton has pictured the life-style of William Ledford, William Buis and William Simmons in eighteenth century Virginia and North Carolina. She has placed family members in context with historical events throughout the book, and has furnished reproductions of original documents to support her statements. Following the families' moves westward from Georgia to Kansas, Oklahoma and Wyoming, she narrates the major events of the lives of Simmons kin. The physical properties of this book are quite impressive; the cover is strong and designed to last through many years of handling. The pages are loose-leaf on heavy metal rods which can be opened for additions. GRAVES COUNTY, KENTUCKY CEMETERIES compiled by Graves Councy Genealogical Society. 1987. Soft back. 81Xll, 197 pp. Indexed. Order from the Society, P.O. Box 245, Mayfield, KY 42066. $13.00 (residents of Kentucky add 5% sales tax). This is the sixth and final volume of cemeteries published by the Society. Volumes III through V are available at the same price. Volume Six includes all available information from ninetyone cemeteries, as well as any additional comment on the condition of the marker. Location of each graveyard is included, as are notes made from 1902 to 1907 by Vera Mason of Boaz, KY. A section of additions, corrections and updated notes app11ies to cemeteries reported in previous volumes, as well as to the current one. These notes frequently add current contacts. DESCENDANTS OF JAMES AND ELIZABETH FLEMING FERGUSON, BEDFORD COUNTY (NOW MARSHALL), TENNESSEE compiled by Herman W. Ferguson. 1988. Soft back. 81Xll, 135 pp. Indexed. Order from the compiler, 600 Chad Dr., Rocky Mount, NC 27803. $17.50 (NC residents all 5% sales tax).
This book contains a narrative chart of the descendants of James Ferguson (1757-1816) and his wife Elizabeth Fleming (1763-1848) and biographical sketches of six of the older members of the family. James and Betsy lived in Iredell Co., NC before moving to Bedford (now Marshall) Co., Tennessee about 1807. Most of the persons listed in the book are descended from their two sons, John Fleming Ferguson (1797-1870) and Ancel Harrison Ferguson (1800-1881). Ancel settled in Pontotoc County, Mississippi. Allied lines of the family are: Fleming, Dudley, Brittain, Buchanan, Yetzer and Zimmerle. Large print and ivory pages enhance the appearance of the book and make it easy to read.
Winter 1988
ANCESTORS UNLIMITED EDITION, Ancestors Unlimited, Inc., POBox 1507, Jonesboro, GA 30237. $15. Vol X, #3, 47 pp, indexed. Misc. information; members free queries. THE BARNES FAMILY TREE, Howard V. Fausey, 450 Potter St., Wauseon, OH 43567. Family Quarterly. $5. Vol 1, 114, 7 pp. "The Mailbag" has Barnes news from coast-to-coast, queries, etc. THE DAVENPORT NEWSLETTER, Gene Davenport, Ed., 3510 McMillan, Tyler, TX 75701. $9. Vol X, #2 Free queries; $1 per query for non-members; a "mixed bag" of information.
& 3, 4 pp each.
FEDERATION OF GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES Newsletter, Loretto Dennis Szucs, Ed., 3629 W. l47th Pl., Midlothian, IL 60445. $20. Vol 11, #10, 19 pp. Features location of genealogical sites, sources of research, book reviews. Comprehensive reading for the dedicated genealogist. GEER FAMILY ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER, John C. Fledderjohn, Ed., 1480 Byrd Dr., Berwyn, PA 19312. $15. Vol 5, #3, 18 pp. Announcing new Geer publication, Geer births, deaths and marriages. BULLETIN OF THE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF OLD TRYON COUNTY, POBox 938, Forest City, NC 28043. $15. Vol 16, #3, 49 pp. Ancestry of Abraham Enlow, obituaries and queries. G.R.I. NEWS 'n' NOTES, Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia, POBox 29178, Richmond, VA 23229. $10 (10 issues). Vol 8, #2, 4 pp. Records from various states, reviews & queries. HANco*ck HERITAGE, Hanco*ck County Chapter, Ohio Gen. Soc., POBox 672, Findlay, OH 45839-0672. $8. Vol 8, #3, 19 pp. Features local news, obits, charts and queries HIGDON FAMILY NEWSLETTER, Mrs. H.A. Smith, Ed., POBox 30093, Raleigh, NC 27622. Issue 198, 4 pp. $10. Miscellaneous local news, reunions, etc.
ILLINOIS STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY, POBox 157, Lincoln, IL 62656. $15. Vol XX, #2, 63 pp. Hardin Co. newspaper abstracts, Johnson Co. Commissioners records, queries, index. LYNN/LINN LINEAGE, Phyllis J. Bauer, Ed., 3312 West Fairway Dr., McHenry, IL 60050. $16. Vol 1 (1987), #1-4, 35 pp per issue. Marriages and obits, group records, wills, queries; indexed. MADERA HERITAGE QUARTERLY, The Genealogical Soc. of Madera, CA POBox 495, Madera, CA 936390495. $10. Vol 6, #3, 30 pp. Condensed genealogical excerpts, queries. THE ROADRUNNER, Chaparral Genealogical Society, Inc., 310 North Live Oak, POBox 606, Tomball, TX 77375. $12. Vol 14, #4, 33 pp. Salem birth records, Bible record, book reviews, queries. ROLLER FAMILY ASSOCIATION, 8213 Hamilton, Overland Park, KS 66204. $5. Vol 5, #2, 9 pp. Rollers in Civil War, John and Mary Roller in Barry Co., MO, and other tidbits.
SAPP FAMILY ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER, 712 NW 95th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32607. $15. Vol 1, #1, 7 pp. A new 5~x8~ newsletter; info from all Sapp connections, reunions and queries. GENERATIONS OF SMITHS, Anna J. Macy-Bedrosian, POBox 1177, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277. $7. 6th issue, June 1988, 7 pp. A Smith family newsletter with allied lines; family group sheets. SOUTHERN ROOTS AND SHOOTS, Delta Genealogical Society, 504 McFarland Ave., Rossville, GA 30741. $8.50. Vol 4, #3, 29 pp. Pedigree charts, queries; AL, GA, TN genealogical items. VAN BUREN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, POBox 126, Spencer, TN 38585. $5. Vol 8, #3, 9 pp. Oliver Perry Sparkman and wife, Hannah Jane Witt; family charts and local news. VIRGINIA TIDEWATER GENEALOGY, Tidewater Genealogical Society, POBox 76, Hampton, VA 23669. $9. Vol 18 (1987), #4, 40 pp. Contains Wm. and Geo. Lee information; desc. of Col. Miles Cary; Wynne Index; queries, etc. THE WAGONER, The Northwest Gen. Soc., POBox 6, Alliance, NE 69301. $12.50. Semi-annual. Vol 11, #1, 64 pp. 1987 Surname Index, early marriages, Baptisms 1692-1776, Hay Springs Cem.
"Ansearchin'" News
News and Notes From Other Publications (continued) YELLOWED PAGES, Southeast Texas Genealogical & Historical Soc., % Tyrrell Hist. Library, P 0 Box 3827, Beaumont, TX 77704. $12. Vol 18, #1, 66 pp. Sketch on James T. Hooks, 1810-1866; marriages, charts, indexed. FAMILY FINDINGS, Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, POBox 3343, Murray Sta., Jackson, TN 38303-0343. $10. Vol 20, #4, 40 pp, plus 1988 index. Cemeteries, 1833 Bolivar, TN letters, queries, etc. JOURNAL OF JACKSON COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, POBox 984, Pascagoula, MS 39567. $12. #2, 33 pp, plus index. Richard Roberts 1847 will, marriages, queries and book reviews.
PLATTE COUNTY MISSOURI HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN, POBox 103 Platte City, MO 64079. $10. Vol 41, #3, 30 pp. 1865 Carroll Twp tax list, county newspapers on microfilm, the Daniel family, book reviews and queries. SEARCHERS & RESEARCHERS of Ellis County Texas, Ellis Co. Gen. Soc., POBox 385, Waxahachie, TX 75165. $12. Vol 11, #3, 61 pp. Marriages, family records, death and funeral notices, 1870 census, ancestor charts, queries and index. THE SHACKELFORD NEWSLETTER, Mary Jane Shackelford Kaiser, 5752 Wheelock Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46835. $8.50. Vol 6, #4, 13 pp. Marriages, cemeteries of Wabash Co., IN and Faq~ier Co., VA, 1900 Soundex of Iowa, Wisconsin & Minnesota, queries, index. Write for more information. WILLIAMS KISSIN COUSINS, Box 3264, Wichita Falls, TX 76309. Publication is being discontinued with this issue, Vol 2, #6, 1988. Their recommendation is Williams Queries, % Bevers Publications, Box 3056, Wichita Falls, TX 7630 .. THE GENEALOGICAL JOURNAL, Genealogical Society of Davidson Co., NC, POBox 1665, Lexington, NC 27293-1665. $15. Vol 8, #3, 48 pp, including index. Contains obits, marriages, court minutes, book reviews and queries. THE LOUISIANA GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, Louisiana Genealogical & Historical Society, POBox 3454, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. $15. Vol 35, #3, 100 pp. Features evolution of St. Delphine Plantation from the 1700s & its owners; Ne1son-Grandjean-Pierce; tax lists; census reports & queries. MISSOURI STATE GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, POBox 833, Columbia, MO 65205-0833. $10. Vol 8, #3, 62 pp. Civil War Expedition in Miller & Phelps Cos., obits, cemeteries in Dent Co., MO, fa*gan family and queries. ST. LOUIS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY, 1695 So. Brentwood Blvd., Suite 210, St. Louis, MO 63144. $10. Vol 21, #3, 32 pp. Limbaugh family; Manchester Meth. Ch. records; Marriage Law of 1805; Trinity Lutheran Ch. baptisms; David Nelson Bible; cemeteries and queries. KENTUCKY ANCESTORS, Quarterly of The Kentucky Historical Society, POBox H, Frankfort, KY 40602-2108. $25. Vol. 24, #2, 71 pp. The Seaton family; KY-born residents of Hanco*ck Co., TN; Finnell-Suitor family; First Kentucky Ancestors; book reviews and queries. KIN HUNTERS, Montgomery Vanderpool, Ed., POBox 151, Russellville, KY 42276-0151. $14. Vo12, #4, 50 pp. Items from Mu1enberg, Butler, Christian, ~dd, Logan, Simpson, Warren Cos.; queries. GEORGIA GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE, Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr., Ed., POBox 738, Easley, SC 296410738. $20 (1989, $25). Vol 28, #1-2, 160 pp. Vital statistics (wills, deeds, marriages, etc) from Georgia and South Carolina counties; book reviews and queries.
Winter 1988
QUERIES Prepared for publication by Margaret Norvell Sinclair Subscribers may submit one free query per year of 50 words or less which must be received by this office by September first of that year.
88-230 Resch MITCHELL (TN-TX); MAUPIN (VA-TN-TX); JOHNSON (Ire-VA-GA-TX); BIGHAM (NC-TN-MS-TX); SEWELL (KY-TN-AR); HOOPER (TN-AR); FOLKNER (~VV-VA-TN-AR); PIERCE (NC-MO); GRAHAM (NY-OH-IL-MOAR); BARRON (MS-LA-TX-NM); BLANCHARD (MS-LA); STAHLE/STAHLEY (Germany-TN-AR). Evelyn Graham Acord, 2043 Eilene Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94566 88-231 Jas V MOORE (c1779 VA-bef 1860 cen) m Ruth (PATTERSON?); fam in Robertson Co TN, Wilson Co TN, then Williamson Co IL; 13 chn who m WALKER-TAYLOR-ODOM-McDANIEL-REEVES-WAGGONER-HARBIN/ HARLIN-GEORGE-THAXTON-PRITCHETT-GAMBIL-GODDARD-MORE. Nd proof; des corr re this fam. Marilyn Crichton, 10423 W. Devonshire, Phoenix, AZ 85039 88-232 DOWNS-SHARP: Nd info: Thos Downs b 1841 TN, s/Sheridick Downs, res Morgan Co TN bef 1840; Jas & Richard Sharp in Rockingham Co NC 1790, to TN c1800. Jos & Isham s/Richard. Lorraine Fisher, 20094 Quesada, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 88-233 NORTHERN-BLACKBURN: Nd pts, info on Wm Northern b c1795 NC m Sally Blackburn 1818 Jefferson Co TN. Was he s/John & Rhoda Northern/New Market area Jeff Co & bro/John Jr, Jas & Thos who d l800s Jeff Co? Was Sally dau/ ? & Diane Blackburn? Dorothy P. Gross, 10615 237th Place SW, Edmonds, WA 98020 88-234 HIX-BAIN/BANE-HODGE-FORREST-OGLES: Nd ancs & desc: Napoleon B & Wm B Hix of Ashland, MS; Briton/Brittain Baines, John R. Hodge, Jas H Forrest & Jas M Ogles, all of Benton Co TN. Richard Bain Hix, 8539 Marion Rd., Wichita, KS 67210 88-235 BIRCH: Des corr on Doctor Franklin Birch b 14 Feb 1846 Warren Co TN, d 28 Feb 1930 Dade Co MO; nd pts, pos b GA. How related to Wm. Birch b TN, liv MO, d in Civil War? Dorothy Seely Birch, Rt. 1, Box 53, Greenfield, MO 65661 88-236 BROWN(E)-HELMS: Jas Brown b Ire c1846, mAlice Coe Helms c1868 in TN/VA; nd his middle name, pl/b, da/mg, pI & da/d NM or AZ. Was he publisher of Nashville newspaper burned l880s? Stanley W. Browne, 1360 - 19th Ave., Kingsburg, CA 93631-2001 88-237 MARTIN: Nd pts of John Calhoun Martin b c1830 TN (Coffee Co?); nd all info on pts; were they Jos & Elizabeth Martin? Nd their pts also & pl/b, pl/d, pI & da/mg. Mary Ann Hollifield, 1345 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 88-238 HEARD any spelling: Nd pts, pl/b John J(os?) Heard b c1770-79 Frederick/Shenandoah/VA? in Jefferson/TN by 1790; joined Big Pigeon Bapt 1792 (co*cke/TN); to MO by l8l6?, d Lafayette, MO c1846; #l? wf Eliz ? 1838 deed (d 1840-45). Heard Journal pub. stops after 1989. Elsie L. Zarnowitz, 1486 Oriental Ave., Bellingham, WA 98226 206-676-9938 88-239 BENTON-WIL(L) SON: Nd pts: John Henderson Benton b 5 Jul 1834, m 4 Aug 1853 Robertson Co TN Martha Ann Willson b 21 Mar 1833; Wm F Benton b 1831/32, m 15 May 1853 same co Nancy E Willson b 1832/33. All b TN, to Christian Co KY 1862/63. Willsons had bro d in TX. Barbara Benton Wiley, 4747 W. Vereda del Venado, Tucson, AZ 85745-9767 88-240 BURKS-McCULLOUGH: Nd info/John Burks b c1830 McNairy Co TN, d 1898-1900 nr ShilQ Park, m c1850-60 in TN? Jane McCullough; known chn Isham Van Buren b 1867, Harrison L b 1879, David C. Howard Burks, 110 West Ithaca Street, Greenwood, AR 72936 88-241 REESE-EVETT: Nd pts/Wm Reese m Maratha Malinda Evett; joined Conf army 1861 from Hartsville, Macon (Trousdale) Co TN. Chn: Wm Ferrell, Whitten, Jacob Silas, Mollie, & twins Francis Tandy & T Jefferey. Ernestine Yarbrough, 8903-A Tina Court, Austin, TX 78758 88-242 ALFORD-RICHARDSON of Gibson Co TN: Wm Alford (m Sarah b VA); chn: Jas, J W, Elizabeth McGregor, Thos Jefferson·m Frances Richardson b VA (dau/Wm S & Susan Richardson), chn Henry, Amanda Jones, Eliz Perrigen, Geo, Sarah Frances Wilson, Mary Ann Harrison. Kathryn S. Schultz, 2182 Gorham Place, Germantown, TN 38138
"Ansearchin'" News
Queries (continued) 88-243 RHODES: Nd info on fam/Samuel Mason Rhodes b 25 Dec 1850, s/Wm & Rebecca Rhodes of Bradford, TN c1830-l840. Nd all info on Wm & Rebecca, pts, etc. Mrs. Derrell Hooker, 109 E. Texas Street, Denison, TX 75020 214-463-3101 88-244 HENDERSON-GRAY: Nd info Carnes Davidson Henderson b c1799 NC, m Caroline Gray. Girardeau, MO by 1830, d c1843. Fam to MS 1847, then to Union Co IL by 1855. Lila Perry Perfetti, 1743 Robin Hood Lane, Memphis,TN 38111
To Cape
