Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (2024)

By Ruth on May 31, 2018 in Interview, movie, television


I attempt to follow the filming ofWhen Calls the Heart rather closely, and I make it a point to follow every guest star as well as every actor I possibly can on the show. In the case of Clayton Chitty, he tweeted out that he was on the show, and so we Hearties watched for the new town blacksmith, Kevin, and his arrival in Hope Valley. Unfortunately, his scenes were somewhat ensconced by the other emotional story arcs that peppered season five. Thankfully, Hallmark viewers were able to see him in a memorable role inThe Sweetest Heart since he played the somewhat reluctant groom, the fiancé of Tammy Gillis’ character. Recently, I was able to chat with this young man who has, to some degree, taken Hallmark by stormwith his good looks and undeniable giftedness.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (1)

Photo by Natalia Anja

RH: Clayton, it’s so nice to get to chat with you today.

CC: Same here, Ruth.

Honestly, I looked over your credits, and I have seen you in things I didn’t even realize you were in. Sometimes I forget to notice the smaller roles, though I have gotten better about disciplining myself to look out for the supporting cast.

I understand. Sometimes there are only glimpses of myself in a TV show or movie, and it’s not always easy to catch those brief appearances. Vancouver is more of a day player city than Los Angeles is.

That is something I have learned. I have lots of friends up there in Vancouver, and they have made their living doing that. So, Clayton, how did you get started in acting?

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (2)

Photo by Callum Gunn

It all started when I was twenty-one. It so happened that my cousin’s stepmom had a friend who was an agent. The only real acting I had done was in high school when I was just making some movies with some of my friends about biking and some silly skits we were doing. So when I was twenty-one, I was approached by our family friend who suggested that I set up an appointment with her friend who had an agency in Vancouver–John Davies Talent. He and I sat down, and he said, “You have a good look. Why don’t you get into acting?” I said, “Well, I never really thought about it, but it’s something I definitely could try.”

So I started doing some commercials. I was absolutely horrible at those! {laughs} I was the most nervous I’d ever been in my whole life. I would get my lines or words crossed. I think the first thing I went out for was a gum commercial with a monologue, and there was no way I even got through it. The director was like, “Could you speak up, please?” I kind of figured, “What am I doing? This is so out of my element.” I come from a sports background, but I kind of always wanted to get into acting. I was an only child raised by a single mom. I’m a bit more of an emotional person. I dealt with that through my sports, but if I would have been involved with drama, maybe I would have channeled my emotions a little bit better. But that’s how I ended up getting to do this. It was just kind of by accident.

What do you consider your first professional TV/movie job?

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (3)


I went out for commercials for about four years and then was starting to kind of give up on those and focus a bit more. Then a gentleman named Andrew McIlroy, who’s a reputable teacher and coach in Canada, was brought to my attention. He struck me as a very interesting person to watch in an acting class, so I decided to go in and sit in his class, and I started taking classes with him. But in regards to my first actual film credit, it would have been a TV show calledFringe. with Joshua Jackson. That was quite awhile ago, and I think the show ran for about four or five years. I played a police officer who got killed. {laughs}

Well, that’s quite a way to begin. {laughs}

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (4)Exactly. Unfortunately, my death reel is growing exponentially. I don’t really know why they like to keep killing me off. But I guess it’s just a fun thing. Pretty soon I’ll be like Sean Bean or someone else who has a hundred death credits.

I hear ya. I have some friends who you could just about guarantee that if they are in something, they are going to be killed. They’re brought onto all these shows, and they’re always getting killed off.

Yeah, and about the time you think your character is going to live, they decide to kill you off and move onto the next person of interest in the show.

I actually did see you inHer Infidelity.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (5)Oh, really? That was my first bigger role that I worked on. And Christie Will, the director, who has done tons and tons of stuff, she’s always reaching out to me and trying to get me to work on more projects with her, but it doesn’t seem to always line up with the choices the producers or whoever are making. Rachel Hunter was an awesome person and great to work with too. But from my perspective, I wish they would have let her use her Kiwi accent. You could hear it dip in and out of the film a bit, and I think if she could have used it all the time, it would have been more fun for everyone. But that is my opinion only, and all in all, I still enjoyed making the film and the final product was great.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (6)

Her Infidelity

I remember getting that role, and I had kind of known who Rachel was. But I told a friend of mine who grew up in the ’80’s, and he was quite ecstatic. He was beside himself that I was working with Rachel Hunter. He had to show me and walk me through her history of modeling and Rod Stewart and all that stuff. She’s a very down-to-earth person and very easy to get along with. I didn’t know what to expect because you know being from Canada and then knowing some actors from Los Angeles, you either get divas or you get people who are really easygoing. So I was a little bit intimidated not knowing how this person would be to work beside. And then it was one of my bigger roles. But she was super great to get along with.

