in the 70s, Toys of the Seventies, Baby Boo Doll (2024)

The following are comments left about Baby Boo Doll from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Karen - December 10, 2007 - Report this comment

Baby Boo would also cry if you turned out the light or if she became uncovered in bed. A memorable moment in my childhood was when she was upstairs in my bedroom and I was in the kitchen and she started to cry on her own. My mother and I looked at each other since we knew that the only way she would have been crying is if the pacifier was pulled out of her mouth. My mom sent ME up to see how it happened only to find the neighbor's cat had slipped into our home and was playing with the doll. Somehow the little scamp had hooked her paw in the pacifier ring and pulled it out!

poop - May 05, 2008 - Report this comment


donna from virginia - December 25, 2008 - Report this comment

I wanted one very badly when I was a child in the 1960s. I would go to the local Roses 5 & Dime and just gaze at it. I never got one, but I do remember getting a doll several years later called "Giggles." Every time you pushed her arms in towards her chest, she giggled.

Cheryl from California - July 16, 2009 - Report this comment

I had a Baby Boo doll when I was young. At the age of 18 months I was diagniosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I used to carry Baby Boo with me all the time. My Mom said when I was feeling bad (in pain) I always had to have Baby Boo. I carried her around by the hair. It was the weirdest thing. I remember she only had hair left in the middle of her head. I am looking to find a Baby Boo. Anyone with info please email Thank You!

Jamie - August 15, 2009 - Report this comment

I got a Baby Boo doll for Christmas one year. The only thing I remember about her is that my older sister held her in evey Christmas photo, and I am pouting (and holding a tiny troll doll) in every photo! (She got a doll bed, which didn't photograph as well as a doll being held in your arms.) I still give her grief about it!

Sarah - October 06, 2009 - Report this comment

My mother had bought one for me and my sister for christmas, I was in the 3rd grade and 8 years old. The following summer a girl I seen from our school came over to play with us and we went in for a glass of water and when we returned both dolls were gone. We were pretty upset. Then about 5 years age my husband went to Savannah GA. An were were in an Antique Store there on the bottom shelf was Baby Boo I began to cry need less to say I bought. She now sits in a rocking chair in the living room. I have been lookin for some place that can clean her up real good and fix the mechanics in her. She still has the orgional clothes. I also need advice on cleaning them they are begining to stain due to the age.

Pam - February 09, 2010 - Report this comment

I had a Baby Boo doll as a little girl growing up in the 1960's. I remember that doll to this day, and I'll be 52 soon. I got it for Christmas. I remember she was cold, and I thought it must have been from being on Santa's sleigh! I hugged her, and warmed her up! Oh, those were the good old days!

Karen - April 01, 2010 - Report this comment

I am 49 years old and still have my Baby Boo doll. She is bald. I don'really know what happened to her hair, but still have fond memories.

norma - April 05, 2010 - Report this comment

what are all of the different things baby boo can do, and what eqipment did she come with? please inform me. thanks,

Maryann - June 11, 2010 - Report this comment

I received my Baby Boo and a beautiful coach carriage from my Godmother one Christmas morning. Oh! How I loved my Baby boo doll! I would play in the empty apt. below us in Brooklyn and pretend that I was raising her alone while her daddy was fighting in the Vietnam war. It was Baby Boo and I against the cruel world. I am 51 years old and still have my Baby Boo doll-she doesn't work but she is in very good condition.

Char - July 08, 2010 - Report this comment

I received Baby Boo for Xmas when I was 6yr old. She was always my favorite doll. I named her Karen and took her everywhere with me.Even after my little brother got mad at me and put jelly in her hair and scribbled on her face ! my email is if anyone wants to exchange BB stories.