88-245 JONES-HENRY-WINSTON: Nd pts., wf/John Jones Sr who deeded Williamson Co TN land 1813 to sons Wm, Thos & John Jr; will prob 1828 Madison Co AL named them & Joel, Jesse, Arthur, Polly Winston, Eliz E Winston. Is John Sr the John Jones represented by Patrick Henry & Anthony Winston in 1794 Buckingham Co VA lawsuit? Mrs. Terry Nelson, 1427 Eason, Memphis, TN 38116 88-246 BARTON-CARROLL-CROW-CHAMBERS-JENKINS: Nd pts/Maj Wm S Barton (vol for War/18l2 Fayetteville, Lincoln Co TN); d Lauderdale Co AL 1832; m Franklin Co GA 1808 Eliz Jenkins b SC; chn: Eliza Carroll, Louisa Crow, Caroline Chambers, Wm B & Starnes/Starney w, most b TN. Lloyd Nelson, 1427 Eason, Memphis, TN 38116 88-247 SCOGGINS-LUNDY: The Scoggin fam was in SW VA in lat~1700s, Carter Co TN, then White Co TN by early l800s. Jas W Scoggin b 1828 White Co m same co 1847 Sarah Lundy. Jas prob s/Jonathan & Nancy (nd her pts). Nd all info on Scoggins fam. Miss Margaret Scoggins, P.O. Box 473, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 88-248 MILLER-FORBESS: Nd info on Jo Anna Miller b c1852 MS, d c1892/93, m 22 Dec 1870 Tipton Co TN Thos Jefferson Forbess Jr. Chn: Bunyan, Vinnie, Barney, Colie, Cleve. Did she have a bro Harmon in TX? Jhelma Forbes Duke, 323 Holly Spring St., Apt. 2, Hernando, MS 38632 88-249 Des corr desc Alfred ALSTON b Wake Co NC 1795, d Fayette Co TN c1866 (s/John, RS; nd both wives; DAR record wrong), m 1814 Person Co NC Nancy Comer PEAK (dau/Saml & Sarah ? (nd pts; she m/2 John DAVIS, 12 chn). Alstons to Middle then W TN; chn m ADAMS-CRAWFORD-BROWN-BLACK. Margaret Norvell Sinclair, 4984 Welchshire, Memphis, TN 38117 88-250 HARRAWOOD-TAYLOR: Nd info/Wm Samuel Harrawood b c1784 NC, m 10 Sep 1818 Rowan Co NC Sarah Taylor; liv Davidson Co TN from c18l9 to 1830, mov to Hamilton Co IL. Chn: Richmond, Sabra, Wm, Sarah, Henry, John, Nancy. Bonnie Bartlett, 3251 Partridge Way, Springfield, OR 97477 88-251 DUKE (S)-ROGERS-SANDERSON: IL; m 13 Jan 1843 Ray Co MO Eliza b MO. How connected to Sanderson Judy Dukes Everhart, 4520 Wycombe
Nd pts/Henry Duke b 21 Jan 1817 TN, d 25 Apr 1878 Marion Co Ann Rogers b TN 1823. Chn: Mary A, Geo W, Wm J, Thos J, all fam of TN & MO? Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46226
88-252 WRIGHT~BROWN: Nd pts, any info on John Wright b 28 Nov 1855 Bansley, England, d 24 Dec 1934 TX; m/2 1885 Ella Brown b 30 Dec 1868 in Purdy, McNairy Co TN, d 24 Jun 1952 TX. They liv McNairy Co until c1900. Daphene Willoughby, Route 2, Box 177, Watertown, TN 37184 88-253 WALL-McINTIRE: Nancy A Wall b 2 Oct 1823 TN, d 1893 Stone Co AR, m 18 Nov 1841 Williamson Co TN John C McIntire. Nd pts & pl in TN she was born. Joan Vickers, 163 Mallard Cir. E., Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 88-254 MATHEWSON-ARNETT...,CLEMENT: Nd ancs/any info Catherine Mathewson b Smith Co? TN cl808, m c1838 Henry Co TN Nathan Glenn Clement. Known sibs: Daniel, Calloway Co KY (twin?), Dr John J, Roderick, Nancy Arnett (Mrs Geo N) all of Henry Co TN 1860. Katie Clement McMurrey, 4409 Paul Avenue, Tampa, FL 33611 88-255 TUCKER-GEORGE: Nd pts: Alvin Tucker b 1830/35 TN m 24 May 1853 TN Susannah George; in Lincoln Co TN 1870, Giles Co TN 1880; chn: J F, Harriet L, T A (Thos Albert/Elbert?), S J, Leona P, Jas H/N, J D/T D (Thompson?), Wm E. Des corr on these lines; am desc/Thos Elbert. Mrs. Suzanne Tucker McAlpin, 9585 Clocktower Lane, Columbia, MD 21046
Winter 1988
Queries (continued) 88-256 GRAY-BIGGERS-HORN: Nd info: Robt Gray b l790s TN, d l840s Yell Co AR; wf Tabitha b 1802 AL, d 1855 Yell Co AR; chn: Sarah 1819, Wm 1820 b AL, Jos, Betsy, Jas, Pheldery, Kiziah b TN. Was he the Robt Gray on 1830 McNairy Co TN cen? Biggers & Horn, Marshall Co l850s. Linda McAbee, Rt. 1, Box 63, Rocky, OK 73661 88-257 HATLEY-STRANN: Mark Hatley m 1809/1810 NC Delilah Strann; they liv in Roane Co TN 1814, mov to Hardin Co TN by 1820 where liv until died. Nd pts & sibs of both. Celestia Hatley, Rt. 6, Box 7, Shawnee, OK 74801 88-258 STEPP-MOSLEY-MONTGOMERY: Nd info: Penelope Stepp b c1785 GA/SC/NC (was she a Mosley?). Chn: John Stepp & Clarissa Montgomery. In 1870 Hall Co GA with Clarissa. Nd info Edd, Joe, Hugh J, Jas W Stepp, Pope Co AR, 1920 Yell Co AR. Elinore Stepp Fortney, c/o Ellie's Paperback Shack, Box 3lD Acton Square, Waldorf, MD 20601 88-259 BRUMBELOW: Nd info: Isaac Brumbelow b TN c1803, m TN c1826 Sarah; mov fam to AR c1848. Known chn: Martha b 1827, Susan b 1831, Ann b 1835, Archibald L b c1833, Isaac W b 1847 (all b TN); & Mary E b 1849 Saline Co AR. Louise Davis, Box 5l5,Camp Verde, AZ 86322 88-260 RENSHAW/RENCHER/WRENSHAW-TROVILLION/TRAVILLION-MADDOX: Think Renshaw-Trovillion-Maddox fams caravan migrated from Wilson Co TN to Pope Co IL c1848. Was Henry Renshaw aboard? Nd diary of trip. Mary Renshaw head of household 1850 Pope Co, no Henry. Virginia Renshaw Lawrence, 105 Baylor Drive, Ventura, CA 93003 88-261 SUMMERS-McCOLLUM-UNDERWOOD: Nd pts, sibs, chn, pI & da/b, pI & da/d Manring Summers & wf Sarah (McCollum) m 1788 Surry Co NC; mov to Jefferson Co TN where Manring Jr m 1829 Mahala Underwood, dau/Elijah & Margaret ? (nd pts) Underwood. Mrs. Violet M. Pilcher, 620 Sycamore Drive, Decatur, GA 30030 88-262 TEAS-DEAN: Nd info on Chas Teas b c1737 Augusta Co VA, baptised 1741 in Tinkling Spring Church, Augusta Co VA, d c1800.Montgomery Co TN, m ? Dean (nd her pts & pI/b). William H. Teas, 1003 Manor Road, Salina, KS 67401 88-263 BENNETT-JONES: Richard Bennett d 1820 Laurens Co SC, wf Sarah Jones; chn: Miles Jefferson, Anna, Jeanette. 1st located Laurens Co SC 1800, farmer. Nd his pts, fam, ancs. James M. Bennett, 1522 Hayne, Memphis,TN 38119 901-683-1051 88-264 FLETCHER-MONETT(E): Nd pts & pl/b of Rachel Fletcher & Rev Jas Monett who m & were in Dover Co TN c1800-l8l0 [Stewart Co TN?]. What relation to Dr John Wesley Monett b VA l803? Miriam-Woods Dye, 3555 Poplar #4, Memphis, TN 38111 88-265 SAWYER-HOLSTON-RINKER-MILLER: Nd proof of parentage: Elkanah Sawyer b 1798 Edgefield Co SC, d 1863 Winona, MS m Celia Holston. Rebecca Rinker b 1801 VA, d 1869 VA, m Jonathan Miller. Mrs. Maxine Musselwhite, 3053 Manhattan Ave., Memphis, TN 38112 88-266 EAKEN-WHITMORE-KINDER-BILYEU: Nd pts, sibs/Jas Eaken b 1804 VA (was JulIa Eakin f, 1850 cen Hamilton Co TN?), liv Meigs Co TN, m Amelia Milly Whitmore b c1803 SC (dau/Jere Whitmore?). Nd same for John Kinder b 1817 KY, m 18 Jan 1846 Miller Co MO Didamia Bilyeu b 20 Sep 1827. Mary R. Pulley, Rt. 6, Box 120, Fillmore Lane, Lebanon, MO 65536 88-267 VETETO-LORENZE: Jas Veteto b c18l0 TN/KY (s/Thos Veteto), d 1875 McNairy Co TN, m 1835 Henderson Co TN Henrietta Lorenze; chn: Sarah Amanda b 1838, Thos 1842, Jeremiah Washington 1844, Mary 1847, Daniel 1848, Cydney 1851, Jas Monroe 1853, Catherine Matilda 1854, Geo Manley 1857, Arzilee 1860. Bob Veteto, 4633 Wild Indigo, No. 546, Houston, TX 77027 713-629-6758 88-268 LAWSON: Nd info on Lyra Lawson; on 1880 Bledsoe cen he was 56 yrs old, wf Charlotta (nd her pts) 54 yrs old, chn: Franklen b 1860, Chas 1868, Elizabeth 1872, Minerva 1861. Would appreciate any info on this fam. Verona Mae Riggs, 1065 Park #4, El Centro, CA 92243
"Ansearchin'" News
Queries (continued) 88-269 WHITE-LAWSON-McCLUNG: Nd info on pts/Moses White; pl/b in Ire, b & d/das, chn; son Jas m Mary Lawson. Nd chn/Jas White & Mary Lawson, da/b & d for Mary Lawson White. Nd chn, da/b & d for Chas McClung & Margaret Lawson White, Knox Co TN. William B. Byers, 3103 Borden Rd., Austin, TX 78731 88-270 PRYOR: Nd fam, pts, pl/b of Jas Pryor b c1790 NC, m Edith~, Knoxville?, TN? Chn b TN: David, Wm P, Elija, Samuel. Knox Co TN 1840 cen, mov to Dallas Co AR bef 1850. S. McKay, 4433 South Atlanta Pl., Tulsa, OK 74105 88-271 Nd info/Richard SMITH b 1765 NC, d 1854 Montgomery Co TX, m 1800 Grainger Co TN (BM Ezekiel Smith) Margaret LOCKWOOD b 1783 NC, d 1857 TX; chn: Wiley B D 1806 TN, Eliz 1809 KY, John L 1813, Martha 1816, Minirva H 1824, Melvina 1825, Jas Washington 1826 b AL; all in TX 1831. Vernie Smith Bennett, Rt. 1, Box 838, Mexia, TX 76667-9801 88-272 CHINOWTH/CHINNETH: Nd info these fams liv Washington Co TN: John Chinowth m c1745 Frances HAILE; s Nicholas b 1776, d 1851, m c1800 Ruth Haile. Nicholas' daus Ruth & Agnes m GRAYS. Last liv Washington Co, John W Chinowth b 1870, d 1937, m 20 Jun 1894 Lydia CARROLL. Will exch. Susan Chinowth, 2335 N. 64th St., Omaha, NE 68104 88-273 Nd pts, pl/b (nd help W Indies/London search) Farquhard CAMPBELL, d 1808 NC, pat land Duplin Co NC & Bladen Co NC 1757, on Cumberland Co NC jury 1758; JP 1761; jailed then pardoned by Americans; St Senator; wives Isabella McALLISTER, Eliz WHITFIELD SMITH, Rachel Whitfield. Lt. Col. Victor E. Clark, Jr. USAF (Ret), 14262 Southern Pines Dr., Dallas, TX 75234 88-274 ~AVIDSON-ALLEN: Nd pts, pl/b of John Davidson b 1781 VA/NC/TN d 1853 nr Verona, Lawrence Co MO, m c1808 Giles/Smith Co TN Sarah Jane Allen; mov from Giles Co to Lawrence Co MO c1840; chn b TN: Alethea, Sarah S, Abram C, John A, A J, Jas, Jos-Peter, Mary E, Ruth S. Elizabeth Murphy, 1820 Hereford Drive, Prescott, AZ 86301 88-275 BURDEN-HUNTER: Nd info: Squire (ancs fr NC) b c1805, d Franklin Co AR 1861, & Rebecca (Burden) Hunter (ancs fr Stanton, VA) b c1808, d Ft Smith, AR 1861-65, natives/TN. Free Will Bapt; mov to Green Co MO, then c1856 to Franklin Co AR. R. P. Sabin, 711 Watts Drive S. E., Huntsville, AL 35801 88-276 JOHNSON-CROSS: $100 reward (offer good through 1989) to 1st person with documented proof of pts/Wm Riley Johnson, d 19 May 1843, McNairy/Madison Co?; was he from Overton Co? Wf Emily Cross, son Wm Cross Johnson. Dorothy J. Werner, 3405 Mansfield Rd., Falls Church, VA 22041 88-277 BOWERS-CRITTENDON: Nd info: Bowers fam from NC to Weakley Co TN; later to Obion Co TN. Leonard C. Bowers, Jr., P. O. Box 8237, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909-0237. 88-278 QUINLEY-McLAUGHLIN-WYATT: Sally/Sarah Quinley in the Geo Washington McLaughlin household on Haywood Co TN 1870 cen; WM McLaughlin BM for the 13 Dec 1870 mg/Warren Wyatt & Sarah E Quinley. Des exch info on this McLaughlin fam. Nell M. (Mrs. Quinley) Graves, 681 Melrose St., Memphis,TN 38104 88-279 MOORE-COTTON-HENNEGAN-CRISWELL: Nd info on fam/David & Elizabeth Moore; chn: Catherine b 1847 & Le Roy. They had relatives named Cotton/Cotten, Hennegan & Criswell. Elizabeth & chn were in the Yazoo City, MS area in June 1863. Marion Graves, 681 Melrose St., Memphis, TN 38104 88-280 FUQUAY-MILLER-COOPER-JONES-CHIPMAN: Nd pts Wm Fuquay b 1861 LA & Jas Wright Fuquay b 3 Mar 1865 TN; mo Mary Miller b 4-11-1844 Jackson, TN (dau/Oscar Miller & Sarah Cooper). Nd pts/ Mary Jones m 1852 Madison Co TN Geo Chipman; f Allen Jones b Franklin Co NC, d 1843 Jackson, TN. W. G. Chipman, Jr., 1249 Waxhaw Dr., Greenville, MS 38703 88-281 HAINES/HAYNES-MEYER/MYERS: Nd pts, sibs/Wm Haynes b 1816 NC, m Nancy ~ b 1816 TN; dau Melissa Josephine Haynes b 1850 TN, m Wm Jacob Meyer b 1850 Cooper Co MO; on 1880 cen in Coffee Co TN with chn: Jas, Opha, Ben & Lonzo. Des corr anyone having these lines. Birdie Meyer Cranford, 3318 Bowen Ave., Memphis,TN 38122
Winter 1988
Queries (continued) 88-282 POWERS-DAVIS-RUCKER: Nd pts, sibs Wm B Powers b 1825 SC m 1845 Nancy A Davis b 1819 NC; chn: Mary J b 1845 TN, Nathl John Thos (m/2 1881 Susan Frances Davis, dau/Jas A Davis & Eliz Rucker), Jas Noah b 1849 Conway Co AR, Wm Franklin, Newton J b 1853 Cave Cr, Newton Co AR. Virginia M. Howell, 418 S. Dos Caminos, Ventura, CA 93003 88-283 Josiah E STOKES m 1843 Isabella CHERRY, 1850 Minerva EDMONDS, Williamson Co TN; chn: Joe m Emma HENDRICKS: Mary m Nathan HENDRICKS (to KY); John m ASHLEY - to TX with step-father (John Bell? RUTHERFORD); Becky; Martha Jane (Dink) m McCLARAN & HUDSON. Nd ancs & desc. Mrs. James E. Smotherman, P. O. Box 130, College Grove, TN 37046 88-284 Des corr with anyone resch these fams: l800s, wf Susan b c1798 (nd pts). Known chn: c1829 m Bernard M HATCHER 1850, d 1898 Lincoln Lorraine Wingard, 117 N. Haven Dr., Kalispell,
Archer Johnson WOOD liv Williamson Co TN early Archer b c1822, Johnson b c1825, Susanna F b Co TN. Nd all dates for Archer; pts, chn, wf. MT 59901
88-285 CAMPER-KEMPER-McMAHAN-CURLEY-DAVIDSON: Des info: Camper fam, Lincoln/Giles Cos TN l820-l860s; John McMahan in Washington Co TN very early & son John m Margaret Curley; Davidsons fr Cane Creek monthly meeting NC to New Hope monthly meeting TN c1796. Elizabeth Davidson Chancellor, 1622 York Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 88-286 WILSON-GRANADE: John Wilson of VA mov to Greene Co TN 1788, Jackson Co TN by 1812; was Ephriam m dau/Wm Granade of Smith Co TN c1800 his son? Gdn Wm M Wilson b 1802 mov to McMinn Co TN 1830 then AL. Wilsons m WILKERSON-HUTCHESON-VANZANDT of Jackson Co. Des corr desc. Cliff Wilson, 1 Blackfriar Rd., Rosemont, PA 19010 88-287 Nd info/John SMITH, Camp Cr, Washington (now Greene) Co TN c1785; was his wf Ann NEWMAN, dau/John & Honor Newman/Shenandoah Co VA, to Greene Co TN c1779? Were chn John, Cornelius (m 1789 Greene Co Sarah VIDITOE/VITTITOE (dau/Stephen & Ole/Oce, Quakers of Surry/Guilford Cos NC)? Ms. Susie Thompson, 7110 Westway Cir., Knoxville, TN 37919 88-288 SEXTON-WIMBERLEY: Nd origin & pts of Berthena Sexton b 1811 TN, d 8 Oct 1885 Henry Co TN, m Lewis Wimberley b 1805 Allen Co KY, d 26 Feb 1877 Henry Co TN. Arthur D. Thatcher, Jr., 102 Sandberg St., Thousand Oak~, CA 91360 88-289 HAMPTON-WELLS: Nd info on Jas Hampton b Greene Co TN 17 Oct 1790, daft 1860 McMinn Co TN; wf Gemina Wells b 1796 KY; chn: Peter b 1816, Hannah b 1818, Dulseana b 1821, Wm Everest b 1819, Rebecca Adaline b 1824 KY, Jane b 1827, Jas M b 1833, John b 1838 McMinn Co TN. Diana Mellen, 904 Conestoga, Yakima, WA 98908 88-290 DURHAM-MORRISON: Nd desc/Thos H Durham b 1820 KY, d Jan 1863 TN, m 21 Nov 1839 Roane Co TN Sarah Morrison; chn: Christopher Columbus, John Milton, Jas Y, Wm H, Mary J, Allen, Elizabeth/Bettie, Thos (or Newton), Maggie, all b in TN. Cindy Durham Posey, Rt. 2, Box 584, Gravois Mills, MO 65037 88-291 BRIGGS-PARKER-KELTON-TAYLOR-ROGERS: Nd pts: Lillian Briggs b 1861 TN m 1882 Edward Rodolphus Parker, think Briggs-Kelton? Dr A J Taylor b 1818 MS, mov to LA, m c1842 Martha Ann Rogers. Nd pts of both. Martha Parker, Rt. 7, Box 265, Jacksonville, TX 75766 88-292 BARNETT-McNEALY: Nd pts of Leroy McNealy Barnett, b 26 Feb 1832 Gibson Co TN, d 22 Oct 1916 Gibson Co; nd pI/bur. Was his father Josephus Barnett? Was his mother a McNealy? Richard G. Holyfield, P.O. Box 5704, Hudson, FL 34674 88-293 McDONALD-FISHER: Nd origins/McDonald & Fisher fams from Simpson Co KY-Robertson Co TN border area. Alexander H McDonald b c1808 TN m c1833 Mary A Fisher b c18l7 TN, dau/Clement Fisher b c1799 VA. McDonald fam liv in Hamilton Co IL. Barrett Bryant, 816 E. Nob Hill Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209 88-294 SMITH-FARQUIT/TARQUIT/TARQUITTE: Nd data on Emmanuel/Imanuel/Manuel Smith b c179l Swain Co NC (sd 1/2 Cherokee), m bef 1844 Jane Farquit b c1804 NC, dau/John. Mov Monroe Co TN c1840. What kin to these Smiths: Jas Riley, Luis (a chief of NC), Harry, Ross/Rass, Geo? Will exch. Pat Marshall (Mrs. David H.), 2512 Westridge Drive, Plano, TX 75075