The reason I watched that movie is that Loretta Walsh was in it.

Oh yeah, I love Loretta.

And then Carter Ryan Evancic was in it.

Yes, he did really well in that one as well.

And now I’ve probably interviewed half the cast that are in it including Christie. And typically whenever a new Hallmark movie comes out, I look at the cast list and discover I’ve interviewed about half the cast. So that’s how I am typically watching those movies. I am looking for connections and seeing who starred in what before.

Yeah, you’re trying to put all the pieces together.


They did an SNL skit about how Hallmark only hires good-looking Canadian actors or something like that. I still have yet to see it. One of the other actors I was working with told me about it.

Yes, I think that is the same skit I saw. It was a skit where they were making fun of Hallmark movies, but I thought it was done in a really funny way. I didn’t think it was slanderous or anything like that. There really is a formula to Hallmark movies. They will throw in a few surprises here and there, but then in the end, it always comes together and ends up working out really well.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (8)Yeah, Hallmark has one of the highest viewerships on TV. I didn’t underestimate their fanbase, but when I read that, I was taken aback. I had not understood the power of the movies they make. I didn’t understand why the viewership was so high. Some people say it’s an easier watch. You can watch it with your family, there’s no violence, and I really understood that. You don’t have to worry about violence and all the other things that go on with film and TV nowadays.

From what I could tell, I think your first official Hallmark movie wasWedding Planner Mystery.But I’m assuming it was a very small role.

Yeah, that was a super small role. I just watched that the other day because Christie was asking me about other clips I had from Hallmark movies. I’m trying to get a small demo reel together so it’s easier for producers and directors to quickly watch where I’ve been specifically in Hallmark to see how I fit in. InWedding Planner Mystery, I was a blip. I think I was there for maybe two or three lines with one of the girls, and then she ran outside, and that was it.

So I don’t feel bad for not actually remembering your character from the movie.

{laughs} No, I mean most of my stuff is principal supporting. Sure I’ve had some decent-sized roles, but I’ve done a lot of day player roles too. A lot of the things I go out for up here ends up getting cast in Los Angeles.

You’re also listed forAurora Teagarden.

Yes, that was not a bad, little scene. It was pretty much Candace Cameron Bure, myself and Marilu Henner sitting at a table talking about a potential murder mystery.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (9)

Britney Ever After

I did see you inBritney Ever After.

{laughs} That was a fun one. Luckily, I dodged a lot of criticism. That was a fun film for me to watch. I had a lot of fun shooting it. Leslie {Libman}, the director, was great and so was the cast. I got some flack from friends who saw it. A lot of people had these grand expectations that it should be this huge major production with a massive budget. It is supposed to be a fun movie. I was just surprised how many fans took it so seriously with all the messages I was getting. Then even in the media.Entertainment Tonight was making fun of me because I joked and said I reached out to Kevin Federline trying to talk to him about the role. I literally just made a joke about it. They asked if he got back to me, and I said, “No, and he probably never will.” And I laughed. I was just having fun, but I couldn’t imagine people taking something more seriously.

Personally, I actually liked the film, but then again, I’m not a die-hard Britney fan. Maybe that was why I liked it.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (10)

Britney Ever After

It’s funny what people watch no matter what. Even if something is done to the best production value possible with a big budget and it’s carefully marked out, you know, you’re always going to find those fans who are so true to either the text in a book or the life story of the real person. You can’t please everybody. And at the end of the day, it’s just a film. It’s just for fun. I had people asking me why I took this role and they couldn’t believe I was doing this and they were accusing me of slandering other people’s lives. Sensitive me got a little uppity and defensive. I wanted to reply with, “Well, Kevin Federline, as much as he fell in love with Britney, he kind of knew what he was getting himself into. He was riding the coattails of somebody else and all I’m doing in this film is kind of riding the coattails of somebody who rode the coattails. In all fairness, I was playing true to Kevin’s character.” But it’s just people having a reason to get upset about something.

We also saw you inWhen Calls the Heart this past season.

That’s right. I’m the new town blacksmith. I think my role was potentially going to be bigger, but it didn’t seem to work out like that. At least this season.

I know what you mean. We’ve caught glimpses of you here and there.