Mary Ann - August 05, 2010 - Report this comment

I still have my Baby Boo doll (without the pacifier) and want to give it to my granddaugter to play with. Does any one know where I could get the pacifier?

jill - August 21, 2010 - Report this comment

I recieved a baby boo for christmas one year her and thumbelina are the only dolls I remember and god I loved that doll. She seemed like a real baby. I wish I still had mine, because she was a terrific doll

Sandi - October 25, 2010 - Report this comment

Christmas 1966; I was almost 2 and Santa brought me a Baby Boo. I cherished her all during my childhood, cut her hair and painted her nails. As a teen, I stuck her in the back of my closet. Imagine my horror when I came home from college one day and found Baby Boo in the Goodwill Box. I rescued her and took my mother to task. The next Christmas (I must have been about 20) I found Baby Boo under the tree, with a new dress and new hair; my mother had taken her to a doll restoration shop, bless her! I married, had 4 children, etc. 5 years ago I pulled Baby Boo from the top of my closet. Her body crumbled in my hands. I was mortified. I still have her head, her arms and legs. You can imagine the ribbing I get from my 4 boys and husband, but I still love Baby Boo Someday, I'll put her together again!!!

Kate - March 08, 2011 - Report this comment

I wanted a Baby Boo doll so much for Christmas 1965, when it first came out. I was 11, and my mother said I was too old. Another girl inm my neighborhood got one, so I was over her house playing with hers. I ended up buying one off ebay. She had her original clothing, which can be washed in the machine with just detergent, no bleach. The pacifier can probably be found on ebay as well. Anyway, I'm very happy that I finally got my very own Baby Boo. She is just beautiful!

Donna - March 11, 2011 - Report this comment

Im 51 and still have my Baby Boo, lost the pasifier, Does anyone what to buy her?

Yvonne - April 24, 2011 - Report this comment

I had a Baby Boo doll in the 60's. I loved that doll so much. My brothers poured dark ink all over it and ruined it. I was heart broken.

StoryToys - July 07, 2011 - Report this comment

I have another Deluxe doll, named Tickles. Selye laughs and talks when her side lever is ousts in. Baby Boo works the same way as Tickles, with a little record inside her.

DS - August 22, 2011 - Report this comment

I put my Baby Boo Doll on Ebay under vintage deluxe reading baby boo doll if anyone is interested. She is in excellent condition, but doesnt cry any more.

karen - September 13, 2011 - Report this comment

I have a WORKING Baby Boo doll in excellent condition. She has her pacifier, her bow, her original clothes and booties, her box, her original instructions -- and now new batteries. I'm asking $50/obo for her.

Deb - October 16, 2011 - Report this comment

I am 56 years old and like everyone else never forgot my Baby Boo. I remember she was in a small crib beside my bed and she would cry everytime the light came on. My neice was 10 yrs younger than me and had to have one too. Now I'm wondering how old I really was when I was still getting dolls. So happy to see she was not forgotten by anyone else either. This would have been in the late 60's.

Katie - November 19, 2011 - Report this comment

I am looking for a doll from the 1960's called Baby Boo. My older sister had one when we were little and it was her favorite. I got a hold of her Baby Boo one day and cut her hair and pretended to put make-up on her with a ball point pen. I ruined her Baby Boo. So, I thought it would make a nice Christmas present for her this year. Can you help me find this doll?? Thanks!!!

Pst - November 26, 2011 - Report this comment

Wow!! Thought I was the only one who loved her Baby Boo doll so much. I had gotten her for Christmas and a few yrs later she had stopped working, even lost her hair. So I later made yarn hair so I have something to "style", and handmade clothes from scraps my mom used making dresses for me. Then she was lost in a tornado, and I still always remember that doll. So one yr I went looking on ebay for one, won both of them. So now I have twin Baby Boos. One was well loved, the other was in almost mint condition, but no pacifiers nor do I know if they cry. Out of all the dolls I have collected, she was the most memorable.

Linda - November 28, 2011 - Report this comment

I think every woman who loves children will never forget their Baby Boo. How real she was - I wish I had her today!

Violeta - December 25, 2011 - Report this comment

I'm 55 years old. I had a baby boo here in Mexico City where I'm from. For me, she was my real baby. My brother used to imitate her crying. I took care of her very much but also I wanted to know how she cried so, like many other objets, I took all her apart and then put all together. I learnt too many things with My loved doll.