"Ansearchin'" News
Queries (continued) 88-295 REEVES-NICHOLAS: Nd info/Wm F Reeves b 1814 TN, d 1850 Hump. Co TN, m Mary (Nicholas?); chn: Elizabeth b 1842, Thos b 1846, Margarett b 1849. Mary m/2 Williamson Reeves, s/Alfred & Parthenia. Rump. Co 1860 cen, chn: Eliz 18, Thos 14, Margaret 11, Mary 7, Wm 4. Mrs. Robert D. Raisch, 2613 Cosmos Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30345 88-296 BARNES-PEAIRS: Nd pts of bros Jas & Ninevah Barnes, liv Warren Co TN as late as 1827 bef mov to Pike Co IL. Nd info on the Jonathan Peairs fam, Sumner Co TN in early l800s. He1en Ruth Renner, Rural Rt. 1, Box 137, Montgomery City, MO 63361 88-297 WALLACE-WALLER: Nd pts/Elias Wallace & Pleasant Waller, pd taxes in White Co TN 1811, Elias' will White Co 1821. Waller m Avarilla Wallace. Elias reputedly came from Caswell Co NC early. Granted 100 ac on Calf Killer Creek. Harold R. Wallace, Apt. 215, 6110 E. 5th St., Tucson, AZ 85711-2522 88-298 McANALLY-DeBOARD: Nd info on pts of Jesse ~ McAnally, b 17 Mar 1827 Grainger Co TN, d 28 Apr 1893 Grainger Co TN, m 4 Nov 1851 Amanda J DeBoard. Martha Ann Aigner, 1601 90th Ave. N. E., Bellevue, WA 98004 88-299 HAWKE-REYNOLD: Nd info on John Hawke - land warranty 1788 Sullivan Co; mov to Hawkins Co 1803, no side of Clinch Mt. Nd name/wf. Was Abraham Hawke to whom he deeded his land his son? Abraham m 1815 Hawkins Co Salley Reynold. Mildred Eason, 4933 Hillside Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76114 88-300 BUTLER-THOMASON-STROUD-RUFFIN-DeBERRY-NUNN-FUQUA: Searching: Coleman Butler b 1829 Carroll Co? TN, m Nancy Thomason. Wm Stroud b 1761 VA/NC, eloped with dau/Judge Thos Ruffin of NC/TN; son Ruffin Brown Stroud m Priscilla Ellis DeBerry. Sarah Ann Nunn b 1833 m John Franklin Fuqua. Anne Butler Black, 507 W. 19th, El Dorado, AR 71730 88-301 RUSHING-WARD: Nd pts, any info Wm R Rushing b Anson Co NC?, d 1848 Benton Co TN?, m Anson Co NC Eliz Ward; John D Rushing b c1799 Anson Co NC?, d 1858 Benton Co TN, m Anson Co? Louisa/Levica Ward. Mrs. Frances M. Rice, 1415 Metropolis St., Metropolis, IL 62960 618-524-8986 88-302 MEBANE-TINNIN-HALL-NIMMO-POTTS-LORE: Jas Anderson b 1789 mil Betsy HUDSON; 4 of 11 chn m: Lucinda RONNY, Louisa PITT, Sarah AUSTIN; Robt WATKINS; m/2 Elizabeth Nimrno/NEMO; 2 of 3 chn m Geo POTTS, John LEDDY. All mgs in Sumner Co TN 1846-61. Will exch. Leah Lore Gabsky, 3891 Darbytown Rd., Richmond, VA 23231 804-795-2653 88-303 Nd pts, sibs of all: John BIRD b c1750 Henrico Co VA, d Greene Co c1830 (was wf Mary WALLER?), in TN Sols of Rev War; known chn: John, Jacob b 1780 TN m Amelia DUNN (dau/Danl & Rhoda Dunn), Mary m John RIEMEL. Dunns to Jamestown l630? Nd info Dunn, Bird, Waller. Jean Huggins Wingert, 79 La Prenda, Benicia, CA 94510 707-745-0177 88-304 VAUGHN-PIERCE: Nd info on Sterling Vaughn from Mecklenburg Co VA, d Iredell Co NC 1846; known chn: Wm b c1789 Mecklenburg Co, in War of 1812, m Nancy Pierce, & Jas who inherited land from Sterling in NC. Barbara Vaughn Thompson, 75 Old Humboldt Rd., Jackson, TN 38305 88-305 HADEN/HAYDEN-DOUGLAS-DONELSON-HARRISON-MULBERRY-GLASSco*ck: Nd any info: Benj Haden m c1745 Margaret Douglas; s Elisha m 1776 Jane Donelson; Elisha II m Logan Co KY 1799 Mary/Polly Harrison. Jacob Mulberry d KY c1820 nr Cynthiana. Glassco*cks to MO c1800. Betty B. Kupersmith, 1511 N. E. 92 St., Seattle, WA 98115 88-306 ADEN-BYSOR-DAVIS-HATCH-ROULSTONE: Nd info & pl/bur David Hatch & wf Betseyan Bysor of Sumner Co TN l830s-l870s; Hatch daus Clementine Davis, wf/W H Davis, & Mary E Roulstone, wf/ J D Roulstone. Will share info Rose (Hatch) Haley, Rt. 1, Box 135, Waller, TX 77484 88-307 Nd info: Thos RACHELS/ROCHELL/RASHALL b c1825 TN/AL m 1848 TN Mary An DAVIS; 6 chn (others?). M/2 c1859 TN/AR Phoebe Netta Jain HOAG/HOGE/HOGUE b 1842 TN; 9 chn. Bobbie J. Zylstra, 712 E. Main St., Everson, WA 98247
Winter 1988
SURNAME INDEX 1988, Volume 35
177 ABL 159 ACKERLY 57 ACKERRMAN 47 ACLIN 63 ACORD 195 ACRE 122 ACREE 122 ACTLIN 134 ACUFF 15 ADAIR 44 74 176 ADAM 10 ADAMS 13 17 33
34 35 36 57 79 82 87 91 100 102 112 131 132 144 155 158 162 163 164 167 168 175 176 177 180 185 187 188 196 ADco*ck 19 103 104 133 142 ADDAMS 133 151 ADDEWRIN 17 ADEN 200 ADKINS 13 99 133 185 ADKINSON 168 ADKISSION 80 AGEE 57 ADKISSON 134 AGENT 20 AHL 159 AIGNER 200 AIKEN 110 AILEY 46 AIRS 22 25 AKAR 11 AKIN 18 186 AKINS 158 ALAXANDER 159 ALBRIGHT 102 166 ALDER 180 ALDERMAN 149 ALDITHLEY 137 ALDREDGE 57 ALDRICH 149 ALDRIDGE 33 96 ALEARSBY 177 ALEXADNOR 134 ALEXANDEER 111 ALEXANDER 20 47 52 53 54 56 57 64 66 71 72 73 75 75 102 103 107 119 159 161 163 165 174 177 180
57 99 112 113 167 168 195 ALLABROOK 177 ALLEN 13 20 25 39 48 57 63 64 73 76 79 80 81 87 99 106 109 111 114 129 132 134 141 149 152 153 158 159 165 169 177 186 198 ALLEY 99 142 177 ALLIM 102 ALLIN 66 102 ALLISON 17 47 57 103 111 165 ALLPHIN 189 ALLRED 159 ALPHIN 185 ALRED 57 73 133 ALRIDGE 20 73 ALSBURY 189 ALSTON 8 196 AMBROSE 101 AMMON 114 AMMONS 169 177 AMOS 177 ANDERSON 17 18 22 23 24 35 40 45 46 54 57 64 74 81 83 91 95 101 104 107 109 110 111 132 134 138 149 151 152 159 165 172 184 200 ANDRES 44 ANDREW 57 71 99 ANDREWS 14 16 37 47 57 74 78 162 180 ANGLEN 142 ANGLIN 142 175 ANTHONEY 63 ANTHONY 57 152 ANTONEY 65 APELTON 160 APPERSON 57 APPLEBY 18 73 APPLETON 14 22 23 77 79 160 161 162 164 186 187 189 APPLEWHITE 57 ARCHER 37 42 112 159 167 ARCHIBALD 43 ARGO 175 ARINGTON 133 ARMISTEAD 156
ARMOND 103 ARMOR 177 ARMOUR 15 159
180 9 10 12 17 36 37 57 63 104 132 161 173 184 185 ARNALD 163 ARNEL 101 103 ARNET 22 57 56 ARNETT 92 196 ARNOLD 13 57 63 64 65 66 74 III 112 113 163 165 167 177 ARNOLT 187 ARNOT 13 ARONS 115 ARRNGTON 133 ARTHEE 14 ARTHUR 15 74 119 ARTHURS 15 AS BURN 187 ASBURY 27 28 29 30 31 32 ASHBURN 89 ASHBY 180 ASHLEY 57 112 166 199 ASHMON 66 ASHMORE 57 ASKEW 57 93 ASKINS 65 ASSZMAN 161 ATCHLEY 160 ATHON 100 ATKINS 57 73 162 ATKINSON 19 57 171 182 ATWELL 129 130 AUBERT 57 AUBREY 57 AUSBROOKS 73 AUSTIN 57 139 160 200 AUTREY 103 177 AUTRY 177 AUTTRY 101 AVANT 170 AVENT 170 AVERETT 112 167 AVERN 180 AVERY 36 149 157 158 AVRIETT 57 AXLEY 32 AYco*ck 57 AYDELOTT 152 AYRES 160 ARMSTRONG
57 91 142
94 99 150 152 158 163 188 BAILY 101 103 163 BAIN 57 134 195 BAINES 195 BAIRD 15 18 20 63 102 BAITEY 163 BAKER 8 11 18 19 21 24 26 32 44 45 48 57 63 70 77 78 79 80 85 104 106 114 115 129 133 134 143 159 163 169 177 186 BAKOR 104 BALCH 9 10 BALDRIDGE 57 133 BALDWIN 14 BALENTINE 149 BALFOUR 177 BALL 120 180 BALLARD 7 18 19 57 73 152 168 185 BALLE 100 BALLENGER 107 BALLENTINE 64 BALLON 18 BALLOW 10 BANDY 57 BANE 51 195 BANES 43 BANKHEAD 13 57 99 BANKS 57 100 BANKSTON 87 177 BANKS TONE 20 BANTON 65 BAPTISTE 177 BARADELL 177 BARAN 57 BARBARIN 177 BARBEE 47 BARBER 13 162 185
94 10 18 26 57 101 102 BARKLEY 100 BARKSDALE 13 57 63 64 177 BARLEY 57 BARLIN 57 BARLOW 57 BARNARD 57 144 BARNES 17 33 34 35 36 44 57 94 106 107 108 141 149 163 193 200 BARNET 26 BARNETT 32 57 71 144 152 158 199 BARNHART 18 158 BARNHILL 35 101 133 134 BARNS 15 25 73 BARNY 57 BARON 181 BARONER 111 BARR 57 104 161 BARRET 134 BARRETT 113 160 BARROM 10 BARRON 76 177 195 BARRONTON 103 BARROW 10 131 172177 BARRY 57 BART 57 BARTEN 57 BARTERS 11 BARTHOLOMEW 89 BARTLETT 18 20 57 89 91 167 181 189 196 BARTON 12 13 57 96 100 116 130 177 196 BARUFF 8 BARWooD 11 BASFORD 162 BASHAM 144 159 BASKIN 11 BASKINS 64 BASS 20 73 76 134 158 166 BASWELL 142 BARKER
202 BATEMAN 11 57 74 75 112 167 BATES 57 154 177 BATEY 103 BATIE 13 BATS 36 161 BATSON 115 169 BATTE 69 BATTERSON 158 BATTIN 104 BATTLE 57 83 131 132 164 187 188 BATTON 17 18 19 BATTS 79 130 160 189 BATUS 14 BAUCKMAN 12 BAUCUM 19 20 BAUER 54 132 193 BAUERMAN 93 BAUGH 57 93 BAUGHER 102 BAUGUS 112 166 BAUL 51 BAUNERMAN 151 BAUR 57 BAURMAN 134 BAVIET 90 BAWLES 105 BAXTER 74 75 102 BAYLES 158 BAYLEY 103 BAYLISS 177 BAYLOR 163 BAYN 45 BAYNE 63 BEALE 57 BEALK 102 BEALY 57 177 BEAN 37 43 104 142 149 158 190 BEANLAND 57 BEARD 12 36 57 91 149 157 160 162 177 186 BEARDEN 63 BEASELY 15 BEASLEY 113 154 168 177 BEASLY 113 BEASON 26 46 BEATHERAGE 90 BEATTY 141 BBATY 18 57 73 74 100 103 BEAUCHAM 58 BEAUCHAMP 58 63 BEAVERS 64 65 103 BECK 15 20 76 BECKERSTAFF 158 BECKETT 18 75 177 BECKHAM 17 58 BECKWITH 18 BECTON 66 BEDDY 104
BEDFORD 10 11 13 58 64 66 70 102 BEDROSIAN 138 193 BEDWELL 19 BEECHAM 177 BEEN 104 BEENE 37 BEESLEY 103 BEHAN 58 BELK 11 63 BELKE 102 BELL 10 16 17 22 23 33 34 35 36 37 54 58 74 78 81 94 99 105 112 113 149 152 160 164 166 167 182 183 187 189 BELLAH 11 63 BELLAR 58 BELLE 158 BELLEW 63 BELLOH 134 BELLS 17 18 20 74 BENEDICT 129 BENGE 102 BENGERMAN 15 16 BENJES 180 BENNEDICT 130 BENNETT 34 39 48 58 64 73 83 95 152 154 177 197 198 BENOIT 10 BENSON 17 26 33 58 63 80 82 161 163 177 BENTLEY 24 135 BENTON 14 22 26 74 158 160 161 162 185 186 195 BENTONS 158 BERCHAM 113 BERCHEAN 99 BERGER 58 BERGIN 152 BERRY 48 52 54 58 77 79 95 105 106 109 163 169 183 185 BERRYBERRY 34 BBRRYHILL 58 BERRYMAN 157 BERSS 161 BERY 162 BESON 159 BEST 46 184 BETHEL 113 141 168 BETHUNE 17 76 BETTS 23 BETTY 12 BEVARD 13 BEVELL 177 BEVENS 133
BEVERS 65 161 BEVINS 76 100 101 BHEN 58 BIB 11 BIBB 31 83 BIBBS 163 BICKHAM 177 BICKNELL 110 BIDDLE 58 BIDDULPH 180 BIDWELL 40 BIFORD 100 BIGGELS 58 BIGGERS 15 16 75 197 BIGGS 185 BIGHAM 101 195 BIGLOW 113 168 BIGMAN 144 BILES 10 BILL 71 BILLINGESLEY 159 BILLINGSLEY 159 BILLINGTON 20 73 76 BILLS 18 20 75 129 BILYEU 197 BINAM 58 BINGHAM 58 75 177 BINKLEY 63 113 131 132 162 167 185 187 BINNIE 58 BINNS 20 BIRCH 195 BIRCHITT 180 BIRD 15 58 103 131 141 161 186 200 BIRDWELL 184 BIRMINGHAM 18 75 BIRNEY 58 BISHIP 102 BISHOP 11 15 25 58 63 66 78 177 187 189 BITTS 18 BIVENS 166 BIVINS 111 BIZZELL 83 BLACK 11 21 56 58 75 115 162 169 182 196 200 BLACKBAUM 56 BLACKBURN 43 52 56 58 93 96 160 164 174 185 195 BLACKFAN 10 112 166 BLACKLEY 58 BLACKMAN 10 13 29 31 58 103 189 BLACKMORE 17 177
BLACKSHIRE 16 BLACKSTONE 177 BLACKWELL 14 17 20 25 63 65 129 131 150 164 185 189 BLACKWOOD 10 177 BLAIR 16 58 65 87 100 104 109 115 BLAKE 46 73 173 BLAKELY 33 BLAKEMAN 58 BLAKEMORE 13 16 64 BLAKEY 163 BLALOCK 58 102 BLANCHARD 58 195 BLAND 15 16 BLANKENSHIP 35 BLANKINSHIP 58 93 BLANKS 13 135 BLANTON 48 58 144 177 BLARE 114 168 BLASSINGAME 36 BLAYLOCK 74 BLECKER 107 BLEDSOE 182 BLELOCK 180 BLEVINS 136 140 181 BLEW 23 BLOCK 12 180 BLOCKER 158 BLODGETT 177 BLOOD 65 BLOODWORTH 18 BLOOMER 87 BLOUNT 52 174 187 BLUE 81 BLYTHE 58 132 BOAK 99 BOALS 72 187 BOATMAN 33 BOATRIGHT 64 66 BOAZ 18 BOBBET 58 BOBET 12 BOBO 58 74 BOEHM 27 28 BeBN 65 BOGAN 21 BOGLE 51 55 109 110 183 BOLEIGH 64 BOLEN 101 BOLES 169 BOLIN 94 BOLING 32 159 175 BOLLEN 28 BOLLIN 149 BOLTON 18 84 111 165 166 177
BOLTS 158 BOMAN 133 BOMAR 58 BOND 29 30 31 58 68 84 93 105 146 161 175 BONDS 16 BONHAM 110 BONTA 58 BOOKER 58 158 180 BOON 21 BOONE 15 26 74 BOOTH 58 66 181 BOOTY 134 BORDEN 41 58 BOREN 17 18 22 23 24 58 80 111 161 166 186 BORIN 77 BORKNER 177 BORREN 161 BORRIN 186 BOSS 102 BOSSLEY 10 BOST 175 BOSTICK 58 161 BOSWELL 72 BOTTS 158 BOUCHER 192 BOUER 99 BOUGH 58 BOUGT 162 BOULTON 111 BOUNDS 25 131 BOURNE 181 BOWDEN 75 BOWELS 114 BOWEMAN 58 BOWEN 27 33 58 66 134 152 160 180 BOWER 152 BOWERMAN 54 93 BOWERS 15 55 132 177 185 198 BOWLES 58 180 BOWLING 151 BOWMAN 13 46 58 63 69 70 74 92 103 133 142 151 BOWORS 162 BOX 11 63 102 111 112 114 166 169 170 BOXEY 102 BOYCE 58 BOYD 19 45 46 52 81 107 158 164 169 180 BOYER 99 152 BOYERS 113 168 BOYETT 76 BOYETTE 20 58 74 75 BOYLE 58 BOYLES 134
Winter 1988 BOYTER 158 BOYTES 158 BOZARTH 92 BRACH 104 BRACK 58 BRACKEN 144 BRADBURN 14 161 186 BRADEN 18 19 20 36 63 162 BRADFORD 9 10 58 65 74 102 187 BRADHAM 177 BRADLEY 46 52 58 66 76 96 99 158 177 189 BRADON 63 BRADSHAW 58 115 BRADY 23 58 113 168 BRAGG 81 108 BRAKE 164 BRALLY 100 BRALY 100 BRAME 44 BRANCH 156 BRANDERIFF 58 BRANDON 99 100 BRANHAM 45 BRANNON 13 BRANNUM 92 BRANOM 92 BRANSON 5 73 BRAN 23 BRANTLEY 15 16 74 BRANWELL 185 BRASEL 100 BRASH 58 BRASHEAR 63 BRASHER 133 BRASSMIER 58 BRASTER 174 BRATCHER 58 BRATIN 14 BRATTAN 163 BRATTEN 14 BRATTON 13 177 BRAUN 177 BRAWLEY 48 76 BRAWNER 110 133 BRAY 16 74 76 152 BRAZRAL 103 BREAKBILL 108 BREATHETT 163 BRECHEEN 20 74 BRECHEN 65 BREDON 58 BREEDEN 144 157 BREEDING 158 BRENNAN 58 BRENTIN 150 BRENTS 17 BRETTON 150 BREVARD 64 111 166 170
BREWER 45 46 58 131 152 186 BREWTON 177 BRIAN 58 BRIANT 19 24 74 106 BRICKEN 177 BRIDGERS 164 BRIDGES 58 80 166 177 180 186 BRIDGEWATER 22 25 BRIENT 133 BRIGG 20 BRIGGS 15 58 199 BRIGHAM 112 167 BRIM 87 96 102 BRIMM 63 BRIMME 177 BRINKLEY 39 BRINTLE 15 BRINTTE 15 BRISCOE 22 24 26 77 BRISTOW 79 164 BRITT 58 BRITTAIN 19 192 BRITTENHAM 158 BRITTON 90 BROADWAY 72 BROCHEEN 17 BROCK 53 58 152 BROCKMAN 158 BROCKWELL 43 BRODEY 10 BRODRICK 144 BRODWELL 177 BROGDEN 166 BROGDON 159 BROMLEY 140 BROOK 183 BROOKE 149 BROOKS 10 16 36 58 73 76 77 78 81 94 130 140 157 185 186 187 BROOKSHER 58 BRooKSHILD 161 BROOM 58 BROOME 100 BRORTON 10 BROTHERS 101 BROTHERTON 107 BROUGHER 177 BROUGHTON 66 BROWDER 34 58 BROWEL 114 BROWERS 115 BROWN 10 15 20 26 33 39 40 58 65 66 73 79 81 92 93 101 102 103 107 111 113 115 119 122 139 143 149 150 151 152 157 158 159 160 163 165 166
168 169 174 175 177 195 196 BROWNE 15 17 18 74 195 BROWNER 177 BROWNING 33 58 65 130 131 160 161 162 177 BROWNLEE 45 BROWNLU 58 BROWNSON 83 BRUCE 19 58 100 180 BRUDEN 177 BRUHN 94 BRUMBELOW 48 102 197 BRUMET 92 BRUMLEY 38 44 BRUMMETT 92 BRUNDEN 152 BRUNDIGE 139 BRUNELL 58 BRUNSTON 58 BRYAN 21 22 23 26 78 81 137 164 BRYANS 75 BRYANT 16 20 26 35 46 76 84 114 116 142 152 168 187 188 199 BUCEY 58 BUCHANAN 10 34 58 64 177 192 BUCHANNON 18 BUCK 58 84 90 105 106 BUCKALoo 103 BUCKHAM 66 BUCKHANNAN 112 BUCKHANNON 48 112 BUCKHANON 166 BUCKLAND 182 BUCKLEW 58 BUCKLEY 58 150 BUFF 58 88 BUFFINGTON 177 BUGG 20 BUIE 45 80 BUIS 192 BUJNAK 142 BULISSON 134 BULL 58 BULLAR 100 BULLARD 58 101 186 BULLEN 58 BULLOCK 18 19 58 BUMGARNER 101 BUMPASS 58 BUNCH 177 BUNCHAM 130 BUNDY 37 BUNN 142 BURCH 152
BURCHAM 168 BURCKET 177 BURDEN 198 BURDINE 149 BUREH 177 BURGES 134 169 BURGESS 17 58 115 144 BURK 53 55 159 160 163 BURKE 58 177 BURKES 101 BURKEY 15 BURKHARDT 94 BURKHEAD 33 BURKLEY 99 BURKS 35 101 151 187 195 BURKUS 58 BURLESON 64 134 BURLESSOND 134 BURLISON 134 BURLLISSON 134 BURLOSSON 134 BURLS SON 134 BURNAM 44 BURNETT 8 58 64 6592 BURNEY 58 BURNS 19 51 88 114 133 142 177 189 BURRIS 135 BURRISS 81 BURROW 33 44 58 BURROWS 157 BURRUS 64 BURT 152 BURTEN 64 99 BURTON 40 58 64 66 92 96 152 167 BURY 162 BURYMAN 36 BUSBY 44 BUSE 102 BUSH 94 149 151 163 171 BUSHRAT 58 BUSSEY 58 BUSTARD 22 77 BUSTIS 150 BUSY 186 BUTCHER 44 BUTLAR 103 133 134 BUTLER 20 22 23 48 58 81 133 137 177 180 187 188200 BUTLET 58 BUTREN 58 BUTT 156 BUTTS 58 130 BUZBEE 44 BYBEE 58 BYERS 100 198