Yes, the scenes have been really short.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (11)

When Calls the Heart

But even so, the fans–the Hearties–they do notice you. In fact, there is a podcast I do with a couple other fans (Hallmarkies Podcast), and one of the hosts said that when your character showed up, she said she wanted to find out more about you because she liked your look very much. I think she has decided that she’s taking you on as her boyfriend. {laughs}

{laughs} I’m fine with that. That works for sure. I’m glad everyone is having fun with it. I spoke to Martin {Wood}, the director I worked with on the first episode, and he said, “You know, they’re still fleshing out your character.” I haven’t had a chance to catch up in regards to what’s going on in Hope Valley. I did get to watch the episode where Jack and Elizabeth got married. And I am aware of the finale where we found out about Jack’s tragic death. On that show, I have seen a lot of people quickly come and go. I’m really hoping for more of a bigger role since my character is the town blacksmith. I know that sometimes shows will introduce a character in a little snippet and then hold that character back. And then maybe they bring that character back a bit later for something else. It will be interesting to see what they want to do with my character.

At least we know it’s been renewed, so maybe they will bring you back next season.

Oh, that would be wonderful. Here’s hoping. I would love to come back.

I think we’d all like to see you back. It looks like we have two mysteries in Hope Valley that should be explored in season six. They mentioned an ice cream shop in one of the episodes, and no one knows where that is located. So we have a mystery ice cream parlor and a mystery blacksmith. I sure hope the writers clear up both mysteries in season six.

I would love to come back, but you just never know. I’ve had friends go out for one or two lines, and then all of a sudden, they’re in five or six episodes. It just happens sometimes when everything meshes together properly and the writer or director decides to use the character in more than just one scene. And that is when the lucky thing happens when you’re on the show as a recurring cast member or even permanently.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (12)

The Sweetest Heart with Tammy Gillis

Hallmark fans definitely know you fromThe Sweetest Heart.

That was a fun show to do too. Talking with the writers, I guess it is a series of books where the characters intertwine throughout. The writer of the book series is Catherine Lanigan. And I think Missy was a friend of hers. I met the two of them on set. And she told me all about how these character’s lives intertwine throughout the series.

Well, I know there has been a lot of talk amongst the fans about wanting to have a sequel to the movie, so you never know. I know the fans want to see more from these characters.

Yeah, especially nowadays with a lot of television series and the Hallmark movies, it’s a great opportunity to give viewers the ability to see into these people’s lives. If you create one story, there’s so many different directions you can take them now. And a lot of TV series have done that. I think that people are more invested in knowing thebackstoryand knowing where these people came from or how they connect with one another. And especially since you know that’s how the books did it. If you have a five hundred page book that carries you in a lot of different journeys from start to finish, then a television show can give you a bit of a glimpse into more of their lives. It just gives the writer the opportunity to network and the audience as well to go on a journey with these characters. That is if there’s a number of people who like them and if it’s a production that people enjoy.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (13)

The Sweetest Heart

I was very invested in the two supporting love stories because I know Andrea {Brooks} and Tammy {Gillis}. Yeah, the primary love story was excellent, but I was extremely invested in both supporting love stories.

I like Andrea’s and Jordan’s {Burtchett} relationship too. I thought it was quite cute how they were interacting with one another. Andrea and Tammy are great to work with. Tammy is just killing it right now. I’m a little bit envious of that {just kidding}, but I also look up to that because she is such a great person and a wonderful actress. I actually heard some rumbling about the fact that the next one might be me and Tammy’s story. Of course, I don’t know, and that’s all hearsay.

I think that’s what so many of the fans want to see. They want to see both Andrea and Tammy in a lead role. So it would be great for either of the supporting couples to be the featured couple in a sequel.

I agree with you.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (14)

The Sweetest Heart

And what was nice in this film is that Tammy was not the other woman for a change. So often in Hallmark, she is the other woman and doesn’t get the guy. And right from the beginning, it was like, “Oh, she’s actually got a guy!” Of course, she has to convince him to set a date for the wedding.

Yeah, my character has cold feet. I didn’t know Tammy’s Hallmark history. I had seen her in a couple of things, so that’s refreshing that she got to take on a different role this time.

Well, if Hallmark fans don’t know you from anything else, they’re definitely going to know you fromThe Sweetest Heart. And Hallmark continues to replay it which is good for you. I know the fans would love another movie in the series.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (15)

The Sweetest Heart

Right, fingers crossed. Knowing the cast and hopefully, we’d get the same crew, it would be really nice to come back and do another one. It’s always nice working with people you’ve worked with before.