Anne - February 12, 2012 - Report this comment

Still have my Baby Boo. She has been playing "Baby Jesus" in the church Christmas pageant ever since I got her back in the 60's....that is more than 40 years now! Never mind that her blond hair, blue eyes, and female gender are not quite a match for a little baby boy of Jewish heritage!

Donna - March 27, 2012 - Report this comment

I loved my Baby Boo. I got her in 1966. The following Year I had gotten a Baby Tickles and my sister Got Baby First Step. I have such fond memories. I would love to find each doll again. I remember getting so frustrated with Baby Boo. I was sitting beside the Christmas tree and the lights shined on her, She was the most beautiful doll, but when I stepped away from the tree she proceeded to cry, darkness lol. After I mastered Baby Boo's temperment we had many fun times together.

Ann - April 13, 2012 - Report this comment

I'm in my 50's & didn't even know anything about a Baby Boo doll until I just bought one on ebay. The poor baby has had some hard times. Her tiny face wears some leftover stains, couldn't remove them all. I love her just the same. My cat is BooBoo, who we sometimes call him Baby Boo. We didn't want to confuse him.I have given her a new name Keike.I don't have her special pacifier either. Does anyone know if a Tiny Tears pacifier would work for the Baby Boo cryer button or one of the new interative doll pacifiers?

Donna - April 15, 2012 - Report this comment

I really would love to find another Baby Boo with her red bow, booties and red pants and white shirt with the yellow duckies on her shirt, and pacifier. My Baby Boo helped me through a difficult time in my life as my parents divorced and me. my sister , and two brothers were sent to live with our paternal grandparents. Baby Boo made it through the first move, and after the second move all dolls and toys disappeared. Our someone felt we had outgrown toys. I was 8 years old. I just know, I told Baby Boo all my worries, and secrets and she was an awesome part of my coping with the changes occuring in my life. I wish the Deluxe Reading Company would do a re-release of the original Baby Boo. Thanks for listening, uhhh er hmmm reading! Baby Boo I still miss you and I'm 54!! LOL

Donna - April 21, 2012 - Report this comment

Found a nostalgic catalog for Sears Wish Book and JC Penney's .. Baby Boo is listed in the toys .. I had to scroll through pages at the bottom of the picture ..but it was sooo worth it!!!

Char - June 16, 2012 - Report this comment

Baby Boo has always been my favorite doll. I have 2 of them now that are very special to me, Kathy and Karen.Just looking at their angelic faces makes me instantly feel better if i am sad. As a matter of fact, they have been there for the births of 3 of my sons!

abu - July 21, 2012 - Report this comment

baby boo has her house but i has her home but she is a girls have 100 doll boo

Kate - August 19, 2012 - Report this comment

Since I left my last Baby Boo story a couple of years ago, I was fortunate enough to get a second one for Christmas 2011, now I have twins, I named them Sherry and Katie (Sherry is my twin that I lost) They sleep together in a big doll crib and everytime I look at them I'm happy because they're together again. Baby Boo is a wonderful doll that has brought so much joy to so many little girls.

Bonnie - August 27, 2012 - Report this comment

I had a Baby Boo Doll I got it for christmas my older sister just hated that baby because she would want to sleep in till 10am but my baby would wake us up when the sun would come up now that I am 57 years old I now sleep in till 10 and my sister gets up at 6:30am I would love to have now if anyone knows where I could get 1 in a red outfit please let me know Thanks Bonnie

Maegan - September 12, 2012 - Report this comment

I also have a set of Baby Boo twins, Savannah and Sierra. I have them dressed alike, and love looking at them and remembering the memory that my Baby Boo (no longer with me due to a tornado) brought lots of memories and fun times together.

Nancy - October 14, 2012 - Report this comment

I had a baby boo doll at a very young age. I am 48 now and she is the only doll i remember having. One terrible day I decided it a good idea to throw her in to the tall black berry bushes. I never saw her again. I will love to have her back.

Mary Daffron - November 02, 2012 - Report this comment

I received Tickles for Christmas 1966 from my 18 yr old brother. The following August, he drown, I was only 9yrs old. Every year since Tickles has graced the under neath of my christmas tree. She is my prized possession. Her tiny record player no longer works, but she still has her original outfit and hair. I would like to have her restored a little, but I just don't trust leaving her in someone else's hands.