BYRD 53 80 131 149 161 BYRON 172 BYSOR 200
CABE 160 CABRERA 90 CADLE 93 CAFFEY 104 CAGON 58 CAID 73 CAIN 14 22 43 58 133 CAIRD 73 CALBREATH 48 CALDWELL 15 53 58 103 105 140 163 CALHOUN 18 19 20 73 88 164 CALK 88 CALLAGHAN 15 CALLAHAN 18 190 CALLENDER 177 CALLlCUT 58 CALLISON 135 CALLOWAY 155 CALMES 90 CALS 64 CALTHORP 168 CALTON 175 176 CALVERT 74 75 96 CAMEL 101 176 CAMERON 108 177 CAMIL 78 101 CAMILL 176 CAMPBELL 10 12 1516171821 24 27 33 58 74 75 77 78 80 94 96 107 112 133 156 161 166 174 175176 177 188 198 CAMPBLE 163 CAMPER 199 CANADA 47 CANADY 11 CANARD 141 CANE 7 CANELEVON 158 CANFIELD 129 130 CANNADY 11 CANNOLL 100 CANNON 3 10 12 15 58 114 120 152 169 177 CANON 11 66 71 CANTERBURY 177 CANTHON 58 CANTREL 58 CANTRELL 10 58 92152171 CANTRILL 66 CAPEHARTS 158
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204 CAPLE 19 76 CAPPELL 58 CAPS 75 111 166 CAPSHAW 58 CAPURS 177 CARBON 58 CARBRY 149 CARD 160 CARDEN 160 CARDIN 160 CARDWELL 36 73 100 CAREY 58 CARGILL 149 CARITHER 13 CARITHERS 99 CARLAND 160 CARLILE 75 CARLOCK 58 83 152 CARLTON 44 58 73 75 175 CARMACK 160 187 CARMICHAEL 177 CARNAHAN 134 CARNE 58 CARNEHAN 99 CARNEL 111 CARNELL 95 CARNES 111 CARNEY 58 65 113 164 167 189 CARNN 165 CAROTHERS 36 CARPENTER 17 58 86 109 CARPENTERE 110 CARR 17 21 23 26 32 73 93 94 103 180 186 187 CARRAWAY 58 CARREGIN 183 CARRIGER 183 CARRINGTON 19 CARROLL 15 41 58 75 76 83 196 198 CARROWAY 185 CARRUTH 58 106 CARRUTHERS 174 CARSON 23 100 112 133 CARTER 15 19 20 33 58 59 73 74 92 94 101 103 104 108 111 113 114 134 142 143 149 151 165 167 177 185 CARTRIGHT 107 CARTWRIGHT 177 CARUTH 13 14 35 CARUTHERS 16 19 34 35 36 59 172 CARVILLE 59 CARY 59 103 116 193
CASE 160 CASEY 12 13 14 59 CASLIN 10 CASS 166 CASSEDY 59 CASSELL 177 CASSELS 80 CASSIDY 59 150 CASSLEBURY 160 CAST 53 54 CASTIN 59 CASTLEBERRY 24 80 CASTLEMAN 47 65 CASTLES 161 CATCHAM 159 CATES 14 36 43 63 90 101 108 152 CATHEY 18 19 20 59 100 177 CATO 177 CAUDLE 15 74 CAUGHLIN 59 CAUSEY 157 CAVALINE 182 CAVEN 162 CAVENDER 16 CAVERHILL 59 CAVIN 149 CAVNOR 74 CAWAN 177 CAWTHORN 11 66 151 152 CAYCE 59 CAYNEY 59 CAZORT 59 92 CEARNAL 165 CEARNELL 167 CELLEON 100 CENAS 177 CERNAL 113 CHADWELL 20 CHADWICK 151 CHAFFEN 101 CHAMBERLAN 134 CHAMBERLIN 11 59 134 CHAMBERS 37 46 59 130 169 171 196 CHAMNESS 34 CHAMPION 59 CHANCELLOR 199 CHANDLER 19 59 73 108 110 129 130 150 162 163 189 CHANEY 159 CHANING 131 CHAPIN 177 CHAPMAN 14 17 22 59 80 161 162 186 CHAPPELL 74 CHARLES 39 183
CHARLTON 177 CHASE 59 158 177 CHASTIAN 163 CHATHAM 12 CHATHORN 12 CHATMAN 161 CHAUVIN 192 CHEATHAM 10 12 14 22 23 24 25 26 59 77 78 79 80 81 82 129 130 131 132 152 156 160 161 164 185 188 189 CHEEK 17 18 19 76 77 180 CHEIARS 59 CHERRY 92 99 151 CHESNUTT 105 CHESTNUT 59 149 CHEW 177 CHEWNING 26 CHEYNE 110 CHIAM 59 CHIDE 180 CHILDEIS 59 CHILDERS 99 100 133 159 CHILDRES 66 CHILDRESE 102 CHILDRESS 4 5 12 23 102 111 112 113 160 165 166 167 CHILDRSS 11 CHILDS 59 CHILES 44 142 CHILLDRESS 104 CHILLENDEW 33 CHILTON 17 18 20 59 75 101 CHIN 59 CHINNETH 198 CHINOWTH 198 CHIPMAN 198 CHISIM 100 CHISM 10 66 CHISOLM 54 106 CHITWOOD 16 CHOAT 115 162 169 CHOATE 22 26 77 CHOWING 14 CHOWNING 14 161 CHRISMAN 90 CHRISTIAN 54 59 84 118 160 CHRISTMAN 19 CHRISTMAS 79 CHRISTOPHER 75 136 CHRONISTER 104 CHRONISTOR 104 CHUNN 20 73 76 CILLEON 102 CIMS 166 CIRKILIN 159
CLAIBORN 59 CLAIBORNE 10 16 23 CLAMPETT 108 CLAMPIT 53 CLANTON 64 CLARE 33 CLARK 9 13 14 22 33 59 64 69 79 95 101 102 103 110 112 114 117 122 132 133 150 159 160 162 166 168 177 182 186 187 198 CLARKE 15 19 75 157 162 CLARSKEY 177 CLARY 177 184 CLATON 103 CLAXTON 17 CLAY 46 68 175 176 187 CLAYBRooKE 177 CLAYHEAD 23 CLAYTON 15 36 59 94 CLEARY 151 CLEAVELAND 149 CLEEK 18 CLEMENT 65 196 CLEMMENTS 13 CLEPPER 37 CLERY 160 CLESH 106 CLEVELAND 143 177 180 CLIFT 15 73 CLIFTON 151 CLINARD 185 187 CLINE 59 CLINGAN 95 CLINGER 59 CLORY 59 CLOUD 15 48 75 CLOUS 133 CLTER 104 CLUSON 177 CLYBORNE 18 CLYMORE 73 COAL 59 COALBURN 107 110 COALTER 100 COARSEY 114 COASEY 168 COATE 22 COATES 161 COATS 163 174 COBB 177 COBBLE 177 COBLE 15 158 COCHAM 11 COCHARN 54 COCHRAN 15 20 51 59 63 75 76 142 COCHRANE 102 co*ck 103 134 143
co*ckBURN 157 co*ckE 115 co*ckRAM 37 co*ckRILL 182 co*ckRUM 142 co*ckS 59 133 CODY 151 COFFEE 12 13 64 158 COFFEY 17 42 59 158 COGAR 177 COGDEN 59 COGGEN 74 76 COGGENS 75 COGGIN 12 COHEA 161 185 COHEN 22 26 79 161 COHN 59 co*kER 59 149 COLDWELL 189 COLE 19 20 36 59 75 111 112 114 152 164 166 168 177 181 COLEMAN 12 13 15 45 59 64 65 82 87 103 113 157 167 177 186 COLGEN 161 COLGIN 160 COLINS 59 COLLEY 99 103 COLLIER 19 59 64 115 134 149 COLLINS 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 59 66 75 76 80 87 98 107 152 177 180 COLQUITT 91 COLRE 20 COLTHORP 114 COLVILL 52 53 55 COLVILLE 55 106 COLVOLT 75 COLYER 133 COMBER 103 COMBS 114 168 COMER 134 COMPTON 59 COMSTOCK 182 CONAVAN 177 CONDER 91 CONDON 139 CONGER 83 CONLAN 59 CONLEY 59 CONLY 158 CONN 99 CONNEL 24 129 157 164 CONNELL 22 24 78 80 82 130 131 132 162 185 186 CONNELLEY 162
Winter 1988 CONNER 52 53 54 CONNILL 189 CONNOR 59 CONRAD 111 112
114 132 165 166 168 185 186 CONROD 23 131 CONWAY 65 92 CooCK 66 CooDE 159 COOEK 64 COOK 11 24 26 47 48 59 75 79 81 83 106 129 132 135 140 141 143 159 160 161 164 177 183 COOKE 15 16 17 65 106 177 COOKSEY 152 COOLEY 111 165 COOLY 111 165 166 COONEY 119 COONS 96 COONTS 102 COOP 158 COOPER 14 15 47 48 59 134 137 149 160 177 186 198 COOPPER 14 CooPWooD 59 CooUTS 102 COOVER 180 COPE 142 COPELAND 15 76 163 COPLAND 82 COPLEY 150 COPP 158 COPPICK 109 CORAM 59 CORBELL 133 137 CORBET 114 CORBETT 150 CORBIN 10 CORBITT 45 152 CORDEN 59 CORE 83 COREATHERS 59 COREY 59 CORLEY 59 88 CORLY 169 CORNELIOUS 37 CORNELIUS 152 CORNER 17 CORRY 59 CORWARD 59 CORZINE 18 COSBEY 65 COSBY 16 177 COSTEN 74 COTER 11 COTHERN 66 COTNER 18 COTOERY 11
COTTEN 64 198 COTTER 11 102 COTTON 198 COTTRELL 12 17 COULSON 107 176
77 79 162 187 189 COVENTON 164 COVENTRY 164 COVEY 94 COVINGTON 103 151 177 COWAN 51 56 59 106 149 175 COWARD 157 COWDEN 15 18 73 75 76 139 COWEN 56 160 COWLING 152 COX 3 11 13 15 35 40 44 59 66 73 75 91 95 100 108 110 134 143 177 183 COYLE 163 COZART 142 COZBY 159 COZEAN 77 CRABB 10 31 CRABTREE 17 131 158 164 CRADDOCK 181 CRADIC 66 CRAFFORD 25 159 CRAFORD 134 CRAFT 115 169 CRAFTON 112 166 CRAIG 42 51 54 55 64 83 99 105 CRAIGE 56 CRAIGG 64 CRAIGHEAD 82 CRAIN 59 162 185 CRAINE 163 185 CRAM 116 CRANDON 99 CRANE 19 75 177 CRANFORD 10 73 140 198 CRANMORE 159 CRANSTON 173 CRAVENS 47 CRAVIN 76 CRAWFORD 16 45 59 75 83 103 134 139 140 152 174 180 196 CRAWLEY 104 135
59 67 68 167 171 CREWDSON 163 CREWS 44 184 CRICHTON 195 CRIDDLE 10 CRIFFITTS 107 CRIM 11 113 167 CRISWELL 18 198 CRITTEN 163 CRITTENDEN 149 CRITTENDON 143 198 CROAGNER 59 CROCKER 34 59 CROCKET 22 25 131 168 177 185 187 CROCKETT 10 19 111 112 114 149 166 182 185 187 CRODDOCK 133 CROFFORD 174 CROKER 17 CROKETT 161 CROMWELL 25 78 79 163 CROOK 59 CROOKSHANK 47 CROSBY 149 CROSLIN 175176 CROSS 16 198 CROSSLIN 95 CROSTHWAIT 63 65 CROUCH 139 175 176 CROUDOR 103 CROW 10 59 95 114 149 168 177 196 CROWDER 15 16 59 96 CROWEL 169 CROWLEY 59 182 CROWNOVER 100 CROWOVER 100 CROWSON 177 CRUCE 59 CRUCHER 64 CRUCHFIELD 64 CRUMP 59 150 CRUMPLER 73 CRUNK 16 22 77 112 132 160 186 CRUSE 18 59 CRUTCHER 23 59 CRUTCHFIELD 59 CRUZAN 59 CRYSEL 161 CRYSELL 26
169 181 DANDY 151 DANEIL 99 DANER 59 DANEY 111
18 30 65 105 134 177 CUNNYNGHAM 30 CUP 109 CURD 163 CURDER 59 CURLEE 59 94 100 CURLEY 199 CURRAN 113 182 CURREY 10 53 102 104 189 CURRIN 171 CURRY 37 59 103 104 140 152 171 CURTIS 112 113 141 144 158 166 167 177 180 CUSH 106 CUSTER 185
DA SILVA 136 DABNEY 133 DAGNER 102 DAHL 93 DAISEY 18 DALE 7 59 90 149
180 DALLAS 59 DALLEY 59 DALTON 74 163 DAMEN 158 DAMEWOOD 80 DAMODE 131 187 DANCER 33 37 157 DANCEY 14 DANCY 59 111 165
59 114
56 105
10 33 39 112 116 134 163 166 170 177 194
162 188 189 26 82 131 188 DARDON 185 DARK 20 73 168 186 DARKE 73 DARNALL 16 17 19 104 129 164 DARNEL 164 DARNELL 59 DAROSS 70 DARR 12 59 162 DAUGHERTY 36 59 157 162 DAUGHETY 65 DAUGHTRY 33 DAUGTREY 101 DAVENPORT 47 140 193 DAVES 16 DAVIDGE 81 DAVIDSON 6 18 36 48 102 141 174 177 198 199 DAVIE 59 177 DAVIES 11 163 DAVIS 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 35 40 46 48 59 60 63 64 66 68 71 73 74 75 76 87 92 94 99 100 102 103 110 111 112 135 136 139 140 142 146 147 149 150 151 152 158 163 165 166 177 180 181 182 183 184 196 197 199 200 DAVISDON 17 DAVISON 64 102 DAWDY 20 DAWS 19 DAWSON 60 66 130 163 182 DAY 25 33 60 77 79 137 149 161 162 180 DAYTON 177 DE COURSEY 60 DE FIORE 40 DE ALDITHLEY 137 DARDIN
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DGARNET 102 DIBBLE 60 DICK 60 DICKENSON 185 DICKES SON 163 DICKEY 118 133 DICKIE 133 134 DICKINS 60 DICKINSON 133 DICKS 60 DICKSON 10 11 12 16 23 33 37 39 44 60 65 66 74 91 102 109 110 138 149 185 DICKY 133 DIER 65 DIKES 164 DIKIS 164 DILL 60 93 180 DILLARD 18 DILLIARD 43 80 DILLIN 83 DILLON 14 DIMENT 11 DISMUKES 152 DIVANE 84 DIX 60 DIXON 16 60 68 76 80 82 101 129 138 144 173 174 DIXSON 100 138 180 DOAK 60 100 DOAKE 100 DOBBINS 60 112 DOBBS 17 DOBINS 166 DOBTSON 115 DOCKERTY 10 15 DOCKERY 15 60 DODD 15 16 139 144 149 152 DODSON 46 96 169 DOGGETT 74 DOHARTY 158 DOHERTY 15 60 162 DOLLAR 10 DOLLIER 177 DOMESS 158 DONAHO 105 DONALD 18 20 DONALDSON 185 DONALSON 14 DONEGAN 19 DONELL 35 DONELLY 22 DONELSON 60 173 174 182200 DONLEY 102 DONNELL 64 DONNELLY 60 DONNELSON 161 DONNER 158 DONNIN 150
DONOHO 105 106 DONOHOE 60 DONOHOO 56 DONOLDSON 16 DooD 178 DooLY 60 DORERTY 159 DORIS 160 163 DORMAN 60 151 DORRASS 161 DORREH 60 DORRIS 14 22 24 25 34 35 36 78 79 80 81 130 131 160 161 162 185 186 189 DORRISS 114 161 168 DORSEY 101 DORSH 60 DORTCH 21 23 24 26 78 79 81 129 131 132 162 164 188 189 DORTIC 152 DORTON 75 DOSK 60 DOSS 14 159 DOTSON 19 74 DOTY 141 178 DOUGAL 10 DOUGAN 60 DOUGHERTY 157 DOUGLAS 4 5 151 171 200 DOUGLASS 30 100
172 DOUN 162 DOUTHAT 85 86 DOUTHET 183 DOWD 178 DOWDY 19 20 DOWEL 113 DOWLIN 84 DOWNE 90 DOWNEY 60 DOWNING 15 DOWNS 178 195 DOWNUM 92 DOWSING 60 DOXEY 19 DOXON 180 DOYLE 10 60 73 DOZIJ;:R 86 DRAKE 17 18 100 DRAKES 100 DRAPER 60 73 111 165 DRAUGHAN 161 DRAUGHN 26 79 DRAUGHON 26 60 DRAWHORN 161 DRAWN 131 167 DREDAN 163 DREHER 88 DREHIE 60
DRENNON 64 65 139 DREW 65 99 103
104 105 DREWER 60 DREYMAN 96 DRIVER 16 91 101 DROWNLOW 116 DRUMMONDS 60 DRUMRITE 15 19 DRURY 60 DRYDEN 17 DUBLIN 158 DUBNAM 86 DUBOSE 100 DUCKETT 68 DUCKWORTH 16 152 DUDLEY 137 140 192 DUFFARD 60 DUFFEY 60 153 154 DUGAN 175 DUGER 10 DUGGAN 60 DUGGER 74 DUGLAS 53 DUKE 11: 63 102 114 147 158 168 196 DUKES 196 DUN 134 185 DUNAVANT ) 72 DUNAVIN 157 DUNAWAY 37 63 104 DUNBAR 94 DUNCAN 10 14 15 20 23 26 60 63 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 82 95 113 114 131 149 152 153 154 158 160 163 167 168 178 184 185 187 189 DUNGAN 25 DUNHAM 142 DUNIVANT 60 158 DUNKLIN 149 151 DUNLAP 30 53 54 73 102 111 141 165 DUNN 23 24 26 34 36 60 110 131 133 143 162 164 178 186 200 DUNNON 99 DUPREMONT 152 DURBIN 185 DUREKEE 129 DUREN 178 DURHAM 12 16 60 113 143 167 199 DURHAUFF 60 DURKIN 60 DURNS 103 DURRETT 39
DURST 121 DUSTIN 160 DUTTON 144 DWIGENS 159 DWYER 60 DYE 156 197 DYER 13 60 74 99 113 174 DYKES 175 DYKZ 175 DYRE 113 167 DYSART 17 18 76 DYSON 178
EACOR 14 EAKEN 197 EAKIN 20 75 183 EAKLE 37 EARHART 153 EARLES 60 EARLY 60 EARNEST 107 139 EARTHMAN 10 EARTHMON 11 EARVIN 104 EARWOOD 100 EASLEY 81 114 115 168 169 170 EASON 60 160 200 EAST 10 34 36 EASTEN 9 77 EASTER 143 EASTHAM 90 EASTIN 22 EASTON 60 EASTWOOD 103 EATES 60 EATHEREDGE 169 EATHERIDGE 114 EATON 47 60 104 134 ECHOLS 186 ECKFORD 60 ECKSTEIN 92 EDDLEMAN 15 EDDLEMON 73 136 EDEN 178 EDENS 160 EDGING 160 EDMON 65 EDMONDS 19 94 180 199 EDMONDSON 175 EDMONS 158 EDMUNDS 60 EDWARDS 11 12 14 15 60 64 66 68 73 74 75 80 83 101 104 113 133 140 150 152 161 167 171 178 EDWELL 132 EGAN 178 EGGENGELBRY 180 EHOS 166
Winter 1988 EICHBERG 182 ELAM 60 102 104 ELDER 100 102
139 153 186 ELDRIDGE 139 143 ELEY 137 ELlA 180 ELIAM 93 ELISHE 83 ELKINS 94 135 ELLES 34 ELLETT 66 ELLINGTON 20 46 ELLIOT 69 ELLIOTT 12 15 16
18 31 60 64 74 75 86 94 103 122 162 180 185 ELLIS 34 42 73 114 135 142 157 158 159 168 178 184 185 ELLISON 17 60 178 ELLISTON 10 31 ELLMORE 60 ELMORE 23 100 142 162 178 185 ELMS 44 ELSBOT 12 ELSEY 16 ELWOOD 60 ELY 167 168 EMBERSON 75 EMERSON 60 13 5 EMERY 5 83 84 EMMERSON 75 173 EMMERT 109 EMMET 107 110 EMMETT 184 EMMIT 56 105 EMMITT 56 EMORY 46 84 EMPSON 185 EMSON 14 162 ENDSLEY 17 ENGLAND 22 43 158 161 ENGLEMAN 22 77 ENGLISH 149 ENLOW 193 ENOCHS 190 ENSLEY 10 60 180 ENYART 149 EPLEVY 19 EPLEY 19 EPPERSON 19 20
60 96 111 114 115 152 165 168 169 EPPINGER 60 EPPS 60 101 EPS 101 EREK 180 EREWooD 133 ERICKSON 142 ERRANTON 169
ERRINGTON 115 ERVIN 52 134 ERWIN 9 10 60 100
101 116 ESCUE 102 ESPEY 13 64 ESTERS 18 ESTES 33 144 ESTIN 63 ESTUS 18 ESWE 102 ETHIER 139 ETHRIDGE 11 EUBANKS 83 EUDALEY 66 EUDALY 13 66 EUSTTS 162 EVANS 16 17 48
60 66 86 95 99 138 149 174 EVERETT 44 110 EVERHART 196 EVETS 158 EVETT 195 EVIN 134 EVINS 64 66 75 102 EWENS 15 17 76 EWING 10 17 18 19 52 53 73 74 163 172 184 EWS 64 EXUM 12 178 EZELL 19 143 178
FACKLER 181 fa*gAN 151 194 fa*gENS 100 fa*gG 110 183 fa*gYAL 143 FAIRES 54 144 FALK 102 FALKNER 94 111
37 64 FARLEE 14 FARLES 161 FARLEY 60 74 180 FARMEL 178 FARMER 15 22 79
85 158 160 162 FARQUETT 178 FARQUIT 199 FARR 64 100 102
151 FARRAR 47 73 FARREL 101 FARRELL 178
150 FAULK 164 FAULKNER 10 80 FAUSEY 89 193 FAUT 60 FAVER 63 FAVOURS 16 19 20 FAY 136 180 FAYETTE 158 FAZER 163 FEARIS 20 FEARR 99 FEARS 163 FEATHERSTON 60
99 104 FEATHERSTUN 104 FEES 134 FELCKNER 164 FELKNER 188 FELLNER 21 FELLON 60 FELPS 66 99 185 FELTNER 21 24 26
79 FELTON 60 FELTS 185 FENN 10 FENNELL 149 FENNER 114 168 FENWICK 94 190 FERGER 178 FERGUSON 14 16
19 23 26 48 60 79 83 99 107 108 110 132 133 140 157 158 184 185 186 189 192 FERREL 60 FERRELL 19 60 93 95 178 FERRILL 152 FESTER 178 FEW 15 118 FIELD 60 FIELDING 185 FIELDS 60 73 81 FIFE 60 FIFER 75 FIGUERS 79 FIGURES 26 77 78 81 FIKE 185 188 FILLIPS 159 FINCH 66 178 FINDLEY 162 FINE 46 178 FINEY 18
FINGER 133 FINLAY 16 73 74 FINLEY 55 60 110
158 184 FINLY 109 FINNELL 194 FINNEY 65 182 FINSH 153 FIPPS 178 FIRGURSON 133 FIRKIN 150 FISER 79 131 160
167 187 11 18 19 60 73 74 76 80 88 119 149 178 195 199 FISKE 180 FITLER 178 FITS 163 FITS PATRICK 175 FITTS 162 189 FITZGERALD 60 95 FITZGERRALD 178 FITZHENRY 60 FITZPATRICK 60 74 FIZER 113 161 167 185 FIZOR 160 FLANAGAN 65 FLANEREY 100 FLANERY 115 FLANNAGAN 60 FLANNEREY 169 FLATT 36 FLEDDERJOHN 193 FLEENOR 22 FLEMING 99 100 102 115 134 140 144 157 168 169 192 FLEMMING 18 19 152 FLETCHER 60 96 131 161 178 185 189 197 FLIMING 133 FLINN 71 183 FLINTY 60 FLIPPO 14 161 164 186 189 FLOOD 162 FLOURNOY 93 FLOW 71 FLOWERS 65 112 FLOYD 60 63 100 FLYNN 22 FOGERTY 60 FOGG 10 174 FOLEY 111 FOLGER 180 FOLK 152 FOLKES 60 181 FOLKNER 195 FOLLIN 46 FOLLIS 139 FISHER