Well, it is possible. Hallmark has filmed a number of sequels lately, so you never know. Clayton, do you have anything else upcoming that you can mention?

Honestly, I’m just auditioning right now. I have auditioned for a number of things, including Hallmark movies, so hopefully, I’ll hear something soon and I’ll get to jump into another one. Otherwise, it’s back to the drawing board. I’m the face of the Gibson’s Whiskey company, and that’s a commercial that’s airing in Canada. I don’t know if that airs in the U.S. at all.

Well, that’s kind of the life of a working actor, isn’t it?


You don’t enter acting to become rich and famous.

No, definitely not. In fact, I’m heading to acting class right now. And we have lots of discussions in class where we talk about how it’s not about fame or fortune. It’s something you have to learn to stick out and learn to pursue and get past mental blocks. Financial issues happen to everyone, but the mental blocks in regards to acting is tough.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (16)

The Sweetest Heart

Looking at your credits and how long you’ve been acting, I would say you’re about on target, about what I would expect judging from what I’ve seen from others.

Yeah, I’ve been in the business about six years now.

I would say you’re in it for the long haul and you’re sticking it out.

Well, it’s a lot of faith too. I talk with my mom every day about dealing with the stresses of the business, and she reminds me that God’s got a plan and you just gotta trust in that and stick with it. Hopefully, it all works out in the end, and if it doesn’t, at the end of the day, it’s all about your quality of life. And I live a good life and I’ve got good people around me–a great family and a great partner. And that’s all you can hope for.

In your free time, what do you like to do?

I still play hockey. I’m a hockey goalie; I’ve been a hockey goalie since I was about eleven, and I’ve played hockey since I was about six. I go to the gym and spend time with my girlfriend. And when the weather’s nice, I’m a bit of a boat nut. I fix boats and I detail them. It’s hard in Vancouver to do a lot of outdoorsy stuff. You’ve got to have a good set of rain gear and a lot of determination.

I understand the weather out here. I’m in the Pacific Northwest too. I live in Western Washington out in the country.

I love the country. I love the city life and even driving through the city now and just seeing how people are. Vancouver has changed a lot in the past ten years. The older I get, the more I know the quality of life I want. I’ve always wanted to live in the country where it’s a little more quiet and I could have a little more land. But what’s available up here is a million dollars! {laughs}

Oh, I hear ya on that. Well, Clayton, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to chat with me today.

Ruth, it’s my pleasure. I’m so glad everyone likedThe Sweetest Heart, and here’s hoping for many more Hallmark movies in the future, maybe even a sequel.

Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (17)

Although Clayton is indubitably handsome, unmistakably talented, and thoroughly down-to-earth, up until this year, many Hallmark fans would not have noticed his work. While his roles have often been modest, there is no doubt that he is on the precipice of coming into his own, so to speak. He is fully content with his lot in his life, but he is also determined to reach for more and not stop dreaming of further substantial roles where he could have the opportunity to demonstrate his prowess in a broader scope and spectrum. It is safe to state that he is one of the most unassuming actors I have interviewed in recent times, and while we are only beginning to witness his skill, I have a feeling that he is finally appearing on Hallmark’s radar. Although he is not impatient, there is no doubt that discussing the possibilities of future endeavors is an exciting prospect for him. And considering his recent Hallmark success, one never knows what the future may hold.

Therefore, if you have not had the chance to watchThe Sweetest Heart, I invite you to check out the upcoming listings on the Hallmark Channel, for it has quickly become a network favorite that receives an abundance of airtime. Additionally, be sure to visit Clayton’s links below and follow him where applicable. Although Hallmark has no official plans for a sequel toThe Sweetest Heart, I believe the entire cast would be on board to work together again, and there is no doubt that a sequel would be an unmitigated success. However, if Hallmarkies would like a second (or even a third) film to occur, it is time to make your request known to Hallmark because as we know, this is a network that listens to its fans. Furthermore, if a sequel does happen, it may serve as Clayton’s first notable Hallmark role as well as his introduction to the elite club of Hallmark leading men who create a stir amongst the female viewers with their charming personages, exceedingly handsome features, and of course, their astounding talents. In my humble opinion, it is time for Clayton to join this group, and I can only hope and pray that the powers that be recognize his incredible abilities and begin to utilize his gifts to their full potential!







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Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (26)

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RuthView all posts by Ruth

“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”— Franz KafkaRuth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word.Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

Tags:Hallmark, interview, movie, television

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1 Comment

  1. Interview With Actor Clayton Chitty, “The Sweetest Heart” (31)

    denise June 2, 2018 Reply

    I enjoyed the interview.

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