Janice Wheeler - November 30, 2012 - Report this comment

Any one have one they want to sale ? Pls let me know.

Jean - December 29, 2012 - Report this comment

I received a baby boo from Santa one year when i was small. she would cry when you took her pacifier and when you held her clse to you she would stop. She had a solar sensor on her chest. I think she was ahead of her time. We were poor and I don't know how my family afforded this doll for me and one for my sister. I carried her around for years! I still have her. her hair is worn and her eye lashes are worn. her eyes are faded but I loved her so much. I wish I could get her restored.

Dennis Wilson - January 04, 2013 - Report this comment

I want to know how I can purchase this doll for my sister. She had one when we were young bought by our grandmother for christmas to her. We had a house fire and lost the doll that ment ever so much too her.Today she is suffering with bladder cancer and has a bladder replaced by her intestines. Today (01/04/2013) she is in Niles Hospital in Michigan. I trully wish I could find this doll for her. She has suffered so much through the years I wish there was a cure for her, but even a gift such as this doll would mean the world too her. She knows I would always try too hunt for this doll. I just want a little happiness her way and it would mean the world to me. If anyone knows how I can get this doll PLEASE notify me at I love my sissy so much I would do and give anything to make a dream of hers come true. If you read this and can help please notify me, if you can't help I want to say thank you for at least hearing my prayer for sissy. God Bless!!

Lynn P. - February 12, 2013 - Report this comment

I still have my Baby Boo Doll. I loved this doll so much. My dog ate part of her hand off. I cried so hard. My late Mother put white gauze tape on her and she was fine.I was about 10 whrn I got her. I'm now 55.

Ann - February 15, 2013 - Report this comment

Since my last comment on my newly acquired Baby Boo in my house called Keikee, I have tested her cryer. Although it works manually from pressing billow inside back of her battery case the crier inside her mouth doesn't.There are so many variables to test for problem it can't be done by a regular person. Lots of wiring, button on her chest stuck in "off" or "mute" position or broken, switch in mouth may not work anymore, battery connections could be bad, gears not go around when batteries in to work them-(they are attached to crier's billowing system). Who knows why crier stops working. I can tell you though you do not need the original pacifier to try to see if she will cry. Use a dumdum lollipop stick.You know-(the small one banks give out), that fits in hole in her mouth to hit crier switch.There are a few of these dolls on ebay in original clothes so if anyone is still looking try there. Also once in awhile has them for sale too.Remember people not always know she's a BabyBoo.So be dilligent in looking @ the pics it could be her & seller not know her name.Good luck finding the just right Baby Boo for you!

Christine - June 13, 2013 - Report this comment

I'm now 53 and my mother recently brought out my Baby Boo doll from storage. Oh my, what memories. I had wanted her so badly for Christmas and was thrilled when I got her. She's currently wearing my son's old baby clothes!

Wanda B - July 30, 2013 - Report this comment

My sister will be 50 years old in September and she had a Baby Boo as a child. She loved that doll and was heart broken when our brother cut her hair. We didn't really have toys growing up and she still talks about this doll. I would love to surprise her for her 50th. If anyone has one for sale, please let me know.

Gloria - August 20, 2013 - Report this comment

I wanted a Baby Boo and of course Santa was always good to me came through with her in about 1968. Not sure what ever happened to her but she was always my favorite doll.

Kim - November 24, 2013 - Report this comment

I had this doll and had played with it. Was told it's bedtime, put the doll on it's shelf and went to bed. Unfortunately, I hadn't put in it's pacifier. Dad workd nights... I was at school, the baby started crying... Dad couldn't figure out how in the heck to shut it up :) Baby ended up in a crawl space, which miraculously stopped the crying. Poor dad!

Kate - November 29, 2013 - Report this comment

I just found my Baby Boo in the attic! Brings back so many memories. It was the last doll I got because I was getting older. I actually got it in 7th grade. Can you imagine girls playing with dolls till that age now?

jane - March 28, 2014 - Report this comment

My sister and I got Baby Boo dolls for Christmas and I have cherished mine ever since. She did lose some of her hair because I used to bathe her and ruined the mechanics however I bought a wig for her and have some of her original clothes and I have made her clothes as well but I just love her! I'm 52 and she is still my "baby" glad to read i'm not alone!