FOLWELL 19 FOLY 60 165 FONT 60 FONTAINE 67 68 FONVIELLE 64 FOOT 162 FooTELL 163 FOOTMAN 152 FOQ 152 FORAN 60 FORBES 152 FORBESS 196 FORBS 178 FORD 12 43 44 63
64 91 95 114 142 158 FORE 164 FOREST 18 19 36 FORESTER 60 FORGASON 104 FORGESON 104 FORGEY 60 FORGUSON 114 168 FORGY 178 FORISTER 157 FORMER 60 FORREST 34 91 111 147 152 165 181 195 FORRESTER 63 83 FORRSTER 11 FORSEE 115 169 FORSHEE 72 FORSYTH 60 150 FORT 21 23 24 25 26 78 79 80 81 82 129 131 132 141 162 164 185 186 187 188 189 FORTENBERRY 100 FORTENBURY 100 FORTNER 106 FORTNEY 197 FORTUNE 34 60 FOSTER 10 11 14 15 19 20 41 64 65 80 81 103 112 133 142 144 151 156 157 166 167 172 178 FOUST 60 FOUTE 28 108 110 183 FOWLER 15 19 60 75 76 100 108 109 113 130 131 167 FOWLKES 152 180 FOX 60 73 FRANCES 108 FRANCIOLI 180 FRANCIS 141 142 FRANKLIN 10 15 16 47 60 105 111 165 FRASER 84 FRAYSER 84
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65 66 99 104 110 134 180 FREEMON 101 FRELIGH 60 FREMON 103 FRENCH 150 178 FRERET 178 FREW 110 FREY 14 81 88 131 132 160 161 185 187 FRIBOURG 60 FRIER 100 FRIERS 182 FRISTOE 144 FRITTS 89 FRITZ 89 FRIZEL 24 FRIZZELL 60 FRY 74 79 130 160 161 FUDGE 143 FUGISON 162 FUGITT 101 FUGURSON 133 FULERTON 133 FULK 100 FULKERSON 178 FULKS 133 FULLER 18 64 66 99 FULLERTON 73 112 166 FULTON 10 19 65 100 152 FULTS 43 175 176 FULTZ 175 FUNDERBORKS 60 FUQUA 200 FUQUAY 198 FURGUSON 60 FURNELL 178 FUS 134 FUSSELL 19 73 FUSTER 178 FUSTON 21 FUTREL 21 26 FUTRELL 178 FYKE 162 185
GABEB 133 GABELE 133 GABLE 102 133
178 GABSKY 200 GAGE 60
60 64 65 162 GAMBLE 52 53 106 108 183 GAMBRILL 19 GAMMEL 178 GAMMILL 64 65 160 GANDRUD 190 GANEAY 99 GANNAWAY 104 161 GANNON 60 GANT 14 175 GANTER 60 GANTHROP 60 GANTRELL 152 GARDEN 23 GARDENER 164 GARDNER 23 24 26 71 90 131 162 164 170 185 189 GARISON 64 GARNER 19 20 34 37 64 74 170 178 GARNIGAN 165 GARR 95 GARRATT 27 GARRETT 10 15 17 19 48 61 65 74 75 83 86 95 103 114 144 151 167 168 186 GARRISON 66 GARRISS 180 GARROWAY 61 GARVIN 61 GASAWAY 63 64 134 GASSAWAY 151 GASTON 171 GATAR 101 GATARY 101 GATES 18 GATLIN 99 114 168 GATTI 180
GATTIS 36 37 61 GATZ 180 GAUNNTT 15 GAUNTT 15 16 GAUTIER 163 GAUTT 105 GAY 91 GAZZOLLO 61 GEARY 61 GEE 149 152 GEER 193 GEHEN 93 GEISLER 43 GELHAR 141 GELL 178 GENT 3 94 GENTRY 73 102
139 143 14 61 73 94 95 105 107 169 195 196 GERATY 180 GERNEGAIN 111 GERTNER 61 GERTZ 76 GETZ 180 GHORMLEY 54 55 GHORMLY 106 GIBBEN 99 GIBBINS 63 65 GIBBONS 18 66 GIBBS 10 61 174 GIBESON 159 GIBSON 13 19 21 27 33 51 61 63 66 74 100 102 114 134 139 151 159 164 168 170 182 189 GIBSONS 61 GIDEON 75 GIDFORD 61 GIFFORD 74 GIFT 158 GIGER 187 GILBERT 34 75 76 131 158 GILBREATH 159 GILCHRIST 34 GILES 61 71 73 76 151 152 GILL 10 16 GILLASPEY 47 GEORGE
61 66 99 104 133 178 GILLESPY 107 108 184 GILLEY 4 43 GILLIAM 94 157 158 GILLILAND 28 99 133 GILLION 61 GILLIS 151
151 GLASE 104 GLASGOW 61 GLASS 52 53 61
17 61 74 75 76 81 141 GLISSON 61 GLOSSIP 140 GLOSSOP 140 GLOSSUP 140 GLOSTER 178 GLOVER 23 26 32 36 61 149 178 GLYNN 182 GOAD 46 GODDARD 195 GODLY 61 GOFF 42 70 GOFNER 121 GOIN 114 168 GOINGS 13 GOLDMAN 61 GOLSON 136 GOLSTON 159 GOOCH
33 34 35
3661 163 164 189 GOOD 99 100 GOODBREAD 44 GOODE 84 141 GOODING 159 GOODLOE 61 63 178 GOODMAN 13 61 65 84 99 101 113 131 167 GOODRICH 61 150 178
76 114 168 169 178 GOODWYN 180 GooRE 101 GORDEN 64 100 GORDON 11 61 63 149 161 164 GORE 134 GOREEN 63 GOREN 113 167 168 GORHAM 161 164 GORMAN 61 GOSSAGE 17 GOSSET 23 26 101 133 134 162 185 GOSSETT 133 164 GOSWICK 114 115 168 169 GOTT 159 GOUDY 83 GOUGH 42 GOULD 56 182 GOURD 13 GOWEN 101 GOWER 12 GOYA 61 GOYER 180 GOYNE 162 164 GRACE 61 157 158 178 GRACEY 116 GRADEN 20 GRAEHAM 186 GRAHAM 19 20 35 61 76 136 149 152 157 195 GRAMBURY 149 GRANAD 61 150 199 GRANBY 32 GRANDJEAN 194 GRANT 35 61 147 150 152 164 191 GRAVES 19 46 61 75 159 178 180 198 GRAVETT 81 178 GRAY 16 20 61 73 75 112 162 164 166 178 187 189 196 197 198 GRAYHAM 158 GRAYSON 61 63 178 189 GREATHOUSE 69 GREEN 8 15 16 19 20 36 61 64 66 73 82 88 101 103 104 109 131 139 151 162 175 178 185 GREENAWAY 53
Winter 1988 GREENE 40 173 174 GREENFIELD 164 189 GREENHAW 35 GREENING 161 GREENWAY 184 GREER 9 23 134 184 GREGORY 61 99 101 133 141 143 GREGRY 64 GREIER 134 GREIG 152 GRENDSTAFF 109 GRESHAM 152 GRICE 111 165 GRIDER 178 GRIFFIN 17 61 65 91 96 99 116 134 152 178 GRIFFIS 19 61 168 GRIFFITH 73 114 159 178 GRIFFITHS 184 GRIFFITT 107 GRIFFITTS 107 108 109 110 GRIGGS 61 GRIGGSBY 152 GRIGORY 104 GRIGSBY 89 GRlMAGE 65 GRIMES 22 162 GRINAGE 99 GRINDSTAFF 47 GRISARD 162 164 GRISHAM 142 GRISSOM 61 74 101 GRISSUM 174 GRISWOLD 175 176 182 GRIZZARD 10 63 185 GROGAN 61 164 182 GROSS 5 6 47 90 96 160 175 176 195 GROVE 61 GROVES 54 61 GRUNDY 10 GUARDNER 166 GUERY 71 GUESS 161 GUEST 112 166 GUFFEY 130 GUIN 111 113 GUINN 81 133 165 167 GULLEDGE 114 169 GULLETT 64 73 134 GULLEY 16 GULLICK 157
GUNN 39 61 64 161 164 189 GUNTER 159 GUPTON 150 GURGTHRIE 61 GUTHREE 181 GUTHRIE 61 81 178 GUY 61 GWIN 61 131 171 GWINN 27 31 GWINNETT 42
61 140 HACKETT 75 HACKIE 81 HACKNEY 15 54 111 106 165 HACKWORTH 156 HADAWAY 61 HADDOCK 19 HADEN 163 200 HADLEY 23 164 HADNOT 83 HAFELY 109 110 HAGAN 61 HAGEN 45 HAGUE 64 HAIDT 152 HAIL 158 159 160 HAILE 86 198 HAILEY 39 64 HAILS 114 HAINE 61 HAINES 103 198 HAINEY 112 166 HAINS 11 HAIR 33 36 61 75 107 HAISLIP 95 153 154 HAITHCOACH 61 HAKE 89 HALCUM 61 HALDMAN 160 HALE 10 61 109 110 143 178 HALES 169 HALEY 61 65 66 73 99 134 158 200 HALEYFIELD 169 HALFORD 140 HALL 10 11 15 17 18 26 48 61 63 64 73 74 75 79 83 99 100 102 103 104 110 111 112 115 133 134 135 160 HALL 162 164 165 166 169 176 178 185 200 HALLER 47 HALLIBURTON 44 68 150 HALLOWAY 61 HAAS
HALONTOLA 133 HALSEL 164 HALSELL 164 HALSTEAD 89 HAMBLETON 162 188 HAMBY 176 HAMER 39 HAMETT 66 HAMIL 107 109 110 HAMILTON 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 34 53 61 73 102 134 150 178 186 HAMLET 14 HAMLIN 182 HAMM 33 36 HAMMACK 44 HAMMEL 178 HAMMELTON 160 HAMMER 107 HAMMOCK 10 61 HAMMON 176 HAMMOND 91 101 180 HAMMONDS 75 HAMMONS 166 178 HAMMRIES 61 HAMON 144 HAMONS 101 HAMPTON 61 104 163 164 178 182 185 199 HAMS 176 HAMTON 153 HANBY 190 HANco*ck 63 65 178 HAND 12 13 61 129 HANDLEY 61 HANDY 156 HANES 13 14 40 103 134 176 HANKEN 161 HANKINS 92 159 HANKS 36 103 HANLEY 61 151 HANN 130 HANNA 55 61 HANNAH 107 HANNES 104 HANNIS 133 HANNOCK 102 HANNUM 163 HANSON 141 178 HARALDSON 157 HARALSON 100 HARBER 140 HARBIN 22 40 180 195 HARBISON 159 HARBORO 18 HARDCASTLE 61 HARDEMAN 11 13 61 64 172
HARDEN 14 35 61 166 188 HARDESTY 89 91 94 HARDGROV 102 HARDGROVE 104 HARDIN 24 45 61 75 76 112 164 178 HARDING 61 HARDISON 20 73 114 168 HARDWICK 151 HARDY 61 149 HARE 152 HARGIS 61 HARGRAVE 13 152 HARGRooVE 61 HARGROVES 164 HARIS 133 HARISON 81 HARKLEROAD 176 HARKNESS 17 18 73 HARKRIDER 111 165 HARKSELL 64 HARLAND 61 HARLE 120 121 HARLESS 92 HARLIN 174 195 HARMAN 20 40 108 166 HARMON 43 45 61 112 176 HARNEST 61 HAROLD 73 HARP 190 HARPER 61 64 94 116 178 181 HARRAWOOD 196 HARRELL 84 178 HARREY 61 HARRINGTON 61 82 131 HARRIS 10 15 18 19 20 21 24 39 40 44 48 61 64 66 73 74 77 78 80 82 91 93 96 101 102 103 104 110 111 131 133 134 152 174 181 183 184 HARRISON 15 32 61 68 72 75 114 130 143 149 151 154 155 163 168 178 187 188 195 200 HARRISS 111 112 113 114 165 166 168170 HART 11 14 23 24 51 53 61 65 75 78 82 95 105
108 114 131 143 168 182 185 189 HARTE 184 HARTFIELD 178 HARTIN 61 HARTON 173 HARTSOG 118 HARTZOG 118 HARVEY 9 30 61 64 144 HARVIL 6 HARVILL 6 HARVILLE 6 HARWELL 16 34 61 79 80 82 161 185 187 HASH 89 HASKELL 73 HASKETT 73 HASKINS 61 HASLIP 95 HASSEE 134 HASSLER 139 HASTINGS 61 117 HASTLER 12 HASTY 89 HATCH 39 200 HATCHELL 65 HATCHER 113 167 199 HATCHETT 143 HATFIELD 160 HATHORN 137 HATLEY 197 HAUN 39 41 HAUSER 43 HAUSMAN 163 HAWES 178 HAWK 44 HAWKE 200 HAWKINS 20 85 94 171 HAWLEY 94 HAXELWOOD 69 HAY 18 178 HAYDEN 90 110 200 HAYDOCK 61 HAYES 10 15 18 19 46 61 134 174 185 HAYNES 14 61 63 133 162 178 198 HAYNIE 61 HAYN_ 180 HAYS 10 12 61 66 80 131 161 162 182 HAYTEN 151 HAYTETTINS 61 HAYTOR 163 HAYWOOD 75 173 HAZELTON 180 HAZELWOOD 69 135 HAZEN 160 HAZLEWOOD 48 HEAD 61 103 163
MAnsearchin'w News
210 HEADLEY 112 166 HEADRICK 183 HEALY 181 HEARD 61 65 166 195 HEARN 61 152 178 HEARNE 91 HEARRINGTON 47 HEASLIP 15 16 HEATH 103 HECK 138 HECKLAND 56 HEDGEco*ck 116 HEDGEPATH 65 HEDGEPETH 65 HEDGER 43 HEDRICK 61 HEFFINGTON 178 HEFLEN 103 104 HEFLIN 93 133 134 HEGAN 178 HEIONS 61 HELENTHAL 61 HELLARD 43 HELM 18 73 178 HELMS 195 HELSON 139 HELTON 16 18 20 166 HELVE 102 HEMPHILL 16 HEMPSTEAD 61 HENDERSON 11 13 53 56 61 64 99 102 103 108 133 152 172 173 190 196 HENDRICK 100 110 152 158 HENDRICKS 61 68 74 113 199 HENDRICKSON 141 HENDRIKSON 109 HENDRIX 61 153 167 168 HENDRY 83 HENEGAN 76 HENERY 52 56 HENLEY 15 17 84 110 152 161 186 189 HENLY 18 110 HENNAGAN 61 HENNEGAN 198 HENNERY 52 HENRY 20 22 23 62 79 82 96 102 107 109 110 129 151 152 183 184 196 HENSLEY 46 64 65 91 HENSON 66 111 165 HENTON 163 189 HERD 105
HERIAD 65 HERMAN 180 HERN 141 150 HERNDON 95 HEROD 65 66 HERON 62 HERRIAGE 95 HERRIN 164 HERRING 13 161 164 178 HERRINGTON 47 48 HERROD 65 HERRON 62 103 141 HERSHEY 54 HERSTEIN 62 HESEN 160 HESON 160 HESTER 19 141 178 HETTEN 18 HEUS 186 HEUY 161 HEWEY 161 HEWLETT 44 HEYDEN 90 HIATOR 164 HICK 62 160 HICKERSON 150 HICKEY 62 HICKINBOTTOM 134 HICKLAND 54 56 HICKLON 91 HICKMAN 62 HICKMON 160 173 HICKS 24 62 73 141 159 176 186 HIESTAND 180 HIGDON 193 HIGGANBOTTOM 157 HIGGGS 153 HIGGINBOTTAM 158 HIGGINS 103 HIGGS 19 HIGHFILL 87 HIGHSMITH 164 187 HIGHT 73 101 HIGHTOWER 10 18 156 173 174 HIKS 103 HILAND 74 HILDRETH 38 HILL 10 12 16 17 20 27 32 35 46 62 63 64 65 74 75 93 101 102 103 104 114 115 134 152 161 163 178 HILLES 75 76 HILLIARD 17 76 90 159 HILLIS 38 189 HILSMAN 149 HINES 62 130 178 180
HINKLE 187 HINNON 23 HINSON 16 20 48 152 HINTON 10 92 93 110 HIPP 154 HISAW 93 HITCH 107 108 109 110 183 184 HITE 90 HITER 172 HITSSON 159 HITZFIELD 180 HIX 134 144 159 195 HIXON 62 HIXSON 94 HOADLEY 180 HOAG 200 HOBBS 15 27 43 62 135 169 175 HOBBY 15 74 HOBDY 151 HOBSON 66 134 189 HOCKERSMITH 163 HOCUT 153 HODGE 15 17 74 112 115 166 173 174 195 HODGES 16 37 62 77 96 152 169 173 HOFFMAN 62 93 HOFMANN 44 HOGAN 16 62 103 144 171 HOGANS 133 HOGE 200 HOGG 19 20 73 178 HOGGATT 101 HOGINSELL 150 HOGLE 45 HOGUE 200 HOLBERT 46 HOLBROOK 75 HOLDAWAY 95 HOLDEN 19 103 134 HOLDER 44 HOLDERFIELD 70 HOLDWAY 95 HOLEDAY 34 HOLEMAN 37 131 160 178 HOLES 100 HOLESON 62 HOLLADAY 54 HOLLAND 13 14 16 21 26 62 79 80 81 111 113 115 142 161 163 164 165 169 186 189 HOLLAWAY 62 HOLLES 100
HOLLIDAY 62 HOLLIFIELD 88 195 HOLLINGSWORTH 32 152 HOLLIS 93 99 100 129 132 136 152 178 HOLLOWAY 33 62 HOLLY 178 HOLMAN 72 133 159 HOLMES 35 62 111 165178 HOLMS 187 HOLOMAN 94 HOLPANE 62 HOLSTON 155 197 HOLT 17 19 30 32 74 84 94 142 159 178 HOLTON 157 HOLYFIELD 199 HOME 17 HOMER 62 150 HONEY 62 HONN 18 HooBURY 62 HOOD 83 93 147 148 HooDENPILE 28 HOODNETT 62 HOOKER 150 172 196 HOOKS 53 194 HOOPER 24 113 152 160 167 195 HOOTEN 18 74 HOOVER 11 47 64 101178 HOPE 10 71 HOPKINS 36 45 62 63 64 66 HOPPER 17 18 19 62 73 104 180 HOPSON 81 HOPWOOD 16 19 20 7576 HORBACH 180 HORD 70 HORLEY 178 HORME 17 HORN 21 26 34 35 47 92 101 102 138 197 HORNBUCKLE 34 35 36 HORNE 180 HORNED 96 HORNER 142 HORNS 176 HORTON 10 15 62 86 158 175 176 HOSFORD 20 HOSHALL 62 HOSKINS 87 HOUCK 144
HOUGAN 99 HOUGH 151 HOUGHTALING 89 HOUSE is i6 64 163 HOUSTON 52 53 54 55 56 71 74 76 105 106 107 109 110 130 180 183 184 HOUX 163 HOUZE 62 HOVASS 16 HOVERAE 66 HOWARD 10 19 62 71 72 95 100 120 131 140 141 149 162 176 178 184 185 186 HOWCOTT 180 HOWE 129 HOWEL 134 HOWELL 13 14 62 66 80 82 92 101 130 132 161 178 182 185 187 189 199 HOWING 93 HOWS 159 HOWSE 135 HRRIS 61 HUBBARD 62 76 134 136 HUBBORD 134 HUBER 182 HUCKABEE 96 HUCKABY 109 HUDDLEBRAND 62 HUDDLESTON 23 62 160 161 185 186 187 HUDSON 12 40 62 65 74 75 102 113 134 138 152 166 167 178 180 199 200 HUDSPETH 45 HUEY 74 80 160 161 HUFF 62 HUFFMAN 11 62 HUGGENS 74 HUGGINS 13 33 35 6573 HUGHES 19 45 62 73 74 76 142 151 163 172 173 185 186 HUGHETT 142 HUGHEY 114 HUGHS 170 HUGHSTON 62 HUGHY 168 HULEY 62 HULL 62 140 151 159 185 HULSE 62
Winter 1988 62 113 114 168 169 HUME 109 HUMPHREY 45 62 HUMPHREYS 62 113 165 167 HUMPHRIES 62 HUNDLEY 146 182 HUNLEY 146 HUNREY 159 HUNT 10 62 66 108 130 143 174 178 186 HUNTER 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 25 62 64 106 114 129 143 152 158 163 164 168 173 175 198 HUNTLEY 42 HUNTSMAN 112 166 HUNTT 143 HURD 102 104 HURLBERT 129 130 HURST 33 34 35 36 149 HURT 18 45 73 74 115 143 169 178 HUSKEY 46 HUSON 160 HUSSEY 106 HUSSY 54 HUSTED 138 HUSTEING 158 HUSTON 21 162 185 HUTCHENS 85 HUTCHERSON 36 95 153 154 HUTCHESON 22 23 24 25 26 77 79 159 162 164 184 199 HUTCHINGS 131 161 163 HUTCHINS 163 HUTCHINSON 45 62 HUTCHISON 14 24 77 81 82 95 129 132 160 164 185 186 HUTSON 150 HUTTEN 64 HUTTER 13 HUTTON 51 HUY 161 HYATT 180 HYDE 62 HYDEN 90 HYDRICK 62 HYNES 9 HYSAW 93 HYSMITH 35 HZRE 61 HUMBLE
IGNIGHT 112 166
152 178 10 102 141 149 155 168 INMAN 114 168 INNIS 181 IRBY 178 IRION 62 IRVIN 64 164 IRWIN 10 22 62 79 163 178 180 ISBAEL 77 ISBELL 80 81 ISHAM 176 ISHAMS 176 ISON 187 ITEY 178 IUGLISH 152 IVIE 134 INGRAM
JACK 27 90 JACKE 54 JACKS 159 JACKSON 11 12 23
33 39 62 73 75 76 81 106 114 147 150 151 152 169 JACOB 101 JACOBES 101 104 JACOBS 33 73 101 102 103 178 182 JACQUES 90 JAMES 15 19 35 62 64 96 109 110 134 150 151 157 158 163 164 176 178 180 185 JAMESON 164 JAMISON 10 JANE 62 JANUARY 149 JARMON 114 160 168 JARRATT 62 94 103 JAUDON 46 JAYSOM 160 JEANES 36 JEANS 34 JEFFORDS 182 JEFFREYS 20 JEFFRIES 62 JEKEL 68 JEMICEN 62 JENKINS 62 103 196 JENNEY 9 JENNINGS 17 18 20 62 142 144 182 JENT 94 JENTRY 143
99 103 104 133 JINKINS 13 160 JOAB 15 JOB 89 90 91 JOBE 90 JOCELYN 172 JOHICIN 157 JOHNS 11 13 63
JOSE 75 JOURDAN 75 JOY 100 102 JOYNER 14 160 JUCH 93 JUDD 62 JUDKINS 98 JUDSON 121 JULIAN 20 62 JUMAND 185 JUSTICE 35 162
66 102 104 134 JOHNSEY 62 JOHNSON 6 10 14
16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 33 34 36 39 47 62 74 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8489 92 94 96 99 100 101 102 103 104 111 114 115 120 129 130 131 132 133 139 140 142 144 149 150 151 152 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 168 169 170 172 175178180181 182 185 186 187 189 195 198 JOHNSTON 13 21 25 62 79 81 109 147 157 162 164 174 180 186 189 JOICE 19 62 JOINER 26 152 JOINS 178 JOLLY 144 176 JONES 12 14 16 18 19 22 24 25 35 36 45 54 62 64 65 66 73 74 75 77 78 79 81 82 83 91 92 94 96 99 100 101 103 112 114 116 118 131 134 138 139 141 142 143 150 151 152 157 159 160 161 162 163 165 166 169 175 176 178 181 183 185 186 189 195 196 197 198 JONICAN 131 JONS 99 JONSON 77 102 JONSTON 100 JORDAN 37 62 114 166 168 178 JORDEN 64 JORDON 20 103
160 KATES 43 90 KAVANAUGH 66 KEATH 65 KEE 56 KEEBLE 63 66 KEEGAN 62 KEELE 101 102
104 KEELING 62 KEEN 62 KEENAR 15 KEENE 107 109
110 KEENER 19 75 KEER 184 KEESEE 62 KEETE 62 KEETH 159 KEHOE 186 KEITH 47 62 75
152 160 182 184 KELIN 65 KELLEY 62 91 92
101 113 143 186 KELLIGER 180 KELLOUGH 104 KELLY 15 53 54
56 62 152 167 178 180 KELSEY 90 KELSO 143 KELSOE 55 KELTON 99 104 163 199 KEMP 180 KEMPER 199 KEMPP 180 KENDALL 152 KENDRICK 46 47 178 KENEDY 26 106 149 KENNARLEY 62
26 55 62 74 140 185 KENNERLY 29 30 KENNEY 62 KENNON 152 KENT 178 181 KENTON 19 123 KERBY 37 44 91 110 134 185 KERCHEVAL 163 182 KERLEY 10 KERN 123 KERNEY 103 KERNODLE 33 35 KERR 13 36 37 110 134 158 183 KERS 184 KERSEY 91 123 159 KERSHNER 41 191 KESTERSON 48 144 KESTULER 181 KETCHAM 75 KETCHEL 158 KETCHERN 75 KETCHUM 163 KEY 103 KEYS 94 101 189 KIDD 17 107 123 KILGORE 63 KILLEN 66 104 KILLERN 160 KILLGORE 95 KILLINGSWORTH 84 174 KILLION 46 100 KILLOUGH 102 123 133 KILLYON 175 KILPATRICK 123 KIMBALL 86 KIMBRO 64 65 KIMBROE 64 KIMBROUGH 96 181 KINCADE 95 KINCAID 95 149 KINDEL 93 KINDER 197 KINDRICK 65 KING 13 18 23 48 63 104 105 106 112 115 123 149 152 166 169 175 178 KINGCADE 158 KINGSBURY 174 KINGSTON 123 KINGTON 19 KINNARD 101 103 134 KINNEY 123 KIRBIN 123 KIRBY 7 44 91 123 139 KIRK 20 84 102 104 133 KENNEDY
MAnsearchin'M News
212 KIRKHAM 90 KIRKLAN 111 KIRKLAND 88 123 160 163 165 178 KIRKMAN 78 112 KIRKPATRICK 18 109 121 KIRKSEY 123 KIRNAN 123 KIRWAN 123 KISNER 123 KISSIGER 100 KISSINGER 100 KITCHELL 84 KITCHEONER 100 KITCHIN 65 KITTRELL 19 KITTS 143 KIZER 118 KLAASSEN 46 69 KLAYMAN 184 KLINER 123 KLOENNE 137 KNAPP 178 181 KNDRICK 65 KNIGHT 13 36 65 86 113 123 142 149 152 162 165 167 171 KNOWLES 38 70 74 KNOX 84 102 KOEN 111 165 KONIG 181 KooNC 66 KOONTZ 149 KORTRECHT 181 KOSS 123 KOTHE 138 KOZORT 92 KREFTING 94 KREIGNER 123 KRESELL 161 KRINEL 189 KRISEL 22 KRUNK 166 KUMPF 181 KUPERSMITH 200 KURSEY 91 KUYKENDALL 182 KYLE 142
LA ROY 182 LACKEY 48 52 54 56 99 104 105 106 113 LAnEY 181 LAFONT 144 LAHEY 123 LAIN 114 168 LAINE 101 LAIRD 20 LAKE 123 181 LAMASTER 3 LAMB 116 123 133 157 159 160
LAVENDER 16 19 20 151 LAVESS 123 LAVIGNE 181 LAW 123 LAWERY 105 LAWHORN 43 LAWLER 73 123 LAWLOR 140 LAWRANCE 162 LAWRENCE 21 23 26 78 79 81 102 123 178 197 LAWREY 52 LAWS 18 LAWSON 78 96 142 178 185 186 197 198 LAWWELL 123 LAYTON 157 LAXTON 94 LAZENBY 140 LE MOEYNE 181 LEA 123 183 LEACH 123 LEADBEATER 18 74 LEADBETTER 15 19 LEAK 123 LEAKE 181 LEARNED 181 LEARY 123 LEATH 35 123 LEATHERS 168 LEDBETTER 43 44 101 123 LEDDY 200 LEDFORD 161 192 LEDMAN 107 LEE 3 10 16 19 20 107 108 123 141 147 149 160 193 LEEK 185 LEG 53 LEGATE 112 166 LEGGETT 18 73 LEGRAND 66 133 LEIGH 100 LEIPER 73 190 LEMASTER 123 162 LEMMOND 65 LEMON 163 LEMONS 134 LENKFORD 53 LENNEY 11 LENOIR 66 123 LEONARD 16 17 70 LEROY 178 LESLEY 123 LESTER 103 LETCHER 64 134 LEUCHINIER 178 LEVAN 175 LEWELLEN 181 LEWELLYN 178 LEWIS 9 10 14 22 34 36 65 78 86
104 113 123 131 133 134 150 161 163 167 168 171 174 176 178 181 182 LEWLEN 123 LEWTER 185 LEWTON 114 LIDDELL 123 LIDDON 104 LIDNSAY 123 LIEBRECHT 93 LIGGON 19 LIGHT 113 114 115 169 178 LIKANS 54 LIKENS 54 LILE 95 LILES 86 123 LILLAN 13 LILLARD 20 64 72 92 102 LILLEY 99 LILLIBRIDGE 96 LILLY 178 LIMBAUGH 194 LINCE 7 LINCH 101 LINCOLN 74 LINDDY 48 LINDFORD 185 LINDLEY 87 LINDSAY 73 LINDSEY 64 149 LINEBAUGH 163 LINEY 123 LINK 94 LINN 193 LIPSCOMB 74 160 162 178 LIPSEY 123 LITTLE 16 19 75 79 87 111 113 123 151 165 168 178 181 LITTLEFIELD 135 LIVELY 123 LOAMA_S 101 LOATHERS 133 LOCK 36 123 LOCKADE 123 LOCKE 63 69 84 99 123 133 151 158 178 LOCKERT 161 LOCKETT 150 LOCKHART 175 176 LOCKWOOD 33 198 LODGE 164 LOFFIN 178 LOFLAND 130 163 164 LOFTIN 104 LOGAN 17 20 109 110 149 153 164 178 184 LOOGETT 17
LOLLARD 123 LOMAX 115 134 169 LONDON 20 74 75 LONES 100 LONG 10 17 18 24 25 40 73 76 100 101 104 110 114 123 131 142 144 159 160 161 164 168 170 174 185 186 LONGSTON 186 LONGSTREET 178 LOONEY 16 159 LOONY 159 LOPEZ 178 LORANCE 100 LORD 160 LORE 200 LOREN 162 LORENZE 197 LORY 184 LOTT 123 LOUDER 74 LOUDON 20 LOUGHBRIDGE 123 LOURANCE 15 LOUREY 105 LOVANAGAN 158 LOVE 15 52 119 123 163 176 184 LOVEIT 20 LOVE ITT 18 LOVEJOY 123 LOVELL 90 123 LOVES 163 LOVING 178 LOVINGS 19 LOW 102 175 176 LOWE 91 150 155 159 164 LOWERY 33 94 106 123 LOWRANCE 15 74 76 LOWREY 54 55 104 LOWRIE 172 LOWRY 105 106 123 178 LOYD 26 100 112 123 164 166 LUCAR 15 LUCAS 15 90 111 113 114 123 165 167 168 171 194 LUGGETT 84 LUIS 65 LUK 185 LUMBLEY 99 LUMM 113 167 LUMSDEN 114 168 LUMSLY 178 LUNA 16 LUND 16 LUNDSFORD 25 LUNDY 196
Winter 1988 LUNN 18 LUNSFORD 75 185 LUNY 35 LUSK 123 160 LUSTER 43 158 LUTER 162 185 LUTHER 123 LUTON 35 114 168 169 170 LUTTON 18 LUXTON 181 LYLE 52 LYLES 33 LYNCH 93 LYNE 163 LYNN 95 123 193 LYON 11 LYSLE 123 LYTLE 11 13 82 102 113 182 LYTTLE 168 L_EEMAN 65
MALLORY 151 MALLUM 124 MALONE 64 75 76 85 178 MALONEY 95 MANAHAN 124 133 MANESS 37 MANGHAM 163 MANGRUM 19 74 139 MANGUM 91 MANIER 19 MANKIN 12 13 MANLY 103 MANN 173 176 MANNER 178 MANNING 103 124 178 MANRICO 124 MANRING 10 MANSKER 27 MAPES 95 MAPLES 157 MARABLE 64 MARAN 124 MARARRO 149 MARBORY 116 MARCHBANKS 112 166 MARCUM 18 MARIN 176 MARKHAM 44 124 MARKS 158 MARLEN 134 MARLER 124 175 176 MARLIN 10 134 163 MARLOW 164 MARONA 13 MARR 16 20 MARRABLE 111 113 165 167 MARRIS 178 MARSH 13 14 75 169 181 MARSHALL 10 18 19 103 124 134 163 199 MARSTERSON 158 MARTAIN 51 MARTEN 124 MARTHEL 93 MARTIN 9 10 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 46 51 52 63 64 66 71 73 76 78 79 82 88 102 106 112 124 129 132 133 150 153 163 166 171 172 175 176 178 181 185 186 187 195 MARTINDALE 104 MARTINEZ 120 MARTIS 159 MARYGOLD 181
MASINGALL 164 MASON 14 25 26 78 79 80 81 84 111 124 143 157 158 161 163 165 178 182 186 192 MASSAY 131 MASSE 153 MASSEY 111 112 113 114 115 161 165 166 168 169 187 MASSY 16 MASTERS 142 MASTERSON 5 MASTIN 160 164 MATHES 168 MATHEWS 14 34 64 73 78 104 162 MATHEWSON 196 MATHIS 64 124 168 MATLOCK 113 115 124 169 MATOCKS 18 MATTHEWS 11 24 37 54 65 66 77 114 124 168 178 185 186 MATTHIAS 10 MATTHIS 101 134 MATTINGLY 124 MATTLOCK 168 MATTWS23 MAUCE 181 MAUGHAN 64 MAULDIN 7 MAULDON 22 MAUPIN 107 184 195 MAURY 111 173 174 MAXEDON 37 MAXEY 27 29 124 179 MAXWELL 10 108 117 144 184 MAY 10 11 20 74 84 101 102 103 106 114 115 124 133 169 MAYBERRY 11 19 99 MAYERS 124 MAYES 19 76 MAYFEILD 20 101 102 157 MAYHEW 16 MAYNADDUS 82 MAYNARD 141 MAYO 22 124 MAYS 109 110 MAYSEY 120 MAZORATI 182 MBREA 63 MC ABEE 197 MC ADAM 132
MC ADAMS 17 MC AFEE 37 73 123 MC ALENY 123 MC ALEY 51 MC ALISTER 101 123 MC ALLISTER 15 198 MC ALPIN 34 123 196 MC AMONS 53 MC ANALLY 200 MC ARTHUR 179 MC ATEER 75 MC AULEY 51 MC BEATH 149 MC BEE 96 MC BRAYER 123 MC BRIDE 15 16 94 123 151 MC BROOM 99 134 MC BROOME 161 MC CADA 157 MC CADO 157 MC CADY 157 MC CAINE 101 MC CALEB 141 MC CALL 10 37 46 114 169 173 MC CALLEY 159 MC CALLUM 123 MC CALVEY 168 MC CAMMON 108 173 174 182 MC CAMPBELL 123 MC CANE 149 MC CANNON 159 MC CANNS 123 MC CANTIS 123 MC CARLEY 80 161 MC CARRELL 95 MC CARTEE 52 53 MC CARTER 157 MC CARTY 90 123 139 MC CASH 150 MC CASLAND 114 168 MC CASLIN 74 MC CAUGHAN 122 151 MC CAUGHLEN 133 MC CAULEY 14 161 MC CEACHEN 123 MC CELVY 133 MC CELY 133 MC CLAIN 64 100 107 109 110 112 166 184 MC CLALLAND 105 MC CLANAHAN 11 45 MC CLANDEN 159 MC CLANE 17 18 75 76 103 MC CLANHAN 123
MC CLANNHAN 123 MC CLARAN 199 MC CLARY 140 MC CLEAN 64 MC CLEARN 179 MC CLEARY 18 64 MC CLEEN 179 MC CLEHAM 159 MC CLELAND 15 MC CLELLAN 170 MC CLELLAND 123 MC CLISH 92 MC CLOUD 113 168 MC CLUNEY 123 MC CLUNG 198 MC CLUR 64 MC CLURE 64 73 78 111 113 114 123 133 157 165 167 168 186 MC CLUSKY 123 179 MC CNNELL 74 MC COLLOCK 52 MC COLLUM 19 35 115 158 170 197 MC COLPIN 123 MC COMAS 25 MC COMBS 102 MC COMMAK 104 MC COMMICK 104 MC CONLEY 161 MCCONNAUGHEY 192 MC CONNELL 74 75 76 MC CORCLE 172 MC CORD 18 19 74 75 123 179 MC CORKLE 75 83 MC CORMAC 134 MC CORMACK 38 103 150 MC CORMICK 123 179 MC CORMUS 186 MC CORSKEY 123 MC COWN 117 MC COY 12 13 35 80 103 109 110 133 135 MC CRACKEN 16 83 100 111 113 165 179 MC CRARY 142 MC CRAVEN 17 MC CRAW 179 MC CREA 73 MC CREARY 102 MC CRORY 15 16 64 76 171 172 MC CUAIG 123 MC CUAIGEE 63 MC CULLAR 35 36 171 MC CULLOCK 109
NAnsearchin / N News
214 MC CULLOUCH 64 123 195 MC CURRY 123 MC CUTCHEN 73 123 138 172 MC CUTCHEON 138 MC DALL 123 MC DANDRIDGE 123 MC DANIEL 17 20 73 74 149 164 173 174 179 186 195 MC DAVID 121 MC DEBAINES 123 MC DONALD 22 26 123 178 179 181 186 199 MC DONNEL 36 MC DONOUGH 182 MC DOUGALL 123 MC DOWEL 163 MC DOWELL 18 74 75 MC ELAVY 123 MC ELHANY 20 MC ELRATH 184 MC ELVOY 123 MC ELWAINS 163 MC ELYEA 111 113 160 161 163 165 167 187 MC ENCROE 181 MC ENTIRE 160 MC EVOY 123 MC EWEN 73 134 174 MC FADDEN 20 MC FADDIN 164 MC FADIN 164 MC FARLAN 99 131 MC FARLAND 25 26 92 129 185 186 MC FARLEN 162 164 MC FARLIN 24 102 162 MC FERRAN 133 MC FERREN 14 MC FERRIN 31 100 MC FINLEY 123 MC GARY 16 MCGAN 172 MC GAUGH 133 MC GAVOCK 10 111 165 MC GEAUGHEY 55 MC GEE 27 29 184 MC GEHEE 79 123 181 MC GEHEY 25 MC GEHU 123 MC GHEE 106 110 MC GIL 100 MC GILL 78 142 159 179 MC GINNIS 123 MC GIVER 100
GLAUGHLON 104 GLAUHLON 104 GLENARY 17 GLOUGHIN 101 GONIGEL 100 GOWEN 123 164 GRAW 81 151 GREGOR 75 93 GREW 123 GUFEE 123 GUIER 115 GUIRE 123 159 169 185 MC HENRY 63 102 109 110 123 182 MC HOLSTEAD 37 MC HUE 123 MC ILHERAN 183 MC INNES 70 MC INTIRE 66 196 MC INTOSH 22 123 151 160 161 163 182 186 187 189 MC INTUSH 185 MC INTYRE 33 34 123 179 MC IVER 123 MC KAIN 54 55 MC KAMY 107 109 110 184 MC KANE 123 MC KAY 103 137 198 MC KEAN 103 MC KEE 11 63 65 66 74 102 123 134 MC KEEN 134 MC KELVEY 102 MC KENDREE 28 31 MC KENFREE 30 MC KENNY 16 MC KENZIE 33 34 36 141 MC KERNAN 112 166 MC KIBBEN 123
LANAHAN 55 LANE 73 190 LAUGHLAN 102 LAUGHLIN 124 198 MC LAUGHLON 104 MC LAURIE 124 MC LEAN 124 163 MC LELLAN 124 MC LEMORE 112 124 151 166 173 174 182 MC LESKY 151 MC LIN 83 MC LOAD 112 113 166 MC LOARY 179 MC LORINE 124 MC LURE 124 MC MACKENS 114 115 MC MACKINS 169 MC MAHAN 124 199 MC MAHON 104 124 MC MAKIN 72 MC MANNS 123 MC MANUS 11 179 MC MARTREE 111 MC MASSEY 124 MC MEANS 112 161 166 MC MELLION 66 MC MILLAN 46 124 MC MILLEN 124 MC MILLIAN 65 MC MILLION 134 169 MC MILLIONS 115 MC MILON 65 MC MINIWAY 65 MC MORRIS 18 MC MULLEN 124 MC MURRAY 74 104 MC MURREY 196 MC MURRY 13 79 99 133 MC MURTREY 93 165 MC NABB 158 184 MC NAIR 94 MC NAIRY 10 MC NAMARA 181 MC NAMU 124 MC NEAL 78 MC NEALY 124 199 MC NEAS 124 MC NEEL 165 MC NEELEY 115 124 MC NEELY 63 106 114 169 MC NEESE 73 MC NEIL 38 MC NELY 134 MC NEW 159 Me NIGHT 11 179
MELTON 90 124 149 MELVIN 169 MENDENHALL 181 MENEES 22 25 26 77 130 131 132 185 186 187 188 189 MENEFEE 134 MERADETH 134 MERCER 112 124 166 MERIDITH 100 MERRAMN 160 MERRICK 114 MERRILL 182 MERRIMAN 160 MERRITT 16 MERRIWETHER 124 MESSRICK 124 METCALFE 10 METHANY 65 METHENEY 99 METHENY 11 65 MEYER 181 198 MEYERS 179 MFARLAN 164 MGAVOCK 10 174 MGLAUGHLIN 131 MIARS 160 MICHEL 185 MIDDLETON 143 MIDGETT 179 MIDYETT 95 124 MILAM 16 113 MILAN 124 MILBERGER 48 MILES 14 22 23 24 26 80 124 139 162 163 185 186 188 MILLAD 100 MILLAR 52 55 MILLEKIN 163 MILLER 4 11 12 13 17 18 20 33 35 44 63 64 74 76 87 99 101 102 103 104 106 107 111 112 122 124 133 140 157 158 160 165 166 179 181 196 197 198 MILLES 163 MILLHORN 124 MILLREY 73 MILLS 10 19 99 124 163 MILLSAP 179 MILSAP 24 MILSAPS 131 185 MILTON 24 90 124 MIMS 90 163 MINGE 47 MINNICH 83 MINOR 132 189
Winter 1988 MINTON 19 37 MITCHALS 99 MITCHEL 78 108 110 111 112 131 157 158 165 166 167 174 MITCHELL 17 31 48 65 74 94 99 109 124 128 130 135 151 164 171 179 182 184 195 MIZER 160 MLAUGHLIN 10 MNAIRY 10 MODDRELL 19 MODERAL 22 MODROW 162 MOFFITT 76 MOFIELD 93 MOLINDON 65 MOLLOY 99 104 MONCRIEF 124 MONDAY 163 MONDY 102 MONETT 197 MONETTE 197 MONROE 124 MONTAGUE 124 MONTGOMERY 13 44 51 53 55 101 104 105 106 109 110 111 112 124 133 141 151 165 166 179 182 197 MOODY 20 99 114 157 158 169 MOON 21 102 113 159 168 186 MOONEY 124 MOOR 64 65 161 186 MOORE 11 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 26 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 43 44 45 71 74 75 77 78 83 91 94 100 102 103 104 107 118 124 133 134 142 144 150 151 161 170 176 179 181 195 198 MOOREHEAD 179 MOORELAND 103 MOORING 118 MooSIER 124 MOPPIN 48 MORAN 40 124 MORDECAI 179 MORE 195 MOREFIELDD 10 MOREHEA 163 MORES 103 MORGAIN 159 MORGAN 5 7 12 18 25 103 109 119 124 136 140 161
162 163 179 182 184 186 187 MORISON 10 MORLAND 101 MORLEY 92 MORPHIS 17 33 MORRESET 113 MORRIS 14 18 33 35 47 48 63 65 82 124 138 161 164 182 185 MORRISETT 167 MORRISEY 124 MORRISON 16 111 124 165 176 182 199 MORRISS 16 17 18 20 33 73 76 MORROW 33 34 100 124 161 163 182 MORSE 124 MORTON 20 33 64 65 71 72 74 75 124 133 163 179 MOSBY 40 182 MOSCROP 182 MOSEIR 184 MOSELEY 20 162 164 185 186 MOSELY 124 179 MOSER 92 124 MOSES 20 113 167 MOSIER 35 37 107 124 MOSLEY 197 MOSS 44 52 63 77 78 83 111 132 165 MOSUS 133 MOTLEY 124 MOTTLEY 89 MOUISLIN 124 MOUNT 17 MQUNTGOMERY 17 19 74 MOURTON 179 MOUSSERIES 124 MOY 103 MPEAK 66 MREYNOLDS 160 MULBERRY 200 MULDRY 24 MULKEY 90 102 MULLAN 50 MULLENS 176 MULLER 25 MULLIGAN 124 MULLIN 124 179 MULLINS 124 MULLIS 186 MUMFORD 173 MUMFREY 103 MUNFORD 179 MUNGER 124 MUNROE 124 MUNTON 158 MURDOCH 20
MURDOCK 16 19 20 MUREY 163 MURFREE 11 MURLEY 124 MUROS 181 MURPHEE 16 MURPHEY 80 103 130 161 164 185 MURPHREE 11 96 MURPHRY 63 MURPHY 14 33 90 124 149 151 161 164 171 174 198 MURR 179 MURRAH 163 MURRAY 33 85 124 138 171 MURRELL 10 124 MURRY 14 24 33 110 162 176 MURY 165 MUSE 33 MUSSELWHITE 197 MUSTEIN 17 MYERS 16 124 144 175 176 198 MYNATT 182 MYNCH 124 MYRES 176 MYRICK 11 124 M_BY 81
NAIL 44 150 NAISH 13 63 NAMOT 179 NANCE 11 63 65 NAPIER 10 NARooN 124 NARMORE 160 NARON 79 NARRAMORE 159 NASH 12 13 65 134 164 172 174 NASHE 65 NASS 182 NATONS 104 NAUL 76 NAYLOR 37 NAZY 160 NEAL 18 33 36 66 94 124 179 NEALY 7 NEATHERLY 20 NEBLETT 150 NEEDHAM 33 124 137 NEEL 165 NEELEY 104 163 NEELY 64 133 140 163 NEESE 18 NEICE 179 NEIGHBOURS 35 NEIL 20 179 NEILL 17 18 NEILSON 124
NEISE 33 NELMS 161 186 NELSON 11 13 19 30 63 64 65 66 77 83 94 99 102 114 124 133 140 143 150 164 168 179 194 196 NEMO 200 NEOL 176 NESBETT 113 149 167 NESBITT 90 124 150 NETHERTON 149 NETHRON 159 NETTLES 151 NEVENS 11 64 NEVILL 95 164 NEW 33 NEWGENT 134 161 NEWLIN 102 NEWMAN 33 101 124 133 173 199 NEWPORT 150 NEWSOM 65 112 135 166 NEWTON 17 102 179 NICHOL 10 NICHOLAS 102 200 NICHOLS 15 16 18 26 96 100 139 NICHOLSON 135 179 181 NICKENS 20 73 NICKERBACKER 158 NICKS 15 33 74 NlMAN 54 NIMMO 200 NIPPER 179 NISBET 90 101 NIVENS 65 NIX 124 NOAH 74 179 NOAHS 16 NOAKS 74 NOBE 129 NOBLE 107 129 184 NOBLIN 17 NOELL 10 NOLAN 114 124 NOLAND 169 NOLEN 103 NooNER 124 NooNING 33 NooRE 84 NORFLEET 21 23 24 25 78 80 82 111 124 129 131 132 164 165 185 188 189 NORINATON 162 NORMAN 15 17 92 103 104 NORMENT 124