Teresa - May 22, 2014 - Report this comment

To this day, my family's nickname for me is still Boo. My dad, brothers and now my nieces and nephews call me Aunt Boo. Yes, it was from having my favorite doll, Baby Boo.

patricia kidwell - October 13, 2014 - Report this comment

yes I am looing to purchase a baby boo doll for a dear friend.when she was younger they didn't have a lot and my friend had a rough childhood and baby boo is all that saved her..... she is now 52 and I would so so love to surprise her for Christmas so if anyone could please please please help... doll must be in good condition and have all parts and etc..

Brenda - November 18, 2014 - Report this comment

I loved my Baby Boo so much. One of my favorite things about her was her "real" baby clothes with the little ducks on her blouse. When I came home after a semester of college, I hunted in the garage for the box she had been stored in, desperate to see my Baby Boo. My mother told me, "Oh, your daddy must have taken the box to the Goodwill with some other stuff." I was crushed! I have never gotten over my loss of my sweet Baby Boo.

AHMNAJPSMOMMY980308 - November 25, 2014 - Report this comment

I've been reading these precious stories. of this beautiful and priceless baby doll. see I was born in the early the seventies. had a very rough childhood and don't remember a lot. but overall I've made up for it into my adulthood. I've been collecting dolls for over 25 years. never heard of this beautiful doll call baby boo. just now in the recent months I'm 41 years old. hearing her beautiful name for the first time. so I did some research and study and on baby boo. it kind of remind me about the new dolls that cry a lot that are being used in schools today. I am so glad I looked into knowing more about her and I have purchased two of them I just got my second one yesterday and then my first one I got a over months ago. either or either way I have the baby tickles and I have to baby boos and I love my dolls either if they work or not. always love my babies and I always will. even I didn't know about her growing up or having this doll growing up. doesn't matter it took me all this time to find out about her. now I have and I will always always treasured her love her. like I do my 3 beautiful babies my children. if there's people like me there just now finding about her. please whatever you have to do in order to find her she is worth it. and there are people that are desperate or want their part of their childhood back. out of some of these beautiful comments on this page. if anyone could help find these beautiful people. that baby boo doll that would be make wonders of happiness and joyous moment.In There lives these precious souls. if you can help out please do some of these precious people on here. you will make somebody very very very happy. Plus it will make you feel good you did. help that person find their baby boo just like I did.

Randy Koger - December 09, 2014 - Report this comment

Just for everyone's FYI, Baby Boo did NOT have a record inside her like Tickles did. Baby Boo had a little plastic bellows and it moved back and forth with the motor and made a squeaking sound, like a dog toy. It sounded nothing like a crying baby. I've repaired dozens of these dolls....very easy fix.

M Cambre - April 07, 2015 - Report this comment

I had a baby boo as a child and recently purchased one on e-bay. Mr. Koger can you tell me how to repair or replace the motor in the doll. I am hoping my husband can fix her and it's an easy fix. All the wires are intake and the bellows looks good. Thanks

Ryan Boze - May 02, 2015 - Report this comment

My mother just recently moved into a smaller place and we came upon this Baby Boo doll in original package never taken out and played with. My mother wanted to throw it away but I insisted in keeping it since it appeared vintage. Our family isn't into dolls at all so I have considered selling it. How much are these worth? Would anyone here be interested in purchasing? Email me at

Janet Tucker - May 29, 2015 - Report this comment

looking for a doll dr. to fix my baby boo doll needs the mechanism looked at. Please get n touch with me @ ty

Sandy - June 22, 2015 - Report this comment

I had a Baby Boo doll when I was a child. I'll never forget that I gave her a haircut, and it was awful! I don't know what ever happened to her, but I would love to have one of these dolls again today.