NORMIN 103 NORRIS 22 77 103 133 179 187 NORTH 33 75 NORTHCUT 175 176 NORTHCUTT 38 NORTHERN 124 130 195 NORTHINGTON 162 164 NORTHROSE 124 NORTON 124 134 149 150 NORVEL 100 NORVELL 10 11 NORWOOD 109 110 124 138 NOWEL 100 NOWELL 86 NOWLIN 16 74 75 164 NOX 63 115 NOYES 22 26 78 81 129 161 186 187 188 189 NUCKLES 109 110 NUCKOLL 161 NUCKOLLS 22 79 162 NUCKOLS 125 NUNLEY 175 NUNLY 175 NUNN 200 NUNNALLY 125 NUSAM 64 O'BANNON 163 O'BRIAN 150 182 O'BRIEN 125 O'HALLORAN 116 O'HARA 181 O'HAVER 29 O'HERA 182 O'LEARY 125 181 O'TOOLE 45 OAKES 45 80 OAKLEY 18 19 116 158 189 OAR 100 OATS 54 106 OBANON 125 OCTAVE 125 ODAM 112 166 ODEAR 23 ODLE 90 ODOM 31 33 125 195 ODONLEY 114 169 OGGDON 159 OGILVIE 18 OGLES 195 OGLESBY 139 OHLINGER 125 OLD 73 OLDFIELD 125 OLDHAM 125 176 OLDRIDGE 159
·Ansearchin'· News
216 OLIPHANT 125 OLIVAR 33 OLIVER 15 33 84
104 175 186 191 OLIVIA 143 OLLIPHINT 64 OLMSTEAD 37 OMERY 11 OMSTEAD 37 ONEAL 17 18 33 ONEIL 159 ONEN 176 ONSTEAD 33 OQUINN 139 ORANGE 12 ORICK 157 ORNDORFF 163 ORNE 125 181 ORR 15 17 20 47 74 75 83 125 151 163 OSBORNE 18 75 125 OSBOURN 160 OSLER 10 OSTEEN 125 OTEY 181 OTTERBEIN 28 OURY 161 OUTLAW 125 OVERALL 63 90 134 OVERBY 81 OVERSTREET 125 OVERTON 10 13 15 100 150 OWANS 105 OWEN 12 17 39 77 84 112 125 159 162 168 179 OWENN13 164 OWENS 33 36 72 77 101 112 125 134 164 166 170 179 OWINGS 160 OWNSBY 17 18 OYLER 78
163 100 125 151
169 114 133 140 160 169 PAIN 94 PAINE 30 31 125 160 PAIRS 86 PAISLEY 163 PAITT 64 PALKER 174 PALMER 15 33 125 PALMORE 134 PALMR 102 PANE 186 PANGBORN 90 PAGE
25 PARDEE 17 PAREMORE 125 PARHAM 15 39 76
112 125 166 74 116 125 PARK 15 90 125 182 PARKE 15 16 90 PARKER 22 33 96 101 104 113 125 133 134 159 160 162 165 167 179 182 187 188 189 199 PARKEY 159 PARKHURST 38 PARKIN 45 PARKINSON 181 PARKS 66 90 99 106 134 151 157 176179 PARMER 104 133 PARNELL 18 PARRIS 125 PARRYMON 158 PARSONS 33 106 149 169 PARTIN 42 PARTRICK 102 PASCHAL 33 34 PASE 102 PASHALL 125 PASKE 125 PASLEY 163 PASLY 163 PASS 125 PASSLEY 100 PATE 125 131 134 PATEY 168 PATRICK 114 125 168 176 PATRIDGE 33 34 PATTERSON 11 15 17 18 19 20 33 34 36 44 46 73 74 113 125 134 141 144 149 150 158 163 167 179 185 188 189 195 PATTESON 10 64 99 PATTISON 125 PATTON 13 19 20 48 53 63 73 91 99 PATTY 107 PATY 113 168 PAVATT 111 165 PAVOTT 165 PAXTON 75 76 125
PAYELLE 181 PAYNE 11 26 44
48 64 96 125 133 PAYNTER 181 PAYTON 14 40 125 PEACH 14 PEAco*ck 13 65 PEAIRS 200 PEAK 8 196 PEARCE 11 100 104 112 125 133 166 183 PEARCES 129 PEARGER 125 PEARS 163 PEARSALL 174 PEARSON 18 36 125 149 182 PEASE 94 PEASON 186 PEAVEY 125 PECK 33 134 174 PEDEGRUE 112 PEDERSON 125 PEDIGRUE 167 PEEBLES 125 PEEK 134 PEELE 125 PEEPLES 33 PEGG 179 PEIRCE 66 125 PELLE 125 PENDELTON 125 PENDLEY 17 PENN 125 160 181 PENNEY 164 PENNINGTON 33 66 79 140 155 PENNY 162 PENOYER 125 PEOPLES 114 169 PEPER 160 PEPPER 160 179 185 186 PEPPERLING 181 PEPPERS 166 PERCHARD 113 PERDUE 125 PERFETTI 196 PERKINS 33 34 125 179 182 PERRE 163 PERRIGAN 195 PERRY 20 22 26 80 99 104 115 125 129 149 160 164 169 175 185 186 187 PERSON 11 84 100 125 PERSONS 146 PETERS 118 119 144 159 179 182 PETERSON 164 PETIT 125 PETTES 75
100 169 PETTYJOHN 43 PEYTON 179 PHELAN 125 PHELP 64 PHELPS 64 65 66
75 130 PHIFER 71 PHILIPS 22 24 25
26 102 104 114 PHILLEY 125 PHILLIPS 15 17
30 75 115 125 131 133 137 138 142 161 168 169 173 181 185 186 PHIPPS 161 PICKENS 73 74 179 PICKERING 14 131 132 160 161 185 186 187 PICKERNING 162 PICKERSON 125 176 PICKET 13 PICKETT 80 81 114 148 165 168 170 PICKREL 189 PICKREN 22 PICKRIN 80 PICKRING 79 82 PICKSON 22 26 PIERCE 92 103 125 157 194 195 200 PIERCY 144 PIERIN 131 PIERSON 179 PIGG 74 75 133 PIKE 14 162 PIKINGTON 125 PILCHER 197 PILLOW 125 PINE 100 PINKARD 101 PINKERTON 95 PINKLEY 22 80 82 132 PINKLY 22 PINKSTON 75 PINNER 91 122 PINSON 174 185 PIPER 125 PIPKIN 13 PIPKINS 34 125 PIRCE 133 PISTOLE 95 PITMAN 94 176 PITS 100 134 PITT 80 103 111 162 165 200
PITTMAN 20 PITTS 64 79 132
161 162 185 189 113 168 170 PLANTE 192 PLANTS 179 PLASTER 179 PLASTERS 161 PLEMMONS 154 PLOTT 125 PLUGGETT 150 PLUMER 168 PLUMMER 80 114 131 185 186 PLUNK 35 37 PLUNKET 103 POARCH 65 POELL 12 POHEL 34 POINDEXTER 19 90 125179 POINDGESTRE 90 POLING 157 POLK 21 22 23 24 77 78 80 82 92 100 131 172 POLLAND 179 POLLARD 102 135 PONDER 125 POOL 24 25 26 65 115 125 162 164 169 185 186 POOLE 125 POOLEY 101 POPE 63 64 125 179 PORCH 15 PORDON 10 PORDORD 10 PORTER 11 14 16 26 29 30 66 79 80 82 96 100 102 109 110 119 125 131 141 149 159 160 164 170 172 173 186 188 PORTMAN 159 POSEY 46 64 99 105 163 199 POSSRING 160 POSTON 83 POTEET 43 POTER 100 POTTS 133 173 200 POWE 125 POWEL 12 112 134 157 158 166 181 POWELL 11 12 15 17 19 20 34 37 47 65 74 75 104 112 125 154 156 161 166 176 186 POWERS 112 114 125 168 199 POYNER 113 167
10 101 169 101 115 101 44 125 27 84
181 PREUIT 185 PREVITT 16 PREWETT 112 114
125 166 169 17 31 34 63 112 115 116 125 166 169 PRICHARD 112 165 PRICHETT 187 PRIDEMAN 34 PRIDGEN 125 PRIGGIAS 125 PRlHARTT 14 PRIM 103 PRIME 125 PRIMM 103 PRINCE 18 134 PRINN 78 PRITCHARD 125 168 PRITCHETT 195 PROBART 131 160 186 PROBATE 80 PROCK 112 166 167 PROCKTOR 26 PROCTER 163 PROCTOR 34 79 187 PROSSER 125 PROTOR 101 PROUDFIT 179 PRUDEN 125 PRUET 79 PRUETT 15 103 PRUIT 186 189 PRUITT 101 125 142 144 150 PRYOR 93 125 198 PUCKETT 165 PUDDISTER 90 PUGH 14 122 PULLEN 142 144 PULLEY 125 197 PURCELL 125 PURCY 189 PURDOM lIes PURDON 75 PURKINS 66 PURNELL 125 PURSEL 101 PURTLE 48 PUSEY 189 PUTMAN 17 PYBUS 99 PYLAND 17 18 PYLES 15 16 PYRON 125
133 151 179 QUISENBERRY 125
115 118 167 184 RAGLAND 179 RAGSDAL 163 RAGSDALE 15 19
63 81 82 125 131 162 163 185 186 189 RAGUZIN 45 RAHE 125 RAINE 125 RAINES 34 91 RAINEY 15 16 20 64 73 125 RAINS 34 36 91 125 RAINWATER 46 73 RAINY 15 RAISCH 200 RALLENS 104 RALLS 125 160 RALPH 12 63 RALSTON 84 RALSTONE 16 RALY 125 RAMBO 76 87 RAMER 100 RAMSAY 17 18 19 76 RAMSEY 100 125 134 RAMSOM 175 RAMSON U3 RAMSY 163 RANDALL 125 131 149 RANDLE 170 RANDOLPH 8 34 125 159 RANEY 36 RANKIN 17 18 48 101 102 125 RANSBARGER 184 RANSOM 175
159 160 RAWLINS 44 RAWLS 22 RAY 18 19 23 34
75 125 181 RAYBURN 15 156 RAYDER 125 RAYMOND 181 READ 13 16 18 20
63 64 125 READING 79 188 READINGTON 125 READY 13 99 REAGAN 45 120 121 141 REARDON 125 REASON 188 REASONOVER 74 REASONS 164 REAT 125 REAVES 56 115 133 179 REAYES 179 RECE 182 RECORD 20 74 75 76 103 REDDIN 187 REDDING 34 160 176 REDER 181 REDFEARN 14 REDFERN 161 163 164 REDFORD 31 125 REDINGS 111 REDMON 34 REDMOND 111 REDUS 93 REE 27 28 163 REECE 45 112 125 167 REED 6 20 21 43 98 100 125 129 130 176 REEDER 154 155 156 REEDY 179 REEL H'4 1~~ REES 100 104 157 REESE 29 92 179 195 REEVES 111 112 125 165 169 195 200 REGAN 51 75 126 REID 16 20 39 126 143 167 179 184 REILLY
63 73 82 102 126 129 133 134 143 144 179 188 RHEA 9 74 106 183 RHEINHART 181 RHOADES 95 RHOADS 13 RHODES 34 86 100 104 126 150 181 196 RHOTAN 126 RHUMOR 163 RIALL 13 RICE 14 48 79 80 87 89 91 95 115 126 157 161 163 169 176 181 200 RICHARDS 34 39 66 101 102 126 RICHARDSON 10 15 16 20 24 34 47 65 75 90 103 113 126 167 195 RICHERSON 94 RICHEY 15 51 74 176 RICHMOND 10 RICHY 176 RICKMAN 19 RICON 151 hDDLE 126 RIDDLESPERGER
151 RIDEOUT 65 RIDER 110 RIDES 109 RIDGWAY 134 RIDINGS 112 113 1es~
181 197 RIGHT 65 101 104 RILEY 34 146 182
181 ROADES 17 ROADS 102 ROAN 11 73 74 ROANE 74 121 126 ROARK 14 ROBARDS 171 ROBAY 10 ROBB 181 ROBBINS 46 ROBENSON 101 ROBERSON 13 34
35 66 160 ROBERT 158 ROBERTS 18 64 74
87 88 96 112 113 126 167 179 194 ROBERTSON 10 11 22 24 25 26 47 65 66 69 77 78 79 80 82 86 94 101 113 115 126 131 140 157 158 160 161 164 165 168 171 172 179 181 185 186 187 189 190 ROBESON 53 169 ROBINETT 90 ROBINS 15 22 23 34 75 82 113 167 ROBINSON 8 11 12 126 134 149 150 155 160 162 179 Hl~
16 18 19 20 46 70 103 111 113 167 168 176 ROBSON 126 140 ROBTERNSON 12 ROBUCK 179 ROCH 160 ROCHEL 188 ROCHELL 200 ROCHESTER 191 ROBISON
NAnsearchin'N News
218 ROCKHOLT 179 ROCKLIFF 34 RODEN 179 RODERICK 139 RODES 19 RODGERS 19 20 74 75 100 126 182 RODMAN 181 RODNER 181 RODRIGUEZ 120 ROEBUCK 126 ROGAN 126 ROGERS 17 22 34 46 66 77 87 88 96 100 104 111 112 113 115 116 126 143 144 149 150 159 165 167 169 175 196 199 ROGES 160 ROJOUX 181 ROLEN 101 ROLLANS 139 ROLLER 193 ROMINE 186 RONNY 200 ROODE 130 ROOK 34 ROPER 9 ROSCOE 28 115 ROSE 26 64 92 139 186 191 ROSS 34 35 64 75 80 81 126 151 179181 ROSSELLE 179 181 ROSSON 15 20 73 162 ROTCHELL 23 ROTEN 34 ROULHAC. 187 188 ROULSTON 139 ROULSTONE 200 ROUNDTREE 184 ROUNTREE 149 ROUSE 34 ROUTEN 64 66 ROWAN 54 151 ROWLAND 39 126 ROWLETT 157 ROWTON 99 ROY 75 115 168 170 ROYAL 139 ROYKIN 179 ROYSTER 19 126 179 RUARK 117 RUBOTTOM 184 RUCKER 11 102 103 126 134 199 RUDISILL 158 181 RUDULPH 165 RUFFIN 187 200 RUGH 137 RUKER 103 RUMENER 64
RUMINER 65 RUMMEN 34 RUMNIER 65 RUMPH 126 RUMSEY 18 RUNNELS 11 RUNYAN 87 160 RUPE 54 RUSEL 102 RUSH 34 RUSHAM 160 RUSHING 34 101 113 167 200 RUSSELL 8 16 17 27 34 36 103 104 105 109 110 126 150 174 RUSSIALE 126 RUSSLE 105 RUSSOM 34 RUST 16 74 RUSTIAN 17 RUTHERFORD 10 44 111 140 163 165 171 172 174 199 RUTLEDGE 10 11 52 75 103 126 179 RUTTER 149 RUYLE 83 RYAD 126 RYALL 18 RYAN 34 64 73 126 RYBURN 164 RYON 133 RYSISON 22
SABIN 198 SADLER 65 72 126 SADLEY 126 SADLINE 162 SAFFELL 107 108 SAFFLEE 184 SAGE 181 SAlLES 159 SAINT 126 SALE 79 126 129 161 SALES 25 113 168 SALTER 34 SALYERS 114 169 SAMFORD 186 SAMITH 134 SAMONS 101 SAMPLES 110 SAMPSON 68 140 SANDEFORD 126 SANDER 104 SANDERFORD 185 SANDERS 3 4 5 13 25 33 34 35 36 37 46 65 78 96 104 112 126 130 131 166 169 188
SANDERSON 196 SANDES 99 SANDFORD 64 SANDIFER 16 SANDIGE 126 SANDRESS 115 SANDS 163 SANDSBERRY 10 SANFORD 65 134 SANSE 160 SANSOM 76 SAPP 70 160 193 SAPPINGTON 23 78 189 SARRET 65 SARRETT 65 SATERSFIELD 126 SATTS 179 SAULS 47 SAUNDERS 13 16 18 29 65 66 126 156 164 182 SAUNDRESS 115 SAUNOM 182 SAVAGE 14 126 143 162 175 176 SAWELL 150 SAWYER 126 143 SAWYER 197 SAWYERS 24 35 64 78 80 81 82 131 132 162 SAYLE 126 179 SCALES 75 SCALLY 126 SCARBOROUGH 126 SCARBOUGH 126 SCHENKEL 140 SCHERZINGER 85 SCHOFIELD 147 148 SCHOLER 126 SCHOLES 150 184 SCHULTZ 143 195 SCHWEITZER 136 SCIRRATT 35 SCOGGIN 196 SCOGGINS 196 SCOLDS 165 SCOTT 10 11 16 35 51 52 81 84 87 95 102 104 126 134 155 175 179 181 185 186 SCRIVNER 126 SCRUGGS 126 SCUDDER 12 SCURRY 45 SEA 36 SEABORN 160 SEAGABE 179 SEAHAM 28 SEAIRTT 10 SEAL 66 SEALS 112 126 SEAMONS 126
SEARCY 9 12 13 66 79 186 SEARS 160 SEARY 66 SEATON 17 104 194 SEATS 167 SEAY 10 35 39 SEBASTIAN 44 SEDGEWICK 54 SEDY 179 SEIGLER 130 SELBY 126 140 SELF 159 SELLARS 143 161 SELLERS 126 130 143 150 160 186 SELVIDGE 183 SENO 181 SENSABAUGH 179 SERAT 35 SERCEY 65 SERLES 163 SESSIONS 126 SETTER 126 SETTLE 144 SETTOON 126 SEVIER 190 SEVY 179 SEWARD 137 SEWELL 10 35 36 195 SEXTON 126 199 SHACKELFORD 64 179 194 SHADDEN 45 SHADDON 45 SHAFFY 105 SHAIN 126 SHAMBLE 179 SHAMWELL 122 SHANE 131 SHANELIN 150 SHANER 126 SHANKLIN 130 132 164 SHANKLING 26 SHANKS 13 99 161 SHANNON 10 14 114 126 162 169 SHANON 35 SHARP 11 12 66 84 99 100 105 106 110 126 149 150 172 179 195 SHARPE 13 18 64 66 74 110 133 SHAS 185 SHAVER 168 SHAVOUR 114 SHAW 14 15 17 18 30 35 76 77 83 84 96 126 162 167 174 SHEARLY 176 SHEARWOOD 134 SHEDDAN 45
SHEEGOG 144 SHEERWOOD 100 SHEETS 126 SHEFFIELD 45 SHEHANE 75 SHELBY 6 11 64 79 115 150 170 SHELL 126 151 163 181 SHELTER 126 SHELTON 35 104 126 140 161 174 176 179 SHEPARD 161 SHEPHARD 19 25 35 116 126 133 151 189 SHEREWOOD 63 SHERIN 17 SHERLEY 35 SHERMAN 35 147 181 SHEROD 21 23 162 SHERRELL 56 160 SHERRLL 160 SHERROD 26 131 150 185 189 SHERRY 126 SHERWOOD 100 134 SHIECKLES 158 SHIELDS 109 110 126 183 184 SHINAULT 160 SHINE 126 SHINKLE 140 SHINN 17 SHIP 84 100 161 164 186 SHIPLEY 126 139 179 SHIRES 15 20 73 SHIRLEY 126 SHOAT 185 SHOCKLEY 17 SHOOKMAKE 160 SHORE 22 SHOREMAN 10 SHORES 83 SHORT 15 16 SHOUSE 114 115 168 170 SHROPSHIRE 113 126 168 SHUFFIELD 19 167 SHUFFLE 112 SHUFORD 46 126 SHULL 35 36 176 SHULTS 126 SHUTE 64 SIBLY 126 SIDES 17 SIGLAR 22 25 SIGLER 131 185 SIKES 47 100 103 SILENCE 140 SILER 19 SILES 19 179
Winter 1988 SILVA 136 SILVEY 182 SIMISTER 126 SIMMAN 186 SIMMERLEY 109 SIMMONDS 126 SIMMONS 10 16 22
23 26 35 95 101 112 114 126 138 150 161 167 169 179 192 SIMMS 18 23 SIMONS 35 126 SIMONSON 126 SIMPSON 5 35 44 64 102 113 115 116 117 167 168 170 181 SIMRELL 116 SIMS 92 94 112 126 166 SIMSON 65 104 126 SINCLAIR 196 SINGEL 126 SINGELLTON 72 SINGER ~26 SINGLETERRY 150 SINGLETON 110 112 115 167 SINGLITON 109 SINN 37 SIPES 35 100 SIRLES 126 SISCO 160 SISOM 102 SISSOM 63 SISSON 179 SITES 175 176 SITTFIN 100 SKELTON 192 SKILLINGTON 20 SKINNER 25 82 161 SLATE 95 113 168 SLAUGHTER 126 163 179 SLAWTER 73 SLAY 126 SLAYTON 113 167 SLEDGE 20 SLOAN 106 126 159 183 SLOW 12 SLOWAN 53 SMALL 126 163 181 SMALLWOOD 35 SMALWooD 35 SMART 14 77 78 160 161 162 175 SMILEY 17 SMITH 5 10 11 12 13 15 19 20 22 24 33 34 35 44 45 46 47 48 54 63 64 65 66 68
69 73 74 76 77 79 80 82 84 87 89 94 95 96 99 100 101 102 103 104 106 108 111 113 115 117 126 130 132 133 134 135 137 140 142 144 150 151 156 158 160 161 163 164 165 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 179 181 182 183 184 185 188 193 198 199 SMITTY 64 SMOTHERMAN 134 199 SMOTHERS 100 103 112 SMYTH 160 SNEAD 84 137 SNEDDY 179 SNEED 44 69 SNELL 75 103 127 SNELLEN 69 SNELLGROVE 127 SNELSON 93 SNETERY 150 SNIDER 109 110 184 SNITHAE 104 SNOWDEN 133 SNYDER 181 SOAPES 99 SOCTT 20 SOLOMON 103 182 SOMMERS 111 SOUTH 46 SOUTHALL 46 SOUTHERN 113 162 168 189 SOUTHGATE 127 SOVANAGAN 158 SOWELL 66 94 SOX 113 SPAIN 47 127 176 SPAN 133 SPARKMAN 38 193 SPARKS 93 115 157 169 SPEAR 33 SPEARES 159 SPEARS 46 151 SPEIR 36 SPENCE 10 12 13 18 22 64 87 127 179 SPENCER 33 35 36 127 150 179 182 SPENSAR 158 SPERMooR 160 SPICER 115 127 150 169 SPICEY 75 SPIER 36
14 80 83 161 SPILLERS 127 186 SPIVEY 179 SPRADLIN 169 SPRATTS 127 SPRINGER 34 127 SPRINGFIELD 12 179 SPROUCE 161 163 164 SPROWLS 127 SPURNER 127 SQUIRE 26 80 129 130 SQUIRES 20 64 127 129 130 ST. JOHN 127 STACEY 75 STACY 113 127 167 STAFFORD 46 127 141 STAHL 10 STAHLE 195 STAHLEY 195 STAKEN 150 STALEY 127 STALINGS 82 STALLON 25 STALLS 181 STAMPER 133 150 STANCIL 122 STANDEFER 12 160 STANDLY 101 STANFIELD 108 STANLEY 19 94 140 STANLY 174 STANSBURY 127 STAPLETON 179 STARES 169 STARK 25 79 131 160 161 186 STARKE 78 80 161 STARKS 14 163 179 STARR 140 181 STATEN 127 STATLER 133 STATON 163 STATROTH 179 STEAREFORD 186 STEBBINS 136 STEEL 20 73 74 102 104 106 112 167 STEELE 150 184 189 STEELEY 143 STEEN 127 179 STEGALL 18 19 35 STENSON 18 STEPHENS 20 73 75 108 109 127 158 160 SPILLER