Debbie D - August 29, 2015 - Report this comment

I begged for a Baby Boo for Christmas in 1965 and I had just turned 8. I was so lucky to get one; I knew that they were expensive! The doll was in a stroller next to my bed and she cried during the night; my poor Mom had to come in and make it stop-I was sound asleep right next to her! LOL I don't know whatever happened to her but wish that I had her now.

Lisa - September 07, 2015 - Report this comment

Baby Boo was my favorite doll. I got one for Christmas in 1965. I've searched for one but could not remember the doll's name. Yesterday I saw her in an antique store in Scotsboro Alabama! I knew her the instant I saw her. She is in great shape, although her previous mom did trim her hair. She has original clothes and she is now mine thanks to my mother-in-love who insisted on buying it for me. I think it was a great deal at $40. Her mechanics work but have difficulty in getting her to stop crying, so took batteries out for now. I love, love her sweet face.

Wendy - November 21, 2015 - Report this comment

Looking for a baby boo in good condition

Kathryn - December 21, 2015 - Report this comment

I too still have my Baby Boo. What is it about this doll that has captured the heart of so many of us. Also lost her pacifier and would love to know where to get a replacement

Terry - December 22, 2015 - Report this comment

I wanted Baby Boo so bad that Christmas and was so surprised when Santa brought her. But was totally devastated when some friends of my parents dropped by Christmas Day. They weren't there long when their toddler decided to sit on her and breaking beyond repair. It broke my heart!

Sonya - April 01, 2016 - Report this comment

I just bought this doll at an antique store because I fell in love with her. She is in perfect shape. Doesn't have the original clothes, but her hair is not cut or ruined. Took me a while to find out what doll it was. Took the back off and the mechanism is all in place and makes noise when manually manipulated but does not work on its own. Seems to be missing a battery connector or something to make it work. Does anyone have the original manual that they could scan that part for me - the part about inserting batteries? My dad thinks if I put a spring on top of each battery to make a connection to the back cover, it might work. please send manual copy to Thank you!!

Lorraine - December 22, 2016 - Report this comment

I still have my Baby Boo from when she came out in the 1960s. I was fortunate to find her original offit at a community fle market about two years ago. I cleaned them in Dawn dish soap starched them and,put new elastic on the vintage offit. I just turned 60 in November and, I think I had this doll for maybe fifty years or more. I am searching for a replacement pasafier as she did come with two originally. At some point I would love to hear her cry again but, her internal machincs need a little work. Does anyone know anyone who knows how to fix these please post. It's nice to see that some of us girls still have our babies and moms telling of their lost little ones. 12-21-2016

LINDA from Wyandotte, mich. as a child - August 15, 2018 - Report this comment

I was about 4 or 5 when I think I had a Baby Boo, not sure if it was real or just my imagination, because I wanted one so bad. I remember it could walk, talk, cry, eat, sleep, just like a real baby. One day it was gone, and I blamed the little girl across the street for stealing it. And I ran over to her to beat her up. I to this day think she never really existed, except in my mind. I do miss her still.

Cindy - May 20, 2019 - Report this comment

My Baby Boo fell out of my closet, and the body cracked and broke all to pieces , I’m so sad. Does anyone know if their is a way to put the limbs and head on another doll body that would fit it? Thanks

Theresa Tillie Lopez - August 20, 2019 - Report this comment

I had a baby boo. She was my pride and joy. I'm 52 and would love to be reunited with my doll. I tell my daughter stories all the time.

Debor doyle - October 31, 2019 - Report this comment

I really love to have one.if anyone have baby boo for sale let me know.

W.Myers - December 16, 2019 - Report this comment

I have Baby Boo for sale. She doesn’t cry anymore but she’s never been played with and have original box. $125.00

Julie McComish - January 19, 2021 - Report this comment

I was born in 1958 and received this doll from Santa in the 60's. It was one of the few dolls that I saved from my childhood and I just brought it out of storage for my granddaughters to play with. If anyone has information about how the motor operates, I would be so grateful. The wires and connections appear to be in excellent condition. I can be reached at

sarah - March 15, 2023 - Report this comment

does anyone know how to fix a baby boo doll?

in the 70s, Toys of the Seventies, Baby Boo Doll (2024)


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