105 127 133 179 182 STEPHERSON 22 STEPP 175 197 STERN 12 STEVENS 113 127 133 138 150 181 STEVENSON 11 104 STEWART 10 16 17 35 64 65 73 82 102 103 115 127 150 151 169 176 179 181 186 STICKLING 36 STIERS 165 STILES 141 STILL 64 65 121 133 STILLEY 179 STILLWELL 16 18 75 STILWELL 18 19 STIMMONS 163 STINSON 17 18 71 73 135 142 STOCKDALE 48 STOCKERD 13 64 66 STOCKETT 172 STOCKHART 174 STOCKIRD 66 99 STOCKSTILL 127 STOCKTON 17 STOCKY 153 STOCTON 158 STODDARD 111 136 STODERT 165 STOGDELL 48 STOKES 12 18 66 73 127 140 179 199 STON 133 STONE 74 99 127 134 140 141 142 163 183 186 STONER 175 181 STONNER 175 STORM 94 STORY 93 127 STOTHARD 10 STOTHART 21 22 STOTTS 131 STOVALL 101 127 143 STOWALL 73 STRADER 140 STRAFFORD 127 STRAIN 47 STRAND 150 STRANGE 176 STRANN 197 STRATER 133 STRATHAM 127 STRATTON 10 17 163 164 STRAUS 127
20 i27 179 STRIBLING 36 STRICKLAND 45 86 127 STRICKLIN 36 100 STRINGER 115 127 169175 STRINGFELLOW 73 STRODE 141 STROEFER 127 STRONG 13 64 127 181 STROOP 133 STROTHER 134 179 STROUD 63 162 163 200 STROUT 141 STUART 12 56 64 77 127 132 135 162 179 188 STUBBLEFIELD 11 127 STUCHENN 20 STUERD 134 STUFFEE 127 STUMP 11 36 STURD 104 STUTTS 185 STYERS 111 SUBLETT 11 102 SUDDUTH 127 SUGG 24 77 78 82 143 150 SUGGS 20 127 185 SUITOR 194 SULAVAN 159 SULENS 66 SULIVN 134 SULLINGER 179 SULLINS 94 99 SULLIVAN 12 16 17 43 44 48 94 111 127 139 150 165 170 185 SULLIVEN 63 SULLIVENT 66 SUMMER 38 127 SUMMERS 165 181 197 SUMMERVILL 23 SUMNER 9 SUMRALL 127 SUNOT 150 SUPPLEO 127 SURRATT 33 36 95 SUTHERLAND 127 159 SUTTON 34 36 89 91 127 183 SWAIN 34 36 37 SWAINEY 172 SWAN 76 133 161
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220 SWANN 66 94 133 162 SWAYZO 179 SWEAT 36 SWEENEY 144 SWEET 100 SWEGER 137 SWIFT 94 150 SWIGART 186 SWINDLE 38 SWINEY 19 172 SWOAPE 43 SWOFFORD 159 SWON 101 SWOR 101 SYFORK 181 SYKES 12 SYLVESTER 127 SYME 53 SYMS 53 SYNDIC 42 SZUCS 193 TABB 40 TABER 169 TABOUR 115 TACKER 34 TACKETT 100 TAILOR 103 157 TALBERT 179 TALBOT 10 179 189 TALIAFERRO 36 TALLEY 16 75 76 91 101 150 TALLY 16 75 TANKERSLY 18 73 TANNEHILL 83 TANNER 36 45 65 133 163 179 TAPE 127 TAPPAN 116 TAPPEN 179 TAPPS 36 TARBER 186 TARKINTN 10 TARLEY 179 TARPLEY 11 103 TARQUIT 199 TARQUITTE 199 TARRANT 151 TATE 8 24 86 113 127 168 175 176 TATOM 103 104 TATUM 21 23 33 35 36 79 96 179 TAYLER 133 TAYLOR 12 14 15 19 20 25 26 33 36 43 47 54 66 72 75 78 79 80 82 96 101 103 104 107 109 110 114 115 116 117 118 127 133 139 141 150 151 154 160 161 163 169 170 171 176 179
181 182 186 189 195 196 199 TEAGUE 127 TEAL 66 TEAS 114 168 169 170 197 TEASLEY 151 TEBORN 127 TECLESS 179 TEDFORD 35 159 TELAND 127 TEMPLE 127 179 181 TEMPLETON 139 TENNESON 100 TENNESSON 100 TENNIN 24 TENNISON 24 47 99 TERRALL 127 TERRANCE 127 TERRELL 9 127 146 TERRY 19 30 36 79 80 127 TEUFEL 43 THACKER 65 81 THAMPS 176 THARP 7 55 66 159 160 THARPE 119 THATCHER 199 THAXTON 127 195 THEREATT 4 THOMAS 18 20 40 73 105 108 111 116 127 148 155 164 165 179 THOMASO 161 THOMASON 13 74 113 164 167 188 200 THOMISON 127 THOMPSON 8 11 14 15 16 18 19 22 26 33 34 36 47 53 55 56 69 74 75 77 83 84 102 104 105 108 110 111 112 113 114 127 133 134 140 150 151 153 157 161 165 167 169 174 175 179 181 186 188 199 200 THOMSON 36 104 182 THONEASON 167 THORN 21 65 179 THORNTON 45 78 103 151 167 186 THRASSER 104 THREADGILL 141 THREAT 127 THRELKILL 35 THROGMORTON 143
THURMAN 36 47 160 184 THURSTON 172 THWEATT 11 66 TICER 46 TICHENOR 190 TIDMORE 40 TIDWELL 36 TIDWELLE 25 TIGHE 181 TILFORD 10 163 188 TILGHMAN 179 TILLEY 127 179 TILLMAN 74 75 127 TILLY 180 TIMMONS 11 187 TIMONS 134 TIMS 127 TINDEL 180 TINNER 180 TINNEY 127 TINNIN 132 200 TINSLEY 151 185 TIPPET 35 144 TIPPS 127 TIPPY 22 77 TIPTON 53 106 107 175 183 TISDALE 172 173 174 182 TITERTON 73 TITUS 127 TOALER 14 TODD 65 73 100 101 127 TOLAND 23 114 115 168 169 TOLAR 80 TOLER 187 TOLESON 159 TOLIR 127 TOLLASON 159 TOLLETT 160 TOLLEY 101 186 TOLLUSSON 160 TOMBS 36 TOMELLS 127 TOMENY 181 TOMISON 164 TOMLIN 15 TOMLINSON 94 127 TOMPKINS 127 176 TOMPSON 21 TONER 127 TONEY 46 TooF 181 TOOL 108 110 184 TOOLEY 16 TooMS 65 134 TOONE 127 TOPP 174 TOSH 139 TOWELL 83 TOWLANDS 127 TOWNSELL 127
TOWNS EN 163 TOWNSEND 48 112 141 163 164 166 TOWNSON 157 TRACY 10 TRADAWAY 131 TRAINER 127 TRAMILL 20 TRAMMILL 20 TRAVILLION 197 TRAVIS 47 104 119 TRAVISE 100 TRAY 165 TRAYLOR 111 165 TREADWELL 13 5 TREDAWAY 185 TRENT 95 116 TREPER 186 TRESCONY 91 TRIBBELL 183 TRICE 162 184 TRIGG 181 TRIMBLE 56 134 163 174 TRIPLET 36 TRIPPETT 183 TRIST 180 TROESCH 91 TROGDEN 167 TROGDON 113 TROLINGER 102 TRORBOCK 12 TROTT 99 100 127 161 TROUBLEFIELD 3 TROUSDALE 83 165 TROUT 143 TROVILLION 197 TRUEBLOOD 21 26 TRUETT 138 TRUKA 43 TRUL 101 TRUNDELL 184 TRUNDLE 108 110 184 TRUNK 127 TRUSLER 180 TUBBS 113 167 TUCK 110 TUCKER 14 16 22 23 46 47 63 64 66 69 77 99 127 133 138 141 150 160 162 189 196 TUCKR 11 TUFT 181 TUGGLE 111 165 170 TULEY 33 TULLEY 33 127 160 TULLOCK 107 184 TULLY 36 TUNER 127 TUNING 189 TUNNELL 120 121
TUNSTALL 14 129 130 132 161 186 189 TURBEVILLE 103 TURBYVILLE 19 TURK 110 TURNAGE 94 TURNER 17 19 20 33 46 48 73 74 75 76 96 111 113 115 127 131 143 152 162 163 165 167 168 169 170 180 185 187 TURNEY 48 127 TURNLEY 30 TURNMIRE 96 TURRENTINE 39 TUSSEY 138 TUST 180 TUTTEN 180 TUTTLE 87 TWIGG 65 TWIGGS 17 TWITTY 16 17 TYLER 143 TYNER 95 TYREE 74 87 TYRRELL 9 TYSON 18 180
UNDERHILL 15 UNDERWOOD 23 39 81 103 127 151 197 UNTHANK 144 UPSHUR 160 UPTON 12 54 83 107 155 184 URDICK 163 URSERY 17 USELTON 101 104 USHER 150 USSELTON 12 13 101 UTLEY 36 UTZMAN 20
47 63 66 99 104 127 131 133 138 157 161 185 VAUGHN 46 127 133 141 149 158 180 200 VAUGHT 11 102 121 VAULX 10 VAUX 173 VAYLOR 116 VEATCH 135 VENABLE 18 20 VENTERS 48 VENTRESS 14 25
127 160
162 VERNOR 18 VERSER 127 VEST 19 VETETO 48 197 VETETOE 36 VEWTER 127 VICARS 175 VICK 12 127 153 VICKERS 36 127
175 176 196 VICKY 36 VIDITOE 199 VINCEN 133 VINCENT 16 22 73 74 89 91 VINEYARD 45 184 VINSOM 133 VINSON 22 23 77
81 131 133 134 160 185 186 189 VINYARD 45 13 4 VIRES 36 VITTITOE 199 VOGEL 181 VOLKEL 83 VOLLINTINE 182 VOORHIES 44 48
16 181 87
W-MYES 127 WADDEL 63 102 WADDLE 100 102 WADE 11 34 35 38
63 65 66 69 74 75 81 104 119 127 134 WADKIN 115 WADKINS 166 WADLEY 134 WADLY 133 WAGGONER 36 47 101 112 113 127 166 168 195 WAGNER 28 90 136 138 WAGONER 36 WAGSTER 143 WAIRE 162 WAITE 138 WAKEFIELD 16 116 159 WALCRAN 181 WALDEN 65 WALDING 66 WALDRIP 4 5 WALDROP 36 WALER 11 WALKER 4 11 18
19 20 29 36 53 54 72 74 76 83 94 96 101 103 108 113 115 127 133 140 141 150 151 159 163 167 169 170 175 176 180 181 185 190 195 WALKUP 100 WALL 111 127 165 180 196 WALLACE 13 20 35 36 51 52 53 54 55 64 66 102 104 106 108 109 110 127 133 156 180 183 200 WALLACO 128 WALLAM 133 WALLAN 65 WALLEN 44 WALLER 44 90 101 180 200 WALLICE 102 104 WALLINGSFORD 128 WALLIS 12 64 WALLS 15 16 128 134 WALPOLE 92 WALS 11 WALSH 138 151 WALSTON 157 WALTER 128 WALTERS 15 36 128 138 175 176 180
10 14 22 24 25 30 63 79 80 81 162 180 WAMAC 168 WAMBLE 36 WAMMACK 10
157 159 175 176 180 185 186 189 WEBBER 128
WANAMAKER 43 WARD 11 13 44 46
WEDGWORTH 128 WEEB 103 WEEDMAN 128 WEEKLEY 65 WEEKS 180 WEER 54 WEGER 100 WEIR 23 105 WELCH 10 92 104
63 64 66 70 113 128 129 130 137 139 143 169 170 200 WARDAL 158 WARDE 134 WARDLOW 34 WARDLOWE 36 WARE 151 160 185 WAREN 101 WARNER 18 128
129 WARNICK 63 134 WARREN 17 18 19
36 44 47 66 84 100 104 111 128 157 158 162 165 WARRENE 11 WARRENEN 19 WASH 81 WASHBURN 111 165
168 10 79 129 161 163 185 187 WASSON 133 WATERS 10 11 16 36 151 WATHEN 98 WATIES 150 WATKINS 13 14 20 63 65 73 99 112 128 162 163 164 170 176 180 200 WATLINGTON 141 WATSON 11 19 36 39 65 87 111 118 122 128 142 164 165 176 180 WATTS 180 WAUGH 106 WASHINGTON
37 46 73 74 75 76 151 WEB 100 102 WEBB 13 18 73 74
114 168 182
138 162 176 19 105 144
WELFORD 13 WELLER 163 WELLS 10 16 20
25 26 45 54 64 73 79 82 99 128 131 132 150 180 185 187 189 191 199 WELSH 16 19 75 92 138 180 WELTON 151 WENSOR 180 WEOR 78 WERNER 198 WERNYSS 128 WESSON 128 WEST 13 29 39 64
73 80 82 83 108 116 119 128 129 131 134 135 156 162 164 176 185 186 187 188 WESTBROOK 182 WESTGARTH 117 WESTMORELAND 19 128 WETHERSPooN 100 ~EVER 65 84 WHAREY 99 WHARTON 10 37 91 WHATHENTON 159 WHEATLEY 48 WHEATON 22 25 80
172 173 174 WHEELAR 134 WHEELER 91 103
128 142 WHELER 103 WHIPPLE 23 24
128 164 WHITAKER 37 163
182 WHITBY 157 158 WHITE 13 14 15
16 17 18 20 21 36 37 63 66 73 76 77 91 101
133 134 136 139 157 158 160 161 162 168 171 172 173 174 180 181
188 WILDER 74 142 WILDREDGE 111
113 167 WILDRIDGE 166 WILES 128 161 WILEY 37 135 144
151 195 34
75 Ql Q3 102
103 104 loa 110
103 107 128 142
113 115 116 128
NAnsearchin'H News
222 WILKERSON 18 37 56 128 150 199 WILKES 74 115 WILKESON 54 WILKINS 15 63 74 128 182 189 WILKINSON 37 56 105 128 173 189 WILKS 128 WILLAMS 100 WILLARD 181 WILLE 157 WILLEFORD 63 WILLETT 73 75 128 WILLHITE 93 WILLIAM 100 130 WILLIAMS 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 25 34 35 36 37 39 46 47 53 63 64 65 68 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 82 86 91 92 93 95 101 102 104 109 111 112 113 128 129 131 132 134 137 143 150 161 162 163 164. 165 166 167 168 176 180 181 184 185 186 187 188 194 WILLIAMSON 11 18 46 64 73 116 128 163 173 174 180 184 WILLIFORD 63 104 134 WILLINGS 181 WILLIS 16 55 76 80 94 130 131 132 139 160 181 185
WILLOCK 46 WILLOUGHBY 196 WILLS 66 133 163 WILLSON 20 64 115 155 160 175 195 WILMOTH 103 WILMOUTH 13 3 WILMUTH 36 WILSAND 64 WILSON 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 33 34 37 44 47 63 65 70 73 75 76 85 87 90 93 94 99 102 103 104 107 108 109 110 113 128 129 131 134 137 139 142 144 151 154 157 158 161 163 164 170 180 181 182 184 185 195 199 WILTSHIRE 40 WIMBERLEY 199 WIMBERLY 26 79 132 164 188 WINCHESTER 84 158 WINDROW 39 103 WINFIELD 14 80 128 132 185 187 WINFIELDS 128 WINFORD 96 157 WINGARD 88 199 WINGERT 200 WINKFIELD 186 WINN 11 13 65 139 186 WINNINGHAM 35 WINSETT 39 161
WINSON 16 WINSTEAD 18 167 WINSTED 113 WINSTON 74 75 151 181 182 196 WINTERS 19 131 134 185 186 WINTON 28 30 WINWORTH 128 WISDOM 36 WISE 37 WISENER 17 WITHERS 46 WITHERSPOON 93 128 WITT 193 WODLEY 103 WOLF 73 121 128 WOLFE 37 121 122 WOLFENBARGER 92 WOLFENBERGER 128 WOLFF 128 WOLSH 182 WOLVERTON 37 WOOD 11 15 16 18 19 20 65 91 100 103 115 128 133 143 158 168 180 199 WOODALL 20 WOODARD 21 25 79 160 161 185 186 189 WOODco*ck 68 140 WooDDES 161 WooDDY 83 WooDFOLK 130 132 WOODIN 107 WooDRELL 128 180 WOODRUFF 128 WOODS 15 17 73 103 104 105 109 128 143 156 157 159 161 176
WOODSIDE 20 WOODSON 104 128 WOODWARD 16 17 25 WooLAND 151 WOOLFOLK 164 WOOLWINE 120 WOOTEN 34 104 WOOTTEN 128 WOOTTON 92 93 116 WORD 115 128 176 WORKS 128 WORLEY 16 17 74 WORRAN 103 WORSLOW 128 WORTHEN 157 WRENSHAW 197 WRIGHT 10 15 16 19 63 65 72 73 74 75 87 92 100 110 128 134 139 150 158 180 181 196 WRIGT 162 WYATT 37 128 198 WYCHE 138 WYLES 74 WYLY 111 165 166 WYNN 162 WYNNE 74 180 193 WYNNE-RILEY 146
YARNELL 109 YASON 180 YATES 25 111 113 114 128 131 158 161 162 175 YEAGER 4.8 128 YEATES 84 166 168 185 YEATS 185 YELVERTON 37 128 YERGER 128 YETZER 192 YOCUM 136 YOE 77 YOES 19 24 162 164 185 YONG 103 YORK 43 YOUNG 13 17 23 25 26 33 34 35 36 37 46 84 100 106 109 110 112 115 128 130 133 139 140 151 162 164 166 167 169 180 181 182 185 186 YOUNGBLOOD 115 YOUNGER 33 37 YOUREE 99 102 YOUS 99 YOWELL 16
Winter 1988
INCOMPLETE NAMES - - - - - - - OUGHT 99 D---- B---- 114 FRED WE-RIE .• 128 GABAL - - - - - 65 GEORGE W CH-ALT 160 ISAAS M- - -BY 81 JA--- -AMONS 100 JAMES MC CR - - - - 172 JOHN - - - -OUTE 99 JOHN -ATITY 100 JOHN W-MYES 127 MARGARET HAYN- 180 MATHIAS BR- - -S 101 MATTHEW CURR- - - 163 THOMAS BRU- - - 163 THOS - - - -CES 100 W T - - - -SELL 10
ELLICK 24 ENGLAND 23 EPHRAIM 23 132 EPHRIAM 189 FANNY 82 FERRIBY 132 FRANK 23 24 77 78 119 189 FRANK JR 23 GEORGE 7 22 65 69 79 80 82
129 GILBERT 80 GLAUSTER 25 HAGAR 78 HAGER 188 HALL 22 HANNAH 23 24 189 HENRY 78 188 ISAAC 23 24 132 189 ISAAK 188 ISSABEL 26 JACK 23 132 189 JACOB 23 82 131 JAMES 24 JAMES/JIM 107 JANE 23 26 78 82 131 189 JENNY 56 JESSE 171 JILLIS (F) 55 JIM 189 JINN 25 JOHN 23 78 82 131 189 JOSHUA 129 JUDAY 82 KATE 105 LEMON 132 LEVI 188 LEWIS 22 LITTLE FRANK 132 LUCEY 22 LUCINDA 23 188 LUCINDY 78 LUCY 69 80 LUKE 23 78 80 188 MAHALA 171 MALEY (F) 56 MALLY (F) 56 MARINO 130 MARY 183 MATT 82 MlCAJAH 23 MILLEY 24 MOSES 23 78 82 131 132 189 NANCY 78 NANCY (YOUNG) 78 NED
NICY 69 OLD JEN 132 PAT 78 188 PATIENCE 23 78 82 189 PATT 53 PATT (F) 22 PETER 22 25 82 PHERIBY 189 PHISIBY 24 POLL 22 POLL (F) 24 RACHAEL 130
RACHEL 24 25 RAIN (F) 22 RHODA 189 RHODY 132 RICEY 69 RODY 54 ROODY 24 SALL 22 105 SAM 7 23 78 80 82 131 189 SARAH 22 82 SELIA 24 SIMON 22 23 25 79 188 SINDA 7 SOPHIA 130 TEMPEY 132 188 TEMPY 189 TIM 188 TMATTY 23 TOM
23 82 131
March 25, 1989
Greenwood-Leflore Civic Center, Greenwood, Mississippi
Research in Burned Court Houses Finding and Using Birth, Death and Marriage Records Solving Southern Genealogical Problems Via Protestant and Catholic Church Records Published Government Documents in the 18th & 19th Centuries
$15.00 prior to March 18th; $ 6.00 for .1unch (optional)
Greenwood-Leflore Public Library, 405 W. Washington, Greenwood, MS 38930 Contact the sponsor for reservations
9:30 A.M. to 3:15 P.M.
$17.00 thereafter
The Tennessee Genealogical Society offers the following publications for sale:
The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS (by complete volume only): Volume 1-6 for 1954-59, $10. Vo1um~s 7-32, $10 each. Volume 7 for 1960 Volume 14 for 1967 Volume 21 for Volume 8 for 1961 Volume 15 for 1968 Volume 22 for Volume 16 for 1969 Volume 23 for Volume 9 for 1962 Volume 17 for 1970 Volume 24 for Volume 10 for 1963 Volume 11 for 1964 Volume 18 for 1971 Volume 25 for Volume 19 for 1972 Volume 12 for 1965 Volume 26 for Volume 20 for 1973 Volume 27 for Volume 13 for 1966 [10% discount on orders of five (5) or more volumes. above volumes available for $l.OO.J
Volumes 33-34, $15 each 1974 Volume 28 for 1981 1975 Volume 29 for 1982 1976 Volume 30 for 1983 1977 Volume 31 for 1984 1978 Volume 32 for 1985 1979 Volume 33 for 1986 1980 Volume 34 for 1987 Table of Contents for the
Shelby County, Tennessee Marriage Records, 1819-1850
$ 9.00
Occupant Entry, Volume 1, Book B, Shelby County, Tennessee
Fayette County, Tennessee County Court Minute Book B, 1840-1844
Amelia County, VA Marriage Bonds, Consents.& Ministers' Returns, 1816-1852
Dinwiddie County, Virginia Data, 1752-1865
Land Records of Dinwiddie County, Virginia, 1752-1820
Goochland County, VA Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns, 1816-1854
Old Briery Church, Prince Edward County, Virginia Petersburg, VA, Hustings Court Marriage Bonds Ministers' Returns, 1784-1854
Marriage Register and 15.00
Pittsy1vania County, Virginia Abstracts of Wills, 1768-1800
Alcorn County, Mississippi c:emetery Records
Hinds County, Mississippi - Marriage Records, 1823-1848; Will Book I, 1822-1859 (Abstracts)
Tishomingo County, MS Marriage Bonds & Ministers' Returns, 1842-1861
Some South Carolina Marriages & Obituaries and Miscellaneous Information, 1826-1854
UJht UJtnnt.ll.lltt ~tntulogirul fIlugaztnt•
.. Ansfarthtn·!· NfWS Post Office Box 111249 Memphis, Tennessee 38111-1249